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1、小学生英语学习动机的研究及其启示A Study of Primary School Students English Learning Motivation and Its Implications小学生英语学习动机的研究及其启示 学区:乌鲁木齐市天山区 学校: 第四十四小学 教师:廖小雪 时间: 2014年9月28日Contents Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 The background of this study1.2 The significance of this study Chapter 2 Theoretical foundation2.1 Defini

2、tions of motivation2.2 Theories to learn a foreign language2.2.1 Gardners motivation theory 2.2.2 Multiple motivation theories in 1990s2.2.3 Schumanns neurobiological model 2.2.4 Dorniers formulation of three-level categorization 2.3 literature review Chapter 3 Research design and findings 3.1 Purpo

3、se of the survey 3.2 Subject of the survey 3.3 Instrument of the survey 3.4 Result of the questionnaire Chapter4 Implications and suggestions for teachers4.1 Investigate pupils motivation kinds periodically4.2 Suggestions from teachers and teaching method aspect4.3. Suggestions from teaching syllabu

4、s and teaching material aspect Chapter 5 ConclusionAbstractMotivation is considered by one of the main determining factors of success in developing a second or foreign language. In the course of learning foreign languages, students with strong motivation can always make good achievements while stude

5、nts without intrinsic motivation are often losers of language learning. However, in lots of areas of China at present, foreign language teaching still carries on the old traditional ways. Teachers are regard as the centre point, while students decisive functions are ignoring. So what is the motivati

6、on? What should a teacher do in order to stimulate middle school students English learning motivation? And how to motivate students motivation is the common issue met by all English teachers and learners and it is also the main cause to do this research.This thesis consists of five chapters,Chapter

7、One discusses the background and significance of the study;Chapter Two focuses on the literature review and theories;Chapters Three shows Research design and findings. Chapter Four provide some implications and suggestions to English learning and teaching. Last chapter is the conclusion.Finally, on

8、the basis of findings, I attempt to provide some suggestions on how to promote and enhance students motivation. Among the suggestions, I focus on Investigate pupils motivation kinds periodically, suggestions from teachers and teaching method aspect suggestions from teaching syllabus and teaching mat

9、erial aspect. Key words: English learning motivation, implications摘要学习动机对学生的英语学习起着至关重要的作用,在外语学习过程中,具有强烈动机的学生总是能取得好成绩,而缺乏内在动机的学生即使客观条件再好,也往往是语言学习的失败者,不可否认,动机是学习成败与否的关键因素。然而当前在我国许多地区,外语教学仍然遵循着传统,以教师为中心,而忽视了学生决定性的能动作用。因此,什么是动机?如何培养和激发学生的英语学习动机?是广大师生面临的一个普遍问题,也是我想对学习动机进行深入探讨的目的所在。 本文共五章,第一章阐述研究的背景、研究的意义

10、;第二章回顾一些相关理论,如加德纳的外语学习理论,唐耶的外语学习动机三层说等作为研究的理论依据;第三章描述了研究方法和分析讨论了研究的结果;第四章提供一些启示和建议;最后一章结论部分概述全文并陈述本次研究的局限性。总之,学习在外语教学中极为重要,不了解学生的学习动机,教师就不可能有效的调动学生的积极性,激发起学生学习外语的热情,没有学生参与的教学只能是失败的教学。教师只有洞察学生的心理,了解其内在和外在的需求,强化其中合理有效的因素,才能更好的传授知识和技能,达到事半功倍的教学效果。关键词:英语学习动机 启示Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 The background of

11、 the studyNowadays, more and more researchers realize that learners should be put in the first placeTherefore,many researches on the learners individual differences are conductedAmong the individual differences,motivation is regarded as one of the most important factors in second language learning.

12、And no one can deny that motivation has the most powerful influences on L2 learningJust as Coder (1989)points out, “Give motivation,anyone Can learn a language”Therefore,the best way to promote language learners learning effectiveness and efficiency is to motivate them in the right direction and in

13、the long runThus this thesis is to concentrate on the study and research of learners motivation of primary school in the hope of finding some implications to improve learners learning1.2 The significance of this studyNowadays, in many area of china, foreign language teaching has following the teache

14、r-centered approaches, neglecting the active role that learners play. Along with the development of language teaching,the focus of foreign language teaching has transformed from language knowledge to language learnersAs we know that learners motivation makes teaching and learning immeasurably easier

