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3A Module 4 Unit 1 Insects课件.docx

1、3A Module 4 Unit 1 Insects课件. 教材单元分析:1 学生情况分析三年级是一个转折点,学生从两年级刚上来一开始不是很适应,但总体来说上课能够大胆模仿,善于表达,大部分同学对单词拼写掌握得较好。并且经过前三个模块的学习,积累了不少句型,所以本单元可以在课堂上可以尝试简单的阅读,完成简单的题目,并培养他们能够初具阅读能力,通过阅读,综合运用前三单元所学句型知识,进行综合复习巩固。2 教材分析本单元是3A教材Module4 Unit1 Insects,围绕Insects这一主题展开的多种学习活动。主要要求学生在1A 2A的基础上掌握四会单词ladybird, bee, but

2、terfly, ant, fly, black和句型What is it? Whats this? 并用 Its_. It can_.进行回答。在本单元中应注重整合旧知进行教学,通过迁移比较,复习巩固旧知,并能有效记忆新句型,同时培养学生阅读短故事的能力。3 单元教学目标分析知识和能力(1) 能够正确认读,拼背四会单词ladybird, bee, butterfly, ant, fly, black, 并能对其他昆虫如拓展单词dragonfly有基本的了解,达到会说的程度。(2) 运用What is it? Whats this? 句型询问他人以及能对他人的提问进行应答。e.g. Its _.

3、(3) 能够运用It can_. 和and句型对昆虫进行补充说明。(4) 能够运用What colour, Is this?句型补充提问并回答。(5) 能够正确流利的诵读儿歌。(6) 掌握字母u在单词中的发音。过程与方法(1)通过自编儿歌来巩固单词和句型,激发学生学习兴趣。(2) 通过对子,小组活动,演一演等形式,让学生有更多的操练所学知识的机会。(3) 通过儿歌的诵读,培养学生朗读的节奏感和英语的语感。TitleLook and learn Look and sayAims 1.Knowledge objectives: a. Learn to read, spell and use the

4、 words: ladybird, bee, butterfly(butterflies), ant (an ant), dragonfly(dragonflies),flyb. Learn to say: What is it? Its a/an _. c. Learn to say: It is _ . It can_. 2. Ability objectives:Using modeled sentences to ask and answer and to describe insects.3. Emotional objectives: Help the students build

5、 their self-confidence in English learningMain points1.Pronouncing and writing the key words correctly : ladybird, bee, butterfly, ant, dragonflyDifficult pointsDescribe the insect fluently.Teaching aidsMulti-mediaProceduresStepContentsMethodsPurposePre-task preparation1.Daily talk2.Introduce the Sh

6、anghai Nature Wild-insect Kingdom.Daily talkLook at the picture and guess the place.日常会话结束后,由教师介绍一个有趣的地方,引起学生的兴趣,切入课文主题昆虫。While-task procedure1. Learn: bee2.Learn: What is it? Its a fly.Learn: butterfly 3Learn: dragonfly4Learn:ladybird,ladybirds 5Learn: ant, ants 1 T: Look at the picture. What can y

7、ou see?P: A bee.2 T: Yes, what is it?Its a bee3 Sing: Oh, bee! Oh me!The students sing the song together. Talk about the bee.Look, the bee is going. And who is coming?Ask: What is it?To elicit: What is it?Answer: Its a fly.RhymeWhat, what, what is it? What, what, what is it?Its a fly. Its a fly.Who

8、can ask me?What is it?How many flies? What colour is it?What can it do? Look,the fly is flying on the butter,it becomes a butterfly.A poemFly, fly, fly can fly.Fly, fly, fly on the butter.It is a nice butterfly.Cant fly high.I dont know why.Talk about the butterfly.Look at the picture and guess. Wha

9、t has changed? What is it? Can you read it?Do you know its meaning?Here, the fly means an insect.Play the game: What is it? Its .See a short movie and tell me what you can see.To elicit: ladybirdRead the word: ladybird, ladybird Its a ladybird.PairworkA:Ladybird, ladybirdHow is the ladybird?B:Ladybi

