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1、高中英语unit2语言点教案Unit2 English around the world编稿:陈玉莲 审稿:目标认知重点词汇base, mand, request, develop, identity, expect, recognize, straight actually,重点短语because of, e up, make use of, play a part in, the number of, even if, in the way, more than重点句型1 Believe it or not, no such thing. . do you think.?知识讲解 beca

2、use of 【原句回放】. and because of that, English began to be spoken in many other countries.【点拨】because of 因为,复合介词,后接名词、代词或宾语从句,在句中作状语。 because 是连词,引导原因状语从句;而because of是复合介词,后跟名词、代词、 动名词或名词性从句。【拓展】because of的同义短语: thanks to 多亏,由于,作表语或状语 owing to 由于,作表语或状语 as a result of 因为的结果,作状语 due to 由于,一般不用于句首,作表语或状语

3、 on account of 由于,作状语e up 【原句回放】Id like to e up to your apartment. 我很乐意到你的公寓去。【点拨】e up (人)走近;(太阳、月亮)上来,上升;被提出,被讨论;(意想不到地)产生,开始; 发芽,长出 The question never came up. 从不曾发生过这个问题。 The sun came up. 太阳升起了。 Ill tell you if anything es up. 如果发生什么事情,我会告诉你的。 He came up and asked me if I knew the time. 他走到我跟前来问我

4、几点了。 Some flowers are just beginning to e up. 花正要长出来。 注意:作“提出”讲时,e up为不及物动词词组,无被动语态;如果要表达“提出来”,应用e up with。【拓展】由e构成的常见短语: e up with想出(计划、回答);作出 反应);产生 e about 发生 e to 总计;达到 e up to 达到 e out 出来,(书,唱片等)出版,发行 e on 赶快,得了吧 e up against 遇到(困难);遭到(反对);与矛盾 They came up against a number of unexpected problem

5、s. 他们遇到了意想不到的难题。 e up to 达到;数到;不负(期望);合乎(标准等) Your work doesnt e up to what I expect of you. 你的工作并没有达到我对你的要求。 e up with 提出(建议);口语找到(答案, 解决办法) The teacher asked a difficult question, but finally Tom came up with a good answer. 老师出了一道难题,但最终汤姆给出了一个很好的答案。actually【原句回放】Actually all languages change and d

6、evelop when cultures meet and municate with each other. 事实上,当不同文化互相交流渗透时,所有的言语都会有所变化、有所发展的。【点拨】actually用作副词,意为“实际上,事实上”,相当于in fact: He looks in high spirit, but actually he was depressed. 他看起来情绪高昂,但实际上却非常沮丧。 actually 竟然,居然 He made that decision actually by drawing lots. 他居然用抽签的方法做出那项决定。 actually还可用于

7、会话,用在不同意或者不满意的情况下,有时不表示具体含义。base 【原句回放】 English was based more on German than the Eh we speak at present. 当时的英语更多地以德语为基础,而我们今天说的不是。【点拨】 base vt. (to find a basis for; establish) 根据,基于 n(the lowest or bottom part) 基部; (a foundation) 基础;基地 base A on/upon B 把A 建立在B的基础上 A be based on B A以B为基础 be based i

8、n 驻扎,设立;以为基地 base oneself on the interests of the people 从人民的利益出发 He based his hope on the good news we had yesterday. 他把希望寄托在我们昨天得到的好消息上。 This novel is based on fact. 这部小说是以事实为根据的。 make use of 【原句回放】 So by the 1600s Shakespeare was able to make use of a wider vocabulary than ever before. 所以到了17世纪,莎

9、士比亚所用的词汇量比之前任何时候都大。【点拨】 make use of 利用;使用 use前可以加上各种形容词修饰: make the best (use) of 充分利用(时间等) make good use of 好好利用 make full use of 充分利用 make better/best use of 更好/最好地利用 be of no use (to sb ) 对没用【拓展】 make the most of 充分利用 Its no use doing sth 做某事没用 Its no use plaining. 发牢骚没什么用。mand【原句回放】Can you find

10、the following mand and request for Reading? 你能从阅读部分找出下列命令和请求吗?【点拨】mand n. & vt. (to order, require) 命令,指挥;(to have knowledge or use of) 把握,掌握 be at/by sbs mand 听某人支配;奉某人之命 under ones mand/under the mand of sb 由指挥 have a good mand of 精通,掌握 mand sb to do sth 命令某人干某事 (be) in mand of 指挥;掌握;控制 mand that

