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2、据消费市场最大分额,随社会越发展,物质越丰富,女性的时尚美丽消费也越来越激烈。因此也为饰品业创造了无限的商机。 据调查统计,有50% 的同学曾经购买过DIY饰品,有90% 的同学表示若在学校附近开设一家DIY手工艺制品,会去光顾。我们认为:我校区的女生就占了80%。相信开饰品店也是个不错的创业方针。送人 有实用价值 装饰2 www。cer。net/artide/2003082213089728。shtml。PS:消费者分析“漂亮女生”号称全国连锁店,相信他们有统一的进货渠道。店内到处贴着“10元以下任选”,价格便宜到令人心动。但是转念一想,发夹2.8元,发圈4.8元,皮夹子9.8元,好像和平日

3、讨价还价杀来的心理价位也差不多,只不过把一只20元的发夹还到5元实在辛苦,现在明码标价倒也省心省力。7、你喜欢哪一类型的DIY手工艺制品?2017外研社(三年级起)五年级下学期期末测试题(含答案) Name _ scores(分)_听力部分(48分)一,听录音,选出你所听到的单词,将其编号填在题前的括号里。 (5分)( ) 1. A. everything B. everyday C. everyone ( ) 2. A. best B.west C. east( ) 3. A. remember B. restaurant C.restroom ( ) 4. A.another B, air

4、portC.American( ) 5. A.different B.department C. dictionary ( ) 6. A. factory B. foreign C. forget( ) 7. A. enough B. English C. e-book ( ) 8. A. white B. why C. write ( ) 9. A.heavy B. history C. hard ( ) 10. A. could B. cant C. couldnt二,听录音,给下列图片标号。(8分)( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )三、听句子,判断与图片内容是否相符,对的打

5、“”,错的打“”. (4分) ( )( )( )( )四、听音,判断你所听到的内容是否与图片相符,相符的划“”,不相符的划“”。(每小题1分,共6分)( )( )( )( )( )( )五、听问句,选择正确的答语。(10分)( ) 1. A. They are on Shelf G . B. They are books.( ) 2. A. He goes to work on foot. B. It is a bike .( ) 3. A. My mum. B. My mothers.( ) 4. A. 6:30 am. B. In the east .( ) 5. A. I am in N

6、ew York. B. I live in New York.( ) 6. A. Of course I will . B. Yes, she will.( ) 7. A. To the airport . B. 8:45 am ( ) 8. A. I saw some actors. B. I drank some juice( ) 9. A. They are grandparents . B.They are monkeys . ( )10.A.Im from Engl. B. Im Xiaoyong .六、写上你所听到的大写字母。(每小题1分,共5分)( )( )( )( )( ) 七

7、,听音,做答(17分)第一组Name 交通工具1,Lily ( ) 2,Annie ( ) 3,Jerry ( )4,Leo ( ) 5, Nacy ( )6,Jason ( )第二组Name Yes/No7,Wenny ( )8,Jimmy ( )9,Mike( )10,Hellen ( )11,Tom ( )第三组:听音连线Sunny windy cloudyrainywarm coolSan Francisco HongKong(HK)BeijingNew YorkWashington DCLondon笔试部分(52分)一、选出不同类的单词。(每小题2分,共6分)( )1. A. dic

8、tionary B. different C. heavy( )2. A. language B. foreign C. famous( )3. A. west B. best C. south( )4. A. information B. broken C. pocket( )5. A. idea B. dancer C. taught( )6. A. gave B. took C. game 二.读句子,选词填空。(5分)windy then sunny snow because1. Why not? _ tomorrow is Friday.2. They were young _ ,

9、Now they are old.3.It will _ (下雪 ) in Beijing tomorrow .4.It will be _ (刮风 ) in Zhengzhou tomorrow .5.It will be _ ( 晴朗 ) in Hangzhou tomorrow .三、连词成句。(注意标点符号和大小写)(5分)1,werent there cars many then (.)_2. home, Lets , make a , (.) _3. my grandpa , visit , will , I on Sunday ( .)_4. in the north of Gu

10、angxi is Guilin ( . )_5. does what your father do (?)_四.为下列的问句选择合适的答句,写出序号。(5分)A. Yes, she was. B. Yes, it will. C. No, they didnt.D. Ill visit my grandma. E. She had fish and chips. ( )1.What will you do on Friday?( )2. Will it be snowy in Xinjiang tomorrow?( )3.What did Lucy have for dinner?( )4.D

11、id they play football on Monday?( )5. Was his mother very tall then?五、按要求写出下列单词的形式:(35分,每小题0.5分)第一组:过去式1.has /,study18.visit19.take20.meet21.arrive 第二组:写缩写形式1. were not 2.was not 3.did not4. are no

12、t 6.does not not 8.will not 第三组:写原形1.went 2.were 3. had4.ate5.took6. bought第四组:反义词 1.young- 2.long - 3 .fat - 4.tall- 5.big- 6.old -7,same -8, safe-第五组:复数1,city-2,child -3,potato-4,tomato-5,photo-6,boy-第六组:名词1,sing -2,drive -3,dance-4,work-5,write-第七组:现在分词1,eat-2,shop-3,swim-4,skip-5,skate-6,wr

