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1、懂你英语L2U3L2-U3-1/4 listeningBus schedule 1 / about EarthA1. Here is a bus schedule at a bus stop.2. It has schedule for three buses between eight and nine thirty in the morning.3. Bus No. 38 has a regular schedule.4. It comes every fifteen minutes.5. Eight ten, Eight twenty-five, eight forty, eight f

2、ifty-five, nine ten, night twenty-five.6. Bus No. forty-seven comes less often.7. It comes at eight twenty, eight forty-five, nine twenty-five.8. Bus No. sixty is the earliest bus.9. It comes at eight o-five, eight thirty, and nine oclock.10. Bus No. thirty-eight has stops at the main train station

3、and the airport.11. Bus No. sixty stops at the main train station, but does go to the airport.12. Bus No. forty-seven doesnt go to either the main train station or the airport.B1. This is our planet earth.2. It has shape of a sphere, like a ball.3. The equator(地球的赤道) device the earth into two halves

4、 equator.4. The northern half is the northern hemisphere(半球体).5. The southern half is the southern hemisphere.6. Europe and Asia are both in the northern hemisphere.7. Australia and a third of Africa are in the southern hemisphere.C1. The earth moves in two ways.2. First, its been and rotates.3. Its

5、 rotates around its axis.4. The axis is a line through its center.5. It takes the earth twenty-four hours to complete a rotation.6. That is the length of one day.D1. Second, the earth travels around the sun.2. It takes about three hundred sixty-five days for the earth to go around the sun.3. That is

6、 the length of one year.4. Its average speed during the year is about thirty kilometers per second.E1. The earths axis is not perpendicular to the sun.2. The earths axis is tilted.3. It is tilted at an angle of around twenty-three point five degrees.4. This tilt causes the seasons of the year.F1. Du

7、ring part of the year, northern hemisphere is tilted toward the sun.2. When the northern hemisphere is tilted toward the sun, its summer.3. When the northern hemisphere is tilted away from the sun, its winter.4. This is why the seasons are opposite for the northern and southern hemispheres.5. When i

8、ts summer in Australia, its winter in Europe.G1. What would happen if the earths tilt were different than it is now.2. If the earth tilts were larger, summer would be hotter.3. If the earth tilts were smaller, summers would be cooler.4. If the earth had no tilt at all, there would be no seasons.5. T

9、herefore, the angle of the tilt is very important for life on earth.H1. The earth is ninety-three million miles from the sun.2. The sun is at the center of our solar system.3. Our solar system has several planets which orbit around it.4. Our planet is the third planet from the sun.I1. If the earth w

10、ere closer to the sun, our planet would be hotter.2. If the earth were further from the sun, our planet would be colder.3. Therefore, the distance between the earth and the sun, its very important.练:1. We have to wait until 9:00, which is ten minutes from now.2. Which bus doesnt go to the main train

11、 station.3. The northern half is the northern hemisphere.4. The length of one year is about three hundred sixty-fix days.5. What causes the seasons of the year?6. In winter, the earth tilts away from the sun.L2-U3-1/4 vocabularySeasons / difference disease1A1. Winter is the coldest time of the year.

12、2. Winter night are long and the days are short.3. Summer is the hottest time of the year.4. Summer nights are short and the days are long.5. Spring comes after winter and before summer.6. Spring is when trees turn green.7. Autumn or fall comes after summer and before winter.8. Autumn is when trees

13、turn many colors and leaves fall to the ground.9. Some countries have a rainy season.10. In rainy season it rains almost every day.B1. This boy has a broken leg.2. He cant walk without crutches.3. This girl has a sore throat.4. She doesnt feel good because her throat hurts.5. This girl is vomiting(呕

14、吐)6. She ate something bad, so shes throwing up.7. This boy has a fever.8. His temperature is thirty-nine point five degrees Celsius.9. This girl has a headache.10. She doesnt feel good because the headaches.练:1. In spring the days become warmer each day.2. He broke his leg in a skiing accident3. He

15、 needs to drink plenty of liquids.L2-U3-1/4 dialogueTalk about seasons / take bus to train stationA1. I really hate this cold winter weather.2. Really, I dont mind it, its not so bad.3. First, its really cold.4. Second, I dont like the short days and long nights.5. Its always dark.6. Sure, but whats

16、 the else thing?7. Spring is coming and warmer weather.8. Yes, and longer day.B1. What about summers?2. Do you like hot weather?3. I dont like summer weather too.4. Is it too hot for you?5. Yes, its too hot.6. Every day is hot and humid(潮湿的).7. So, I always feel tired and thirsty.8. Yeah, me too.9.

