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1、仁爱版七年级英语练习题仁爱版七年级英语试题 Unit 1 Topic 1Unit 1 getting to Know YouName: Class: Mark: Topic 1 Nice to meet you ! 第一部分 听力(30分)第一节 听写字母. 听,并将你所听到的大写字母和小写字母规范地写在四线格中,小写字母紧跟在大写字母的后面.(10分) 第二节 听,并将你所听到的小写字母圈起来.(5分)a d l b p q c s e f m n r y g t h j k o u v w x z i第三节 听., 并将你所听到的大写字母圈起来.(5分)K P R Q E F S W T

2、Y A U B D L I X Z N M C V O G J H 第四节 听,并选择你所听到的单词,将其答案的代号填入题前括号内(10分)( ) 1. A. nice B. like C. class( ) 2. A. Kangkang B. Alice C. Mike( ) 3. A. Miss B. Mr. C. meet( ) 4. A. this B. is C. hi( ) 5. A. thank B. Thank you. C. be( ) 6. A. to B. do C. see( ) 7. A. up B. us C. but( ) 8. A. see B. fine C.

3、 Jane( ) 9. A. morning B. meet C. welcome( ) 10. A. you B. he C. I第二部分 笔试(70分)第一节 默写所有的英文字母。注意:书写在四线格中;按照字母顺序,不安顺序不得分;小写字母紧跟在大写字母后。(13分) 第二节 写出下列大小写字母的左邻右舍。(10分)1. C 2. j 3. g 4. m 5. D 6. I 7. G 8. e 9. F 10. k 11. O 12. N 13. W 14. U 15. L 16. f 17. Q 18. J 19. x 20. t 第三节 选择填空(30分)( )1.英语字母共有 个。A

4、. 14 B. 26 C. 48( )2.英语字母中有 个元音字母。A. 21 B. 10 C. 5( )3.英语字母中有 个辅音字母。A. 21 B. 26 C. 28( )4.英语字母中有 个半元音字母。A. 21 B. 5 C. 1( )5. I am 的缩写形式是 。lets 的完全形式是 。A. im ; let ue B. Im ; let is C. Im ; let us D. Im ; let us( )6. F的第一笔是 。A. B. C. ( )7. E 的第一笔是 。A. B. C. ( )8. j 的第二笔是 。A. B. C. 、( )9. H的第三笔是 。A. B

5、. C. ( )10.从字母AN中的元音字母是 。A. A、E、I B. N、I C. G、H( )11. .从字母PZ中的元音字母是 。A. Y B. W、Y C. U( )12.英语句子开头第一个单词的 个字母 。A. 第一;大写 B. 第二;大写 C. 第一;小写( )13.在书写英语句子时,应使单词与单词之间的距离相隔 个字母的距离。A. 一 B. 二 C. 三( )14. Good morning, class ! !A. Hello B. Good morning, Li Lei C. Good morning, Miss Gao( )15.Whats your name? .A.

6、 My name is Jim Green B. Im fine C. Im nine ( )16. How are you ? , thank you.A. How are you B. Hello C. Fine ( )17. Nice to meet you . A. Good morning ! B. Hello ! C.Nice to meet you, too!( )18. you Sam ?A. Is B. Are C. Am D. Be( )19. forget it! A. Not B. Dont C. dont D. No( )20. are here.A. I B. I

7、and Kate C. Kate D. Kate and I( )21. is my uncle .A. mr Zhang B. Zhang C. Mr Zhang D. Zhang mr( )22. How are you A. ? B. . C. ! D. 。( )23. your name ?A. What B. Whats C. How( )24. How do you do ? A. Fine . Thank you . B. How do you do ? C. Good .( )25. Welcome to China. .A. Thank you . B. No . C. Go

8、od.( )26. Nice to see you! A. Nice to hear you ! B. Nice to see you , too ! C. You are very good !( )27. See you later. A. See you. B. Nice to see you , too ! C. Welcome to China.( )28. Good afternoon, Miss Wang ! A. Good afternoon, Kangkang ! B. Good morning, Kangkang ! C. Good evening, Kangkang !(

