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1、雅思171926口语机经6月17、19、26、27日口语试题Part One:*Study(福州,深圳,悉尼,合肥,成都,长沙,天津,杭州,南昌,海南,哈尔滨,北京,西安)Are you a student or working?What do you do everyday?Which school are you studying in?Why do you choose the university?What is your major?What are the most interesting things in your major?Why do you choose this ma

2、jor?What do your parents think of this major?What do you want to do in the future?How to get the ideal job?Do you think it is difficult to find a job?How was your first day in school/university?Is the first day important?*Job(北京,深圳,上海)What do you do?Do you receive any training?Do you like your job?H

3、ow was your first day at work?How do you get the job?Do you think it is easy to deal with your job?If you change your job,how would you like to spend your first day?*Food and cooking (杭州,英国,深圳)What food did you like as a child?Do you still like it?What kind of food do you think children should eat?D

4、o you think its good to take children to restaurants sometime?Who cook most in your family?Did you cook when you were a child?Do you think you will cook more in the future?Why?*Learning a Language (深圳)What kind of language can you speak?Is English easy or difficult to learn?What language do you want

5、 to learn in the future?*Hometown(深圳,合肥,吉林,成都,海南,哈尔滨,西安,石家庄)Do you always live in your hometown?Do you live with your parents?Is your hometown suitable for children to grow up?Are there any attractions to recommend in your hometown?第二某些卡片提前Do your parents usually live in your hometown?What things ne

6、ed to be improved in your hometown?*Neighbour (成都,北京)Can to say something about your neighbour?第二某些卡片提前What kind of people do you like to live with?How often do you meet your neighbour?How to get along well with neighbours?*House/ flat/ apartment (北京)Do you live in a house or a flat?What kinds of th

7、ings do you have in your house?How is the environment there?Are there any conflicts between neighbours?*Weather and season (北京,合肥,南昌,成都,上海,石家庄)What kind of weather do you like?How is the weather in your hometown?Are the seasons distinct in your hometown?What do you usually do in different seasons?Ho

8、w is the weather in China?How can the weather affect you?What are the changes of weather during these years?Do you want to stay in a city with the same season?*Time (长春,北京)Do you like wearing watches?What do you think of time?Do you think that time moves fast or slowly?Do you like being late?*Collec

9、tion (成都)What did you collect when you were a child?What do you collect now?Clothes and fashion (天津,上海,长沙)三月份题What kind of clothes do you like?Where do you usually buy clothes?Do you have different wearing style when you go to the workplace?What do you think of fashion?Do you think you are fashionab

10、le?*Travelling(长春,北京)Where have you travelled to?What kind of places do you want to travel to?Cell phone (武汉,深圳,沈阳) How often do you use your cell phone?When did you start using your mobile phone?Is there anything you dislike about using cell phones?*Newspaper and magazine (北京)Do you like reading ne

11、wspaper or magazines?What kinds of magazines do you like?What can you learn from it?What kinds of foreign newspapers have you read?Are foreign newspapers useful for people to learn English?*Sports (杭州,福州)Are you interested in sports?Why?What benefits can sports bring to us?Do you think we should enc

12、ourage children to have sports in school?Do most people in your country like sports?What sports do you play in school?Colour (成都,北京)What is your favourite colour?Why?Do you have many clothes with this colour?Do you often wear the colour you like?What colour would you like with your room?What is your

13、 future house like?What kind of colour is will be?Animal (北京,天津)Do you like animals?What kind of animals do you like?Have you ever raised animals?What kind of environment is suitable for raising animals?Do you think that there are many people who like animals?Do you think Chinese people like animals

14、?*Reading(成都,长春)Do you think books are important for children?*Noise (深圳,北京)What kind of noise that you cant bear?What sound from nature do you like?*Movies (西安,青岛)What kind of movies do you like?Why?What kind of movies do you dislike?Why?Do you like watching movies at home or in the cinema?*Flower

15、(青岛,福州)Do you like flowers?Why?Do people like to plant flowers at home?Part Two and Three:*A famous host / presenter (厦门,深圳,重庆,沈阳) Describe a TV /radio presenter that you likeYou should sayWho is he/ sheWhat quality do the presenter haveWhen did you start to like him/ herAnd explain the reason why y

