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本文(浙江省安吉县振民中学高一英语 B3 Unit 5 Grammar同位语从句学案.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

浙江省安吉县振民中学高一英语 B3 Unit 5 Grammar同位语从句学案.docx

1、浙江省安吉县振民中学高一英语 B3 Unit 5 Grammar同位语从句学案必修三 Unit Five Grammar ( 同位语从句)教学目标:1. 了解同位语从句在具体语境中的运用。2. 运用归纳或演绎等方式分析同位语从句的用法。3. 学会在语境中使用同位语从句。教学重难点:1. 灵活使用同位语从句。2. 同位语从句和定语从句的区别。预习案:看下面的例句,写出它们划线部分的从句类型:主语从句表语从句 宾语从句1. She wants to know what kind of films I like . ( _ )2. That is what I want to tell you .(

2、_ )3. Whether she will go there is not known (_ )4. It is a pity that he cant attend the party . (_ )5.The teacher suggested that he (should) read the novel .( _)6.I will tell you why I was late for the meeting . (_ )7. I wonder what has happened to her . (_ )8. The reason is that he doesnt understa

3、nd me . (_ )新授案:Discovering useful structures (判断划线部分成分)1.Mrs.Liu , our English teacher , doesnt live far from school .2. My friend , Zhanghui , often helps other classmates .3.The news that our class won the basketball match made me very happy .4.They asked me the question whether he came from Amer

4、ica .Summary (小结1) 一般的,_ 成分是对其前面的名词或代词进行_和 _ 。 我们把对前面的_ 名词进行解 释、_ 的从句称为_ 从句 。 Discovering useful structures.(读句子,注意划线句子前的名词)1.They forget the fact that Canada is 5,500 kilometres from coast to coast .2.The news that he has passed the driving test is true .3.The thought that they could cross the whol

5、e continent was exciting .4.There is no doubt that he will keep his promise5. The suggestion that a new bridge (should) be built was accepted .6. We will discuss the problem whether the sports meeting be held on time .7. I have no idea when he will be back .8.We havent yet settled the question where

6、 we are going to spend our summer vacation .Summary 2 (小结2)1.可以跟同位语从句的名词通常都是_ 名词,例如有 _,_ , news , _suggestion , _ ,_, _, _, _,_, _, _,_等。2.同位语从句有时可以不紧跟在它所说明的词后面, 而是被别的词隔开,以使整个句子的结构显得平衡。1.)He got the news from Mary that the sports meeting was put off.2.) Word came that the pop star would hold a live

7、concert in our city.3.引导同位语从句的的连词有_,它在句子中没有实际_,在句中不作_;。若同位语从句的意义不完整,需要有“是否”的含义时,应用_ ;如果同位语从句意义不完整,需要有“谁”,“什么时候”,“在哪里”,“为什么”等含义时,分别可以用_ ,_ ,_ ,_ 等连词引导。4. 当先行词为, suggestion, order, request, requirement demand, advice等时,其后跟的同位语从句的谓语动词要用“should + 动词原形” ,其中should 也可以省略。The manager made a demand that the

8、workers (should) finish the task ahead of time.即学即练:请你选择适当的连词引导同位语从句(that , who , where , what ,whether and how )1. The news _ Mr. Li will be our new English teacher is true.2. We havent yet settled the question _we are going to spend our summer vacation this year.3. The question _ should do the wor

9、k is being discussed at the meeting.4. I have no idea _the boy is doing in the next room now.5. I have no idea _I can get to the railway station.6. The problem _we should have the meeting in the hall now must be decided at once.翻译1.A thought came to me that he might be in the library._2.Word came th

10、at some foreigners would visit to our school .Discovering grammar useful structure请同学们观察下面的句子判断哪一句是同位语从句哪一句子是定语从句。1.The news that they won the match is true .2. The news that they told me yesterday is true.Summary3(小结3):我们通过观察发现,句1中的that 引导的是_ 从句,对news 起着_ , _作用,句2中 的 that 引导的是_从句,对 news 起着_ 作用,在从句中

11、做_成分 。1.定语从句是对先行词进行_,限制作用;同位语从句对前面_名词进行_、说明作用;2.定语从句中的连词that在句中充当_成分而且可以省略,that引导同位语从句,在从句中_句子成分,一般_省略。Exercise: 判断下列从句是同位语从句还是定语从句1. The order when we should return hasnt been decided .2. The day when new China was founded will never be forgotten .3. I have no idea where she lives .4. I dont know t

12、he place where she lives .课堂检测:1. _you need to improve your listening is more practice .A. That B. What C. Why D. How2. They have no idea _at all .A. where he has gone B. where did he go whichC. which place has he gone D. where has he gone3. Word has come_ some American guests will come to our colle

