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1、管理英语3期末试题及答案答案2套国家开放大学管理英语3期末试题1 (附答案)专业:行政管理(本科)总分IOO分,考试时间90分钟一、单选题(每小题2分,共40分)1.- SOny I made a mistake again- PraCtiCe more and you,ll SUCCeed(2 分)A.NeW mind.B.Certainly not.C.Don,t mention it.2. In What fbm Will you take the investment?- (2 分)A.Yes, We WillB.Well COntnbUte a Site and the IeqUiI

2、ed premises.C.Well give investment.3.- HOW did you IniSS your ,ain?- (2 分)A.Ne,er mindB.WIlafS your proposal?C.Well, I WaS CaUght in the traffic jam4.m IeaViIlg for SllallglIai tomoow.- (2 分)A.See you IateEB.HaVe a PIeaSant trip!C.Lefs go OUt for a drink.5.-HUny up! If the fire SPreadS to the stairs

3、, it COUld block OUr Way out!- TIIiS is no time for talking. (2 分)A.Let,s run.B.Wed better call 911.C.Youre right!6.Abus drier the Safety OfhiS passengers. (2 分) responsible responsible responsible to7.I took it for that you WOUldn,t COme Ilere again(2 分)A.g,andB.gantC.ganted8.My

4、friend invited me the art club, and I accepted it With PIeaSIu,e(2 分) join9.- father took Part in the Charity activity Hl the IleighbOrhOOd yesterday?-Peters (2 分)A.WhOSeB.WIlOC.WIliCII10.1am your early coming. (2 分)A.IOOking fbnrard toB looking fbrvvardC. IOOk forward to11.Undei

5、no CiICUmStanCe to tell IieS to parents. (2 分)A.CIUldren are allowedB.are Children allowedC.vill CiliIden allow12.If you need Ruther infbnation, PleaSe OUr OffiCe(2 分)A.COnStantB.ConStnlCtC.COntaCt13.Can you tell me IIOW to the railway station, please? (2 分) getC.got14.I a book When the

6、 telephone (2 分)A.WaS Ieadmg.rangB.rea. rangC.WaS reading. WaS Imging15.1tore OPen the box,Ollly that SOme PaPerS Were missing.(2 分) discoverB.discoveringC.discovered16.Iii Beijing, the best SeaSOn in a year is PrObabIy aunm(2 分)A.IateB.IaterC.Iatter17.Our IleW SChOOl building is COlIStnICtion.

7、(2 分)A.underB.iC.having18.Lefs discuss these PrOblemS at the meeting, ?(2 分) veB.Shall WeC.Will you19.1WaS tying to get bus Whell I hea,d a VOiCe from behind(2 分)A.CrOWdB.CrOWdingC.CrOWded20. ThiS is the mail IaSt night. (2 分)A.WhOm I SaW himB.WhOm I SaWC.WIlO I SaW him二、理解题(每小题4分,共40分)21阅读理解(判断

8、题):根据短文内容判断给出的语句是否正确,正确的选“T”, 错误的选“F”。(20分)Tlle road SyStem in Beijing,s Central business district (CBD) is being re-desiged to make PUbIiC transportation easy and improve efficiency.PIanS for 45 IOadS Withnl the CBD have been approved、measuring 41.5 kilometers ill total. Iii addition to PUbliC buse

9、s, free Or IOW PnCe SllUttIe buses from IeSidenCe areas to SUbWay StatiOnS Will also be PrOVided for COnImUterSTlliS is just OVer four times the number Of roads OPened i 2007, and Will add anotherl5.5kn to the existing IOad IIetWOrk BeSideS roads, an IIndergIOIInd traffic SyStem IIaS also been OPeIa

10、tig, vhich includes four IleW SUbWay IilleS beneath the CBD.Tlle UnCiergIOUlld COmleCtiOn SyStem is made IlP Of two IeVelS Tlle first IlndergrOUnd floor is Set aside mainly for PedeStnallS and COnIInerCial facilities, WhiIe the SeCOnd UndergrOUnd floor is Plalmed for ParkingTlle City has also invest

