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1、同等学力考研英语必考高频词组1. agree with:The sea food doesnt agree with me. 批准;适合;一致2. all the same:Tonys little brother is naughty,but I like him all the same. 依然3. amazing:很棒,精彩,令人吃惊4. a melting pot 大融炉5. a mess:It is in a mess,messy 一团糟 反义:in order6. and how:Jennys an excellent dancer. B:and how?我批准 (I agree)

2、7. any time:Call me any time.8. rent an apartment:apartmenthunting 租公寓9. apply for a job/ around:Somebody hasnt been around these days. 在附近;她这几天都不在11.a sore feet/ throat 脚疼/嗓子疼 a loss:I am at a loss for words. 不知所措 the scene:Policeman found a revolver(左轮手枪) at the scene. 在

3、现场14.current issue 当今热点15.beat about the bush. 旁敲侧击16.Before long:It wasnt long before. My husband will be back here before long.17.behind schedule:The train seems to be behind schedule. 晚点18.bent on/upon:Are you bent on going abroad ?一心一意要;决心致力于19.beyond compare:Her performance yesterday is beyond

4、compare绝佳;极好;无与伦比 bound to do sth. 必定;必然;注定21.break down:car坏了 and large:By and large,he is a kind man.大体上;基本上 no means:I am by no means pleased with him绝不 it a day:Lets call it a day 决定或批准;暂时或永久停止(进行某事物) off:I had to call our appointment off the trip取消 on:Werent

5、you nervous when the professor call on you in class?拜访;叫27.carry away:Dont be carried away by his praise.是激动而失去自制力e out of the accident alive大难不死e up:New designs are coming up do you have a math ?出来,长出,发芽30.correspondence course 函授课程31.crash into:I saw the car crash into the trunk撞上32.cut out:I am n

6、ot cut out to be a scientist. 天生适合做某事33.doze off:The class is so boring that I cant help dozing off.打瞌睡34.drop by/ in on somebody: Would you drop by the lab for a minute?顺便走访35. extend fromto 延展,伸展,扩大36. faculty members 全体人员37. feel free to do something:Feel free to ask questions.无需拘束;心安理得38. figure

7、 out:I am trying to figure out how to work on the machine想出39. find fault with somebody抱怨;挑剔;找毛病40. got a flat tyre车胎没气了41. for ones own good/ benefit为了某人利益42. get ones promotion得到提拔43. get over:I am just getting over my cold忘却病愈44. give somebody a lift搭车45. go on a diet节食46. go up:The cost is going

8、 up every where上涨47. hand over: Hand over the check.交出;移送;让与48. have an appointment with somebody49. have done with:Have you done with the book?看完(finish)50. have ones hands full:I already have my hands full with the book report. 活忙51. hold up:Jennys car was held up in traffic.耽误52. Ill at ease:You

9、wont feel ill at ease any more. 不安53. Just about:I dont know what to get for your father,he has just about everything.几乎,正是54. Keep in good order保持好秩序55. Kill time消磨时间56. Be laid off:下岗57. Leave for:The train is going to leave for Shanghai 58. Lose weight 减肥59. In person:Face to face 亲自60. Mark/ gra

10、de/ score the papers评卷同等学力英语口语交际惯用短语汇总2 1.account for 由于,由于;解释,阐明2.after all 究竟,终归,归根结底;尽管3.anything but 绝对不 far as I know 据我所知 any time 随时 sbs service 随时协助某人7.back up 倒退,后退;支持,勉励 about to 将要 enthusiastic about 热衷于,对布满热情 sick/tired of 厌倦,厌恶 through with 完毕 up to 胜任

11、,能做(工作、任务等);忙于,从事于,正在做;取决于13.bear up well (在困境中)忍耐,泰然14.between you and me 只你我懂得,对外保密15.carry out 贯彻,实行;执行,遵循16.clear up 天气放晴,雨过天晴e along 进行,运营,进展;跟随,加入;浮现e around/come round 恢复,复原;变化,看法,变化观点e down with 得病e into 获得钱财(尤指意外之财)e up with 提出 off 使安静,冷静23.count in 涉及在内24.count out 排除在外25.cut down o

