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1、七年级下册第四模块单元测试题七年级英语(下)第四模块单元测试题一、选择填空1Will students _ to school every day in the futureAgoes Bgo Cgone Dgoing2Its very kind _ you to give me so much help.Afor Bby Cof Dwith3Can you pass me _ I cant reach it.Achalk Ba chalk Csome chalks Da piece of chalk4There _ a basketball match on TV tomorrow even

2、ing.Awill be Bwas Cis Dwill have5Planes will be very large so _ will be very cheap.Afly Bflying Cto fly Dflies6This bed is too hard. I feel very _ in it.Awarm Binteresting Duncomfortable7We _ going to buy a new car.Awill Bare Ccan Dbe8 Will _ any schools in fifty years Its hard to say. Maybe student

3、s will study at home.Athere are Bthere be Cthese are Dthey are9The teachers wont write on a blackboard _ chalk.Afor Bby Cof Dwith10I often use ENGLISH-CHINESE DICTIONARY _ look up new words.Ato Bof Cby Dfor11Machines will do the _ jobs in factories and farms, so no one will do heavy work.Ainterestin

4、g Bfun Cdull Dcool12Well _ some milk for coffee.Aheats Bheat Cto heat Dheating13There will _ lots of free time in the future.Ahave Bbe Chas Dis14Machines will do heavy work instead _ people.Ain Bof Cfor Dto15Laptops are usually small, _ they arent heavy.Abut Bso Cthen Dor二、完形填空The students of Class

5、3 are _1_ going to have any classes next week. Theyre going to _2_ the farmers _3_ their work on the farm. Theyre going to _4_ apples. Many students think its _5_ better than having classes. Theyre going to get up _6_ next Monday morning. Theyre going to meet outside the school gate at 7:30. The far

6、m is _7_ near. Theyre going there _8_ bus. Theyre going to _9_ on their old clothes. Theyre going to work _10_. 1. A. no B. not C. having D. always . do B. help C. make D. give 3. A. doing B. with C. to make D. to doing 4. A. having B. picking C. pick D. have . more B. much C. many D. little 6. A. l

7、ater B. earlier C. early D. late 7. A. not B. quite C. very D. no 8. A. take B. take a C. by D. on 9. A. wear B. take C. put D. have I0. A. hard B. a little C. heavy D. hardly三、阅读理解AA man is going to the house of a friend. It is quite far away and so he takes some sandwiches along for his lunch. As

8、he goes along, he says to himself, My friend is sure to give me a very nice meal. He is going to give me good wine(酒)to drink. So whats the use of these dry sandwiches.” As he says this, he throws them onto the ground.He goes on and comes to a river. The river has become very big because of the rain

9、 in the past few days. He cannot cross the river. He hopes there is a boat to take him over. So he waits and waits. He waits for a long time. Then the sun begins to set. The man says to himself, I cannot go to my friends house today. I must go home.Then he starts for (出发) home. Soon he feels very hu

10、ngry. He wants very much to have something to eat. But he doesnt have anything. Suddenly he sees some dry, dirty, hard sandwiches on the road . he is very happy. He picks them up and eats them all.Do not throw good things away. You may need them later on.1. It will take the man _ to walk to his frie

11、nds house.A. a few days B. a few hours C. a whole night D. one hour or two2. He throws the sandwiches to the ground because _.A. he doesnt like themB. the sandwiches are dirtyC. he thinks his friend will not like themD. he is sure to have a nice meal at his friends house3. In the sun begins to set,

12、set here means _in Chinese.A. 落下 B.升起 C. 变暗 D. 照耀4. The story tells us that we _.A. mustnt walk a long way to visit a friendB. mustnt throw dry sandwiches awayC. must throw things away when we dont need themD. must always keep good things5. He has to go back home because _ . A. it is late B. he hasn

13、t got sandwiches C. it rains hard D. he is hungryBMr. Green is our English teacher. We all like his lessons because they are very interesting. He is from America. He likes to make things by himself. He sometimes helps us make model planes and cars. Today he brings us a smart robot to school. It can

14、walk and dance. It is fun for us to watch the robot dance. It can do many things for us. But it is difficult for the robot to do the same thing as a person does. In the future, there will be more robots everywhere, and some will look like humans.根据段文内容判断正(T)误(F)。6Mr. Green is our English teacher and

15、 he is from England.7Mr. Green likes making things together with us.8He brings a robot to school today.9The robot can do the same thing as a person.10In the future, there will be no robots. CTom comes from Sydney. He is now staying in Beijing with his family. Every day he gets up at about six thirty

16、 and has breakfast at seven oclock. Then he leaves home at seven fifteen. He gets to school at seven forty-five. His first class begins at eight. There are four lessons in the morning. Morning classes are over at eleven fifty, and he has lunch ten minutes later.Afternoon classes begin at one thirty.