9、 )29. Good evening, Miss Wang ! A. Good afternoon, Han Mei ! B. Good morning, Kangkang ! C. Good evening, Han Mei !( )30. How are you ?Im fine, thank you. And you ? A. Im OK, too. B. Im five. C. Im Li Ming.第四节 连词成句。(6分)1. Sheng Yingang , name , is , my 2. to , nice , you , meet 3. afternoon , good ,

10、 Wang , Mr. , are , how 5.see , to , nice , you 第三讲Module 3 Plans 理想与成功的距离 理想与成功之间的距离是什么?答案很简单:就是努力、意志和坚持。理想与成功是每个理想追求者都必须考虑和面对的问题。只要我们稍为总结和归纳一下,我们就不难发现:大凡成功人士,从小都有一个远大的理想或目标。在实现目标的过程中,肯定会碰到种种困难、困惑或困境,然后必须付出正常人很难想象的不断努力。这个过程往往是非常痛苦的,甚至是一般人难以想象和忍受的。他们之所以能够成功,就是因为有一种非常的意志叫坚强,有一种非常的理念叫坚持,有一种非常的方法

11、叫努力。 在现实生活中,理想是美好的,理想是可以在一瞬间产生的。但理想和现实之间,理想和成功之间的距离往往需要努力和坚持去拉近并最终到达目的地。理想的实现者和未能实现理想的失败者之间的差别,往往不是输在起点上,而是输在过程中。他们之间的差距不是智商,而是情商。眼界决定境界,态度决定高度,过程决定结果,努力决定胜利,坚持决定成功。 同样的目标,同样的起点,但对不同的人来说却有不同的态度。如果只有百分之一的机会,你会采取什么态度?积极乐观的人,会以百分之一百的努力去争取;而悲观消极的人,则半途而废就放弃了。这就是差别,这就是距离。有时候,也许离成功只有一步之遥,但懦弱者就主动提前结束奋斗的历程了,

12、这是多么令人叹息呀! 为了实现心中的理想,你就必须努力、坚持、坚定、坚强和坚信。坚持就是胜利,放弃就是白费努力!学习目标:掌握本单元的重点词汇和句型 第一组: 1 .at the weekend 在周末 2.get up early 早起床 3. turn on the computer 打开电脑 4.check the email 查邮件5. listen to the music 听音乐 6 .have a piano lesson 上钢琴课 7.revise for my test 复习考试 第二组:1. look forward to doing 期待 some sights

13、eeing/ go sightseeing 旅游,去观光 3. walk up 沿走, 登上 4. enjoy the sun and the sea 享受阳光和大海 5. lie on the beach 躺在沙滩上 6. travel around the world 周游世界 重点句型:Im going to have a piano lesson. Would you like to come?What about you?Were looking forward to Dragon Boat Festival 能够掌握计划、打算、意图的表达与询问。 能够掌握be going to 的

14、意义和用法培养学生养成良好的有计划的生活和学习的习惯 温故知新根据句意和首字母填空。Darning is r_ for the test.We are going to w_ up the Great Wall.I am going to visit Disneyland b_ I like Mickey mouse.She is looking f_ to seeing her daughter.We are going to have a p_ in the park.ready, walk, because, forward, picnic;用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。would yo

15、u like _(come) ?We are _(look) forward to Dragon Boat FestivalHe _ (be)going to go to the cinema now.What are you going to do on _(weekend).What_(be) he going to go come, looking, is, weekends, is 根据汉语提示完成句子。周六晚上你打算做什么? _are you going to _on Saturday morning.他们打算住旅馆里。 They are going to _

16、 in a _.我妈妈不打算全世界旅游。 My mother _ going to travel _the world.你不喜欢足球。 You _like football.你朋友周日打算做什么? What_ your friend _to do on Sunday.What, do; live hotel, isnt ,around; dont ; is, going 语法专项:介词(一)表示时间的介词的用法:1表示“在何时”常用介词at,on,in。1Do you often get up early _ the morning,Lingling? Aat Bon Cin Dof2How

