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1、TKT考试模拟3TKT考试模拟3Each question in this paper carries one mark. _ This question paper consists of 15 printed pages and 1 blank page. UCLES 2004 Turn over 2 For questions 1-5, match the example language with the grammatical terms listed A-F. Mark the correct letter (A-F) on your answer sheet. There is

2、one extra option which you do not need to use. Example language Grammatical terms 1 who, which, that 2 across, along, off 3 yourself, ourselves, themselves 4 your, his, our 5 above, against, by A B C D E F possessive adjectives relative pronouns reflexive pronouns demonstrative adjectives prepositio

3、ns of place prepositions of movement 3 Turn over For questions 6-10, match the underlined words in the text below with the grammatical terms listed A-F. Mark the correct letter (A-F) on your answer sheet. There is one extra option which you do not need to use. Grammatical terms A pronoun B collectiv

4、e noun C plural noun D compound noun E proper noun F uncountable noun Kofie stood on the shore of (6) Lake Volta and looked at the small (7) fishing boat bobbing on the waves. The boat was empty and had been there for two days. (8) He had wanted to jump into the lake and pull it onto the beach, but

5、he remembered his father.s (9) advice, and knew that he must not take other people.s property. His (10) family often went hungry, and he could have caught fish if he only had a boat. 4 For questions 11-16, choose the correct word(s) to complete each definition of lexical terms. Mark the correct lett

6、er (A, B or C) on your answer sheet. 11 . . . . . . . . . . is a group of words which together mean something different from the meanings of the individual words. A An idiom B A phrase C A clause 12 Colloquial English contrasts with . . . . . . . . . . English. A formal B accurate C spoken 13 Two or

7、 more words that often go together are called . . . . . . . . . . A comparatives B collocations C conjunctions 14 Homophones are words that have the same . . . . . . . . . . . A spelling B sound C meaning 15 Synonyms are words with . . . . . . . . . . meanings. A opposite B similar C several 16 An a

8、ppropriate . . . . . . . . . . is the style of language that best fits a particular situation. A rhythm B context C register 5 Turn over For questions 17-21, match the example sentences with the functions listed A-F. Mark the correct letter (A-F) on your answer sheet. There is one extra option which

9、 you do not need to use. Example sentences Functions 17 This burger hasn.t been cooked properly. 18 How about reading the latest Harry Potter book? It.s brilliant! 19 I wouldn.t eat that apple if I were you . it looks bad. 20 Excuse me, is it too late to get a ticket for the disco tonight? 21 What d

10、o you think of my new jeans? A B C D E F suggesting disagreeing advising asking for an opinion enquiring complaining 6 For questions 22-29, each word has two vowel sounds. Match the vowel sounds in the words with the pairs of phonemic symbols listed A-I. Mark the correct letter (A-I) on your answer

11、sheet. There is one extra option which you do not need to use. Words Phonemic symbols 22 curly 23 over 24 kitchen 25 paper 26 homework 27 learner 28 timetable 29 baby A B C D E F G H I 7 Turn over For questions 30-35, match what the writer does with the writing subskills listed A-G. Mark the correct

12、 letter (A-G) on your answer sheet. There is one extra option which you do not need to use. Writing subskills A Using a model B Drafting C Peer-evaluation D Brainstorming E Planning F Re-drafting G Proofreading 30 Before I start, I write down as many ideas as I can. 31 I organise my main points into

13、 different paragraphs in note form. 32 I start writing, developing my main points. 33 I re-organise what I have written to make my ideas clearer. 34 I give it to someone else to ask for his/her opinion. 35 I give my work a final check for accuracy. 8 For questions 36-40, look at the following terms

14、for language skills and three possible descriptions of the terms. Choose the correct option A, B or C. Mark the correct letter (A, B or C) on your answer sheet. 36 Summarising is A explaining a text in detail. B writing the last sentence of a text. C giving the main points of a text. 37 Interactive

15、listening is A listening, responding and giving feedback. B listening for detail, mood and attitude. C listening and identifying word stress and linking. 38 Oral fluency is A speaking without making any mistakes. B speaking naturally without hesitating too much. C speaking without considering the li