17、 There are two lessons in the afternoon. They are over at three ten. Tom stays at school for another hour to play games, and he gets home at about four thirty.Tom usually has supper at six. In the evening he does his homework. Sometimes he watches TV. He goes to bed at about ten.根据短文内容选择正确答案。 comes

18、from _.AEngland BCanada CAmerica DAustralia 12It takes Tom _ to get to school every day.Aone fourth of an hour Bhalf an hour Cthree fourths of an hour Dan hour 13Tom usually has lunch at _.A11:50 B12:00 C12:10 D12:2014Tom does his homework _.Ain class Bat school Cin a park Dat home 15Tom has _ lesso

19、ns every day.Asix Bfour Ceight Dtwo 四、根据音标写单词1 laif _ 2 fju:t _3 t:k _ 4 we _5 ti:p _ 6 str: _7 mi:n _ 8 ntrst _ 9 smu: _ 10 wi:k_ _五、英汉短语互译1、Use computers _ 6 复习英语_2、Write with chalk _ 7、呆在床上_3、Make travel plans _ 8、听音乐_4、Play computer games _ 9、发送邮件_5、Talke to the teacher _ 10、去野餐_六、句型转换1We are lo

20、oking forward to going to Disneyland. (对画线部分提问)_ _ you _ forward to2Betty is going to take the plane to America because she has got a holiday. (对画线部分提问)_ _ Betty going to _ the plane to America3There will be some interesting films on satellite TV. (改成否定句)There _ _ _ interesting films on satellite TV

21、.4Computers will make our lives more comfortable. (改成一般问句)_ computers _ our lives more comfortable5He stays in a hotel in New York. (对画线部分提问)_ _ he _ in New York七、根据汉语提示补全句子1.将来会有学校吗 _ there be school in the _2.他们将不再用互联网。They will _ the internet.3.每人课桌上将会有一台电脑。Everyone will _ a computer _ their desk

22、.4 老师将来不再用粉笔在黑板上写字了。The teachers _ write on a black board with _.5.电脑将变得非常小,因此他们将会很轻的。Computers will be very _, so they will be very _.6 我有许多时间去周游世界。I have _ _ time to _ _ the world.7 在将来,人们将一周工作三天。People will work _ _ _ _ in the futre.8我们将有很长的假期和许多空闲时间。Well have _ _ and lots of _ _.9我不打算买新车了,因为石油太昂

23、贵。I am not going to buy a new car _ fuel is _ _.10 我不想外出了,因为明天天气不好。I am not going _ because there will be _ _ tomorrow.八、书面表达请谈谈你将来梦想的学校(字数5060)_ _ 七年级英语(下)第四模块单元测试题答案一、(15分)15 BCDAB 610 DBBDA 1115 ABBBB二、(10分)15 BBBCB 610 CADCA 三、(15分)15 BDADA 610 FTTFF 1115 DBBDA四、(10分) 2. future 9. smooth 五、(10分)

24、1、用电脑 2、用粉笔 3、制作旅行计划 4、玩电脑游戏 5、和老师谈话 English in bed to music emails to the picnic六、(10分)1. What are looking 2 Why is take t be any make does stay七、(15分) future 2. knock out on t chalk light of travel around days a week holidays free time too dear bad weather八. (15分) My school in the futureThis is my

25、 school in future. It is big and pretty. Every student can carry a labtop with them to school. No more homework will be written on paper, it will all be on the computers. Robots will be our teachers. And TV screens will be in place of blackboard to teach. We can hand in e-mails instead of pieces of paper which is easy to look at. School trips will be out of the country. And this is the school in my dream, and I believe that it will come true in the future

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