11、ed 140 million yuan to Set UP a traffic inquiiy system, tluough WIliCh the PUbliC CaIl ClleCk traffic COIlditiOnS Onlille and See the most conement routes on their GPS SyStem Iii the Rre, the CBD Will be ftlly COVeWCl by an intelligent traffic COntrOl SyStem21.1Tlle road SyStem in BeijmgrS Central b

12、usiness district (CBD) is being designed again. (4 分)A.TB.F21.2COnIInUterS Can Only take PUbliC buses from residence a,eas to SUbWay StatiOns. (4分)A.TB.F21.3The re-designed IOad Will be 15.5 kilomete*s long. (4 分)A.TB.F21.4The UndergIOUnd traffic SyStem IlaS fbu, IIeW SllbWay IineS beneath the CBD.

13、(4 分)A.TB.F21.5BOth IeVelS Of the UnClerglollnd COlIlleCtiOn SyStem are Plalined for paiking. (4 分)A.TB.F22.理解题阅读理解:阅读下列短文,从A、B、C三个选项中选岀一个正确答案。On Chiistmas EVe - the Iligilt before ClmStmaS Day - ChildIe all OVer Bntain PUt a StOCking at the end Of their beds before they go to SIeeP Their ParentS US

14、UalIy tell them that Father ClmStmaS Will COme dug the night.Father ChriStmaS is VeIy kind and hearted He gets to the top Of each IlOUSe and CIimbS down the ChmllIey into the fireplace H己 fills each Of the StOCkmgS WitIl CImStmaS PreSentS Of course, Father ChriStmaS isn,t WaL In JiIn and Kates house

15、, nFather CImStmaSH is really M,. GIeen Mr. G,een doesn,t CIHnb down the CIUnIley. He WaitS Ulltil the ClliId,en are asleep Then Ile quietly goes into their bedooms and fills their StOCkillgS With Small presents. Wien they Were 己Vury young, Mr. Green SOlnetilne WOre a Ied coat. BUt he doesnt do that

16、 now. The ChildI,en are no IOnger young, and they know WIlO HFather ClmStmaS Ieally is. BUt they Still PUt their StOCkingS at the end Of their beds.22.1CImStmaS eve is (4 分)A.the night Of Chiistmas DayB.the evening Of ChIdStmaS dayC.the night before ClIllStmaS day22.2Father Chidstmas Often PUtS PreS

17、entS (4 分)A.into ChildI,es hatsB.Under ChildrenrS bedsC.into ChildIe,s StOCkillgS22.3Whell the ChiIdIe Were Very young, (4 分)A.they knew that Fatiler ClmStmaS WaSnrt realB.they didn,t know WhO FatIIer Chiistmas WaSC.they thought their father WaS Father ClmStmaS22.4When the ChiIdl,e are Olde they (4

18、分)A.know that Father Chiistmas is really their fatherB.ask thei, mother to fill thei, StOCkingS WitIl PreSentSC.know that Father Chiistmas is really their fiiend22.5Father Cl,istmas COmeS into the house tlu,ough the ( 4 分)A.WindOWB.back doorC.CIIinmey3.作文(共20分)题Ll略试卷答案(1)I-IOABCBC BCCAA 11-20 BCBAAA

19、ABCB21:1-5 TFFTF22:1-5 CCBAC23参考范文TIliS is my timetable I StUdy at No.3 MiddIe SChOOl from MOnday to Friday. I get UP at 6:30 a.m. I have breakfast at 7:00 and then I go to SChOOL I don,t Iike to be late. Our ClaSSeS begin at 8:30 a.m. We have four CIaSSeS ill the momg. I Often have IUllCIl at SChOO

20、l With my classmates.Iii the afteoon5 We have two CIaSSeS CIaSSeS are OVer at 3:40, and I get IlOme at 4:00. BUt SOmetimeS I don,t IeaVe SChOOl SO early because I Play basketball in the PlaygrOUnd Then I go IlOme at 5:00. I have SUPPer at about 6:00. After SUPPer I do my IlOmeWOrk I ofn WatCIl T but