12、n 减少某方面数量、价格等 in and day out 日夜不断地,夜以继日地27.dig up (information) 收集到,查到(资料等) good 有效果,起作用 the laundry 洗衣服30.drop off 让下车31.drop out of 退学,失学32.due to 由于,由于33.easier said than done 说起来容易做起来难34.end up 到达某种状态、成果;到头来35.every other 每隔一种36.fall back on 依赖,依托;求助于37.far from 毫不,远非,主线不是38.feel

13、 free to 表达准许39.few and far between 难得,少见,稀少40.figure out 找出,决定;解决,算出,理解,弄明白41.find out (经研究或查询)获知42.finish up 用完,完毕 for thought 发人深思东西44.for nothing/for free (口语)免费45.for sale 某物是打算出售,要卖出46.hand out 分发(材料等)47.head and shoulder above 赛过,超过 (oneself/sb) to为自己或某人取(食物、饮料等) sb with

14、sth 帮某人做某事50.hold off 保持距离,回绝;推迟,迟延51.hold up 阻碍,延误;持久,耐用 ages 很长时间 shape 状态,状况 good shape (指物)状态良好;(指人)身体健康 bad/poor shape (指人或物)处在不良状态或处境,健康不佳 memory of 纪念 next to no time/in no time 不久 spite of 不顾,不论,尽管 the event that 在状况下 the red 赤字,负债 the world

15、(用来加重语调)究竟,究竟 vain 无成果,徒然63.inside out 把里面翻到外面,彻底 a mess 乱糟糟65.job offer 工作,工作机会或职位66.just any (not) just any (用于否定句中)不随意地,无目地67.keep an eye on 留意,观测68.keep from 避免,戒,忌69.keep in shape (指人)锻炼身体,保持健康70.keep on 继续,持续,接着71.know a thing or two 略知一二,有所理解72.know something about 对有所理解73.know bett

16、er than to do sth 明白事理而不去做某事74.lay off 解雇75.learn the ropes 摸到门道,学会窍门76.nothing short of brilliant 非常精彩 campus/on campus 校外/校内78.on a diet 节食79.on earth 究竟,究竟80.on ones mind 有心事,担忧,心烦81.on sale 降价出售82.on the right foot 以好方式开始,开张大吉,开门红83.on the side 副业,业余兼职84.on the tip of (ones) tongue 一时想不起了8

17、5.on the whole 总之,总来说,综上所述86.on the wrong foot 以不好方式开始,出师不利 in a million 极稀有人或事,很难得或很少见88.once in a while 偶尔,有时,不时地89.out of business 停业,停产,关门,倒闭90.out of ones mind 失去理智,疯了91.out of order 顺序杂乱 (机器等)坏了92.out of place 不适当,不和谐,不协调,不合群93.out of print 绝版94.out of the question 不也许没有95.out of this wo

18、rld 非常好,绝妙96.over ones head 超过某人能力之外,难以理解97.pardon me 没听清别人话语时用语 bill 电话费收费单99.pull away 火车、汽车等开走,开离站100.pull in 火车、汽车进站101.put off 推迟,迟延102.put together 安装103.put up with 忍受,忍耐104.put someone up 为某人提供住宿105.take it easy 不要紧;休息,放松106.take (a course) over重修(某门课)107.take (ones) time 慢条斯理,磨时108.

19、take over 接替,接管,接任109.take the plunge (经考虑后)决定冒险,采用大胆坚决办法110.take sth seriously 认真对待 to oneself 自言自语 sb into sth 劝某人做某事 sb out of sth 劝某人不做某事114.tell apart 辨别;辨别,区别115.the other day 前几天,近来116.the sooner,the better 越快越好117.There is nothing to it.非常简朴118.Theres no rush. 别着急119.

20、think much /highly/well of 喜欢,以为好120.think little of 不喜欢,以为不好121.tie up 忙于,被捆住,被占用 date 到当前为止,迄今123.before long 不久后来124.beyond the reach of sb 超过某人能力之外125.bite off more than one can chew 贪多嚼不烂126.boil down to 意味着,成果,导致,等于127.break down 坏,出毛病128.break new/fresh ground 创新129.brush up (on) 复习130.

