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1、卧房文案1、简单的线条、美的倾诉,刻画一幅幅精彩的作品,让休憩的片刻也有着动人的故事与对话Simple line and beautiful shape produce a series of fine works and fill the rest moment with appealing story and dialog.2、回归自然带来的怅然心情是如此惬意自在,让居家有着灿烂、生动、质朴的表达Return to nature makes you feel ease and comfortable, enlivens your house with cheerful and pristi

2、ne means. 3、融入人文与环境和谐的主张,使人居贴近自然,使自然表达心声Indulge in the harmony between culture and environment, approach nature and voice your aspiration.4、让温暖光亮的气息充满空间,使其具有畅快的心情表露与品位Fill the space with warm and cheerful flavor to bring a bright mood and taste.5、将淋漓的艺术体现交融,个性的表达彰显豁然、典雅、气派Combine incisive art and in

3、dividuality together to represent generousness, grace and magnificence.6、自然的空间表达着高雅与追求,一种芬芳袭入,美好的景致和谐随意倾述Natural space represents elegance and pursuit; beautiful view and a gust of fragrance deliver harmony. 7、生活总能不时勾起美好记忆的情感,在布满浪漫气息与柔美感觉的空间中尽情释放Life calls good memories to your mind now and then; yo

4、u can release your emotion freely in such romantic and cozy space.8、午后的阳光依然缭绕照人,窗外的景致被印到房间的某个角落,自然的欢欣由感而生The sunlight is shining in the afternoon and the reflection of scenery outside the window casts on a corner of the room, stimulating your joy. 9、玫瑰的依恋,述说动人的情怀,一种关爱和呵护,总能不经意的体现The affection on ros

5、e delivers a moving sentiment and embodies love and care in a casual way.10、绝好的时刻,有着筑起浪漫与温馨的可能,无处不在的表达一种庄重与别致At this fine moment, it is possible to create romantics and coziness and embody solemnness and elegance with every particular.让思想与精神寻找一种寄托让和谐与艺术挥洒着浪漫与典雅生活在此,一种居住文化尽情释放Seek sustenance for thou

6、ghts and spiritLet harmony and art shed romantics and eleganceSuch housing environment is full of cultural flavor舒适与安静应是卧房功能的主要体现。相对于其它空间部分而言,这是一个包含了更多私密、更多个性的地方。你可以是这里至上的主体,一切由你安排,无论何种风格都可以说是恰到好处。Surely,it should be a place full of coziness and quiretness.relative to other space,bedroom includes mo

7、re individual secrets and are the respectful master.all is settled by youself,and all is suitable as long as belonging to your own.所有关于幸福的记忆都会经过这个入口,然后在这里汇聚、酝酿、升华。这里的一切都只能是柔软的、抛地却了坚硬的时间与沉重的疲惫。It is the entrance of the memories of happiness.they assemble,brew and sublime.all exist

8、ing in the room is soft,warm,forget all the foring moments12. The closet emphasizes the reasonable arrangement and adopts the design of movable door and pulling door. Different distance can classify the clothes easily. with the metal ornament, it will be natural, graceful and harmonious.12、衣柜讲究布局合理,

9、采用移动门与拉门相结合之设计,不同的间隔可轻松的将衣物归类。在金属饰边的装饰下落落大放而又具温罄。13. Simple shape is the clesign language of this kind of closet .You can choose clifferently according to different peoples demand. It is exquisite and practical.13、造型简洁得体是这款衣柜的设计语言。跟据不同人的需要,可进行不同的选择,典雅而实用。1. Modern people pursue the higer living stan

10、dard and hope the professional design from designers and need the ideal,beautifl and suitable product.Xi yi sofa develops the merit of modern technology and material completely. It is sofe appropriately.with the embelishment of hardware fittings,it will be more perfect.1、 现代人追求更好的生活品质,期待由最专业的设计师为其设计

11、,制作出最理想最美观最能为主人生活所需的高质量家具,此款家具充分的发挥了现代工艺与材料的长处。恰到好处的加以五金配件的点缀,使其更具完美。2. As the glasss colour is light,fine sparking and xrystal-clear, so it is particular to use glass in furnitures. Using glass reasonably will make the furniture richly bejewelled. The design of convenient movable cycle is the exqui

12、site embelishment, which make the room full of harmonious atmosphere.2、玻璃在家具上的应用最为考究,因其色淡而雅,晶莹而剔透。合理的应用能给人珠光宝气之感;方便的活动轮设计,精巧温雅的点缀,散发一室温馨圆融的厅室氛围。3. High-quality life comes from the experience of daily life.with the deduction of space, house will become more important .Facing to the changeable mood, g

13、ood furnitures become the most important factor for ideal life.3、优质的生活始自于不断地从四周吸取经验。随着空间的不断演绎,生活亦相形要求,面对着每天满满的心情,自然好家具成为理想家居的重要条件。4. For furniture made according to the circumstances is not only a pure ornament, so the practicality of product will show the love for space better.4、居住者对于空间而言,占着举足轻重的地位

14、,以人本,量身订做的家具不再是纯粹的观赏品,产品的实用性往往更能衍生出对空间的喜欢。5. Simple style is the best combination of frosted glass and wood. It looks simple, but the firm character is unexpected. The whole unit is powerful and consistent. whatever how to arrange, it always forms good combination.5、线条简单明了是啧沙玻璃与木的最完美结合,看似单溥,可牢固性可超手你

15、想象。整体气势连贯,一气呵战,无论怎摆饰,都能形成良好的搭配。11. The true meaning of furniture design is just uith the hope and law, we look fov a differene feeling and break the old experience and rebuilt designinpractical attitude.11、家具设计之真谛,无非是期等与规律制式下。寻求某些不一样的感动以一种务实的态度解放既有之经验,重塑并再造“设计”。14. With the main key of fine and clear design, we will set off an exquisite and simple wardrobe.The furniture in this style will show the understanding and experience of designers to life complete-ly. It is also a display of close relationship.14、精致澄明的设计基调下烘托出玲珑简洁的衣柜。该款家具的设计反映出设计师对生活充分的了解与体认的过程。亦是一种亲密关系的实现。

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