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1、四川大学英语考试真题卷2022四川大学英语考试真题卷本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。 一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.生产工艺技术比选需要对比的经济指标包括_。 A占地面积、定员 B产品收率、产品质量 C单位产品投资、成本 D国内外新技术和新成果 2.At the sight of the police officer, the thief _. Agot to his feet Btook to his heels Crose to his feet Ddragged his heels 3.I thin

2、k this kind of cloth can _ silk. Apass over Bpass out Cpass by Dpass for 4.It was said that some slaves were huffed _ in the funeral. Alive Balive Cliving Dlively 5.Mr. Green has recently been _ of the company. Aappointed to president Bappointed president Cappointed a president Dappointed the presid

3、ent 6.Unlike science, progress in technology must be measured in terms of the human factor. Technology must be our slave and _. Anot the reverse Bnot the version Cnot the same Dnot the prejudice 7.It will be hard for anyone to replace Mr. Ned, who is the _ of the company. Amental Bcomprehension Cbra

4、in Dattendance 8.The bad weather will _ our plans by three weeks. Adestroy Bpull back Cspoil DSet back. 9.Everyone knows that the earth is spherical, _ Adoesnt he Bdoesnt she Cdoesnt it Ddont they 10.He was promoted to the higher position because he was _ at interpersonal skills. Aoutstanding Bexper

5、ienced Cproficient Dexcellent 11._ his proper timely dieting, he would have gained more weight. AUnless BBut for CExcept for DNot for 12.It has been rainy heavily these days. It is not _ of a day for a walk after supper. Amuch Bso much Ctoo much Das much 13.You should be aware of his _ question when

6、 interviewed tomorrow. Aloaded Bfilled Chidden Dburdened 14.You wont get there on time _ you set off right now by air. Aunless Beven Cin case Dother than 15.There being no cause for alarm, you _ in such a panic yesterday. Aneed not act Bdid not need to act Cneed not have acted Ddid not need to have

7、acted 16.I bought this computer for $500 last week. Its on sale this week for only $400. You should have waited. Oh, really But how _ I know Acan Bwill Cdo Dwould 17.So seriously _ in the train accident that he has lost his memory of anything. Ahe is injured Binjures him Cdoes he injured Dis he inju

8、red 18.In order to ensure the success of the expedition, the team leader thought it necessary to _ the most of the opportunities at hand. Agrasp Bcatch Cmake Dobtain 19.Some people want greater freedom within the region _ by many other ethnic groups. Aenjoyed Benjoying Cas enjoyed Dto be enjoyed 20.

9、If you want to lose weight, you should not take such food _ really necessary. Aas is Bas it is Cas it was Das was 21.Tom _ in the paper as scheduled, but he was seriously injured two days ago. Awas to hand Bwas to have handed Cis to have handed Dought to hand 22.Catholicism is an integral and _ infl

10、uence on Irish national life and culture. Apersistent Bpersuasive Cpervasive Dperceptive 23.The electronic games would not have _ without being ingeniously programmed. Ataken to Bcaught on Cfitted in Dset about 24.The Pacific Northwest is _ with a mild maritime climate like that of Britain. Aequippe

11、d Bassociated Cfavored Dfilled 25._ the necessity of more case for the child, he would have grown up the somebody. AIf his parents realized BAs his parents had realized CHad his parents realized DHis parents had realized 26._ badly he had slept; he was always up early. ANo matter BWhenever CHowever

12、DEven when 27.Jack can never get high marks in his maths exam, because he tends to regard his mistakes as _. Aneglected Bneglectful Cnegligible Dnegligent 28.He was not allowed to leave without his parents permission, _ insufficiently protected from some danger. Aconsidering Bbeing considered Chavin

13、g considered Dand considered 29.The madness exhibited during the Christmas was _ of the over commercialization of a sawed holiday. Apositive Brevealing Cevident Dindicative 30.All the people in the office laugh at his _ habit of feeding himself on the left over for lunch. Aeconomic Bdisgusted Cmiser

14、ly Dmiserable 31.The minister of foreign affairs made a statement _ he has excluded the possibility of being involved in the Gulf conflicts. Awhich Bwhether Cwhat Dwhere 32.He deserves _ for what be has done in face of crisis. Ato praise Bpraising Cbeing praised Dhaving praised 33.Youd better not ta

15、ke his remarks too seriously, which apparently were _. Asimultaneous Bsubstantial Csporadic Dspontaneous 34.In order to solve the traffic problem, tile municipal government intends to improve the situation with various _ of transportation. Aways Bmeans Cplans Dschemes 35.Which of the following state

16、ments is true, according to the author of this passage AOlder people can also benefit from vitamin E in non-staples. BThe regular Vitamin E intake is effective to all file elderly people. CAll the elderly people can only benefit from Vitamin E in food. DOnly some elderly people will benefit from Vit

17、amin E in food. 36.Vitamin E is Avery popular among some people. Beffective in memory enhancement. Cvery helpful to the elderly actions. Ddestructive in aging and cancers. 37.When researchers conducted a three-year study involving nearly 3,000 people older than 65, what should these people do first

18、AThey should fill up a dietary form regularly. BThey should enable the researchers to evaluate. CThey should compare different effects of Vitamin E DThey should take a regular diet as advised. 38.According to the writer, women in old age are most likely to enjoy an increase in status in one of the f

19、ollowing societies: AJapanese society. BChinese society. CAmerican society. DBritish society. 39.Which of the following does contribute to the idea of ageism ADeath is regarded as a natural part of the life cycle. BThe old individuals are not seen as productive in their societies. CModernization has

20、 decreased a continuous process of life and death. DOlder adults receive more respect for their wisdom and experience. 40.What does the author mean by cross-cultural phenomenon concerning peoples attitudes toward ageism AThere is a wide variation. BThere is a great decease. CThere is an important fi

21、nding. DThere is an interesting contrast. 41.Which of the following is true according to the author AThe more civilized society is more likely to respect the aged people. BAttitudes toward the elderly are most favorable in modern societies. CThe increased modernization causes abandonment and depriva

22、tion. DPerceptions of old age are associated with the progress of society. 42.Which are the reasons for not going to college, when you do not know anything about your future career AOne and Three. BTwo and Five. CThree and Four. DFive and Seven. 43.When you are considering colleges, you usually have

23、 already studied for A8 years. B10 years. C9 years. D12 years. 44.Which is the reason involved in financial matters that prevent people from going to college AFour. BOne. CThree. DTwo. 45.In explaining which following reason, does the author seem to assert that your high school studies have already

24、prepared you for college education AFive. BSix. CSeven. DFour. 46.Which of the following statements is true, according to the passage AThe discovery of coffee is closely related with the long religious service of the Muslims. BThe stimulating effect of coffee was not taken advantage of till very lat

25、er by the Muslims. CKaldi, a goat herder, was severely punished for his accidental discovery of coffee. DEven if coffee was once prohibited, coffee drinking was popular among Arabian Muslims. 47.According to this author, the name of Coffee seems to come from Athe name of a province. Bthe name of a p

26、lant. Cthe name of the finder. Dthe Arabic word gahwah. 48.Coffee was believed to Ahave a magic power for eye diseases. Bhave a religious influence among Muslims. Chave intoxicated most political people. Dhave gained its fame first in London. 49.This passage can be most likely to be entitled AThe Bi

27、rthplace of Coffee. BThe Effect of Coffee. CThe History of Coffee. DThe Popularity of Coffee. 50.What does the author say about the Australian native people AAustralian people are ordinary. BIt is a nation of difference and unity. CThey are part of Australias identity. DThe Aboriginals are rich and resilient.

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