21、by all means 无论如何 and by 不久,过一段时间 off 取消133.cant help 禁不住,没办法 dealer 汽车商 for 喜欢,爱慕136.from now on 从当前起137.from then on 从那时起138.from top to bottom 从上到下,彻底地,完全地,全面地139.get along 进行,进展;相处140.get at 意指,意思是141.get going 使开始,使运作142.get hold of 得到,寻找(某人)143.get nowhere 毫无进展144.

22、get on (someones) nerves激怒,使气愤145.get over 战胜,克服,完毕;恢复,习惯于146.get there获得成功,实现目的147.get out of (doing sth) 逃避,逃脱,免除(义务等)148.get rid of 挣脱,丢弃,扔掉149.give sb a ride 让搭车150.give sb a hand with sth 协助151.give up 放弃152.go ahead 去吧!(干吧!走吧!)153.go around 足够,可满足需求;流行,流传,不辞辛苦去做某事154.go through a lot of money

23、乱花钱,花钱过度155.go through the proper channel通过恰当渠道,通过恰当手续156.good bargain/good buy/good deal 真便宜,便宜东西,合算东西157.have a way with words 长于言辞,会说话158.have a hand in 插手159.have a short memory 健忘,记忆力差160.have ones hands full with 忙于161.have things in ones own way以自己方式行事162.leave for 出发去163.leave sth up to 由决定1

24、64.leave well enough alone(谚语)不要画蛇添足165.let go 下课;解雇166.let off 让某人下车167.let out 下课168.light up 高兴起来;点烟;雨过天晴169.line up 安排,组织170.look for a needle 大海捞针171.look forward to 期盼,盼望172.look up to 尊敬173.lose weight 变瘦174.make a reservation for 预定(机票、旅馆)175.make ends meet 收支平衡176.make the most of/make the

25、best of 充分运用177.make up 补考;化妆品,化妆;弥补178.make up (ones) mind 下决心,作出决定179.make up exam 补考180.meddle in 扰乱,打扰,瞎搀和 each other half way 互相妥协 to 相邻;仅次于;几乎 and then 或now and again 偶尔,有时、不时地 longer 不再 way 表达强烈否定语调词;表达回绝或反对186.not a bit/not at all/not in the least 一点也不187.D

26、ont mind. 喜欢、乐意188.not yet 尚未189.nothing but 十分,非常190.raise the roof 非常吵闹,闹翻天;勃然大怒,191.reach the bottom of the barrel 没有更多东西,弹尽粮绝 sth into sth 将本来没故意思加进去解释,自觉得有某种含义193.result in 导致,成果194.right away 立即195.ring a bell 听起来耳熟196.round the clock 日日夜夜 a temperature 发热 agains

27、t sb for (a position) 与(某人)竞选(某职位) out of 用尽,用光 out of gas 疲倦,耗尽体力或精力或热情201.rush hour 交通高峰期 (ones) breath 少费口舌,不必白费口舌203.see off 送行204.see to 照顾,注意205.set out for (a place) 出发去某处206.set up 做好准备,准备好207.shorthanded 人手短缺,人手局限性 a lot of courage 体现得非常勇敢 enthusiasm on

28、 对体现出热情 up 浮现,到场,出席211.side by side 肩并肩地212.six of one and half a dozen of the other半斤八两,两者无太大区别213.slip ones mind/memory 忘掉214.stand up for 支持,拥护215.stay up 熬夜216.step up 增长,递增217.too good to be true 不现实,太好以至于不也许成为现实218.touch on 简朴地提及或涉及(某问题)219.turn against 翻脸,敌对,疏远220.turn down 减小,减少(速度、音量等);回绝221.turn (ones) back on 回绝;抛弃,离弃222.turn out 成果223.under no circumstances 无论如何都不,决不224.under warranty 在保修期内225.up in the air 悬而未决226.upside down 上下颠倒227.wear out 磨损228.Whats the rush. 别着急。(口语中用) out 解决

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