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商务谈判成功的要素英语论文 1.docx

1、商务谈判成功的要素英语论文 1中州大学外国语学院学生毕业论文Title/论文题目: Successful factors in business negotiation Name / 姓 名: Number / 学 号: Major / 专 业: 商务英语 Grade/年级班级: 2012级(1)班 Tutor/指导教师: Date / 日 期: 2014年11月3日 中州大学外国语学院毕业论文任务书Title/论文题目: Successful factors in business negotiation Name / 姓名 Number / 学 号: 2 Major / 专 业: 商务英语

2、 Grade/年级班级:2012级(1)班 Tutor/指导教师: Date / 日 期: 2014年11月3日 一、论文主要要求:学生根据自己所学专业,按学院所提供各专业论文参考选题确定题目,也可自选题目,自选题目必须报指导教师,征得同意后方可开题。学生不得跨专业选题。1. 用英文写作,3000词以上。2. 论文为Word形式打印稿,A4纸型,1.5倍行距。英文用Times New Roman字体,中文用宋体字。大标题为3号字加黑,小标题为4号字加黑,正文、注释与参考文献为5号字。 3. 论文格式按学院统一要求,用A4纸打印装订,按规定时间上交。4. 严禁从网上下载或抄袭,否则以不及格论处。

3、5. 全套论文装订顺序为: (1)封面 (2)任务书 (3)指导书 (4)评分卡 (5)英文摘要 (6)中文摘要 (7)正文 (8)参考文献 (9)致谢二、进度安排:1. 确定选题 第6 周 (2013年10月13日10月19日)2. 论文提纲 第6 周 (2013年10月13日10月19日)3. 完成初稿 第7-8周 (2013年10月20日11月 2日)4. 完成定稿 第9周 (2013年11月 3日11月9日)5. 上交论文 第10周 (2013年11月10日11月16日)三、毕业论文题目:Successful factors in business negotiation 四、毕业论文

4、内容(包括:目标、任务、途径、方法、成果形式):目标任务:With the rapid development of the economy, Business negotiation is playing an increasingly importantly role in our life. Meanwhile, we should pay more attention to the successful factors in business negotiation . 途径方法:理论研究 成果形式:论文 附:论文提纲题目:Successful factors in business

5、negotiationAbstractThe prefaceI Overview of business negotiation strategy 1.1 The meaning of business negotiation strategy 1.2 The type of business negotiation strategy II The preparation for business negotiation 2.1 Thecollectionof intelligence 2.2 Drawing updetailedplans 2.3 Setting the negotiatio

6、ns restrictedIII The skill of commercial negotiations 3.1 Listening skills 3.2 Questioning Skills 3.3 Answering skills 3.4 Narrative skill 3.5 Pay attention to transposition thinkingIV Business negotiation strategy at each stage 4.1 The opening stage strategy 4.2 The quotation stage strategy 4.3 The

7、 consultation stage strategy 4.4 The transaction stage strategy V ConclusionBibliographyAcknowledgements五、主要参考文献:1. Li Kun, Wang Jun. Business negotiation skills M. Shanghai: Foreign Trade University Press, 2007.2. Li Yuan. International business negotiations M. Capital University of Economics and B

8、usiness press, 20073. Wang lin, Successful business negotiation skills M. China Textile Press, 20064. Xu lin lin, Modern business negotiation M. Higher education press,.2006.5. Sun li jun, Business negotiation M. Tianjin University press,2001.指导教师审批意见: 审批人(签名): 日期: 中州大学外国语学院毕业论文指导书Title/题目:Successfu

9、l factors in business negotiation Name / 姓 名: Number / 学 号: 2 Major / 专 业: 商务英语 Grade/年级班级:2012级(1)班 Tutor/指导教师: Date / 日 期: 2014年11月3日 指导过程记录表 / Process Records日期指导内容2014.10.22提纲整体可以,细节部分按照要求改动一下,就可以开始准备草稿了,下次记住标上自己的名字。注意:1、首字母要大写;2、注意小标题的写法2014.10.311、中文摘要首行空2格,已经给你改过来了,摘要要说明文章解决了什么问题,采用什么方法,达到什么效


11、phy Acknowledgements 2、摘要最后一句话和前面有些重复,可以删除,写这篇文章的意义在摘要中没有体现出来。第一个关键词最好改为:商务谈判。2014.11.043、摘要中存在翻译错误,语序颠倒等语法错误,已经帮你改过来了。4、红体字部分需要修改,另外,目录最好放在一页上,标题尽量用名词或相当于名词的词。 5、两三行就能说清楚的,文章中的3级标题存在的必要性不大。中州大学外国语学院毕业论文成绩评定表年级、专业、班级学号姓名2012级商务英语(1)班论文题目Successful factors in business negotiation指导教师意见评审项目指 标权重分数准备工作


