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设备引进合同 中英文对照 修订版.docx

1、设备引进合同 中英文对照 修订版Contract for IntroductionOf plete Plant and Technology成套设备技术引进合同备注:该合同X本摘自宋雷法律英语翻译网,由Meredith Lee对该X本进行修订。如有增补勘误,不再另行通知。本X本仅供学术研究之用。特别注意:该合同的适用法律为美国加州公司法典而非中华人民XX国法律法规。This Agreement is entered into and made in duplicate on _(Date), in _(Place), between _Corporation (hereinafter call

2、ed Corporation), incorporated by the California Corporations Code and having its principal executive office in the city of _, USA, as PARTY OF THE FIRST PART and _Corporation, (hereinafter Called Purchaser) as PARTY OF THE SECOND PART.本协议由按美国加利福尼亚州公司法典组建,总部设在美国_地的_公司(以下称公司)为甲方与_公司(以下称为买方)为乙方于X年X月X日在

3、XX地缔结。WITNESS THAT:In consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained, it is agreed by and between Corporation and Purchaser as follows:鉴于公司和买方就本协议达成一致意见,特此订立以下条款:1DEFINITIONS第1 条释义For the purpose of this agreement, the following terms shall have the meanings defined below:本协议各

4、术语的释义如下:“Acceptance Test Manual”“验收手册”The Acceptance Test Manual shall be the document prepared by Corporation which will be used by Corporation and Purchaser for checking that the Equipment is in accordance with the Specifications and Approved Data.验收手册是指由公司提供,供方公司与买方检验设备是否符合技术规格和规定资料标准所用的一种文件。“Sys

5、tem Parts”“系统零件”System Parts are those, which are necessary to Corporation in the performance of this, Agreement and derived from Approved Data and shall include but not be limited to those parts which are manufactured by Corporations suppliers. Notwithstanding the foregoing mutually agreed simulate

6、d and modified equipment used in lieu of the foregoing shall be deemed to be System Parts.系统零件是指公司执行本协议所必需的按规定质料标准生产的零件。经双方同意,用以替代上述零件的仿制或改进设备也应视为系统零件。“Approved Data”“规定资料”Approved Data shall mean those drawings, data and other technical information which are relevant to the System, and which are ne

7、cessary to Corporation in the performance of this Agreement.规定资料是指与本系统相关的、公司执行本协议所必需的图纸、数据和其他技术资料。“Associated Items”“附属项目”Associated Items shall mean those associated items and services specified in Exhibit “C” which is attached hereto and made a part hereof.附属项目是指附件C表中规定的附属及服务项目,附件C表系本协议的一部分。“Defic

8、iencies or Detects”“缺陷或瑕疵”Deficiencies or Defects shall mean areas of the Equipment (configuration and performance) that fail to meet identified sections of the Acceptance Test Manual缺陷或瑕疵是指设备(结构或性能)不符合验收手册有关规定之处.“Effective Date”“生效日期”The Effective Date of this Agreement shall be the date on which C

9、orporation is authorized to proceed with the work hereunder to Purchasers account or the date on which the first payment is received by Corporation. The authorization to proceed referred to in the foregoing may be either a telex or letter from a duly authorized officer of Purchaser providing such au

10、thorization to proceed, or a copy of this Agreement duly signed by both parties. The said Effective Date shall be construed as the date of the mencement of work hereunder.本协议生效日期是指正式授权公司按买方要求进行工作或者公司收到首笔付款之日。上述授权书可为买方正式委任的官员所发之电报或信函,或是双方正式签署的本协议副本。上述生效日期即为本协议规定的开始工作之日。建议:生效日期为公司收到首笔付款之日。“Excusable D

11、elay”“可允许的迟延”Excusable Delay where the term is used in this Agreement shall mean those causes of delay specifically identified in article 7 hereof (Excusable Delay).本协议中使用的“可允许的延迟”一术语是指由本协议第7条(可谅解延迟)中明文规定的迟延原因。“Proprietary Software”“专有软件”Proprietary Software shall mean any program or other informati

12、on stored on taps, discs, documents or other material, in machine readable or other form, which is the property of Corporation.专有软件是指储存在磁带、磁盘、文件或其他材料(不论属于计算机直接处理或其他形式)中的为公司所专有的一切程序或资料。“Site Acceptance”“现场验收”Site Acceptance shall mean the final acceptance of the Equipment carried out by the Purchaser

13、 at Purchasers Facility in accordance with the Acceptance Test Manual.现场验收是指买方按照验收手册对设备所进行的最后验收。“Specification”“技术规格”Specification shall mean the document identified in Exhibit “A” hereto.技术规格是指本协议附表A.2.SUBJECT MATTER OF SALE第二条销售主体事项(a)Corporation shall sell to the Purchaser and the Purchaser shall

14、 purchase from Corporation the Equipment together with the Associated Items.公司愿意向买方出售,买方愿意向公司购买设备及其附属项目。(b) The Equipment and Associated Items shall be in accordance with this Agreement and the Specification.设备及其附属项目须符合本协议和技术规格的要求。(c) The Equipment shall have the capability to perform in accordance

15、with the performance standards expressed in _, to the extent that such standards are covered by the Specification and Approved Data and subject to the availability of all necessary drawings, data and other technical information.设备性能必须符合_所规定的性能,达到技术规格和规定资料的标准,遵循所有必要图纸、数据和其他技术资料的要求。(d) Corporation will prepare and submit to the Purchaser three draft copies of the Acceptance Test Manual not later than _. The schedule for review and approval of the Acceptance Test Manual is contained in Exhibit “B” hereto.公司应于_(日期)之前准备且提交给买方验收手册草案副本3份。审议和批准验收手册的日程载于本

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