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1、中考阅读五选五A new pet shop called Turtle Dove ope ned on First Street. It sold two kinds of an imals. 56 , Bill and Bob. They moved here from the n orther nCalifornia, where they owned an ant farm store. That store was so successful that they sold it after four years and got a lot of mon ey.They took it

2、easy for a few years. Traveli ng through the state. “ We visitedalmost every zoo in the country, 57 , and partly because we were lookingfor support for our n ext bus in ess, ” said Bill. They fin ally decidedly anddoves(白鸽). “They re easy to feed and care for, 58 . ” said Bob.The store will be ope n

3、 from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Wedn esdays through Saturdays. “ We thi nk those are hours that our customers will find very convenient. What s more, the three days off gives us a chance to go into the woods and find more little ani mals. 59 , we always try to collect themfrom the wild. That way our customer

4、s can save more mon ey. Of course, by removing these ani mals from the n ature, we protect them from being eate n by their n ature en emies. So our customers are happy, our ani mals are happy, _ 60_. It s a -win for all of us. ”A.and we re happyB.We n ever buy our ani malsC.The owners are two brothe

5、rsD.partly because we love ani malsE.and both animals live a long time 来源:学,科,网Kevin Pearce, snowboard athlete ( 运动员),has come a long way since his accide nt on December 31,2009. (56), whe n he fell a nd hurt his head.Luckily, he was wearing a helmet ( 头盔). (57). He stayed in hospital forfour mon th

6、s. He still can Remember several weeks of his life after the accide nt.Today, Pearce is still working hard to get his health back to 100%. (58). A year ago, he couldn t walk straight. Now, he can not only walk, but hecan also drive aga in.Pearce says he must tha nk his fans, his frie nds and especia

7、lly his family.His parents and elder brothers have been by his side since the accident. (59). He said he couldn t have got well so quickly without them.These days, Pearce is back on the snowboarding circuit (巡回比赛). (60). He is on the road aga in and it is a new begi nning for him.A.So far, he has ma

8、de a lot of progressB.His brother, Adam, left his job to care for him full-timeC.But his head was badly hurt and he couldn t see or moveD.On that day, Pearce was training for the 2010 Win ter OlympicsE.In stead of compet ing for medals, he s giving opinions on athletesDoctors in Germa ny have warned

9、 people that head banging could be bad for your health. (56). Dancers shake their heads from back to front,and from side to side, very quickly.Doctors say this could injure ( 伤害)the brain. (57). The man hadno history of head injuries but had been headbanging for many years. He bega n to have bad hea

10、daches after going to a heavy metal con cert. (58). They gave him a brain sca n ( 扫描)and found bleed ing in his brain. Heneeded an operation to repair it. Doctors made a hole in his brain to take out some blood. (59).rollDoctors say the risk of injury to the brain from headba nging is low and heavy

11、metal fans do not n eed to stop doing the dance completely. The head doctor, Ariya n Pirayesh, said: “ We are not aga inst headba nging. Rock nwill n ever die. (60). We just thi nk if our patie nt had gone to a classical(古典的)con cert, this would not have happe ned. ”A.Heavy metal fans should rock on

12、B.Two mon ths later, his headaches disappearedC.Doctors thought that might lead to his headachesD.They recently treated a 50-year-old heavy metal fanE.Headba nging is a dance that fans of heavy metal music like四The Same But Differe ntMaggie and Sarah are twin sisters. They were born just a few minut

13、es apart, and they look exactly alike. They both have blonde hair and gree n eyes. (56). Sometimes other students at school have a hard time telling them apart.Maggie and Sarah like going to the same school. This is because they are not just twin sisters, but best frie nds too. They have a lot in co

14、m mon. (57). Both girls spend a lot of time together with their family, and they both like to play with their dog, Callie. (58). Maggie likes to play sports. She is on a soccer team and a basketball team. Sarah doesn t really like sports. She likes to dance.There are other differe nces betwee n them

15、 too. (59). Maggie likesto read mystery books, but Sarah likes to read books about ani mals. Maggie gets better grades in reading and Spanish, but Sarah gets better grades in math and scie nee.Every one is differe nt in her or his own way. Maggie and Sarah like being differe nt from each other as mu

16、ch as they like being similar. (60).A.That is what makes them specialB.They are around the same height as wellC.But Maggie and Sarah are also very differe ntD.Maggie likes the color red, but Sarah likes the color gree nE.Both girls enjoy a lot of the same television shows, books, and food五Follow ing

