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1、湖北师范学院信息检索作业及答案练习一1.了解我院图书馆、系资料室有关化学化工印刷版文献资料的情况及借阅手续?答:1、我院图书馆有关化学化工印刷版文献资料的情况: 我院藏各类图书 132万册,其中 纸质书刊130余万册、电子图书2万册;2006年图书馆订有中文报刊2400余种、外文现刊24种;拥有中、外文数据库23个、其中共享数据库6个,能较好地满足师生教学与科研的需求。借阅部设有借阅(一)至借阅(五)室为全校师生提供图书阅览、外借服务。其中有关化学化工印刷版文献资料在二楼借阅室(四),以及五楼(只供阅读)2、我院图书馆有关化学化工印刷版文献资料的借阅手续:读者图书借阅注意事项:1、读者应在一楼



4、。藏有中国期刊网全文数据库、中国学术期刊、优秀博士、硕士论文全文数据库、Springer外文期刊数据库、EBSCO数据库、万方数据资源等13个数据库;共享数据库7种。3.通过网络练习搜索化学化工信息站点?答:以下是搜索的一些与化学化工信息有关的站点:练习二1.列出无机化学学科的中文期刊名称5种及网址、英文期刊名称5种、缩写和网址?答:中文期刊中文期刊名称网址无机化学学报无机材料学报中国无机分析化学中国无机盐无机盐工业英文期刊英文期刊名称缩写网址Inorganic ChemistryInorg. Chem. TransactionsDALTON. T Reports Section A (Ino

5、rganic Chemistry)Annu. Rep. Prog. Chem. Sect. A: Inorg. Chem.&type=current&issnprint=0260-1818Inorganica Chimica ActaInorg. Chim. Acta ofBiological InorganicChemistryJ. Biol. Inorg. Chem2.通过工具书或网络检索,回答下列问题? 1)喹啉分别在水、乙醇和乙醚中的溶解度是多少? 2)雷氏盐的化学成分是什么?答:1)喹啉在水的溶解度:60/100ml喹啉在乙醇的溶解度:在2030时,溶解度为1040/100ml喹啉在

6、乙醚的溶解度:在2030时,溶解度为1030/100ml2)雷式盐的化学成分为硫氰化铬铵。 3.在Internet上查询是否有CRC化学物理手册的网络版?并在网上检索介绍其的教程,学习其使用方法?(1)有,网址为(2)该工具书的各章节内容如下,我们可以根据自己的需要来查询对应的内容。Section 1 Basic Constants, Units, and Conversion Factors 基本常数、单位和换算因子 Section 2 Symbols, Terminology, and Nomenclature 符号、术语和命名法Section 3 Physical Constants o

7、f Organic Chemistry 有机化合物物理常数,最主要的是有机化合物物理常数表,该表收集了 10,000 多种有机化合物的熔点、沸点、密度、折射率数据和在不同溶剂中的溶解性能Section 4 Properties of the Elements and Inorganic Compounds 元素和无机化合物的性质,此部分最主要的是无机化合物的物理常数表,此表给出近 3000 种无机化合物的一些主要性质和数据Section 5 Thermochemistry, Electrochemistry, and Kinetics 热力学、电化学和动力学,此部分最主要的是化学物质的标准热力

8、学性质表,包括标准摩尔生成焓、标准摩尔吉布斯能、标准摩尔熵和定压摩尔热容Section 6 Fluid Properties 流体的性质,主要包括水的一些性质,气体的维里系数、范德华常数、临界常数、蒸气压、蒸发焓和熔化焓等Section 7 Biochemistry 生物化学Section 8 Analytical Chemistry 分析化学,主要有无机物测定用有机分析试剂,指示剂,电动势序列,酸和碱的解离常数,水溶液的性质,有机化合物在水溶液中的溶解度和亨利定律常数等Section 9 Molecular Structure and Spectroscopy 分子结构和光谱,主要包括键长,

9、化学键强度,偶极矩,电负性,小分子的基本振动频率,双 原子分子的光谱常数,红外相关图表等Section 10 Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 原子物理、分子物理和光学物理Section 11 Nuclear and Particle Physics 核物理和粒子物理,主要是粒子性质简表和同位素表Section 12 Properties of Solids 固体的性质,主要有晶体的对称性及晶体的其他性质,金属及合金的性质等Section 13Polymer Properties 聚合物性质,主要包括有机聚合物的命名法及优质聚合物的玻璃化转变温度Se

