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1、会展英语常见词汇对话句型1 admission ticket:入场卷2 attendee:出席者,在场者3 applicant:申请者4 badge:胸章5 booth:展台;售货棚;展览摊位6 booth contractor:展台搭建公司7 booth number:展位号码8 booth order:展位预定9 box lunch:盒饭10 brochure:宣传小册子11 budget:预算开支 12 business card:名片13 classroom type meeting room:教室形会议厅14 clinic:教学班,现场会议15 company fascia/sign

2、age:公司楣板16 confetti:彩色纸屑17 conference:专业会议,协商会18 congress:代表大会,会议19 cooperation:合作;协作20 consortium:国际财团21 convention site inspection:会议场地考察22 convention registration:会议代表签到23 corner booth:角落展台24 dealer meeting:经销商会议25 decorator:装潢公司26 destination:目的地27 diplomat:外交官,外交家28 draping:布帘,铺设桌面的群布29 drayage

3、:运送展品30 dress code: 着装规范31 exhibit designer:展台设计师32 exhibit producer:展台搭建商33 exhibit directory:参观指南(主要列出参展商名单及其位置)34 exhibit:展位或展品,很多场合下,可与booth互换,意为“展位”,但主要指展出的物品35 exhibition:展览会36 exhibition planning:展前联络37 exhibitor manual:参展商手册38 exhibitor:参展商39 exposition manager:展厅经理,负责一个展览会从立项、促销到现场举办的各个方面的工

4、作,也称为“show manager”或“show organizer”。40 exposition:博览会41 facility manager:展馆或展厅经理42 facility:同“convention center*”,指展览馆或展览设施43 FHC:展馆内用于标明灭火器箱位置的符号44 fire exit:展馆内的紧急出口45 floor load:指展馆地面最大承重量46 floor plan:展馆平面图,具体标明展区位置及展览辅助服务区位置,如活动室、洗手间、电源和水供应处等47 floor port:展馆地面接口,主要是展馆电、电话和水管接口48 follow-up meet

5、ing:后续会议49 forum:论坛50 hall:对展览馆的泛称,也可指一个展馆中的一个具体的展厅51 hollow shape meeting room 回字形会议厅52 hospitality area:会客区53 hub:中心54 indoor exhibition space:室内展区55 information pack:会展资料袋56 island booth:岛形展台57 lease of space:展位租赁58 lectern:主席台59 lecture:讲座60 main/head table:主桌61 meeting:会议62 minimum area:起租面积63

6、minutes:会议记录64 move-in:展台搭建、布展期65 move-out:撤展期66 multiple-story exhibit:多层展台67 on display:展示中68 on-site ads:现场广告69 on site construction:主场搭建70 outdoor exhibition space:室外展区71 pamphlet:小册子72 panel:(常在听众前举行的)专题小组讨论会73 peninsula booth:半岛形展台74 post-conference tour: 会后旅游75 premise:会址;房屋76 products of int

7、erest:有意向的产品77 projector:投影设备78 raw space:展览广地79 retreat:异地会议80 row booth:标准展台81 sales literature:宣传资料82 seminar:研究班,研讨会83 seating arrangement:席位安排84 service kit:服务指南85 show:贸易展览会86 showcase:陈列,陈列柜87 skirting:装饰围边88 space assignment:展会分配89 speaker:音箱90 speaker with stand:立式音箱91 specialized pavilion:

8、专业展出馆,专项展示厅92 strategy:战略,计划93 strike:撤展94 symposium:座谈会,专题报告会95 theatre shape meeting room:剧院性会议厅96 toastmaster:正式宴会主持人97 U-shape meeting room:U形会议厅98 venue manager:场地(馆)经理99 warehouse:仓库100 workshop:研究班,讲习班会展英语常用对话:1. Application & Booth Reservation 报名与预定展位R: Reservation Clerk 预订部职员 C: Client 客户R:

9、 Good morning. Zara Exhibition Center. Can I help you 早上好,Zara展览中心。有什么可以为您效劳C: Yes, Please. Im with Dola in the Id like to register for the International Motorcycle Exhibition. 是的。我是美国多乐公司的,想报名申请国际摩托车展的展位。R: May I have your name, Sir 请问您的姓名C: Im Thomas Brown. 我叫托马斯布朗。R: Let me check, Mr. BrownThank

10、you for waiting. Fortunately, there are still some booths available. If you send us your registration form and registration fees within two weeks, it is still possible for you to get one booth. 布朗先生,我来查查看让您久等了。好在我们还有一些摊位。如果您递交注册表并在两周内缴纳注册费,还是有可能租到一个摊位的。C: Mat I register for it now on the phone 我可以现在

