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6B unit7 helping others.docx

1、6B unit7 helping othersUnit7 Helping others单元教学设计主备课人学校与姓名: 授课时间:2015年5月4日-2015年5月8日单元整体分析单元内容总体描述:本单元的话题是帮助他人,通过老师对学生提问关于互帮互助的问题,新增一些表扬的词汇,如:praisefor.继续学习用将来时态来表达未来将要发生的事,例:I am going to ask the gatekeeper.学情分析本单元中要复习情态动词CAN,过去式,现在式和过去式,在这里也要再次强调,巩固记忆。难点预测:学生可能遇到困难的知识:1.will后面加动词原形。在教学中我将重点强调,让学生在


3、物游戏、分角色对话等,在游戏中调动学生的积极性,让每个学生都参与进来,寓教于乐,学生更容易接受教学内容。2.利用多媒体课件,听听读读,让学生自主学习课文内容,也调节了课堂气氛。课时划分与分课时目标板块单元知识整合与拓展的知识教学目标主题语境第一课时Look and learn.Listen and say单词Matter bell neckBell neckDoorbell,bikebellBody,ear,foot,tail1.通过单词拼读、猜物游戏帮助学生记忆单词句型复习I am going to ask the gatekeeper.第二课时Read a story单词praisepra

4、isePraisefor1.通过学习故事,帮助学生学习相关日常用语,理解故事的含义。2.通过阅读,帮助学生快速提炼文章重要信息。句型Of coursePlease go ahead.第三课时Listen and enjoyAsk and answer.learn the sound单词happinessnaptravell1.通过Ask and answer的活动,帮助学生操练不同时态。2.通过learn the sound,帮助学生初步了解单词的音节。句型How can you help others.I can语音音节作业设计第一课时记单词Page43:complete the sente

5、nces第二课时Page45 answer the questions.第三课时Copy the words and sentences.教学设计续页课题Unit7Helping others课型新授课时第1课时授课时间2015年5月4日项目Listen and say ,Look and learn.教学重点难点Teaching important aims:复习:1.I saw her an hour ago. 2.I am going to ask the gatekeeper.板书设计Unit 7 Helping othersWhat is happy?教学设计续页教学流程个性化调控P

6、re-preparations1.播放Leard the sounds录音,让学生回答问题,初步了解对话大意。T:What is happiness? While-producerT:How many people are there in the dialogue?S:FiveT:Who are they?S: Peter,Sally,a boy,a man,a womenT:Where are they?S:They are in a park.T:Whats the matter with the boy?S:He cant find his dog.2.出示图片,学生学习bell和ne

7、ck,帮助学 生复习ear eye body,foot,tail等词。3.学生分角色朗读课文。Post-task activities1. Sally:Hello.Did you see a small white dog near here?Gatekeeper:I saw it about forty minutes ago.Then it ran away.2. 鼓励学生设想新场景,如:放学路上遇见一个外国游客,他找不到去某地的路,你和同学热情的帮助他。S1:Hello.Whats the matter?S2:I cant find the way to.当堂达标设计1. Listen,

8、 the (bell )rang, its time for class. 2.I (lost )my cat, you see him? I saw it five minutes ago教学反思现象与归因分析请描述课堂问1.授课过程中发现读和理解课文故事的时候较容易,具体到自己创设新语境时用词有些困难,时态不能把握很好。改进措施请给出具体明确的改进措施教师给出多些参考词,以便学生们参考。教学设计续页课题Unit7Helping others课型新授课时第2课时授课时间2015年5月5日项目Read a story 教学重点难点Teaching important aimsreview se

9、ntences “How can you help others?I can .”Difficult pointsPraise for板书设计The bee and the antPeople always praised the hard work of bees They all praised her for her hard work.Why?教学设计续页教学流程个性化调控Pre-producerShow the word card,review the last lesson learn sentences.T:What is it?S:It is a bell.T:Where ca

10、n you find it?S:on the dogs neck.While-taskT:Today,we will know another animals(Show the picture of bee and the antT:where can you find the bee and the ant?what are they doing ?S1:I can find the bee in the flowers. The bee is collecting nectar.S2: I can find the ant on the road. Ants are looking for

11、 food. Listen to the tape T:Do you like the bee ?why?S1:they are work hard.S2: They go out early in the morning, coming home late at nightT:How about the ant?S1:The ant works hard too.S2:the ant work for himself and his queen.Do a surveyWhich one do you like better?The bee or the ant?HomeworkRetell

12、the text个性设计应达到30%当堂达标设计To complete the questionnaire1. How did people think of bees2. Did the bee work hard?3. Did the ant work hard?4. Why was the ant not happy?5. Why did the people like the bee?教学反思现象与归因分析请描述课堂问题要求学生能够复述课文,大部分学生不能完成。改进措施请给出具体明确的改进措施复述之前,教师应帮助学生一起提炼文章大意。 教学设计续页课题Unit7Helping othe

13、rs课型复习课时第3课时授课时间2015年5月7日项目内容Listen and enjoy Ask and answer learn the sound教学重点难点Teaching important aims1. review sentences “How can you others? I can ”2. Syllable words Difficult points1. Memory and use the 46 - page phrase is a difficulty2. I am (name)Im (age)I can I Like helping others板书设计What c

14、an you do to make yourself happy?教学设计续页教学流程个性化调控Pre-producer1.学生复述上节课的故事,帮助同学们回顾知识。通过复习帮助别人会给自己带来快乐引出今天的授新。While-produce1.T: Helping others will bring you happiness. How can you others?look at p.46学生跟读短语,然后同桌互相提问。S1:What is Peter doing?S2:He is cleaning the table.2.播放listen and enjoy的诗歌,让学生有感情的跟读。.T

15、:What can you do to make yourself happy?S1:I can listen to music.老师讲授an hour,a day, a week,a lifetime.学习诗歌后再有感情的读诗歌。分组朗读,选择优秀的同学上讲台朗读,并背诵诗歌。Learn the sounds1. 单音节词kid dog sad chess2. 双音节词Kitchen apple summer welcome3. 多音节词Together afternoon computer strawberryHomework仿照一下结构,写一篇小作文,自己能够如何帮助别人。I am (n

16、ame)Im (age)I can I Like helping others个性设计应达到30%当堂达标设计Write the words according to the pictures 教学反思现象与归因分析请描述课堂问题动动手写的能力差;音节内容还需讲解。改进措施请给出具体明确的改进措施第 7单元复习设计授课时间:2015年5月7日听说读写必会内容1. words:bell neck ago gatekeeper praise2. phrase:praisefor3. 听懂有关丢失的对话。4. 询问他人遇到什么麻烦,需要怎样的帮助。5. 读懂课文对话和故事内容。6. 能写出如何帮助他人的句子 达标检测设计1. 抢答所学单词。2. 上台表演诗歌或者复述故事

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