10、ction 14Geophysics, Astronomy, and Acoustics 地球物理学、天文学和声学Section 15 Practical Laboratory Data 实验室使用数据,包括标准 ITS-90 热偶表,常用实验室溶剂和性质,以及压力对沸点的影响,沸点升高常数,凝固点降低常数等Section 16 Health and Safety Information 健康和安全资料,包括实验室化学品的管理与处置,化学物质的易燃性,空气中污染物的极限,辛醇-水分配系数等Appendix A Mathematical Tables 数学用表Appendix BSources

11、of Physical and Chemical Data 物理和化学数据来源练习三分别在Elsevier Science, Wiley InterScience, 美国化学会等三种数据库中检索下面其中一个主题,每个数据库检索2篇相关文献? 1)金属卟啉合成与应用(metalloporphyrin)答:Elsevier Science数据库中:第一篇. Tumor-enhancement effect of a Mn3+ metalloporphyrin derivative (ATN-4T) in magnetic resonance imaging Masahiko Kobayashia,

12、 , Hisao Tajirib, Takuya Hayashic, Masahiko Kurokic, Isao SakatadAbstract:Magnetic resonance imaging is routinely used for tumor recognition in cancer diagnosis. The tumor image-enhancing characteristics of ATN-4T (THFMnAsp), a Mn3+ metalloporphyrin derivative, were evaluated in rabbits. ATN-4T (10

13、mM) was diluted in gelatin to final concentrations ranging from 100 to 1 M. Increasing concentrations of ATN-4T resulted in higher signal intensities. VX2 (squamous cell carcinoma) tumor-bearing rabbits were injected with 50 mol/kg ATN-4T intravenously and T1-weighted images were recorded continuous

14、ly. Tumor images were compared with images of surrounding muscle tissue. T1-weighted images from ATN-4T-treated rabbits showed a marked enhancement of tumor contrast from 30 to 240 min postinjection. Microscopic examination revealed that carcinoma cells were scattered throughout the high contrast ar

15、ea of the tumor and were not seen in the surrounding muscles. ATN-4T appears useful for enhancing the intensity of tumors imaged by magnetic resonanceKeywords: ATN-4T; Mn3+ metalloporphyrin; Magnetic resonance imaging; T1-weighted image; Tumor-enhancement effect第二篇. Enhancement of catalytic efficien

16、cy of metalloporphyrin-reductant-molecular oxygen biomimetic system by aminoacid external ligands Victor V. Borovkov , a, , Anna B. Solovievab, Olga V. Cheremenskayab, Natalia V. BelkinaAbstract:The presence of aminoacid external ligands (Cys and His) markedly increases the efficiency (in terms of r

17、eaction rate constant and turnover number) of the metalloporphyrin-reductant-molecular oxygen catalytic system in cholesterol oxidation reactions; in so doing, Cys contained systems are more active co-catalysts showing a pronounced maximum of concentration dependence profiles.Keywords: Metalloporphy

18、rin; Oxidation; Aminoacid; Steroid; Biomimetic systemWiley InterScience数据库中:第一篇Surface-Confined Metalloporphyrin Oligomers Hal Van Ryswyk Prof. , Erin E. Moore1, Neel S. Joshi1, Rebecca J. Zeni1, Todd A. Eberspacher , James P. Collman Prof. Abstract: Der modulare Aufbau von Metalloporphyrin-Oligomer

19、en an einem oberflchengebundenen Isonicotinat-Liganden gelingt durch die abwechselnde Anlagerung von Ru-Porphyrin-Einheiten und zweizhnigen Brckenliganden L (siehe Bild). Elektrochemische Untersuchungen ergaben, dass Elektronen entlang des gesamten Rckgrats der Oligomere transportiert werdenKeywords

20、: Elektronentransport; Metall-Metall-Wechselwirkungen; Nanotechnologie; Oberflchenchemie; Porphyrinoide第二篇. Microwave-assisted synthesis, metallation, and duff formylation of porphyrinsMuhammad Yaseen1,*, Mukhtar Ali2, Muhammad NajeebUllah1, Munawar Ali Munawar1, Irshad Khokhar1Abstract:Microwave as

21、sisted synthesis, metallation, and -formylation of porphyrins is described. All synthetic reactions were carried out on inorganic polymer solid support using microwave energy. It is the first documented application of the Duff reaction in the field of porphyrins and metalloporphyrins. The overall pr

