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1、牛津高中英语模块六词组新高二英语模块六词组大全Unit 11.取笑 Make fun of 2.对做出反应 In response to 3.对开玩笑 Make jokes about 4.在每日生活中 In everyday life5.排队 Queue up / line up/ stand in line6.指向, 指着 Point to, point at7.减肥 Lose / take off (ones) weight8.被绊倒 Trip over sth.9.在舞台上 On (the) stage 10.作为/ 因为/对某人 著名 Be famous(well-known) as

2、/ for/ to 11.后来 Late on 12.这样一人 One such person /such a person13.在(外面)/(里面)的前面 In front of /in the front of 14.练习做某事 Practice doing 15.作演讲 Give a speech16.打开。 Turn on 17.忘记要做某事/忘记做了某事 Forget to do/ forget doing18.看见某人做了/正在做/被做 某事 See sb. do/doing /done sth.19.编造,化妆 Make up 20.期待某人做某事 Expect to do 21

3、.拍电影/ 录制唱片/拍广告 Make a film/ record/ advertisement22.跟随 Follow in ones footsteps23.一直做 Keep doing24.受。欢迎 Be popular with 25.对。有影响 Have an effect on 26.最后 In the end27.在的最后 At the end of28.帮助某人做某事 Help sb. (to) do sth./help sb. with sth.29.在中查阅 Look up sth. in 30.有道理,有明确意思 Make sense 31.在电视中直播 Be broa

4、dcast live on TV/on the radio32.假装做/正在做/已经做了retend to do/ to be doing/ to have done 33.在电影里扮演一个角色 Play a role (part) in a film/ act in a movie34.被认为/理应做 Be supposed to do 35.花时间做某事 spend time in doing / on sth36.一种娱乐形式 A form of entertainment37.让某人健康 Keep sb. healthy38.比较喜欢做某事 Prefer to do/ prefer d

5、oing / 39.在观众中 In the audience40.作 评论 Make comments on 41.掌管/被掌管 In charge of / in the charge of 42.被。分成 Be divided into43.由组成的 Be made up of44.以的方式 In the way of45.列出 Make a list of46.穿上 Be dressed in progress 在进行中48.have an effect on sth 对某物有影响49.up to now 直道现在 nervous about 对感到紧张51.a

6、 well-known master of crosstalk 一位著名的相声大师52.take on 接受;雇佣;呈现,流露53.have an interest in 对有兴趣54.move on to doing 继续做某事 skilled in/at 熟练 popular among/with 受欢迎57.Remind sb. of sth. 使某人想起某事58.make a list 列清单 reference to 关于60.regarding 关于 answer to 对做出回应 order of importance 按重要性顺

7、序 invisible bench 一条看不见的凳子 if to do 好像做某事65.make room for sb 为某人腾出空间66.for a while 一会儿67.What is going on here? 发生什么事了68.look annoyed 看起来恼怒的69.must have done 肯定做了70.raise one eyebrow 抬起眉毛71.a stack of 一叠,一堆72.throw sth at sb 朝某人扔某物73.dash out 急冲出去 servant off stage 把仆人赶下舞台75.It is

8、your duty to do 你应该;做是你的责任76.burst in 突然冲入77.shrug shoulders 耸肩78.present sth to sb 把某物呈现给某人79.glare at 怒视80.hold out 拿出81.bump into 撞上82.on the way out 在出去的路上Unit 21.寻找快乐 the search for happiness 2.被包围 be surrounded by3.意味着做 mean doing 4.住院 in hospital5.达到目的 meet / achieve a goal 6.肢体残疾 a physical

9、ability7.在困难时期 in difficult times 8.期待做 expect sb. to do sth.9.在获得成功 achieve success in = be successful in10.(以防)万一 in case (of) 11.将描述成 describe as 12.在与为和竞争 compete with against for in 13.和不住在一起 live apart from 14.除了 apart from15.投身于,献身于 devote oneself / sth. to doing 16.使以为代价 cost sb. sth.17.被紧急送

10、往 be rushed to 18.使高兴 cheer sb. up19.精神状态好 in good spirits 20.适应 adapt (oneself) to21.因为而骄傲 be proud of = take pride in 22.保持乐观 stay optimistic23.克服失望心理 overcome ones disappointment 24.鼓励做 inspire sb. to do25.的秘密 the secret to sth. / doing sth. 26.一系列 a series of27.注意 take note of 28.对待的态度 an attitu

11、de towards29.对嫉妒 be jealous of 30.从康复 recover from31.对满意 be content with 32.当众 in public33.By + 时间点,主句用完成时态 34.could / must have done 表示对过去事情的猜测35.Manage to do sth 成功地做某事36.Feel caught between A and B 在A和B之间左右为难37.An average student 一个中等生38.Quit doing 放弃做某事39.Feel guilty 感到内疚40.Coach sb 给某人当教练41.Be

