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1、实用大学英语第二册课后习题答案第二册UNIT ONE听力原文Section A Listening and SpeakingPart Two DialoguesPage 3 Dialogue 1Exercise . Listen to the dialogue and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). John: Hi, Mary. Did you have a good Spring Festival holiday?Mary: Yes, John. I enjoyed watching TV

2、.J: Whats your favorite program?M: The Lecture Room in CCTV-10 and Dialogue in CCTV-9.J: Oh, me too. Despite that I like watching sports programs, especially football match and basketball match. M: Are you a basketball fan? J: Yes, Yao Ming is my favorite player. M: Oh, I prefer music to sports. I a

3、m fond of listening to light music, because it makes me feel relaxed. Exercise . Listen to the dialogue again and fill in the blanks with the information youve heard. Page 4 Dialogue 2Exercise . Listen to the dialogue and complete the following statements with the information youve heard.(At a party

4、)Boy: Thats a beautiful music they are playing, isnt it?Girl: Yeah, its great.B: Do you like pop music or classical music?G: I prefer pop music to classical music because it is easy for me to sing.B: How do you like Super Girls?G: Its all right, but Im not really crazy about it.B: Neither am I. Do y

5、ou often go to big concerts?G: Sometimes, but I like listening to MP3 better. The ticket is too expensive for students.B: Yeah, that is what I think. Exercise . Listen to the dialogue again and answer the following questions.Part Three PassagesPage 4 Passage 1Now youll hear a passage. Listen to it a

6、nd complete the following sentences according to the information youve heard with the words and phrases provided in the box. Then listen to it again and check your answers. My 15-year-old cousin is a big fan of video games. He sits in front of the computer all day long, killing bad guys and collecti

7、ng gold. Its true: video games do provide a chance for people to live another life. For most of them, the games are an extension of reality. This is fine for those with self-control, but it can be harmful for young people.First, young people get addicted easily. And, playing video games can be a was

8、te of time, which is bad for their studies. Second, in some video games, they can shoot and kill others for fun. This can have a bad influence on their development. Some may turn to violence to solve problems in real life.In conclusion, parents should pay attention to and limit their childrens playi

9、ng of video games. They should also spend more time with their children doing various activities to prevent them from getting addicted. Page 5 Passage 2Now youll hear a passage, which is followed by four questions. Listen to it and choose the best answer to each of the following questions. Then list

10、en to it again and check your answers.Not all people like to work but everyone likes to play. All over the world men and women, boys and girls enjoy sports. Since long, adults and children have called their friends together to spend hours, even days playing games.Sports help people to live happily.

11、They help to keep people healthy and feeling good. When they are playing games, people move a lot. This is good for their health. Having fun with their friends makes them happy.Many people enjoy sports by watching others play. In small towns, crowds meet to watch the bicycle races or the soccer game

12、s. In the big cities, thousands buy tickets to see ice-skating shows or baseball games.Is it hot where you live? Then swimming is probably your favorite sport. Boys and girls in China love to swim, while aged people like various kinds of Tai Ji and Qi Gong. The climate is good for all the seasonal s

13、ports in the country.习题答案及参考译文Section A Listening and SpeakingPart Two DialoguesDialogue 1. 1. T 2. F 3. F . 见听力原文. 略Dialogue 2. 见听力原文. 1. She prefers pop music, because it is easy for her to sing.2. He is not really crazy about it.3. They think the ticket is too expensive for students.Part Three Pa

14、ssagesPassage 1见听力原文Passage 2. 1. B 2. D 3. A 4. D. 略Section B ReadingText A演讲例文:Ladies and gentlemen,Today I feel greatly honored to stand here to give you a speech for the election. I am a junior in the English Department. I think it is a big challenge, at the same time, an opportunity to fulfill

15、my potential. Since I came into the university, I have always been the monitor of my class. Ive learned a great deal from the position. I have got much experience about how to deal with different problems and how to work as a team. All these valuable things allow me to have full confidence to compet

16、e for the chairmanship of the Student Union. Here, I promise you Ill be a responsible chairman and lead the Student Union to a brighter future.If I win the election, I will make a new team with active members to carry out a series of reforms. Well organize some different attractive activities and co

17、mpetitions. For example, the first thing Ill do is to organize an English saloon to build a harmonious atmosphere for English study. Then in the middle of the term, I will organize a football match. Another important activity to be held is an English Speech Contest at the end of the term. I make sur

18、e to provide a wonderful school life for our fellow schoolmates. Ive learned how to balance my study and the tasks in the class from my previous experience. I believe I can make it.Thank you. Thank you for listening.参考译文: 选举1 在美国,许多不同的组织都要选出自己的领导人。美国的总统选举(大选)每四年举行一次。参议院成员的选举每六年举行一次,众议院的选举每两年举行一次。2 州

19、长及政府官员也要选举产生。在当地的社区里,市长及学校的董事也要通过选举产生。在学校,老师为各种与教学活动相关的委员会选举主席,甚至学生也要选出自己的班长。3 为什么美国有如此众多的选举呢?很简单,各种团体都需要自己的领导人。有时他们会由元首或国王指定,也可以由委员会推选。如果有国家总统,他会任命一些有才干的人去领导各种委员会。但大部分的美国领导人是由人民选举产生的。4 那些想成为政府官员的人把自己的名字提交给选举委员登记注册。候选人名单仅仅是那些想成为政府官员的人员名单。5 一旦他们的名字进入候选人名单,他们会说服他们的朋友或邻居为他们投票。有时他们也会在报纸或电台做广告拉选票。他们会很详细地

20、解释为什么自己应该当选。6 这些登记的候选人会在社区展开辩论。选民在社区中心听了候选人的演讲后将决定如何投票。听完演讲选民回去仔细考虑正反两方面的论点,这也就意味着,就他们的观点人们投反对票还是赞成票。7 到选举日,选民已经对这些候选人的观点了如指掌。他们能够有效地进行投票,并希望最佳人选赢得选举。Keys:Task 1 见Text ATask 2 . 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T. 1. the reason that2. as soon as3. the arguments against each otherTask 3 . 1-e 2-a 3-d 4-b 5-c.