22、ocess is simple, easy, and environment friendly. FTIR, UVvisible, elemental analysis, 1H NMR, and mass spectrometry were used to characterize the compounds. J. Heterocyclic Chem., 46, 251 (2009).美国化学会数据库中:第一篇. Metalloporphyrin Nanotube Fabrication Using Peptide Nanotubes as TemplatesHiroshi Matsui *

23、 and Robert MacCuspie Abstract:Protoporphyrin IX Zn(II) has been demonstrated to form metalloporphyrin coatings on peptide nanotubes via hydrogen bonds and produce metalloporphyrin nanotubes. This diacid metalloporphyrin was stabilized on the peptide nanotube surfaces with two types of hydrogen bond

24、s, intermolecular hydrogen bond between the carboxylic acid of metalloporphyrins and the amide of peptide nanotube and intermolecular hydrogen bond between the carboxylic acids of neighboring metalloporphyrins. Since previous study indicates that the peptide nanotubes can potentially be assembled as

25、 arrays, the applications of metalloporphyrin nanotubes to nanoscale chemical sensors or photonics may be possible.第二篇. Functionalization of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes with Metalloporphyrin Complexes: A Theoretical Study and Abstract:We report a detailed theoretical investigation on the function

26、alization of semiconducting (10,0) and metallic (6,6) single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) with a series of metalloporphyrin (MP) complexes (MP = CoP, NiP, CuP, and ZnP) by using density functional theory (DFT) calculations. We find that similar to the free-base porphyrin, metalloporphyrin molecul

27、es can also be used to separate the semiconducting SWNTs from metallic SWNTs. The mechanisms for separation are mainly attributed to the difference in charge transfer and hybridization between metalloporphyrin molecules and SWNTs. However, contrasting with the porphyrinSWNTs systems, the presence of

28、 the unpaired electrons in the metalloporphyrinSWNTs assembly implies a nonzero magnetic moment of this material, making it possess interesting magnetic and optic properties. Moreover, the metalloporphyrinSWNTs composites also have potential applications in further fabricating nanotube electronic de

29、vices for sensors, catalysts, or spintronic molecular devices in solution. Hence the present results should provide useful information for the functionalization chemistry of SWNTs.2) 纳米结构材料(nano material)3) 液晶材料 (liquid crystals)b4) 光电高分子材料(photoconductive polymers) 5) 植物激素 (plant hormones) 6) 绿色化学(

30、green chemistry)练习四1.从学校图书馆的中国学术期刊网中检索下面其中一个主题,要求检索2篇相关文献?(1)具有光敏活性的可降解塑料的研制。(2)新型杂多化合物的合成及药物性能研究。(3)硫酸铈催化合成丙酸丁酯的研究。答:第一篇. 碳纳米管担载硫酸铈催化合成丙酸丁酯【作者】 ; ; ; ; ; 【摘要】 以多壁碳纳米管作载体担载硫酸铈催化合成丙酸丁酯。分别采用单因素和正交实验方法考察了醇酸摩尔比、硫酸铈质量分率和反应时间等主要因素对丙酸丁酯得率的影响,并确定了最佳工艺条件为:醇酸摩尔比:1、硫酸铈质量分率15%和反应时间70 min。在最佳工艺条件下,丙酸丁酯得率可高达%。与未担

31、载硫酸铈相比,碳纳米管担载硫酸铈具有催化活性高、催化剂用量少、重复使用率好和丙酸丁酯得率高等显著优点。更多还原【关键词】 ; ; ; ; ; 第二篇. 碳纳米管担载硫酸铈催化合成丙酸丁酯的研究【作者】 ; ; ; ; ; 【摘要】 采用多壁碳纳米管作载体担载硫酸铈催化合成内酸丁酯。分别采用单因素和正交实验方法考察了醇酸摩尔比、硫酸铈质量分率和反应时间等主要因素对丙酸转化率的影响,并确定了最佳工艺条件为:醇酸摩尔比:1、硫酸铈质量分率15%和反应时间70min。在最佳工艺条件下,内酸转化率可高达%。与未担载硫酸铈相比,碳纳米管担载硫酸铈具有催化活性高、用量少和丙酸转化率高等显著优点。【关键词】 ; ; ; ; ;(4)除草剂高效液相色谱分析方法研究。【文内图片】2.从学校图书馆的Springer数据库中检索下面其中一个主题,要求检索2篇相关文献?(1)纳米二氧化钛的制备(titanium dioxide, nano)(2)富勒烯研究进展(fullerenes,review)(3

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