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1、六年级下英语天天练Day:_ Date:_按实际情况回答问题。 do you go to school every day?_ you happy this Spring Festival?_ did you do this winter holiday?_s the date today?_ you like the city life or the country life?_Day:_ Date:_按照例子,写出下列动词的正确形式Model: do does doing did1. come _ _ _2. brush _ _ _3. ride _ _ _4. drink _ _ _5.

2、 feel _ _ _6. read _ _ _7. think _ _ _8. run _ _ _9. swim _ _ _10. see _ _ _Day:_ Date:_用动词的正确形式填空1. I _ (feel) ill this morning, maybe I _ (eat) some bad food.2. Long long ago, there _ (be) a farmer who _ (work) on the field.3. He often _ (help) his mum _ (cook) the meal.4. Marry _ (be) short when

3、she _ (be) four years old, but she _ (be) tall now.5. Lets _ (go) to the childrens Park tomorrow.Day:_ Date:_问答配对( ) 1. Whats the weather like today?( ) 2. When is Childrens Day?( ) 3. Do you like the sport?( ) 4. How many animals are there on the farm?( ) 5. Where did you go last summer holiday?A.

4、There are five goats and two sheep.B. Yes, I do.C. Its on June 1st.D. I went to Hainan with my parents.E. Its cloudy and windy.Day:_ Date:_用动词的正确形式补全短文 Once upon a time, a farmer _ (be) working in the field. Suddenly a hare _ (run) very fast and crashed into a tree. It _ (fall) to the ground and die

5、d. The farmer _(be) very happy. He _ (pick) up the hare and _ (take) it back home. He _ (cook) it and _ (have) a delicious meal.Day:_ Date:_画出句子的错误并在句后的横线上改错。1. Mary likes read story books. _2. Janet usually come to school in a hurry. _3. The hare shouldnt takes a rest during the race. _ 4. If Jiami

6、n wants to do something well, he should careful and patient. _5. Slow and steady win the race. _Day:_ Date:_选择方框内的词语填空。1. Dont be _. There is no free lunch served in the world.2. The boy was so _ that he lost the race in the end.3. My mother was too _ when she was cutting. So she had a broken finger

7、.4. You must be _ when you cross the road.5. My teacher is a very kind and _ woman, she teaches us carefullyDay:_ Date:_阅读故事,回答下列问题。Mr. Wang thinks he isclever, but he always doesfoolishthings.One day he sees a beautifulbellat the top of a door. “Oh! How nice! I will take it home.” He thinks, “What

8、can I do?” After a while he has a “good” idea. “Aha! I have an idea now. I canplugmy ears. Then I will not hear theringwhen I take off the bell.”Then he does so. But as soon as he takes off the bell, theowneropens the door. “What are you doing?” the owner says angrily.1. What is the Chinese title fo

9、r the story?_2. Is Mr. Wang a very clever man?_3. Does Mr. Wang want to steal(偷窃) the bell?_ 4. How does Mr. Wang steal the ball?_5. What do you think of ?_Day:_ Date:_中译英,写出下列短语。1. 匆忙 _2. 提一个很重的包 _3. 讲电话 _4. 去钓鱼 _5. 赢得比赛 _6. 别伤心 _7. 努力工作/学习 _8. 小心点 _Day:_ Date:_用动词的正确形式填空。1. We _ (not have) a race

10、last week. We _ (have) one next Sunday.2. Tomorrow morning my other and I _ (visit) a farm. The bus _ early. So we must _ (be) in a hurry.3. I _ (read) a book when I _ (be) little. It is about a snake and a farmer.Day:_ Date:_选择方框的内容填空,并按要求造句。1. If you want to do something well, you should _2. If yo

11、u want to speak good English, you should _3. If you want to be healthy, you should _4. If you want to win the running race, you should _5. If you want to _, you should _ Day:_ Date:_中译英1.在田地里工作 _2.撞到一棵树 _3.带它回家 _4.一整天 _5.从那以后 _6.停止工作 _7.捡起一只野兔 _8.等待一班火车 _9.吃一餐美味的饭_10.跑掉 _Day:_ Date:_短文排序。( )They thi

