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1、英语美文欣赏同名6433英语美文欣赏(同名6433)2015-2016学年(下)松溪一中高一英语校本选修课程英语美文欣赏任课教师:上课地点:高一(8)班Lesson 1 The Taste by Roald Dahl (2 periods required)Lesson 2 TheSwingby MaryGavell (2 periods required)Lesson 3 TheLadyortheTiger? By FrankStockton (2 periods required)Lesson 4 GuestsoftheNation by FrankOConnor (2 periods r

2、equired)3.SuggestedHomework:(Turntheshortstoryintoaperformableshortplay.)TaskOne:Dividetheclassintogroupsofsix.TaskTwo:Rewritethestoryintheformofaplay.Shortenitbykeeping onlythenecessaryconversationandcuttingawaytherest.Addabriefintrod-uctionandsomeconclusivecomments.TaskThree:Preparetoactoutthestor

3、ywith6charactersintheplaythe narratorwhointroducesthestoryatthebeginningandmakesabriefcommentattheend,MikeSchofield,hiswife, his daughter Louis, Richard Pratt and the maid.Lesson2 MaryGavell:TheSwing(2 periods required)1. Questions for Discussion: (Suggested answers for reference) (1) What is the si

4、gnificance of the opening sentence As she grew old, she began to dream again? Is it only the old age that causes the mother to dream and daydream more often now? (Dream is a replacement of what she cannot have in real life. As she grew old, she became less active physically and felt more lonely in h

5、er emotional life. That is why, most of her dreams are about the remembered past, the life with her son.) (2) What is it about Julius, the husband, that annoys the wife? Is he an annoying person? Why do you think he behaves the way he does? Does he understand her emotional situation?(Thehusband,Juli




9、ntasticaremergedforaspecialeffect.So,thiscanbestbeunderstoodasatouchofmagicrealism.)2. ExplanationandInterpretation:(Explaintheimpliedmeaningofthefollowingsentences,andpointouttheirsignificanceinthecontextofthestory.)(1)(Themotherthought:) IwishthatwhenIaskhimhowheishewouldnttellmethatthereiseveryli


11、erashewas when he was a child. The mother feels some sadness because the conversation once again reminds her of the fact that her son has left her nest and now is flying on his own wings.) (2) She had had the ancient piano tuned had been reading books on China and was going to dig it (phlox) all up

12、and try iris (in the garden) (She has been trying to find things to do, possibly to kill boredom and loneliness.)(3)Hecameeverynightortwoafterthat,andshelayinbedinhappyanticipation,listeningforthecreakoftheswing.(Shewaits,lyinginbed,forthehappytimewitheagerness.Sothemeetingwithhersonindreamhighlight

13、stheprobleminheroldagelivingwithareticentandinactivehusband.Itisheronlymomentofgreatjoyrememberingthelifeofthepast.)Lesson3 FrankStockton:TheLadyortheTiger?(2 periods required)Teaching objectives:1.To master some expressions in the passage2. Text for Reading3. Interpretation and DiscussionTeaching d

14、ifficulties:1.To find the meaning behind the words2.To write a short summary after readingTime:2periodsTeaching procedures:1. Questions for Discussion: (Suggested answers for reference) (1) Why didnt the king approve of the love between his daughter and the young man of his court? (Because of the di

15、fference in social positions, one is the princess, the other is a lowly courtier. The king would not care whether there was true love between them.) (2) Why did the princess love the courtier so much? Can you briefly describe what sort of person she was? (The princess was a fervent and imperious per

16、son, like her father. She also inherited from her father the semi-barbaric nature and had hot blood that made her care little about the consequences. What is more, the courtier was handsome and brave to a degree unsurpassed in all this kingdom and the princess was well-satisfied with the young man i

17、n spite of his station.) (3) Why did the King believe the trial of the arena was a good way of solving some of the problems in his kingdom? (In two respects. Generally, because of the suspense, the masses would be entertained and pleased. The thinking part of the community could bring no charge of u

