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1、公共英语三级试题及答案阅读理解XX年公共英语三级试题及答案(阅读理解) 如何提高理解能力是很多考生困惑的问题,阅读理解分值较高,很多考生担忧影响自己的考试成绩。在考试之后,为大家分享公共英语三级考试模拟试题及答案解析如下: WhenKatherine Chon was in fifth grade.she drew a“dream tree”erepresenting the path she hopedher life would take.One branch led to Harvard Medical School,Which isexactly what her motherhad

2、hoped for when the Chons moved to the U.S.from SouthKorea to give their three children opportunities. Always adiligent student,Katherine started to learn medicine at Brown.But then sheadded a new limbto her dream treeone mat her mother still doesnt understand.Shocked bythe misfortune of some South K

3、orean women,Katherine joinedforces with another Brown student to form the Polaris Project,now one ofthe largest anti-human-trafficking organizations in the country,“It wasreally hard for my parents,”says Katherine.“They had so many life stresses so their children could、get a greateducation and have

4、a fortable life.” Thedreams of parents and children often differ,but the conflict canbe especially painful in first-generationimmigrant families where the parents have made enormous sacrifices.Lisa Park,an assistantprofessor at the University of California,San Diego,says that:the focus ofevery famil

5、y that moves to the United States to provide opportunities for theirchildren is almost always on the future,with little mentionof the circumstances that pelled them to move.And even though the parentsare the ones working 12-hour days,the children ale also under intense pressure to perform in ways th

6、atwill justify the parents sacrifice. Thecontrast between parents dreams andchildrens realities can be particularly sharp for daughterswho have grown up with almost infinite opportunities.Theirmothers often came from placeswhere opportunities for women were limited,which makes thedaughters choices e

7、ven harder tounderstand.Mary Lugemwas parents encouraged her to study math or science atHarvard. Sheplied at first,majoring in puter science.But she is currentlyworking as a film producer for a nonprofit organization called Meaningful Media.“I sometimesfeel guilty,”she says, “having chosen,to bean a

8、rtist,because I know that if I had chosen a scientific background,I could helpmy parents a lot more.” 46.WhenKatherine Chon was a fifthgrader,. Ashehad a great interest in drawing Bshe had a clear vision of her future Cshehad an independent personality Dshe had a desire to study in the U.S. 47.It ca

9、n be inferredfrom the text that Katherines mother. Awasdisappointed at her daughters decision Bwasshocked by the suffering of some women Cfailedto give her kids enough opportunities Dfailedto realize her own dream to be a doctor 48:Aording tothe text,in firstgeneration immigrant families,the parents

10、 feelfrustrated if Atheyfail to adjust to the circumstances Btheyare forced to make great sacririces Ctheirchildren fail to focus on the future Dtheirchildren develop against their wishes 49.Aording toLisa Park,firstgeneration immigrant children. Aavoidthe slightest mention of their parents past Bfo

11、cuson seizing chances for future development Cworkvery hard to justify their parents sacrifices Dareunder pressure to fulfill their parents dreams 50.We learnfrom Mary Lugemwas case that. Aherparents cherished opportunities more than she did Bherparents dreams and her reality could bebalanced Csheha

12、d a quite different view of life from her parents Dsheenjoyed infinite opportunities in career development MothersAgainst Drunk Driving(MADD)has launched a new public awareness campaign aimedat Canadian Justice Minister Irwin Cotler.“Enough is Enough”advocatesdropping the Criminal Codes blood alcoho

13、l concentration(BAC)limit from 0.08 to 0.05 percent,to“protectinnocent drivers on our roads.”MADD Canada CEO Andrew Murie thinks tllat lowering the BAC limitcould result in a 6-to-18 percent reduction in crash deaths.Butquestions have been raised about the science behind that campaign. MADDselective

14、ly cites a report published in xx by Robert Mann of the MentalHealth Centre.Mama,in turn,had gotthose numbers from two separate studies whose data was selected from Sweden andAustralia.The conclusions in Manns report seem to ignore the Swedish authorsnumerouswarnings and cautions,as well as the limi

15、tations in the Australian study.First,theAustralian study examined the effectiveness of breath testing,not loweredBAC levels,on fatal traffic crashes.Also.thatresearch was started in 1976 when“liquid lunches”were far more mon.Whats more.the Australian data varied:whereas the state ofQueensland saw t