21、1. election 2. qualify 3. appointed 4. occurred 5. advertise 6.votes 7. inform of 8. debating. 1. After standing in the queue for hours, we got two tickets.2. After finishing their homework, the boys went home.3. He always consults others before doing anything.Task 4 . 1. They had fierce debates wit

22、h their opponents. 2. The far right, just like the far left, cant elect the politicians needed bythe people. 3. Does it occur to you that he is a millionaire? 4. Few people are fully informed of the meaning of the code. 5. The company advertised for a new secretary. 见Text A参考译文Text B参考译文:最后的家书来自一名伊拉

23、克阵亡美国士兵给儿子塞希尔:1 当我写这封信时,你只有8岁,还是个小男孩。2002年,我应征入伍海军陆战队,参加反恐战争。2001年9月11日,当美国遭到恐怖袭击时,我就知道我终将走上战场,为此我心里充满了深深的悲伤。那天晚上,当你和惠子熟睡时,我看着你们的小脸强忍着自己的泪水。我知道这对你很残酷,因为我也有过相似的经历。当我6岁时,我的爸爸,也就是你的爷爷,被送往越南战场。我记得,当时我是多么地想他啊!然而不幸的是现在我已逐渐体会到对于爷爷来说离开自己的孩子达一年之久那是多么残酷啊!想到这些我就想把我的想法和感受给你和你妹妹写下来。十分抱歉我不得不离开你们这么长时间。没有什么地方比得上我跟你

24、和惠子呆在一起更幸福的了。你们俩是我的生命之光,你们两个出生后的那几年是我生命中最快乐的时光。我希望能跟你们一起度过更多的岁月。如果不能如愿,那么你应当知道我对你们的爱是无法用语言表达的。如果因为某种原因我不能再回到家里,我需要你来照顾你妹妹和妈妈。你将是考雷家族的男人。儿子你是好样的,如果上帝将我召回,他会保佑你的。我急切地盼望着我们团聚的那一天。我全部的爱,爸爸2 (在考雷阵亡后两天,他最后的家书抵达他在犹他的家,信纸是美国配给前线士兵快餐盒的包装纸。信中还包括他用日语写给妻子的留言和给孩子们的绝笔。)Keys:. 1. T 2. T 3.T 4. F 5. F. 略Text C参考译文:

25、海报海报中的文字:现在,我们要让他的噩梦成真!我们要开采并冶炼出更多的钢铁以制造出更多的坦克、轮船和大炮。释义:这是一幅漫画,一名日本人正在做恶梦,有一辆微型坦克、一架飞机和一支火箭正向他冲来。在他上方的一个云状图里,有一位满面怒容的英国人(也许是一名矿工)还有一些文字“现在,我们要” 在这名日本人的左裤腿上印着东条英机的字样。Keys:POSTER Friendly Basketball MatchUnder the auspices of the Recreational and Physical Culture Department of the Student Union of our

26、 school, a friendly basketball match will be held between the visiting U.S. Northfield Team and ours on the cement basketball court on Sunday, at 4:00 pm, March 18th, 2007.the Recreational and Physical Culture Department of the Student UnionMarch 10, 2007Section C Trying Your HandPart One Grammar. 1

27、. C 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. A 6. D 7. D 8. B 9. B 10. D . 1. two other little 2. old Chinese stone 3. last few sunny 4. old brown wood 5. expensive Japanese sportsPart Two Practical Writing略UNIT TWO听力原文Section A Listening and SpeakingPart Two DialoguesPage 27 Dialogue 1Exercise . Listen to the dialogue an

28、d decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).Waitress: Heping Hotel.Caller: Hello, Id like to book a table for tonight. W: I see. What time?C: About six oclock. W: How many people are there in your party?C: About 10.W: May I have your name?C: Wang.W: Mr. Wang books a table for

29、 ten at six oclock this evening. Is that right?C: Yes, thats right.Exercise . Listen to the dialogue again and fill in the blanks with the information youve heard.Page 28 Dialogue 2Exercise. Listen to the dialogue and complete the following statements with the information youve heard.Waitress: Hello

30、! May I help you?Customer: Yes. A table, please.W: Sorry. We cant do anything for you now.C: I called for a reservation this morning. My name is Wang. W: Oh, yes. Mr. Wang. Weve been expecting you. This way, please. C: Thank you. W: Here is the menu.C: Thank you.W: Are you ready to order now?C: Yes.

31、 I will have a pot of green tea, roast beef, French fries and ice cream for dessert.W: Do you want your roast beef rare, medium or well-done?C: Medium, please.W: Anything else?C: Nothing else. Thank you.W: You are welcome.Exercise . Listen to the dialogue again and answer the following questions.Par

32、t Three PassagesPage 28 Passage 1Now youll hear a passage. Listen to it and complete the following sentences according to the information youve heard with the words and phrases provided in the box. Then listen to it again and check your answers.A healthy diet is important to everyone, as it is our diet that t

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