12、nk out an idea anddecideto have amatch-Draw a snake. If youfinishfirst, you can get it.( )At the time, Mr.Gorillaalso finishes. He takes away the pot of wine and says, “That isnt a snake. Snakes have no feet. So, I get the wine.”( )One day, Mr. Lionholdsaparty. Many animals come and drink a lot ofwi

13、ne(酒). At last there is apotof wine. Who can drink it? ( )Soon Mr. Wolf finishes drawing. “Yeah, Ive finished. Im ,” he says. But he draws again and says, “Oh, let me add feet and my snake.” Day:_ Date:_用所给的动词正确形式填空。Kitty, the little cat, _ (like) eating fish. She often _ (go) fishing. The old bear

14、_ (love) eating fish too. Yesterday morning, Kitty _ (catch) a lot of fish. Then the old bear _ (come)and _ (talk) with Kitty. Your friends are_(play) in my garden. They are _ (have)fun. They are going to _(have) a picnic on my farm. Go and play with them. I _ look after your fish and help you catch

15、 more fish here.Kitty _(is) happy. She _ (leave) for the garden and _(look) for her friends. But when Kitty _ (leave), the old bear _(eat) all the fish up.Day:_ Date:_根据首字母提示补全句子。1. Can you g_ the animals name?2. Its very d_ for me to speak Japanese well.3. The starfish lives in the o_ and it l_ lik

16、e a star.4. Its my t_ to tell a story.5. The lion is also c_ the “King of the Animals”.Day:_ Date:_中译英1. 跳的远 _2. 强壮的后腿 _3. 轮到我 _4. 你来尝试 _5. 砍伐森林 _6. 用动物制成 _7. 拯救动物 _8. 停止污染地球 _9. 动物之王 _10.看起来像 _Day:_ Date:_根据首字母提示补全句子。1. We can s_ the animals in danger.2. If we dont protect the animals, they may all

17、 d_ forever.3. We only have one e_, so please love it and protect it.4. A giraffe is yellow, brown and black, it has a very long n_. have long noses, big ears and live in A_ and A_.Day:_ Date:_根据提示词,完成动物描写。, black and white, lives in China, eats bambooA panda has _ hair and it _. It likes eating _.2

18、. giraffe, yellow, brown and black, very long neck, from Africa, eat leaves A giraffe is _ in colour. It has a _and its _. It loves _.3. tiger, large cat, eat meat, yellow, live in AsiaA _ is a _. It loves _. Its _ and _.Day:_ Date:_用动词的正确形式填空。1. My father loves _(swim) very much.2. Kangaroos _ (be)

19、 from Australia.3. Dolphins dont _ (live) in forest.4. The tiger _ (look) like a large cat.5. - Does the hare _ (run) very fast?- Yes, he does.6. We _ (visit) the zoo next Sunday.Day:_ Date:_选择填空。( )1. Monkeys dont _ in the sea.A. lives B. live C. living( )2. If people pollute the river, the animals

20、 in water _ die.A. may B. are C. be( )3. Mike, Ben and _ other boys are all playing football on the playground.A. more B. many C. plenty( )4. If you love the earth, please do _ to clean it.A. anything B. nothing C. something( )5 Pandas _ China.A. lives B. live on C. live inDay:_ Date:_按照实际情况回答问题。1.

21、What does a starfish look like?_2. Are there many animals in danger now?_3. What can we do to help the animals?_4. Where do kangaroos come from?_5. Why are many animals homes disappearing?_6. Are you going to play football next Sunday?_Day:_ Date:_选择填空。( )1. Im reading some books _ animals.A. in B.

22、of C. about( )2. Dont _ the rabbit your banana.A. gives B. give C. giving( )3. Guangzhou is also _ the “City of Flowers”.A. called B. call C. calls( )4. -Where _ they from? -China.A. are B. do C. can( )5. Some animals are now _ danger.A. on B. at C. in( )6. The wine(葡萄酒) is _ from the grapes.A. make B. made C. makingDay:_ Date:_读故事,回答问题。Mr. Dongguo was walking on the road. Suddenly, a wolf ran very fast to him and said, “ A hunter(猎人) wants to kill me. Would you please help me and hide(藏) me in your

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