21、 SOmetHneS I Iike to do SOme reading and the StOly books a,e Very interesting. I USUalIy go to bed at about 10:00 p.m.国家开放大学管理英语3期末试题2 (附答案)专业:行政管理(本科)总分IOO分,考试时间90分钟1 WOUld you Iike SOme more beer?- , PIeaSe.(2 分)A.NO moreB.JUSt a had enough2. A,e you going On holiday for a IOng time?- (

22、2 分)A.It WaS a IOng timeB.TVVO WeekS ago.C.No. Ollly a COUPIe Of days.3.- Sony, I made a mistake again- PraCtiCe more and you,ll SUCCeedA.Ne,er mindB.Certainly not.C.Don,t mention it.4.- HOW did you iss your train?- (2 分)A.NeW mind.B.WIIafS your proposal?C.Well, I WaS CaUght in the traffic jam5. m d

23、og tired. I Calrt WaIk any ftirther, Tommy.- Jmmy YbU Can do it.A.NO PrObIemB.COme onC.NO IlIUTy6.Under no CirCUnIStanCe to tell IieS to parents.A.CIlildren are allowedB.are ChiIdlell allowedC.Will ChiIdlell allow7.Lefs go the IePOrtS On the IateSt work. (2 分)A.OWB.WithC.to8.You Can go out, rou PrOn

24、iiSe to be back before 12 o,clock(2 分)A.SO far far IOng as9.1don,t think anyone Can accuse IIim IlOt being IlOneSt(2 分)A.OfB.WithC.about10. ThiS is the man IaSt Ilight(2 分)A WhOm I SaW himB.WhOm I SaWC.WhO I SaW him11 He gave UP his stdy in COlIege in (2 分)A.bundleB.despairC.ash12.The

25、macliine this moing for no IeaSOn. (2 分)A.broke OffB.broke downC.broke UP13.Can you tell me how to the railway station, please? (2 分) getC.got14.1 a book WheIl the telephone (2 分)A.WaS rangC.WaS reading. WaS ringing15. Our IleW SChOOl building is COnStnICtiOn(2 分)A.un

26、derB.inC.having16.1am your early coming. (2 分)A IOOking fbnvard toB looking fbwardC.IOOk fbnvard to17.? (2 分)Bnng me a glass Ofbee;A.SIlall IB.dont youC.Will you18.ThiS is the book I have IeanIed a lot. (2 分) WllOmC.from WhiCh19.TIle PrOdUCtS Of tlis COmPany are always to standard, the

27、y have VeIy StriCtquality COntrOl PrOCeSS(2 分)A.CIOSeB.downC.UP20.We have SPellt all Of OUr SPare time, , OUr SPare money, On the project. (2分) SOOn IOng Well as21.理解题阅读理解:阅读下列短文,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个正确答案。 (20 分)TO minimize traffic jams in the City Cellter and On major roads OUt Of Sydne

28、y, the City,s highway department Will not ag,ee to road ClOSUreS SCIledUIed for WeekdayS or Saturdays On minor roads OUtSide the City Cellte; WeekdayS and SatllrdayS may be COnSidered YOU must apply for approval to do IOadWOrk and Other road-related activities, tree CUttmg and USe Of vury Iarge COll

29、StnlCtiOn machinery, IadderS etc.PleaSe IIOte that approval is needed if you PIan to block the IOad Or footpathAPPIiCatiOIlS to hav己 a road ClOSed to traffic must be COmPIeted and Sent to the Depaitmenfs TraffiC Calniing COninIittee at IeaSt a month before the SClledUIed date.ROadS Can be ClOSed Par

30、tially Or flly, ClePending On your requirements Partial IOacl ClOSlU,es are Only allowed in Iight traffic areas Where there Will be at IeaSt 1 Iane for traffic WitIl extra ,affic COllh,ol measures to make SUre 2-way traffic CalI COntinUe to run for the duration Of the WOrIG AIly Cllange Of traffic flow Wiil requi,e the PrOPOSal to be treated as a fll road ClOSUre FOr futher Uifbnnation about a partial IOaCl closure, PIeaSe refer to Contacts.If you are OrganiZilIg a parade, march Or Other type Of Street-based event, approval is also IeqUired and We IeCOnIlnend you ChOOSe One Of OUr 4 PrefeITed

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