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1、大学英语预备级答案doc大学英语预备级答案【篇一:大学英语预备级试题及答案】an men square beautiful magnificent.a.watchesb.becomec.looks d.sees 您的答案: c题目分数: 2.0此题得分: 2.02第 2 题 wuxi the east of south china. a.lies tob.lay in c.lies in d.lay to 您的答案: c题目分数: 2.0此题得分: 2.03第 3 题 he has been for five years. a. in the prison c.on pr

2、 the prison您的答案: a题目分数: 2.0此题得分: 2.04第 4 题your rain coat is here. but where is ( )? a.herb.your d.his您的答案: d 题目分数: 2.0此题得分: 2.05第 5 题my son can t go to the cinema with you. he must the lessonsfirst.a. go on b.go over c.go downd.go into您的答案: b 题目分数: 2.0此题得分: 2.06第 6 题 look, a group of ar

3、e playing football. a.childb.childrenc.girl d.boy 您的答案: b题目分数: 2.0此题得分: 2.07第 7 题when the little girl saw her mother out, she ( ). a.can t help cryb.can t help crying c.couldn t help cryd.couldn t help crying您的答案: d题目分数: 2.0此题得分: 2.08第 8 题 this coat is too small. give me one. a.moreb. otherc. the ot

4、herd.another您的答案: d题目分数: 2.0此题得分: 2.09第 9 题something is wrong with my watch. i ll have it soon. repairc.repairingd. repaired您的答案: d题目分数: 2.0此题得分: 2.010第 10 题 i have never seen beautiful coat. a.sob.such ad.such a您的答案: d题目分数: 2.0此题得分: 2.011第 11 题she ( ) me the teacher wanted to ( )

5、with me the next day. a.said, tellb.told, talkc.spoke, sayd.talked, speak您的答案: b题目分数: 2.0此题得分: 2.012第 12 题he ( )the army a few years ago. a.joinedb.has been inc.has joined d.had joined 您的答案: a 题目分数: 2.0 此题得分: 2.0 13第 13 题i the little girl very clever. a.hearb.know c.find d.make您的答案: c题目分数: 2.0此题得分:

6、2.014第 14 题 it me two hours to do my homework yesterday. a.took b.spentc.usedd.paid您的答案: a 题目分数: 2.0此题得分: 2.015第 15 题after a long walk, the old man be tired now. a.can b.must c.has tod.need您的答案: b题目分数: 2.0此题得分: 2.0 16第 16 题jack doesn t jump so as his classmates. a.highb.highly c.higherd.more highly您

7、的答案: a题目分数: 2.0此题得分: 2.017第 17 题jim arrived half an hour late, _ made his boss unhappy. a.thatb.itc.whichd.as您的答案: c题目分数: 2.0此题得分: 2.018第 18 题my father often newspapers after supper.a.watchesb.reads c.seesd.looks at您的答案: b 题目分数: 2.0此题得分: 2.019第 19 题 mary is fond of watching _ tv while her sister isi

8、nterested in listening to _【篇二: 2015 春大学英语预备级作业及答案】 the headb.on the its headd.on its head 您的答案: b 题目分数: 2.0此题得分: 2.02第 2 题 can you tell me when the train will there? a.arrive in b.reach toc.getd.reach at您的答案: c题目分数: 2.0此题得分: 2.03第 3 题 when i went to see him, i saw him the violin.

9、 play c.playingd.was playing您的答案: c题目分数: 2.0此题得分: 2.04第 4 题 his surprise, the woman a baby is his, b.with,, with d.with, has您的答案: c题目分数: 2.0此题得分: 2.05第 5 题 what time are you going to tomorrow? a.set upb.set outc.set downd.put up您的答案: b题目分数: 2.0此题得分: 2.06第 6 题he ( )the army a

10、 few years ago. a.joinedb.has been inc.has joinedd.had joined您的答案: a题目分数: 2.0此题得分: 2.0 7第 7 题neither he nor i ( )to beijing. a.have been b.has beenc.haven t beend.hasn t been您的答案: a题目分数: 2.0此题得分: 2.08第 8 题if you have any questions, please ( )your hands.a.put outb.put up c.put ond.put down您的答案: b题目分数

11、: 2.0此题得分: 2.0 9第 9 题kate is ( )american school boy. c.the d./您的答案: b题目分数: 2.0此题得分: 2.010第 10 题she asked me if i knew ( ).a.whose book it isb.whose book is itc.whose book it wasd.whose book was it 您的答案: c题目分数: 2.0此题得分: 2.011第 11 题i like to ( ) others play football. a.look

12、您的答案: c题目分数: 2.0此题得分: 2.0 12第 12 题i the little girl very clever. a.hearb.know c.findd.make您的答案: c题目分数: 2.0此题得分: 2.013第 13 题they may the books for about two weeks.a.borrowb.lend c.keep d.have您的答案: c 题目分数: 2.0此题得分: 2.014第 14 题the trip was and people were enjoying themselves.a.pleasedb.pleasantc.glad d

13、.joy您的答案: b 题目分数: 2.0此题得分: 2.0 15第 15 题jack doesn t jump so as his classmates. a.highb.highly c.higherd.more highly您的答案: a题目分数: 2.0此题得分: 2.016第 16 题this is _ second largest city in china.a.a b./c.the d.one您的答案: c题目分数: 2.0此题得分: 2.017第 17 题trains can more passengers than planes. a.getb.bring c.send d.

