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本文(北京师范大学20秋《专科英语二》在线作业3标准答案.docx)为本站会员(b****0)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、北京师范大学20秋专科英语二在线作业3标准答案北京师范大学20秋专科英语(二)在线作业3【标准答案】一、单选题共60题,60分11分It is reported that a lot of adults take lessons online ( ) further education.AafterBtoCwithDfor我的得分:1分我的答案:D解析:暂无内容21分They ( ) an English evening next Sunday.Aare havingBare going to haveCwill havingDis going to have我的得分:1分我的答案:B解析:暂

2、无内容31分The computers on the table ( ) Professor Smith.AbelongsBare belonged toCbelongs toDbelong to我的得分:1分我的答案:D解析:暂无内容41分Tony is going camping with ( ) boys.Alittle two otherBtwo little otherCtwo other littleDlittle other two我的得分:1分我的答案:C解析:暂无内容51分Mother ( ) me a nice present on my next birthday.Awi

3、ll givesBwill giveCgivesDgive我的得分:1分我的答案:B解析:暂无内容61分Lisa had prepared carefully for her English examination so that she could be sure of passing it on her first ( ) .AintentionBattemptCpurposeDdesire我的得分:1分我的答案:B解析:暂无内容71分Diamond ( ) in Brazil in 1971.Ais foundBhas been foundCwas foundDhad been foun

4、d我的得分:1分我的答案:C解析:暂无内容81分He ( ) very busy this week; he ( ) free next week.Awill be; isBis; isCwill be; will beDis; will be我的得分:1分我的答案:D解析:暂无内容91分The ( ) century is from 1901 to 2000.AtwentysBtwentiesCtwentiethDtwenty我的得分:1分我的答案:C解析:暂无内容101分Marys dress is similar in design ( ) her sisters.AwithBlikeC

5、toDas我的得分:1分我的答案:C解析:暂无内容111分The girl ( ) big eyes is Jims sister.AwithBinConDfor我的得分:1分我的答案:A解析:暂无内容121分( ) your penfriend ( ) in Beijing?ADo; liveBDo; livesCDoes; liveDDoes; lives我的得分:1分我的答案:C解析:暂无内容131分We ( ) to paint the whole house but finished only the front part that day.Aset aboutBset upCset

6、 outDset down我的得分:1分我的答案:C解析:暂无内容141分The twins ( ) in Dalian last year. They ( ) here now.Aare; wereBwere; areCwas; areDwere; was我的得分:1分我的答案:B解析:暂无内容151分The athletes from Japan were dressed in blue ( ) those from the South Korea were dressed in white.AwhenBasCwhileDsince我的得分:1分我的答案:C解析:暂无内容161分How d

7、id the soldiers ( ) that order of the officer?Atry outBlook outCtake outDcarry out我的得分:1分我的答案:D解析:暂无内容171分The sentences should be ( ) as they are not relative to the whole paragraph.Acut outBcut downCcut offDcut across我的得分:1分我的答案:A解析:暂无内容181分Heres my car1Lets keep in ( ) .AtouchBrelationCconnectionD

8、friendship我的得分:1分我的答案:A解析:暂无内容191分( ) your father at work the day ( ) yesterday?AWas; beforeBIs; beforeCWas; afterDIs; after我的得分:1分我的答案:A解析:暂无内容201分In the district there are two glass ( ) and one chemical ( ) .Aworks,workBworks,worksCfactories,workDwork,work我的得分:1分我的答案:B解析:暂无内容211分_ What happened to

9、 her ( ) that cold winter evening?_ I dont know, and Im also curious ( ) it.A; ofBin; aboutCon; aboutDon; for我的得分:1分我的答案:C解析:暂无内容221分Dont drive so fast! We must ( ) when we drive through the tunnel.Abreak downBcome downCsettle downDslow down我的得分:1分我的答案:D解析:暂无内容231分( ) the wet day, he drove his car a

10、t fastest speed as usual.AAs forBAlthoughCDespiteDBecause of我的得分:1分我的答案:C解析:暂无内容241分One cannot judge a person only by his ( ) conditions.AeconomicalBeconomicsCeconomicDeconomy我的得分:1分我的答案:C解析:暂无内容251分people appreciate ( ) with him because he has a good sense of humor.Ato workBworkingCto have workedDh

11、aving worked我的得分:1分我的答案:B解析:暂无内容261分There are two elevators in the building, one of ( ) is special for patients.AthemBthatCwhichDthose我的得分:1分我的答案:C解析:暂无内容271分The cold kept him ( ) bed for three days.AonBinCatDto我的得分:1分我的答案:B解析:暂无内容281分Hell be angry if you try to ( ) him. He is very busy now.Ainterfe

12、re inBinterfere withCdisturb withDworry about我的得分:1分我的答案:B解析:暂无内容291分We cannot ( ) for long without food and drink.AsupportBmaintainCremainDsurvive我的得分:1分我的答案:D解析:暂无内容301分The train ( ) at 11.Agoing to arriveBwill be arriveCis going toDis arriving我的得分:1分我的答案:D解析:暂无内容311分After she ( ) her shopping lis

13、t, she found she had forgotten to buy some sugar.AcheckedBexaminedCtestedDsaw我的得分:1分我的答案:A解析:暂无内容321分He arrived in Beijing, where he ( ) his friend.Awas met byBwas metCwas meetingDmet by我的得分:1分我的答案:A解析:暂无内容331分I was ( ) in a small countryside in China.Abrought upBbring upCraised upDraise up我的得分:1分我的答案:A解析:暂无内容341分I was the Chinese ( ) first invented the compass.AwhichBwhatChowDwho我的得分:1分我的答案:D解析:暂无内容351分She came up to me, ( ) a smile ( ) her face.Awith; inBlike; onCwith; onDwithout; at我的得分:1分我的答案:C解析:暂无内容361分Foods quickly ( ) and break down if they are not stored.AspoilBhurtCdamage

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