13、,适当运用相关研究手段,对资料进行加工、整理,并辅助论文写作。10%写作态度(20%)遵守写作进度安排,按期完成规定的各项任务,态度端正,修改认真,写作过程中能多次主动与指导教师联系。20%合计: 分指导教师评审意见:指导教师签名: 年 月 日注:合计分数在90100的论文等级为“优秀”,8089的论文等级为“良好”,7079的论文等级为“中等”,6069的论文等级为“及格”,60分以下的论文等级为“不及格”。 摘要改革开放以来,随着我国与世界各国的经济贸易关系的飞速发展,国际贸易往来和各种方式的经济交流与合作日益增多。因此,如何成功地进行国际商务谈判,如何达到双赢,便成为每个外经贸工作者十分

14、关心的话题。成功的商务谈判涉及到许多因素,了解商务谈判策略,做好商务谈判前的准备,掌握一定的商务谈判技巧,掌握商务谈判各阶段的策略都是商务谈判重要成功因素。本文主要从主客观方面出发,从信息,市场,环境到谈判人才,谈判策略,谈判技巧等因素来分析成功谈判的把握点。本文将告诉你如何成功的达成交易。关键词:商务谈判;策略;双赢 AbstractSince the reform and opening up, along with the rapid development of economic and trade ties with the rest of the world, internatio

15、nal trade and economic exchanges and cooperation in various ways are growing increasely. Therefore, how to succeed in international business negotiations and how to achieve a win-win situation , have became a very hot topic of each foreign trade workers. Successful business negotiation involves many

16、 factors, the understanding ofbusiness negotiation strategies,makingbusiness negotiation preparation,mastering certainskills for business negotiation, and mastering the strategies in eachstageof business negotiation areimportantsuccess factors ofbusiness negotiation.From the objective and subjective

17、 aspects, from the information, market, environment to the negotiator, negotiation strategy and negotiation skills and other factors, this article analyze the grasp points of the successful negotiation. This paper willtell you how toachieve the deal successfully .Keywords: business negotiation; busi

18、ness strategy; win-win.CONTENTSAbstract. .9The preface.12I Overview of business negotiation strategy.13 1.1 The meaning of business negotiation strategy.13XX文库 - 让每个人平等地提升自我 1.2 The type of business negotiation strategy .13II The preparation for business negotiation.14 2.1 Thecollectionof intelligen

19、ce.14 2.2Drawing updetailedplans .15 2.3 Setting the negotiations restricted.16III The skill of commercial negotiations.16 3.1 Listening skills .16 3.2 Questioning Skills.16 3.3 Answering skills.17 3.4 Narrative skill.17 3.5 Pay attention to transposition thinking.17IV Business negotiation strategy

20、at each stage.17 4.1 The opening stage strategy.17 4.2 The quotation stage strategy.18 4.3 The consultation stage strategy.18 4.4 The transaction stage strategy.19V Conclusion.19Bibliography.20Acknowledgements.21The prefaceWith the development of our market economy and the further expansion of outsi

21、de World, international business negotiation as a war prelusive, have been increasingly appears more and more enterprises , especially after joining the WTO, international business negotiation is becoming more and more universal, so we must master business negotiation success factors, following on f

22、rom the following several aspects to discuss .I Overview of business negotiation strategy1.1 The meaning of business negotiation strategyStrategy of internationalbusiness negotiation refers to the negotiatingpersonnel according to thenegotiations are expected tochangethe target requirements and to t

23、he negotiations,the sum offlexiblyimplementingnegotiationstrategy plan measures.Isformulated in order to realizethe goal ofthe negotiations,and with thedevelopmentandmodification of theform of negotiationnegotiations on the wholecourse of actionand strategy and themethod of struggle.Business negotia

24、tion strategies, from the business perspective, in order to achieve the business objectives,referred to as obtained a series of countermeasures for the survival and development of competition in the market; understanding from negotiators habit perspective, the strategy is to effectively reach the to

25、p negotiators period, a total of various actions, methods and measures taken in the process of negotiations; understanding from the commercial negotiations personnel habits, can put the negotiation strategy understanding to the strategic goals change talks and negotiations, the sum of flexibly imple

26、menting strategy of negotiating solution measures. In short, the negotiation strategy is in the corresponding action and means can be predicted and can occur in the absence of which should be taken.1.2 The type of business negotiation strategy 1.2.1 Timing strategies The use of time tactics conditio

27、n is the needs of each parts are changing, it is this kind of change makes the strategies have been the basis for the use of. The key to the use of time tactics, is a kind of be just perfect sense of timing. If the negotiations with the emergence of new factors, is easy to apply the strategy; if all factors are stationary, using up

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