16、he 18 percent decline in fatal aidents cited by MADDs Murie,inneighboring New South Wales,fatal aidents decreased just 8 percent. It isalso reported by the Ontario Community Council that the majority of drivers inalcoholrelated fatal erashes are repeat offenders with BACs over 0.15percent-meaning th

17、at the problem is drivers who repeatedly get behind the wheelwith BAC levels twice the legal limit.not social drinkerswho consume a glass of wine or tw0.This makes MADDsconcern seem wasteful,given the downward trend in alcohol-related tramc deaths. TheCanada Safety Council,the Canadian Council of Mo

18、tor Transport Administrators and theTraffic Injury Research Foundation take issue with MADDs campaign.Even theOntario Community Council has determined that lowering the BAC would mean morework for police and the courts. But toMADDs Murie,the math question is simple:“If you lower BAClimits,regardless

19、 to what level,youll saveCanadian lives.”Unfortunately,the math doesnt quite add up. 51.MADDlaunched a public awareness campaign in order to. Acriticizethe Justice Minister Bimprove BAC measurement Crestrictdriversaess to alcohol Drevise the law regarding drunk driving 52.From thetext we learn that

20、MADD cites a report that. Ajustifiesits new campaign Bis favored by the authorities Csumsup major public concerns Dis mentioned in two other studies 53.It isimplied in the text that Manns report is unreliable because. Aitwas based on some unsound research Bitgot its data from two inconsistent studie

21、s Citwas written in conditions no longer valid Ditignored the limitations of the studies cited 54.The textindicates that MADDs campaign. Awillnot affect social drinkers Bmayturn out to be of little value Cisgoing to reduce governmental labor Dhaswon support from some organizations 55.The writersatti

22、tude towards the campaign is. Asatirical Bscornful Csuspicious Dsupportive A recentstudy demonstrated how powerful a few words can be:Fortypetitive tennis players were shown digital images of balls ing their way.Just beforeeach ball appeared,the players saw orheard ments like“Good shot”or“Bad shot.”

23、The reaction times of players hearing negativeremarks were measurably slower.And these were athletes who trained frequently to play a consistentgame and not make unforced errors. What isthe explanation? Negative feedbackweakens anyones belief in his or her ability to sueed.But if youcan hold on to a

24、 winning attitude,youll make a greater effort and also create positivedrive.Confident people inspire others;opportunities seemto e their way more often. Theybee mags for suess. Learnthe importance of giving yourself pep talks,and keep the voice in yourhead positive. The bestathletes,suess is rarely

25、due to raw talent alone.Its becausetheyre simply better pre。 pared.They stayfocused,theyre willing to work as、hard as they need to,and theykeep the positive voice in their heads switched on. Perhapsthe most important aspect of being your own coach is to do what any outside adviserora good parent.for

26、 that matter-would preach:practice,practice,practice.Avoidindividuals who suckyour energy and diminish your confidence.Hang out with thepeople who see you at your best.and remind you about it very often.Pessimists drag youdown,as do whiners and critics.If there,s onewinning behavior that people buil

27、ding confidence should model,its thewillingness to get back into the game after a setback.Dont nurseyour wounds. Thereare,however,important warnings.Panicking can pound a small misstep by causing you tolose your head and forget to think clearly.If you suffer aterrible loss,give yourself time to abso

28、rbthe blow.Dont deny the hurt or try to solve the problem immediately.Gather yoursupport system around you and simply get nurtured.Sitting around andthinking about your loss is the worst thing you can do to solve your problem. 56.We learnfrom the first paragraph that. Aexcellentperformance often goe

29、s with well-trained players Bexcellentperformance often goes with positive ments Chigh-techmethods help players avoid unforced errors Dhigh-techmethods increase playerspetitiveness 57.People whowant to sueed should first imagine themselves to be. Aanobserver Ban inspirer Ca creator Da winner 58.The

30、phrase“pep talks”in Paragraph3 meanstalkswhich. Aencouragepeople Bentertain people Cimpresspeople Dinterest people 59.The writerthinks that you should keep pany with those who. Apointout your mistakes Btolerate your weaknesses Cemphasizeyour strengths Dunderstand your plaints 60.Intheface of a sever

31、e loss.the best thing you can do is to. Adenythe hurt Btry to forget it Csolve it at once Daept it calmly Directions: Read thetexts from a magazine section called“Letters”in whichfive people mented on a spe.cial report on new medicines.For questions 61 to65,match the name of each person to one of the statements(A to G)givenbelow.Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET1. Ann Best: Y

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