18、nfairness against this plan. (lines 86-87) In this particular case with the courtier, No matter how the affair turned out, the youth would be disposed of, and the king would take an aesthetic pleasure in watching the course of events.(line 116-117)(4)Inasense,itwasnottheyoungmanbuttheprincesswhowasa

19、ctuallyunderthetrial-inthecourtofconscience.Didshesaveherlovebypointingtothedoorleadingtothelady-in-waiting,ordidsheprefertoseeherloverdieratherthanseehimmarrysomeoneshehated?(This is a question that has notright orwronganswers. Possibly we should say, it is not even the princess who was actually pu

20、t under the trial, it is the reader who is making a decision according to his / her inclination.)2. ExplanationandInterpretation:(Explaintheimpliedmeaningofthefollowingsentences,andpointouttheirsignificanceinthecontextofthestory.)(1)Hewasgreatlygiventoself-communing,and,whenheandhimselfagreeduponany

21、thing,thethingwasdone.(line7)(Thatmeansthekingwasadespot.Hediscussedonlywithhimself,andtherewasnotlawtopreventhimfromanythingthathedecidedtodo.)(2)theaccusedpersonwasinstantlypunishedifhefoundhimselfguilty(line78) (By the kings logic, it was the accused who opened the door by his own hand and led to

22、 the consequences. So the accused himself decidedwhether he is guilty or not) (3)shelovedhim(theyoungcourtier)withanardorthathadenoughofbarbarisminittomakeitexceedinglywarmandstrong.(line97)(Theloverelationwasmadewarmandstrongbytheverynaturethattheprincesshadinheritedfromhersemi-barbaricfather.)3. S

23、uggestedHomework:Writeastorysummaryin200words.Thesummarymaybeginlikethis:Forreferenceonly:(Frank Stocktons The Lady, or the Tiger? is a story about a man sentenced to an unusual punishment for having a romance with the kings beloved daughter. Taken to the public arena, he was faced with two doors, b

24、ehind one of which stood a fierce tiger, and behind the other a fair lady. The king was not sure whether a person so low in station could aspire to one so far above him, but anyway put the young man in the arena. He was either to be eaten by the beast or married to the young lady. Somehow the prince

25、ss had acquired the secret hidden even from the king himself and knew behind which of the two doors stood a woman that she hated intensely out of jealousy. On the day of the trial, the arena was filled with people with the king and the princess sitting opposite the twin doors. The young man bowed to

26、 the king and threw a glance at the princess. She made a quick movement toward the right. Without hesitation, he went directly to the door on the right. Now the problem remains: what was behind the close the door on the right, the lady or the tiger? )Lesson 4 FrankOConnor:GuestsoftheNation(2 periods

27、 required)1. Opinions of Understanding: (1) The argument over the Next World reveals that Hawkins and Noble _. A. were bitter about each other B. were close in their relationship C. shared no common language D. had deep-rooted prejudices (2) The old woman of the cottage where the soldiers stayed in

28、is portrayed as _. A. an ignorant country woman B. a patriotic member of the nation C. being rude to both the English and the Irish soldiers D. having true human sentiments and emotions (3) Why did Belcher, the man of few words, suddenly become so talkative in the last section? Explain your choice.A

29、.Hewantedtocoveruphisfear.B.HewantedtoinformtheIrishladsabouthispersonallife.C.Hisdreamofanormalfamilylifesomehowexpresseditself.D.HethoughttheIrishmightlethimgoafterhearinghispastmisfortunes.2. Questions for Discussion: (Suggested answers for reference) (1) Why do you think the author chose Guests of the Nation as the title of the short story? (Obviously, guests in the title refers to the two English prisoners, and the nation refers to Ireland. Unconsciously, the Irish guards referred to them as our guests rather than enemy soldiers. The four of them cou

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