11、(should) do 指挥;命令【拓展】 短语have a good mand of(精通)中,要注意不定冠词的使用。 mand作动词或名词都可以跟从句,后接 that从句时,从句中要用虚拟语气,谓语动词用“should 动词原形”,should 可以省略。 request 【原句回放】Can you find the following mand and request for Reading? 你能从阅读部分找出下列命令和请求吗?【点拨】request n& vt. (the act or requesting/to express a desire for; ask for or de

12、mand)请求,要求 She made a request for some water.她请求给点水。 I requested him to help me.我请求他帮助我。 at ones request at the request of sb 应某人的请求 by request (of) 由于受到的要求 be in (great) request (大量)需要,受欢迎 request sb (not) to do sth 要求某人做/不做某事 request sth from/of sb 向某人要求某物 request that (should) do 请求某人做 (宾语从句用虚拟语气

13、) It is requested that 据要求【拓展】request后接 that从句“It is requested that 从句”时,从句中要用虚拟语气,谓语动词用“should 动词原形”,should 可以省略。 有类似用法的词还有:坚持(insist);命令(mand, order);建议(advise, suggest, proposal);要求(request, require, demand, desire) ask, beg与request的区别:若要某人做某事,ask是最通俗、口语化的词。I asked her to shut the window.我让她关上窗户。

14、request主要用于较正式的讲话和文字中,常用于通告中,多用于被动语态。Passengers are kindly requested not to smoke in the car. 乘客请勿在车厢内吸烟。beg指以谦恭的姿态要求给予帮助。He knew he had hurt her and begged her to forgive him. 他自知伤了她的心而央求她原谅。【高清课堂:unit2词语精讲】,develop【原句回放】Will Chinese English develop its own identity? 中式英语会发展出自己的特色吗?【点拨】develop最基本的含

15、义为“发展,成长”。 Pneumonia(肺炎) can develop very quickly. 肺炎会迅速发展。(develop为不及物动词) The course is designed to help students develop their speaking skills. 这门课程是为帮助学生发展说话技能而设计的。(develop为及物动词) Weve developed the presentation from an original idea by the team leader. 我们的展示是从组长的最初想法中发展起来的。 The argument developed

16、 into a bitter quarrel. 争论发展为充满仇恨的争吵。 翻译:这个地方由一个小渔村发展成为繁荣的(thriving)旅游中心。 The place has developed from a fishing port into a thriving tourist centre.【拓展】develop a film 冲洗胶卷 develop the mind 启发思维 develop new products 开发新产品 The site is being developed by a London property pany. 开发(土地) 这个地方正被房地产公司开发。 d

17、evelopment n. 发展identity【原句回放】1. Will Chinese English develop its own identity? 中式英语会发展出自己的特色吗? 2. The latter gave a separate identity to American English spelling. 后者会给美式英语拼写一种单独的特征。【点拨】identity 可以做可数名词和不可数名词,当它被形容词修饰时,可以理解为抽象名词具体化,大部分情况下为不可数名词。 The identity of the killer is still unknown. 杀手的身份不明。

18、 She applied for a teaching job under a false identity. 她用假的身份申请了一份教师工作。 identity card (ID) 身份证 Children need continuity, security, and a sense of identity. 孩子们需要连续感、安全感和自我认同感。 Our strong sense of national identity has been shaped by our history. 我们强烈的民族认同感是由历史形成的。【拓展】identification n. 身份证明;鉴定 Bring

19、 some form of identification, preferably a passport. 带上你的身份证明,最好是护照。 The identification of the accident victims took some time. 事故受害者的鉴定要花一些时间。 identify v. 证明,鉴别 Can you identify your umbrella among this lot? 你能从这些伞中找出你的伞吗? expect【原句回放】This is because in the early days of radio, those who reported t

20、he news were expected to speak excellent English. 这是因为在早期的电台,这些播报新闻的人被期待着讲非常标准的英语。【点拨】expect在句中意为“期待”, 还可以表表示“预料; 预期;预计”等。 The pany expects to plete work in April. 公司预计在四月完成工作任务。 I didnt expect him to stay so long. 我没有预期他待那么长时间。 Theres the doorbell - I expect itll be my mother. 门铃响了,我猜是妈妈。 He didnt

21、get his expected pay rise. 他没有得到预期中的涨工资。 as expected 正如所期待的 As expected, the whole family was shocked by the news. 正如预料,整个家庭被这个消息震惊了。 The officer expects plete obedience from his troops. 这个军官认为军队应彻底服从。 I cant expect her to be on time if Im late myself. 如果我自己晚了,我不能指望她按时到。 I cant finish this job by Fr