16、ou think the presenter is goodWhat personality and skills should a presenter have?A language teacher (沈阳) 三月份题*Someone you used to live with(厦门,太原,北京,上海,武汉,天津,西安)Describe a person you lived with You should sayWho he/she isWhat you do together For how long you have been living together How well you g

17、et long with him/herAnd explain the reason why you like spending time with him/herHow to get along with others?How can you show your care for others?Do you like to live alone or with others?What are the advantages of living alone?What are the advantages for young and old people to live together?Is i

18、t very common?Do you think there will be more and more people who will live alone?A young person you admire (太原,天津,上海) a famous person you admire变种卡*A famous person who is not from your country/ A foreign celebrity (英国,太原,武汉,天津,西安,北京,重庆)Describe a famous person you admire who is not from your countr

19、yYou should sayWho he/she isHow you know him/herWhy he is so famous And explain the reason why you admire him/herHow to become a famous person?What are the advantages and disadvantages of being famous?What is the influence brought by famous people on young people?Why do you think people want to be f

20、amous?Does it bring any disadvantages to the country if there are many famous people?Do you think famous people can influence general public?How?Do you think a country needs internationally famous persons to represent the whole nation?Why do many enterprises chose celebrities for their advertising?W

21、hat do these international celebrities will do for their country?How to continue to be famous?Do you think the trend of these celebrities will go down?Why?*An old person(深圳,广州,沈阳)Describe an old person you knowYou should say Who he/she is When you got to know him/her Where you met him/her What you k

22、now about him/her What impressed you most about him/ her How you felt about him/herWhat role do old people play in the family?What are the differences between children now and 20years ago?Are old people important?Is it easy for elderly to find a job?Some employers will choose to use elderly for spec

23、ial jobs,why?Has the relationship between old people and family members changed?Should old people retire early?What advantages do old people have at work?Should old people go back to workplace?How to solve the problem of aging population?A foreign star you like (长春) a famous person you admire变种卡*An

24、artist(西安,武汉,沈阳) Describe a well-know artist you admire but not from your country (singer,actor,painter,etc) You should sayWho he/she isWhat he/she is famous forHow you got to know him/herAnd explain the reason why you admire him/herWhen do the children have more contact with art?Does every student

25、in school have to learn art and literature?What changes do you have when you studied art and literature in university?Can the university students learn arts?Should there be literature courses in university?What are the advantages and disadvantages of it?Should children under the age of 10 learn arts

26、?*A family your like (长春,上海)A person you like/ you are familiar with (天津,上海) a famous person you admire变种卡Describe a person you like. You should say Who he/ she is What he/ she does How you got to know him/ her What you like him/ herAre old people difficult to get along when they become old?Do young

27、 people leave their parents and live by themselves?Why?A person you are willing to help/you helped(天津,北京)neighbour变种卡*A TV program you watched but did not enjoy (悉尼,太原,长春,武汉,西安,合肥,成都,上海,北京)Describe a TV program you dislike You should sayWhat it isWhat it is aboutHow often you watch itAnd explain the

28、 reason why you dont like itWhat kinds of TV programs have changed a lot?Do adult and young people like the same kind of TV?Do you think that nowadays quality of TV programs has dropped?Do you think nowadays TV artists are getting a fair pay?Do you think TV programs influence people?What should the

29、government do to improve quality of TV programs?Do you think that TV will be more popular in the future?*TV program you like best (厦门,武汉,海南,哈尔滨) Describe a TV /radio presenter that you likeYou should sayWho is he/ sheWhat quality do the presenter haveWhen did you start to like him/herAnd explain the

30、 reason why you think the presenter is goodDo you often watch TV?五分问题What kind of TV program is the most popular in China?Why?What are the differences between TV and other media like radio and internet?Will TV be replaced by other means of media?Should children watch more TV?Are there many children

31、TV programs in China?Do you think TV programs can be educational?Do you think there should be more educational programs on TV?What qualities should famous stars have?Does China have many stars of this kind?Which is better,TV or the Internet?Can TV still serve as an educational tool?Why?A TV series you used to like but do not enjoy now (武汉) 新题An electrical equipment (厦门,武汉,西安,合肥,北京,上海)Describe a household equipment except computer. You should say What it is How often you use it How you like

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