17、I take a shower twice a day.C1. So, which is worse, summer or winter?2. Good question.3. I guess I prefer winter.4. What about you?5. Well, I prefer winter too.6. I dont mind the long night.D1. Of course, the best seasons are spring and autumn.2. Which those do you prefer?3. Thats between those to,

18、I prefer autumn.4. Why do you prefer autumn?5. I love it when the leaves turn different colors.6. I agree with you.7. I guess autumn is my favorite season too.E1. I surprise, Tom.2. I thought you prefer spring.3. Why is that?4. Everything is young and new in spring, right?5. Well, maybe Ill change m

19、y mind.F1. Excuse me, when is the next bus?2. To where?3. To the train station.4. Lets look at the bus schedule.5. Which bus goes to the train station?6. Buses forty-eight and sixty both go to the train station?G1. Its eight fifty-nine now. So, I just miss the number thirty-eight.2. Right, it come a

20、 few minutes ago.3. The next bus to the train station comes at nine oclock.4. Yes, I hope it isnt late.5. The traffic is heavy.H1. Oh, look, the NO. sixty is coming now, right on schedule.2. Great, thanks for your help.3. Youre welcome.4. Have a good day.5. You too.练:1. The weather gets warmer in sp

21、ring.2. Winter has the shortest days and the longest nights.3. She takes a shower twice a day.L2-U3-2/4 listeningDens workday / Bens lunchA1. Den is a pilot.2. He flies airplane to all parts of the world.3. This was his schedule yesterday which was Sunday.4. He woke up at six-thirty.5. After waking

22、up, he got out of bed and brush his teeth.6. After that, he took a shower.B1. He and wife ate breakfast together at seven fifteen.2. He had a big breakfast of eggs, potatoes and fruit.3. They finished eating at seven thirty.4. After eating, he put on his uniform.5. At eight oclock, they left their h

23、ouse, and his wife drove him to the airport.6. The traffic was heavy, so it took forty-five minutes to get to the airport.C1. They arrived at the airport at eight forty-fifteen.2. After going through security, he checked the weather along the flight path.3. At nine-thirty, he boarded the plane.4. He

24、 and co-polite talked about the flight.D1. By ten-thirty the passengers are all on board.2. They pushed back from the gate at ten forty-five.3. From the gate it took ten minutes to go to the runway.4. There were two airplanes in front of them, so they had to wait.E1. They finally entered the runway

25、at eleven-ten, which was five minutes behind schedule.2. Two minutes later, at twelve, they took off for Beijing.F1. The flight from San Francisco to Beijing took twelve hours.2. They landed in the afternoon one day later.3. In Beijing, it is already Monday.G1. After leaving the aircraft, he took a

26、bus to hotel in Beijing.2. He checked in at six pm and went up to his room.3. When he got to his room, he took a shower.4. Then he went downstairs ate dinner.H1. After eating, he went back to his room and watched some TV.2. At ten oclock, he went to bed and fell asleep.3. The day after tomorrow, hel

27、l fly back to San Francisco.4. His wife and children will be happy to see him.5. They always miss him when hes away.I1. Ben often buys lunch at school.2. He usually spends around five dollars for lunch.3. Here are the prices of some of the things on the menu.4. Sandwiches are one dollar fifty cents.

28、5. Ben likes sandwiches but yesterday he had two slices of pizza.6. A slice of pizza costs the same as a sandwich.J1. He also had some fruit,2. He had banana, which was a dollar.3. He was hungry so he also had a salad.4. The salad costs one dollar twenty-five cents.5. He had a bottle of water from h

29、ome, so he didnt buy anything to drink.6. Altogether his lunch cost five dollars and twenty-five cents.7. He enjoyed his lunch, because the pizza was good.练:1. What was the total cost of his lunch?2. After going back to his room, he watched some TVL2-U2-2/4 vocabularySeveral vehicle(交通工具) / differen

30、ce disease2A1. Airplanes are the fastest way to travel a long distance.2. Airplane travel is one of the safest ways to travel.3. This is a truck or lorry.4. Trucks carry and deliver many of the things we buy and use each day.5. Buses are a good way to travel in a city.6. A bus can carry many passeng

31、ers and is less expensive than a taxi.7. Buses can carry more passengers than a taxi or trunk.8. Ships transport freight, such as oil or automobiles across the oceans.9. Some ships carry passengers on ocean cruises.10. Ambulances carry sick or injured people to a hospital.11. If someone is in an accident, call for an ambulance.练:1. One very famous passenger ship was the Titanic.B1. This boy has a cut on his finger.2. He cut his finger with a knife, so now its bleeding.

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