14、carry 您的答案: d题目分数: 2.0此题得分: 2.018第 18 题 wuxi the east of south china. a.lies tob.lay in c.lies in d.lay to 您的答案: c题目分数: 2.0此题得分: 2.019第 19 题 i have never seen beautiful coat. a.sob.such ad.such a您的答案: d【篇三:大学英语预备级精读课后答案及题干翻译】,having fat-free milk instead of regular milk.为了减肥,凯蒂用一些低脂肪食物取代高脂肪食物的饮

15、食,例如,有脱脂牛奶代替全脂奶。2)and the way light travels in waves. 我们的科学教师在水流动的方式与光传播的方式之间打了个比方。3)在字典中, “名词 ”这个词往往是由字母 “n”代表。4)it is interesting that different styles of dress can withdifferent types of music. 有趣的是,不同风格的礼服与不同类型的音乐相关。5)艾滋病是这个世纪我们不得不面对的最大健康挑战。6)碳很容易转换成气体。 7)although people often say this is beauti

16、ful or that isbeautiful,it is not 虽然人们经常说这个是美的或者那个是美的,但是确很难给美的概念下定义。8)the famous tv producter successfully the history of space travel to 2-hour show.著名的 tv 制作者成功的把太空旅行的历史减少为两小时的演出。9)在我的脑子里有个关于我房子是什么样子的想象。10)杰克把成捆的旧衣服和杂志放在车库出售。11)these are all beautiful photos.its really hard for me bestone. 这些照片都很漂

17、亮,真的很难选出一张最好看的。12)when asked where his mother was ,the litter boy to thekitchen. 当问他妈妈在哪里时,小男孩把手指向了厨房。13)约翰最终没能娶到玛丽,他娶到了 julie 来代替。14)the best thing about traveling is that you can meetdifferent people 旅游最大的好处就是你可以交到很多不同的朋友,同事学到很多不同的习俗。2、1)be srafe from=get away from 家是一个可以让人们远离恐惧和危险的地方。2)made=put t

18、ogether瓦伦丁教授做了一个阅读的目录,让他的学生阅读目录上的所有的文章。3)becoming very interested in =get into 杰尼夫对服装设计很感兴趣。4)separated into =broken down 如果一个任务被分割成小的容易的部分,那么它就更容易完成一些。 5)much=a good deal 在吃完药以后,病人感觉好多了。 6)many times= over and over again 我一次又一次的告诉斯蒂芬放弃抽烟,但是他从来不听我的。7)be decided by =depend on 他是否能被录用将取决于这次面试。 斯蒂拉非常想向

19、他的男朋友展示她为他的生日所买的东西。unit21. 自从我哥哥找到这个工作后,他需要来来回回的跑,这些天我们很少交谈。2) the rain was so heavy and the road so muddy that it took usall day to 雨下大的特别大,路变得很泥泞,我们花了一天的时间才到达目的地。3)现在在办公室里随处可见计算机设备了。4)students should pay attention to be between formal and informal words when they are learning a foreign language.学生

20、在学习外语的时候应当注意区分正式和非正式的词语。5)since the final exam is drawing near,you play football afterschool. 因为期末考试快要到了,所以在放学之后你不再被允许踢足球。7)he offered to take me for a ride in his car but i rufused,because he 他经常想让我做他的车,但是我都拒绝了,因为他是一个烂司机。8)to get on well with each other . 我们没有看到任何种族歧视:所有皮肤颜色的人似乎也与对方相处的很好。9)as the t

21、rain came near,people waiting on the platformpicked up their 火车快到站了,站台上等待的人们拿起自己的行李准备上车。10)even if you cant afford to stay in a 5-star hotel,you canstill find 即使你住不起五星级旅馆,在这个城市你仍然可以找到整洁便宜的住处。11)午后在河边散步是件多么高兴的事情啊!12)because of traffic problems above ground,many people inshanghai 因为地上的交通问题,在上海很多人都乘坐地铁去工作。13) to read a newspaper,but in fact he was observing theyoung girl who had just entered the teahouse. 他假装是在看报纸,实际上自从他进入这个茶室,他就一直在观察那

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