17、 Their DreamsFlore nee lived in the coun tryside of Kenya (肯尼亚)in Africa. Whe n shewas 12, she wan ted no thi ng more tha n to finish school. But for many girls likeher, school is not a choice. (56). Families will probably spe nd moneyeducati ng boys. Many girls are forced to marry. (57). It was Bea

18、ds for Educati on, started by Lisa Steve ns, thathelped realize her dream. Beads has provided many girls with the besteducatio n possible. Flore nee was the first of 320 Kenyan girls in third grade. (58). During her visit, she heard that many wome n made and sold baskets. They used the money to send

19、 their daughters to school. Two years later, she started to help sell the Kenyan crafts ( 工艺品)in the U.S. In 1998, Steve ns bega n help ing girls continue their educati on. (59). In January, 2015, she opened the fourth one. “ Want to provide the girls with the best educati on possible and prepare th

20、em for college and bey ond. ” Steve ns said.The new high school is n amed Tembea, which means “ to walk ” . Flore neeis walki ng toward a bright future. (60). “ Flore nee is the first in her familyto finish high school and college. ” says Steve ns. “ She isoanaiexarmplein Kenyan. ”A.School costs mon

21、eyB.In 1991 Steve ns first visited KenyaC.After that, she helped build three schoolsD.She left college in 2010 and is now a teacherE.But Flore nee was able to con ti nue her schooli ngHigh school life can be terrible if you get it all wrong. Find out how to survive high school with a few easy tips.5

22、6. .High school is a fun time to make new frie nds and meet new people. Make friends with all kinds of people and not just a group which you are comfortable with. Socialize, but by judging who you can connect to. You will find friends, but stay away from the ones who don t want to be your friends.Be

23、 yourself.Do your own things, and don t just follow others. 57. . Just beyourself and create a stro ng self-image.Be positive (积极的).There is nothing better than having a smile on your face whenever you can. 58. . Just be brave eno ugh to meet new people or do someth ingyou ve n ever tried. Mean whil

24、e, respect your teach ers and classmates and try to be helpful if you want the same in retur n.Be con fide nt.When you believe in yourself, others will believe in you. 59. .And people respect you for that. Make sure you won t easily get in flue need byothers.Love high school.60. . Make the most out

25、of it, and you will never get thosemoments back. Come up with funny ideas, top your class, make the bestfrien ds, drink, go to parties, but just make as many memories as you can!A.Fall in love with itB.Find frie nds around youC.Practice positive thi nki ngD.Don t give in to anyone s、E.Con fide nee i

26、s a special gift in your lifewantsJust in time !“ Come on Sasha , ” my father shouted. clarinet (竖笛).We have to leave now if you donClarinet class? I thought to myself. 56 .class.Put the book dow n and get your t want to miss class. ”Yes, I would like to miss“ Comi ng! ” 57 rushed to the car.I got o

27、ut of the bed andpicked up my clarinet andMy dad started the engine and we drove off.Hope you have a won derfulclass, ” Dad said. “In my dreams, ” I spoke very quietly. “Not again.Dad saican grily.I looked out of the win dow. 58 “ Car traffic,I said un der my breathwith a big smile. This is my lucky

28、 day because I am going to miss class.While we were waiting for the cars to start driving again. I was sitting in my car seat,singing a song. 59 . What s important is that I wa s going to miss class.Great!10 minu tes passed, car started to move.I said excitedly. My dad looked at me an grily. TheFin

29、ally, my dad took a deep breath. We got there and I had only missed a fewminutes of class. 60 .Just in time, Sasha. I was thinking you might be getting worried that you were going to miss class, ” my teacher made a joke on knowing ell that Ihated Clari net class!A.Un happily, I went into the classro

30、omB.Oh, right, I had clari net classC.Any way, that s no pomta ntD.I shouted at the top of my voiceE.I saw what was happe ning outside八Bei ng Differe nt Is Great!Shay Mitchell is a Canadian actress and model. She is well-known for her role in Pretty Little Liars, one of the most popular American TV

31、series right now. (60). She told her pare nts hon estly that she would make efforts to achieve such a career ( 职业).After her hard work, she Ianded a leading role in Pretty Little Liars in 2010, which made her popular. (61). Eve n though Shay had found some success as a tee n model, her self-c on fid

32、e nee was low because she looked differe nt from everybody else.“I grewup in a mostly white neighborhood, ”hay explains. “MostDf myschoolmates had white skins with fair hair and blue eyes. So, in my high school, I was un acceptable. (62). ”At that time, Shay lost her con fide nce and felt very sad. It was a few words from her gran dmother that helped her find con fide nce

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