10、rd, ladybirdThe ladybird is_Try to spell the words according to the pronunciation.Make sentencesAnt, ant, I have an ant.Ant, ant, this is an ant.Ant, ant, I like ants. 在欢快的歌声中带学生进入昆虫世界。由旧单词fly引出新句型What is it? 机械训练所学句子。充分把握训练语言的时机,为篇段学习做准备。增强学习的深度,拓展语言训练的宽度。让学生意会单词组合的相似点及一词多义的特点利用poem巩固单词fly butterfl

11、y,同时渗透情感教育。区别fly a kite中fly是个动词,而在此fly是个名词。由一个小短片引出ladybird让学生初步认识ladybird 。巩固单词、句子。培养学生听说的能力。Post-task activities1Introduce your favourite insect.What insect do you like?Introduce like this:Look at the (insect)It is (size)It is (colour)It can It has I like it.2ReadingsDo T or F.培养学生简单阅读的能力。3Workboo

12、k P59,60.1.Listen and match. 2.Listen and number.完成相应练习,进行听、说、写的练习。AssignmentHomework1.Listen and follow the cassette.2.Write the words and sentences注意作业的听说与写的结合。板书设计M4 U1 Insects Look and learn ladybird bee butterfly ant dragonflyLook and say What is it? Its a/an _. Its _ and _. It can _.附Readings(

13、T/F) Hello, Im a girl. I have two friends. Peter is a ladybird. It is one year old. Its red and black. It has six legs(腿). It can fly. Mary is a butterfly. It is yellow and purple. It can fly too. Peter and Mary like flowers. They are good friends.( ) 1. I can fly.( ) 2. Peter has four legs.( ) 3. M

14、ary is red and black.( ) 4. Mary dont like flowers.( ) 5. Peter and Mary are good friends.TitleSay and actAims1.Knowledge objectives:Words: insect, an insect, leg, wingSentences: Is this/ that/it a/an _? Whats this/that/it? Its _. It can/has _.2. Ability objectives:a. Using modeled sentences to find

15、 out specific information E.g. Is this/that/it _? Yes, it is. No, it isnt.b. Describing the insects. 3. Emotional objectives: Love and distinguish good insects.Main pointsUsing modeled sentences to find out specific informationIs this/that/it _? Yes, it is. No, it isnt. Its_. It can/has_.Difficult p

16、ointsDescribing the insects.Teaching aidsMulti-mediaProceduresStepContentsMethodsPurposePre-task preparation1.Song2.Ask and answer.Enjoy the songThe ants go marching.e.g Whats this? Whats it? What can you see? What colour is it? What can it do? What insect do you like?歌曲形式迅速集中学生注意力。并复习了上课时所学的单词ant。利

17、用问答复习巩固前一课的内容包括句型和昆虫单词,激起学生回忆。While-task procedure1Riddles(1)an insect(2)Its and 2Is it a/an _?Yes, it is.No, it isnt.3Whats this/that?Is this/that?Yes, it is.No, it isnt.4What are they?They are .1T-PT: Its an insect. Its small. Its yellow and purple. It has four wings. It has six legs. It can fly.

18、What is it?P: It is a/an _.2Show a colourful butterfly.T: What colour is it?P1: Its .P2: Its .T: We can say Its and .3P-P4P-TTo elicit: Is it a/an ?Show some pictures.T- Is it an insect?P- Yes, it is. /No, it isnt.Pair Work. P-P1T: Whats this/that?Ps try to answer.2P-PA: Is this/that an insect?B: Ye

19、s,it is./No, it isnt.A: How is it?B: Its (not) nice. Its _.(size)Its_.(colour)It can _.It has four wings and six legs.1What is it? Its a _.2What are they?They are _s.通过谜语的学习方式激发学生的学习兴趣。通过两两对话形式整合新旧知识,复习巩固。通过介绍昆虫的主要特征,昆虫都有四个翅膀六条腿,从而丰富学生自然常识,符合二期刻改要求。Post-task activity1. Fill in blanks.Ps- Read the sh