11、在电话里注册码R: Sure. Which credit card would you like to use 当然可以。您想使哪种信用卡C: American express. 美国运通卡。R: Fine. Id be glad to help you sign up on the phone. Perhaps you can answer me some questions to start with 好的。我很乐意帮您在电话里报名。您可以先回答几个问题吗C: Sure. 可以。R: May I know your phone number, email and your companys

12、 name 请问您的电话号码、电子信箱和公司名称C: My phone number is 867-932-294; my email is; my companys full name is Dola Motorcycle Assembling Corporation. 我的电话是867-932-294;我的电子邮箱是;我公司的全名是Dola摩托装配公司。R: Mr. Thomas Brown at 867-932-294 form Dola Motorcycle Assembling Corporation; and your email is. Is that right 托马斯布朗先生

13、,电话是867-932-294,Dola摩托装配公司的,我的电子邮箱是。是这样吗C: Yes! 对!R: Are you looking for a standard package booth or non-standard package booth 您想预订标准包价摊位还是非标准包价摊位呢C: What is the charge for each 它们的费用分别是多少R: The nine-square meter-booth costs at least 23,000 yuan RMB per unit while the six-square meter-booth is at l

14、east 17,000 per unit. Which one would you prefer 标准摊位时9平方米的,每个起价是万元人民币;(非标准摊位是)6平方米的每个起价是万元人民币。您喜欢哪一种呢C: One nine-square meter-booth, please. 请给我一个9平方米的摊位吧。R: Where do you wish your booth to be located 您希望摊位的位置是怎样的呢C: Can I reserve a space in the center 能不能订到中心区的摊位R: Sorry but all center booths are

15、booked up. We have only corner booths left. 很遗憾,所有中心区摊位都定订完了。我们只剩一些角落摊位啊。C: Oh, thats fine. Ill take a corner booth. 好吧,那我就要一个角落摊位号了。R: There is a corner stand to the right of the entrance. Will that be all right 入口右边有一个角落摊位,您觉得怎么样C: Okay, Ill take it. 好的,我就要那个吧。R: Thank you, Mr. Brown. You have res

16、erved one nine-square meter corner both to the right of the entrance. The booth number is A-092. May I have your credit card number谢谢您,布朗先生。您预订了入口右手边的一个9平方米的角落摊位。摊位的编号是A-092。请问您的信用卡号码C: The number is 8453-1940-0327, expiration date 12/31/2010. 号码是8453-1940-0327,有效期至2010年12月31日。R: Thanks. Ill send yo

17、u a letter to confirm your reservation soon. Anything else we can do for you 谢谢。我很快会发一份预订确认信给您。还有什么问我能为您效劳的吗C: No, thank you very much. Goodbye! 没有了,非常感谢。再见!R: Thanks for calling. Goodbye! 感谢您的来电,再见。2. Venue Reservation会场预订C: Clerk of Conference Service Center 会议服务中心职员 S: Mr. Smith 史密斯先生C: Good morn

18、ing, CDC Hotel, Conference Service Center. Nancy Speaking. How may I help you 早上好,CDC酒店,会议服务中心。我是南希。有什么可以为您效劳S: This is Eric Smith from UIL Company. Id like to reserve a convention hall in your hotel. 我是UIL公司的艾瑞克史密斯。我想在您的酒店订一间会议室。C: Certainly. What size of conference room do you have in mind 好的,您想要订

19、多大的会议室呢S: For about one hundred and fifty people. Were holding a press conference from 5 pm to 7 pm, and a cocktail party from 7 pm to 9:30 pm. 大概能容纳150人的吧。我们下午5点到晚上7点药举行一个新闻发布会,然后7点到9点30分打算开个鸡尾酒会。C: For the press conference, which seating style would you prefer 新闻发布会您想要哪种座位安排呢S: Theatre style, plea

20、se. 剧院式。C: Sure. May I know the time and date, please 好的。请问您想订在哪一天、什么时间S: Our plan is one Sunday in November. Whats your suggestion 我们的计划是11月份的某个星期天。您有什么建议C: Just a minute, Mr. Smith. Ill check the reservation recordThank you for waiting, what about in late November That is, Nov. 16th or 23rd. 请稍候,史

21、密斯先生。我来查一下预订记录。让您久等了,11月下旬可以吗就是说,11月16日或23日。S: Nov. 23rd, please. What facilities do you offer with the room 11月23日吧。你们的会议室包括什么设施C: Then convention room is equipped with three cable microphones, one LCD projector with projection screen, laptop connection and wireless network access. 包括3个有线话筒、1个配有屏幕的