15、 and more pleasant,as well as more productive. So this is the most important reason to do this research. Chapter 2 Theoretical foundation2.1 Definitions of motivationWhat is motivation? It is difficult to define it in clear and simple terms because it is something that can neither be seen nor be exa

16、ctly measured. And by the following definition, readers may know that motivation includes making choices and exerting efforts.Galloway once described a motivation motivated individual as one who wants to achieve a particular goal devotes considerable effort to achieve this goal and experiences satis

17、faction in the activities associated with achieving this goal in motivation were a straightforward concept it would be uninteresting(Galloway et a11 998:42)Corokes and Schmidi (1991:1996) defined motivation is the learners orientation with regard to the goal of learning a second language. Motivation

18、 plays an important role in determining students behavior and learning. Dornier (1998) defined motivation as a “process whereby a certain amount of instigation force arises, initiates action, and persists as long as no other force comes into play to weaken it and thereby terminate action or until th

19、e planned outcome has been reached”. His definition lays more emphasis on the dynamic nature of motivation and his view as a process and suggest that motivation may not be static and can be weakened or terminated during the process of realizing the final outcome. However, this definition is not luci

20、d enough in pointing out the key elements of motivation. Williams and Burden(1997)defined motivation as “a state of cognitive and emotional arousal, which leads to a conscious decision to act, and which gives rise to a period of sustained intellectual and/or physical effort in order to attain a prev

21、iously set goal(goals)”.This definition fits within a social constructivist framework. A lot of people also very agree with his opinion. 2.2 Theories of learning motivation 2.2.1 Gardners motivation theoryAccording to Gardner(1985),learning motivation is learners orientation with regard to the goal

22、of learning a foreign language. In Gardner social-education model(Gardner,2001), two classes of variables influence learners learning motivation mainly. One of these variables is integrativeness, which refers to an open and positive attitude which regard for other groups as well as the language they

23、 speak. His study includes 134 questions. It is quite authoritative, and to measure students motivation from 13 latitudes. It is assessed by three measures for the ATMB(AttitudeMotivation Test Battery): (a) attitude toward the target language group, (b) interest in foreign language, and (c)integrati

24、ve orientation. The other class of these variables is identified as attitude toward learning situation and is assessed by two AMTB measures: (a) attitudes toward the language course and attitudes toward the language teacher(Gardner,2001).Gardners motivational theory is so influential that alternativ

25、e concepts have not been seriously consideredAs a result,other rich and useful theoretical offerings from different branches of psychology have been bypassedSince 1990s,when L2 researchers started calling for a broader, many attempts have been made to introduce other theories from different branches

26、 of psychology(eg:Iximyei, 1994, Oxford&Shearin, 1994).2.2.2 Tremblay and Gardners revised model Tremblay and Gardner (1995) extend the social psychology construct of second language learning motivation by incorporating new elements from expectancy-value and goal theory. The novel element is the inc

27、lusion of three mediating variables between attitudes and behavior:goal salience,valence and self-efficacy. To some extent, it could be said that all other factors involved in L2 acquisition may has the presuppose motivation. Thus, the model offers a synthesis of Gardners earlier, socially grounded

28、construct and recent cognitive motivational theories, and demonstrates that additional variables can be incorporated into Gardners theory without damaging its integrity 2.2.3 Schumanns neurobiological model The key constituent of Schumanns neurobiological theory is stimulus appraisal. According to t

29、he model, the brain evaluates the environmental stimulus it receives and this leads to an emotional, and consequently to a behavioral response. Recently, Schumann (2000) has related stimulus appraisals to biological notions of value, and discussed how such appraisals become part of the persons value

30、 system through a special memory for value. He has also outlined a conception of learning as a form of mental foraging, which engages the same neural systems as organism use when foraging to feed or mate, and which is generated by an incentive motive and potentate by the stimulus appraisal system.Th

31、e main attraction of Schumanns neurobiological approach from this perspective lies in the fact that it offers a completely new type of validity for motivation theories by connecting abstract theoretical constructs to concrete biological mechanisms detected in the brain.2.2.4 Dorniers formulation of

32、three-level categorization A variety of explanations to the concept were brought out by different scholarsDornier lays more emphasis on the dynamic nature of motivationHe thinks that motivation explains why people decide to do something, how long they are willing to sustain the activity and how hard they are going to pursue it(Dornyer2005:8)Dornier(1994)develops a general framework of L2 motivation. It is categorized into three levels:the language level,the learner level,and the learning situatio

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