13、ite-第八组:同音词1,know-2,wear-3,their- 第九组:写个短语1,about : 2,on:3,in:4,in front of :第十组:连线What does your father do ?Where is Guilin?Where are you going?How does your uncle go to school every day?When did you arrive there?To the airport.He walks to school.He is a taxi driver.It is in the south of China.At 1

14、2:45.第十一组:连线Will it be windy in HK?Are you hungry?Have you got a blue bag?Will you help me?What present can I take ?What about a toy car?No, I havent.Yes, it will.Of course I will.Yes, I am.第十二组:状态与动作相连hungry thirsty tired hot go swimminghave a restdrink some watereat some food第十三组:地点与职业相连factory sc

15、hoolhospitalfarm farmer workerteacherdoctor六、选择合适的词,将序号填在横线上。 (11 分,每小题0.5) making worked wrote played has1、-Tom, what are you doing? - I am _ a cake.2、Lucy always _ eggs and sausage for her breakfast.3、-What did you do yesterday? - I _ a letter to my father.4、Mr Wang _ very hard when he was our Chi

16、nese teacher.5、- Did you see a movie yesterday? -No, I _ cards with my Dad.七,选词填空( )1, Ive got _email from Lingling. A a B an C one( )2, She _ an English breakfast yesterday. A has B have C had( )3, What _ she _ yesterday evening? A did, have B did, has C does, have( )4, They had noodles _ lunch. A

17、on B in C for( )5, Lingling _ English food very much. A. likes B. like C. liked( )6, What_ Daming_ to eat tonight? A are, going B. is, going C does, go( )7 He _ eat hamburgers tonight. A does go to B is going to C are going to( )8, She _ one apple to dog every day. A give B gives C gave( )9 He _ fis

18、h last night. A ate B eat C eating( )10, -_ Amy_ Chinese food ?- Yes, she does. A. Did, miss B. Does, missed C Does ,miss( )11.I _ (go) to the bookstore last Sunday,then I_ (buy)many books.And I_ (carry)them on my bike. 八,选词填空。in on at to about1. I want to buy a book _science.2. Give the book _jack.

19、3. Mary often goes to the library_ Sundays.4. Yesterday I got up _9:00_the morning.5. It is very late . Mr Li is _work.6. The little girl _ red looks very beautiful.七,选择题(11分,每小题0.5)( )1.My bike is _.I want a new one.A.nice B.broken D.lovely( )2.She cooked Chinese food _.A.tonight B.tomorrow C

20、.last night )3.I like meat and she B.likes C.liked to( )4.Let s send an email _our teacher.A.for C.on D.from( )5.I have got a letter _Mr Li.A.for C.on D.from( )6.Hannan is _the south _China.A.on;from;in;of from( )7.I want _a map of China.A.b

21、uy buying buy D.bought( )8.I ll _home at six o? B. be C. go to D.go( )9.Tom is _ at school B.studying C.studies D.studied( )10.The pink bag _ got four B.has C.have D.had.( )11.-When did you go to Xinjiang?-_.A.Tomorrow. B.Today C.Last week八,英汉互译(16分,每小题0.

22、5)1. 看电视节目 _2.走路去学校_3.关于电脑_4.努力学英语_5.机场_9.找出,查明_10.我同意_11.怎样 lots of Chinese cities three days _14.take.back to China _15.a letter form England _16.after the show _ 九.按照要求改写句子(5分)1. She ate an ice-cream yesterday .(改为一般疑问句 )_she_an ice-cream yesterday.2.He wrote a letter last night .(改为

23、一般否定句 )He _ _ a letter last night.3.They went to Harbin last summer.(划线部分提问 )_ _they _ to Harbin ?4.He did his homework.(对划线部分提问 )_did he _?5.Are you ready for you trip?(作肯定回答 )_.十,阅读(4分)A TripI went to Jinan with my parents two years ago. It?s the capital(省会 ) of the Shandong .Its in the east of Ch

24、ina. There are lots of springs (泉)in Jinan. So its also called the Spring City. We visted Daming Lake ,Baotu Spring Park andSpring City Square. We also climbed the Qianfo Mountain. We took lots ofphotos. We had a good time.阅读短文,判断正( T)误( F)( )1. We went to Jinan five years ago.( )2. Jinan is in the

25、east of China.( )3. Jinan is also called the Spring City.( )4. We had a good time in Jinan.十一,Write a letter(8分)Dear _,Today I ate _ at _. And I drank _ at _. I like _ and_ very much._ had_ because he /she doesnt like _. I gave my _ to him/her.I miss you very much. What about you? What did you do to

26、day?Yours,_,十二,口语(20分)用英语介绍以前现在将来的自己Hello, good morning every one !My name is /I am _.I am _years old.I am from_ .I live in _.I love _.Do you like _?Do you want to visit _?Welcome to _.Welcome to _.Look at me !I am _ and _.But I am a bit _.Are you a _ _?I like _, I dont like _.My favourite _is _.What is your favourite _?Look at this photo .I was _ then .I was _ and _.I had _ _.

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