13、ge for a visit next week.A. what B. how C. its D. that4. The manager asked the question _ I would like to be his secretary.A. what B. that C. whether D. how5. The teacher asked us _Jim could come back on time .A. that B. if C. why D. what6.They had no idea _ they could find some food .A . that B. wh

14、ere C. which D. wherever7. _ she said surprised me greatlyA. which B. it C. what D. that8. It is a fact_ the population of the city is still increasing .A. when B. that C. if D. how9. I has a friend_ farther is a doctor .A. who B. what C. which D. whose10 .I dont like _ you speak to her.A. the way B

15、. the way in that C. the which D. the way of which11. He asked _for the violin.A. did I play how much B. I paid how muchC. how much did I pay D. how much I paid12. The travelers lost their way in the forest, and made matters worse was that it began to rain. A. which B. that C. it D. what13. _she cou

16、ldnt understand was _fewer and fewer students showed interest in her lessons. A. What; why B. That; what C. What; because D. Why; that14. Little Tommy was reluctant(不情愿的) to tell the schoolmaster_ he had done the day before. A. that B. how C. where D. what15. _ you dont like him is none of my busine

17、ss.A. What B. Who C. That D. Whether16. We all know the truth _ there are air, water and sunlight there are living things.A. where B. wherever C. that D. that wherever17. I got drunk the other day. Was it you had a fall and hurt your head?A. why B. because C. how D. that18. _ is no possibility_ Bob

18、can win the first prize in the match.A. There; that B. It; that C. There; whether D. It; whether19. What the doctors really doubt is her mother will recover from the serious disease soon. A. when B. how C. whether D. that20. In some countries, is called “equality” does not really mean equal rights f

19、or all people. A. which B. that C. what D. one课后练习;1. A story goes _ Elizabeth I of England liked nothing more than being surrounded by clever and qualified noblemen at court.A. when B. where C. what D. that2. There is a feeling in me _ well never know what a UFO is forever.A. that B. which C. of wh

20、ich D. what3. Word came _ the examination will be held in June instead of in July.A. that B. when C. whether D. what4. The fact _ he failed the exam is not the one _ he told me.A. which; that B. that; that C. which; which D. /; that5. I have no idea _ we _ hand in our papers after class.A. if; need

21、B. whether; need to C. if; ought to D. that; dare6. They didnt tell me the fact _ they had already paid the bill.A. that B. how C. what D. if7. Information has been put forward _ more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities. A. which B. that C. when D. what8. The doctors are tryin

22、g to reduce the patients fear _ he would die of disease.A. which B. when C. that D. if9. You have not answered my question _ I can join in the party tonight.A. whether B. if C. which D. that10. It is a common belief _ teenagers today know about computers and are familiar _ using them in all aspects

23、of life.A. that; out B. what; with C. that; with D. what; about11. There is no doubt _ my friend Smith will come to visit China soon.A. that B. whether C. if D. when12. The possibility _ the majority of the labour force will work at home is often discussed. A. which B. / C. that D. what13. The sugge

24、stion _ students should learn some practical knowledge is worth considering. A. if B. which C. / D. that14. The news came _ The British Queens Mother celebrated her 101st birthday in good health, _ isnt surprising, because she lives an easy life and gets the best medical care.A. that; which B. which

25、; which C. that; that D. when; as15. Along with the letter was his promise _ he would visit me on this coming Christmas.A. which B. that C. what D. whether16. There is a new problem involved in the popularity of private cars _ road conditions need _ .A. that; to be improved B. which; to be improvedC

26、. where; improving D. when; improving17. It was with great joy _ he received the news _ his lost son would soon return home. A. because; that B. that; that C. because; which D. that; /18. A decision was made _ those who once lied to the factory in order to get a job would not be allowed to stay.A. w

27、hether B. when C. that D. once19. One of the men held the view _ the book said was right.A. that what B. what that C. that D. all which20. It is no longer a question now _man can land on the moon.A. that B. which C. whether D. what21.See the flags on top of the building?That waswe did this morning.

28、(06全国卷)A. when Bwhich Cwhere D. what22.What did your parents think about your decision? (06全国卷)They always let me do _ I think I should.A. when B. that C. how D. what23.A warm thought suddenly came to me I might use the pocket money to buy some flowers for my mothers birthday(06安徽卷)Aif Bwhen Cthat D

29、which24.Could you do me a favor? (06北京卷)It depends on it is.A. which B. whichever C. what D. whatever25. With his work completed, the businessman stepped back to his seat, feeling pleased _he was a man of action. (06湖南卷)A. which B. that C. what D. whether26. We havent settled the question of _ it is necessary for him to study abroad.A. if B. where C. whether D. that27. _makes this shop different is that it offers more personal services .A. What B. Who C. Whatever D. Whoev

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