22、液晶投影机,还有手提电脑接口和无线网络。S: Great! That will do. What is the charge of the convention room 好极了,那就够用了。会议室的价格是多少C: We have two convention rooms for your choice. One is 150m2 at US$1,980per night and the other is 200m2 at US$2,480 per night. The latter is more luxurious and spacious. Which one would you pre

23、fer 我们有两件会议室供您选择。一间是150平方米,每晚1980美元;另一间是200平方米,每晚2480美元。后者比较豪华、宽敞。您想要哪一间S: The latter one, please. Does the rate include the furniture 要后者吧。价格包括家具的租金吗C: Yes. Would you like to make a guaranteed reservation with your credit card 包括的。 您要不要用信用卡来做担保预订呢S: Alright. Do you accept American Express 好的。你们接受美国

24、运通卡吗C: Yes. May I know the number 接受。请问号码是多少S: Its 9934256. 9934256。C: 9934256. May I have your passport number 9934256。请问您的护照号码是多少S: A20395. A20395。C: A20395. Thank you. Let me repeat your reservation: a conference room for Mr. Eric Smith, at US$2,480 per night, on Sunday, Nov. 23rd, from 5 pm to 9

25、:30 pm. Is that right A20395,谢谢。我重复一下您的预订:艾瑞克史密斯先生订的会议室,每晚2480美元,时间是11月23日星期天,下午5点至9点30分。是这样吗S: Yes. 是的。C: My name is Nancy Stone. Please just call me if there is anything I can help. Thank you for calling and we look forward to serving you. 我的名字是南希史东。如果有什么我能效劳的,请告诉我。感谢您的来电,我们期待为您服务。3. Booking Fligh

26、t Tickets 预订机票C: Clerk of Ticket Service Center 票务服务中心 G: Guest 客人 C: Good afternoon. What can I do for you 下午好,有什么能为您效劳G: Is there any flight to Shanghai on February 22nd 2月22日有飞往上海的航班吗C: For what time, please 请问是在什么时间的呢G: From 9 am to 2 pm. 从上午9点到下午2点。C: Let me see. Yes, there are three flights: 9

27、 oclock, 11:45 and 13:30. 让我看一下,有三次航班:9点整的、11点45分的和13点30分的。G: The one at 9 oclock, please. 我要9点整的那个吧。C: Certainly. May I have your passport, please 好的,能把您的护照给我吗G: Here you are. 给你。C: All right. First class or economy class 好的,头等舱还是经济舱。G: Economy class. 经济舱。G: How much is it, please 请问多少钱C: Its 1600

28、yuan, with 20% discount, including airport construction fee and fuel additional fee. 八折实1600元人民币,包括机场建设费、燃油附加费。4. Booking Train Tickets 预订火车票C: Clerk of Ticket Service Center 票务服务中心 G: Guest 客人 G: Id like to book two tickets to Hongkong this afternoon. The express train, please. 我想订两张下午去香港的车票。请给我订直通

29、车。C: Certainly. Here is the timetable. Which train would you lie to take 好的。这是时刻表,您想订哪个车次的G: T815, please. 要T815次。C: T815 at 19:11very well. The unit price is HK$190, so two tickets will cost you HK$380. 19点11分开的T815次好的。单价是港币190元,两张票一共是280元。G: How much is that in US dollar 是多少美元。C: Todays exchange r

30、ate is 1US dollar to ; so thats US$. 今天的兑换率是1美元港元:那也就是美元。5. Normal Airport Pick-up一般机场接送R: Airport Receptionist 机场接待员 G: Guest 客人G: Excuse me, Im Jack Wilson from America. 打搅了,我是美国来的杰克威尔逊。R: Ah, Mr. Wilson. We are expecting you. Im Joan, the receptionist. Let me help you with your luggage. 啊,威尔逊先生,我

31、们正期待您的光临。我是接待员琼。让我来帮您拿行李吧。G: Thank you. 谢谢。R: Youve welcome. Our shuttle bus is just over there. Its about half an hours drive from here to the Convention Center. 不客气。我们的班车就在那边。从这儿到会议中心大概要半个小时的车程。6. Group Airport Greeting & Transfer 团体机场迎宾R: Airport Receptionist 机场接待员 G: Guest 客人R: Excuse me, are you Mr. Benjamin Laurence, the Team Leader of Canadian Delegation 请问,您是加拿大代表团的领队本杰明劳伦斯先生吗G: Yes. 是的。R: Im Hao Jun, Vice-

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