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北京市朝阳区中考二模英语试题word版 含答案.docx

1、北京市朝阳区中考二模英语试题word版 含答案2021年北京市朝阳区中考二模英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单选题1Marys parents are managers and _ work in a big hotel.AI Byou Cwe Dthey2Mr. Smith and his wife went to London _ plane yesterday.Aby Bin Con Dat3Sam didnt go to school _ he had a fever.Aor Bso Cbecause Dbut4We _ stop when the traffic ligh

2、t is red.Amay Bmust Ccan Dcould5Excuse me, _ are the potatoes? They are 7 yuan a kilo.Ahow far Bhow much Chow long Dhow many6Which sport is _, football, basketball or volleyball? Basketball, I think.Ainteresting Bmore interestingCmost interesting Dthe most interesting7Daming _ books with his father

3、at 8 oclock every evening.Areads Bread Cis reading Dhas read8Dont make any noise, Jim! Your little sister _ now.Asleeps Bslept Cis sleeping Dwill sleep9We _ each other since 2011, but we send emails very often.Adont see Bhavent seen Cdidnt see Dwont see10Mr. Zhang met an old friend when he _ down th

4、e street yesterday afternoon.Awalks Bis walking Cwas walking Dwill walk11A new international airport _ in the city last year.Abuilds Bbuilt Cis built Dwas built12 Could you tell me _? She lives near Chaoyang Park.Awhere Ms. Lin lives Bwhere Ms. Lin will liveCwhere does Ms. Lin live Dwhere will Ms. L

5、in live二、完型填空The SkateboarderNear Hannahs house theres a new skatepark. A lot of young people in the town go there after school with their skateboards. These days Hannah often goes there with her cousin Justin. With the new skatepark, shes very interested in skateboarding. The only skateboard thing

6、is-Hannah has no 13 !Sometimes Justin asks Hannah, “Hey, do you want to get on my skateboard?” So she does-but not for long. She doesnt want to fall off in front of everybody. Justin is a good skateboarder. He can do a lot of tricks (技巧). Hannah thinks, “I want to jump and do tricks, too. My 14 is c

7、oming. Maybe I can talk to Mom and Dad.” On Hannahs birthday morning, she opens her presents excitedly. Theres a big present from her parents. “Wow! A skateboard! Thanks! I have my skateboard now. So I can do more.” Hannah says 15 . That weekend, Hannah takes her new skateboard to the skatepark with

8、 Justin. Hannah is excited. They begin skateboarding. Justin does a trick. “Maybe I can jump now,” she thinks. She goes faster and jumps-but she falls off her skateboard. When she is on the ground, somebody laughs. “Oh, no! This is 16 ! No more skateboarding for me!” she thinks. She gets up quickly

9、and 17 . The next day, Hannah sees a woman sitting on the grass with her baby boy. The little boy is trying to stand. “Good boy, Michael,” his mother says, “Stand up now.” Michael stands up slowly. He takes one little step and falls down. “Dont cry. Try again.” his mother says. Michael stops crying.

10、 He takes his mothers hand, and stands up again. Hannah 18 them for five minutes. “He doesnt stop falling. But it doesnt matter,” Hannah thinks. One Saturday afternoon, Hannah goes to the skatepark with Justin. At the skatepark, Justin says, “Everybody falls off sometimes.” “Sure, how do you do that

11、 trick? I want to 19 it.” “Put your right foot here, then push with your left foot.” “OK.” Hannah says, “I need some more practice.” “Youre a (n) 20 skateboarder now, Hannah, ” Justin tells her quietly.13Askateboard Bhomework Cshoes Dtime14Aholiday Bbirthday Cparty Dtrip15Aworriedly Bpatiently Ccare

12、fully Dhotly16Aeasy Bcold Cawful Dweak17Alaughs Bleaves Cstops Dwaits18Acalls Bthanks Cgreets Dwatches19Alearn Bprepare Cshare Dchange20Acommon Bunusual Creal Dexperienced三、阅读单选Games Users Opinions FIFA This is a great game! It has many famous football players. You can choose different teams and hav

13、e completely different games. I wish the designs and the sound effects were a bit clearer. Crazy Racing Its my favourite! Super designs and lots of ways of car driving game. And love the two drivers! But the sound effects need to be improved! Robot Rabbit The rabbit is nice. It looks like a kids dan

14、cing game, but its actually very challenging. I dont like many of the designs, but the music and sound effects are really good. Megalift Man The characters OK, but what he does isnt very interesting. I soon get bored with the action game. It is too easy. But the music is really nice! 21Which game wi