16、stener. 39 Paraphrasing is A using phrases to say something instead of using complete sentences. B connecting sentences together in speech or writing by using conjunctions. C finding another way to say something when you cannot think of the right language. 40 Scanning is A reading a text quickly to

17、get the general idea. B reading a text quickly to find specific information. C reading a text quickly to identify the writer.s attitude. 9 Turn over For questions 41-46, match the general advice on motivation with the techniques for encouraging motivation listed A-D. Mark the correct letter (A-D) on

18、 your answer sheet. You need to use some options more than once. Techniques A Encourage learner autonomy. B Find out what students think. C Make your feedback positive and constructive. D Build variety into your teaching. Advice 41 Listen to student feedback using a class .suggestion box. or a short

19、 questionnaire. 42 Don.t always do the same kinds of things in the classroom. Try new activities and change activities in each lesson. 43 Think about how you tell students about their progress. How can you can praise or encourage them instead of just giving marks? 44 Choose activities that different

20、 students can respond to in different ways, for example, making posters or writing poems. 45 Give comments on students. work which are helpful and enable them to feel a sense of progress. 46 Train students to use reference resources to help them study successfully on their own. 10 For questions 47-5

21、3, match the following learners. comments to the descriptions of learner preferences listed A-H. Mark the correct letter (A-H) on your answer sheet. There is one extra option which you do not need to use. Comments 47 .Most of the time should be spent doing grammar exercises. 48 .I prefer working wit

22、h other students to speaking to the teacher in front of the class. 49 .I really like knowing how language works. 50 .Rules just confuse me . give some examples and let me work it out myself. 51 .Why should I listen to other students. mistakes? The teacher should talk most of the time. 52 .I just wan

23、t people to understand what I mean. I don.t worry if I make mistakes. 53 .I like deciding for myself what and how I learn. Preferences A This learner wants explanations of grammar rules. B This learner enjoys explaining language to other students. C This learner enjoys practising language in pairs a

24、nd groups. D This learner enjoys doing language practice that focuses on accuracy. E This learner doesn.t want to work with other students. F This learner enjoys learning independently. G This learner focuses on communicating. H This learner doesn.t want the teacher to explain grammar. 11 Turn over

25、For questions 54-59, match what the student does with the learning strategies listed A-G. Mark the correct letter (A-G) on your answer sheet. There is one extra option which you do not need to use. Learning strategies A self-monitoring B guessing from context C memorising D organising learning aids

26、E repeating F consulting reference resources G using opportunities for practice 54 To learn new words, I always create pictures of them in my mind. 55 I always keep new vocabulary on cards which I separate into topics. 56 Whenever I can, I talk with native English speakers in social situations. 57 I

27、 work out the meaning of a new word from the language around it. 58 I pay attention to my own language to make sure it is accurate. 59 If I am not sure of the meaning of a word or of how to use it, I look it up in a dictionary. 12 For questions 60-66, match the statements with the teaching approache

28、s that they describe listed A, B or C. Mark the correct letter (A, B or C) on your answer sheet. Teaching approaches A Presentation, Practice and Production (PPP) B Task-based Learning (TBL) C Grammar-Translation Statements 60 The teacher moves from providing models of language use to monitoring lea

29、rners. use of language. 61 First the learners complete a communicative task: they are encouraged to use any English they know and they do not have to use any particular language item. 62 The written form of the language is more important than the spoken form. 63 The language focus is at the start of

30、 the teaching sequence, with fluency activities coming later. 64 The language focus comes after a communicative activity, so that learners notice gaps in their language. 65 Learners acquire language by trying to use it in real communicative situations. 66 The learners. first language plays a central

31、 role in the teaching. 13 Turn over For questions 67-73, match the classroom activities with the types of speaking practice listed A, B or C. Mark the correct letter (A, B or C) on your answer sheet. Types of speaking practice A oral fluency practice B controlled oral practice C neither Classroom activities 67 At the beginning of the lesson, we got into groups and talked about an interesting newspaper article that we had read. 68 The teacher gave us word prompts such as

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