20、ort passage and fill in blanks.通过给首字母填单词的阅读方式,培养学生简单阅读以及应对不同题型的阅读的能力。2.Workbook page60,611.Look, ask and answer.2.Read and circle.AssignmentHomework1.Listen and follow the cassette.2.Act out p39板书设计 M4 U1 Say and act Whats it/this/that? Is it/this/that an insect? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.教学反思(建议从目标

21、反思、过程反思、效果反思、改进意见等方面反思)附Fill in blanks. Look at the i_. It is s_. It is black and r_. It is n_. It has f_ wings and s_ legs. It can f_. I like this insect.TitleAsk and answer Play a gameAims1.Knowledge objectives: Words: ColoursSentences: What colour is it? Its. What colour are they? They are.2. Abi

22、lity objectives:Introduce the characteristics of different animals correctly.3.Emotional objectives: Help the students introduce the characteristics of different animals correctly.Main pointsAsk and answer “What colour” questions.Difficult pointsIntroduce the characteristics of different animals cor

23、rectly.Teaching aidsMulti-mediaProceduresStepContentsMethodsPurposePre-task preparation1. Song. Sing the song通过歌曲迅速集中学生注意力,并复习了颜色。RevisionColoursT- How many colours do you know?Ps- black, white, red, blue, green, yellow, green, brown, pink, orange, purple复习巩固颜色,从歌曲中的颜色引申到你还学过哪些颜色,自然过渡,复习颜色单词。While-t

24、ask procedure1.What colour is it? Its grey.What colour is the_?2I like I dont like 1. ChantWhat is pink?The pig is pink.What is red?The pen is red.What is white?The kite is white.What is blue?The balloon is blue.What is yellow?The pear is yellow.What is green?The tree is green.What is black?The blac

25、kboard is black.2. Show a picture of “elephant”T: What is it?Ps: It s an elephant.T: What colour is it?Ps:Its grey.3. Make phrasesGrey, grey, a grey elephant/pencil/bag/pen4. PairworkP-PP1: What colour is the elephant?P2: Its grey.5. Make sentencesWhat colour is the _?1. T: What, what, what is it?Wh

26、at colour, what colour, what colour is it?P: Its a/an_.Its _.T: Yes, its grey. But I dont like grey. I like red. What colour do you like?P: I like .2. Do a survey.熟悉的儿歌将孩子们带入熟悉的色彩世界。复习已学单数句型,为下面的Whatcolour are they?的复数句型做准备。拓展了句型What colour is the _?并且从自编短语到自编句子,由浅入深,循序渐进,使小朋友更容易接受。渗透情感,表达自己的喜好。Post

27、-task activities1.Do exercisesa. Read and write.b. Rewrite the sentences.通过练习进一步掌握所学内容。2.Workbook page 61,621.Read, guess and write.2. Read, choose and write.AssignmentHomework1.Listen and follow the cassette.2.Copy the sentences page 40.注意作业的听说与写的结合。板书设计M4 U1Ask and answer What is it? Its a/an_.Wha

28、t colour is it? Its _.I like . I dont like .教学反思(建议从目标反思、过程反思、效果反思、改进意见等方面反思)附a. Read and Write.butterfly(复数)_ babies(单数)_ small(反义词)_this(反义词)_ white(反义词)_ its (完整式)_what is(缩写)_ pink (同类词)_ for(同音词)_b. Rewrite the sentences1. It is an insect.(改成一般疑问句,并肯定回答)2. Is this a ladybird?(改成肯定句)3. Thats an

29、ant. (改成否定句)4. What is it? (改成复数句)5. Its a butterfly. (改成复数句)The monkey is brown. (划线部分提问)TitlePlay a game Learn the soundAims1.Knowledge objectives: a. Using the key words and sentences to talk and write about “Make a paper butterfly” b. Identifying the pronunciation of the letter u in words such as duck and sun

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