15、ll you choose if you like playing football?AFIFA BRobot Rabbit. CMegalift Man. DCrazy Racing.22Crazy Racing is probably a(n) _.Aaction game Bdancing gameCfootball game Dcar driving game23Users enjoy the music in _.AFIFA and Crazy Racing BRobot Rabbit and Megalift ManCFIFA and Robot Rabbit DCrazy Rac

16、ing and Megalift Man With a round face, short hair and a big nose, my dad is a hardworking worker in a factory in Beijing. He is very serious, but I know that everything he does is for the benefit of our family. He likes playing football, just like me. We always talk about football and play it toget

17、her on weekends. A few days ago, something interesting happened at home. It was a sunny Sunday and my dad didnt go to work. After lunch, my dad was asleep and I felt a little bit bored. Suddenly, I had a funny idea. I decided to draw on my dads face while he was sleeping to surprise him and make him

18、 laugh. I took four colored pens and walked into my fathers room quietly, trying not to make a sound. Then, I slowly drew on his face with my yellow, blue, red and green pens. It took me about 10 minutes to finish my dads “makeup”, but it didnt wake him up. Then I went back into the living room and

19、pretended (假装) to watch TV. About half an hour later, my dad woke up, looked at himself in the mirror and asked me, “Am I the coolest Dad in the world?” It really made me laugh. Fathers dont necessarily have to be serious all the time. Now I live at school, and I really miss the little tricks I like

20、 to play on him. Fathers play important roles in our mental development. To kids, the name of father is another name for love. As the old saying goes, “A fathers love is like a mountain.”24What do they always do together on weekends?AWatch TV. BDraw pictures. CPlay football. DTell stories.25What did

21、 the writer do when his father was asleep?AHe woke his father up. BHe drew on his fathers face.CHe laughed at his father. DHe gave his father colored pens.26Which of the following can best describe the writers father?ASerious but humorous sometimes. BEasygoing and attractive.CCreative but emotional

22、sometimes. DHardworking and confident. Rubiks CubeAt 29, Rubik created a toy that became a global (全球的) hit and an icon (象征物) of the 1980s the Rubiks Cube, one of the worlds most successful puzzles. He thought of the idea in 1974, when Rubik was a professor of architecture (建筑学). In an effort to hel

23、p students make out three-dimensional (三维的) problems, he tried to build a set of cubes that stayed together but could also move separately. Finally he came up with a six-sided structure with nine interlocking cubes on each side. He painted each side a different colour. But after he had twisted (扭转)

24、it, he realized that he could not easily return it to its first state. In the end, it took him a month to solve the problem. He realized it was more than a teaching tool that it might be a toy with commercial potential (潜在商机). The Rubiks Cube was born, and it is considered as an icon of logical (合逻辑

25、的) thinking, a way of life. He patented (申请专利) his creation in 1975. By 1979, Rubik had sold 300,000, and the following year he was offered the chance to take his invention to a toy fair in New York. From there, it spread across the world, with some 100 million Rubiks Cubes being sold in only three

26、years (not to mention tens of millions of knock-offs that can be hardly differentiated from the real ones). Millions of global fans showed great interest in it in the early 1980s. Up to now more than 450 million have been sold. Rubik was thankful for the widespread acceptance of his creation. Even t

27、oday, people fight in global “speedcubing” competitions to shorten the record time for solving the puzzle, which now stands at 3.47 seconds.Rubik loved puzzles as a child, and studied sculpture, architecture and the applied arts before becoming a university professor. After he got the global fame (名

28、声), people were amazed on the fact that the man who had invented the worlds most popular toy was still in his position. When he was asked if he thought the Cube would have been received differently if it had been created in the age of computer games and mobile phones, he answered “The Cube is betwee

29、n two big worlds: one is the digital (数字的) world, the other is the real one, and the Cube is on the border.”27Why did Rubik build a set of cubes at first?ATo satisfy his boyish nature. BTo invent a successful puzzle.CTo help students learning. DTo get himself global fame.28The word “knock-offs” in P

30、aragraph 3 probably means “_”.Acopied cubes Blovely cubes Cdifferent cubes Dwaste cubes29From the passage, we can know that _.ARubiks hobby and learning experiences enabled him to create the Rubiks CubeBRubik thought his invention would be beaten by the new inventions nowadaysCRubik became a busines

31、sman after the Rubiks Cube became a global hitDRubik found it difficult to create the Rubiks Cube all by himself30Which of the following sentences shows the Rubiks Cube is still popular?ARubik got the worldwide fame.BThe Rubiks Cube is an icon of creation.CThe Rubiks Cube may replace digital games.DGlobal “speedcubing” competitions are still held today.You can understand how

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