17、old is Mary? Shes fifteenShe was born_1994 Ain Bat Con Dfor3The kids are going to have a party _ Childrens DayAin Bon Cat Dof4_ the age of ten, she had learned to play the piano. AAfter BInCAt DBy5His mother bought him a new bicycle _ the morning of his eighteenth birthday. AonBinCat Dbefore6. We pl

18、anned to get to London _ Monday, but I didnt arrive _ Friday.Aon, on Btill, on Cto, from Don, until7. The accident happened _ a cold winter morning.Ain Bon Cfor Dby2. 表示时间的前后before: 在之 after: 在之后 in 在之后, later 1. A new factory will be set up:_ a year. A. for B. in C. after D. on 2.Two years_ he bega

19、n to write another story-book. A. after B. later ; C. in D. late3.The doctor will be free _ .A10 minutes laterBafter 10 minutes Cin 10 minutes D10 minutes after3.from to.4. past, to (二)表示场所的介词用法1. at &in 1. My hometown lies_ the city. _ I often go to the city by bike. A. 50 miles in the east; Howeve

20、r B. to the east 40 miles of; But C. in the east 45 miles from; But D. 35 miles east of; However 2. in, on, over, above, under, below, in front of, behind 1 Tom sits_the classroom while John sits_the room. A. in front of; at back of B. in the front of; at the back of C. in front of; at the back of D

21、. in the front of; at back of 2. A new bridge will be built _ the river.Aby Bin Cover Dthrough3Our National Flag stands out brightly _ the blue sky.Aagainst Bby Cunder Dover3. between & among 1.We visited him at his workplace _ the young trees and ask him about his work. A. in B. among C. between D.

22、 at 2.There is the difference_ Chinese food and American food. A. from B. at C. between D. by 3Eating too much sweets and chocolates _ meals is bad for you.Aamong Bthrough Cbetween Dfor(三) 表示方向的介词1. in, on , to 1.The United States is _ the south of Canada and _ the east of Japan. A. to; in B. on; to

23、 C. in; beside D. at; on2. Japan lies_ the east of China. A. on B. to C. in D. with3The small village lies _ the west of the river.Aat Bin Cfrom Dto2. across, through, over 1 The boat is passing_ the bridge. A. through B. below C. under D. across 2 Two planes are flying_ the city. A. through B. over

24、, C. on , D, below 3.We walked _ Tian An Men square to the Monument _ the Peoples Heroes.Aacross, to Bacross, ofCthrough, for Dpast, to四,阅读理解(10分)Yao Ming, the center of the Chinese National Mens basketball team, served the Houston Rockets in the 2002 NBA. The 2.26m, 120kg center becomes the first o

25、ne to come from a foreign team.Yao Ming was born in Shanghai in September, 1980. His mother was a center and captain of the Chinese National Womens Team. His father played basketball, too.Yao Ming is widely known in China. He came to be a very important basketball player in China Basketball Associat

26、ion(联赛). Its short for CBA. During the 2000-2001 season, he got 27.1 scores for the Shanghai Oriental(东方) Sharks in every match.Yao Ming joined the Houston Rockets in November, 2002. He said this was a new start in his basketball life. He would do his best to learn from the NBA and improve himself.

27、Sport analyst(分析家) Bill Walton said, “Yao Ming has the potential(潜力), the capability of changing the future of basketball.”( ) 1. The Houston Rockets is the name of a _ team. A. table tennis B. volleyball C. basketball D. golf.( ) 2. Both Yao Mings father and mother were _. A. football players B. basketball players C. the centers of Chinese National Team. D. the captains of the Chinese National Team.( ) 3. Yao Ming _ in CBA during the 2000-2001 season. A. does well B. is good C. was good D. did well( ) 4. Yao Ming

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