22、iday. You expect too much of me. 我到周五为止完不成这个工作,你对我要求太高了。【拓展】 be expecting (a baby/child) 怀孕 I hear Sallys expecting again. 我听说Sally又怀孕了。 expectancy u n. 期望 a look of expectancy 期待的表情 expectant adj. 期望的 an expectant look 期待的表情recognize 【原句回放】 Although many Americans move a lot, they still recognize a

23、nd understand each others dialects. 虽然许多美国人经常迁移,他们还是能够识别并且理解相互间的方言。【点拨】recognize vt. (know again; to know to be something that has been perceived before)辨认出;(to accept or be aware of)承认;公认 recognize非延续性动词,不用于进行时;表示“承认某人或某事有效或属实”时,可以与as连用。 recognize ones voice/handwriting/sb 辨认出某人的声音/笔迹/某人 recognize

24、sb/sth as/to be 承认某人 (物) 是 be recognized as/to be 被大家承认/被普遍接受是 recognize that (从句) 承认 It is recognized that 人们公认 I recognized her by her red hat. 我通过她的红帽子认出了她。 Everybody recognized him to be the lawful heir/as the lawful heir. 每个人都承认他是合法继承人。 The firm recognized Toms outstanding work by giving him an

25、 extra bonus. 公司通过给汤姆发奖金表示对他努力工作的认可。【拓展】 recognition n. 认出,承认;确认;认可 beyond/out of recognition 难以认出 recognize,know,realize的辨别 recognize强调通过对记忆的搜索,辨认出原来熟悉的人、物、声音、方位等,常指经过一段时间的间隔后又重新认出来。 know “知道,认识”, 指相互间十分熟悉、十分了解。 realize “意识到”,强调在经过一个过程后的完全了解。强调注意到,了解本质,明白事理。它还有“实现(梦想)”的意思。straight 【原句回放】Well, go ro

26、und the corner on your left-hand side, straight on and cross two streets. 哦,绕过你左手边的拐角,直行,并穿过两条街。【点拨】straight 在句中作副词,意为“直接地”。 The book is on the table straight in front of you. 这本书在你正前方的桌子上。 Sit up straight, dont slouch. 坐直了,别无精打采。 Go straight home and tell your mother. 直接回家,告诉你妈妈。 I think I should g

27、et straight to the point. 我想我应该直奔主题。 Hes been without sleep now for three days straight. 他已经连续三天没有睡觉了。 I told him straight out that I thought he was lying. 我坦率地告诉他,我认为他在撒谎。 straight作形容词有如下含义: Try to keep your legs straight. 尽量保持你的腿是直的。 Id like a straight answer please. 我想要一个坦率的答案。 I wish youd just b

28、e straight with me. 我希望你对我坦率一点。 The team now has an amazing record of 43 straight wins. 这支队伍已经有43次连续胜利的惊人纪录。 Let me get this straightTom sold the car and gave you the money. 我直白地说吧:汤姆卖掉车,给你钱。 A _ road goes _ from one place to another. A. straight, straight B. straightly, straightly C. straight, stra

29、ightly D. straightly, straight答案为A,第一空的straight为形容词,第二空的straight为副词,没有straightly这种用法。 play a part/role in【原句回放】Geography also plays a part in making dialects. 地域在方言的形成中也起了作用。【点拨】play a part in 在中起作用;在中担任角色 play an important role/part in 在中起重要作用 play the role of sb.(play/act the part of sb.) (在剧中) 扮演

30、角色 play the leading role 起(主要)带头作用 He has played all kinds of roles in his life. 他一生中扮演了各种各样的角色。 She played an active part in the local munity.她积极参与当地社区活动。 She played an important role / a major part in winning the match. 她对这场比赛的胜利起了重要作用。 the number of 【原句回放】Today, the number of people learning Engl

31、ish in China is increasing rapidly. 现在中国学英语的人数在快速增长。【点拨】a number of 一些,若干(中心词为of后的名词) the number of .的数量(中心词为“数量”,即number) 注意:这两个短语均只接复数名词;它们做主语时,谓语动词的单复数不同。 A number of students in our class like playing football.我们班有些学生喜欢踢足球。(谓语动词用复数)The number of students in this hall is 300.这个大厅里学生的数量为300。 (谓语动词为单数)The Chinese language has the largest

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