12、tired of doing sth 厌烦了做某事42.Look back on 回顾43.Ahead of me 在我的面前44.At that point 在那时45.In a rush 匆忙地,急切地46.In the sunshine 在阳光下47.Fix a problem 解决一个问题48.Assist sb with sth 帮某人做某事49.Simplify our lives 简化我们的生活50.Instant meals 快餐Unit31. make a remark on sth 对作出评论,发表 = remark on sth2. take up sth. 开始从事某事

13、; 占领, 占据3. hold up 阻碍,耽搁; 抬起; 搀扶,支撑 hold down 使保持低水平, 限制噪音hold on 坚持; 稍等4. put/hold out my left hand 伸出我的左手 = reach my left hand5. in contact with sb 与某人接触6. greet sb with a firm handshake 用有力的握手问候某人7. give out 分发;传播消息;发出光热等;用完 give away 泄露,背叛; 颁发(奖品等) give off 发出光热等give up 放弃give in 投降8. be equal t

14、o sth 能胜任的,能应付的 equal sb in sth 在某方面和某人相当的10. do sth for oneself 亲自做某事11. be made from/of/out of 由制成12. ride on a dog sled 乘雪撬13. be based on 以为基础14. join/participate/take part + in 参加活动15. be home to sb/sth 是的栖息地16. be rich in 在丰富17. believe in 信奉,信任18. meet with sb. 和某人会晤(有目的的) meet with sth 遭遇,经历

15、(不好的)19. have power over 控制,支配20. have an ambition to do 有的抱负21. in my youth 在我青年时期1search sp.for sb./sth 搜寻2achieve success 获得成功3. meet/ reach ones goal 达到目标4. join sb. in sth.和某人一起。5. struggle with 与作斗争6. a physical disability 生理残疾21.adapt ( oneself ) to sth.适应7. in difficult times 在艰难时期8. expect

16、( sb.) to do 预计/期望。帮助某人更好的理解。9. in case (of)万一pete in sth. (for sth.)竞争11.describe sb. As 把某人描述成。12.a dedicated gymnast 专注/投入的运动员13.devote oneself to 献身于 rushed to hospital 被急送往医院15.cheer sb. up 让某人高兴起来 good spirits 精神状态好17.the secret to happiness幸福的秘密18.focus on 集中注意力于19.overcome the disa

17、ppointment克服失望 proud of 为。而自豪 a sports programme 主持体育节目23.stay optimistic 保持乐观24.inspire sb. to do sth.激励某人做某事25.a series of 一系列26.take place 发生27.give sb. a better understanding of 28.cost sb. sth.让某人付出。代价29.set an example to sb.为某人树立榜样 hard at sth.努力学习/做某事 content with sth

18、. 对。感到满意e over (指某种感觉)刺激或影响某人33.recover from 从。中恢复 concerned about 对。关注,关心 jealous of sth./sb.嫉妒某人、某事36.replace sth.with sth.用。代替37.go for 应用或适用于,找来某人、某事;喜欢,被吸引 public 在公众场合39.make a speech 演讲Unit41Go wrong 出错 2.a shortage of fund 缺乏资金 3. live in poverty 生活在贫穷中 4. refer to 提到;指称;查阅 5.

19、feel/be honored 感到荣幸 6. take on the role 担当角色7. set up 建立 8. be involved in sth与有关联 9. draw peoples attention to problems 引起人们对问题的注意 10.under the umbrella of the government在政府的保护下 11.set out purposes制定目标12Lack of confidence 缺乏信心 13. be available/accessible to sb 对于某人是可得到/接触的 14.set the standards for

20、 UN为联合国设立标准 15.aim to eliminate poverty 努力消除贫困16.on behalf of sth/sb 作为的代表 17. in honor of sb/sth 出于对的敬意;为祝贺 respect for sb/sth 表现出对的尊敬 19. cooperate in doing sth 在.相互合作19. I feel honored to have been able to take on this role.能够担当这个角色,我感动很荣幸。1.集中注意力于 focus (oneself/sth) on/ concentrate (one

21、self/sth) on2.与船运公司协商安排做某事Arrange with a shipping company to do sth3. 使某人想起,提醒某人 remind sb of (doing) sth4. 把钱捐给慈善事业 donate money to charity collections5. 以相反的顺序 in the reverse order 6. 建议你们学校的校长 approach the headmaster of your school7. 上交一个书面的建议 Submit a written proposal8. 山区儿童面临的问题 The problems fa

22、cing(faced by) the hill tribe children9. 支付不起买重要东西的费用 Cannot afford the expense to purchase important things10. 生活条件 Living conditions11. Recommend的用法 Recommend doing/ sth to sb/sb as/sb to do/that (should)12. 医疗物资 Medical supplies13. 抓住 Catch hold of /get hold of14. 语言障碍 A language barrier15. 限制在范围

23、内 Be limited to (doing) sth16. 营养不良 Suffer from malnutrition17. 回忆 Recall/ look back on/ thing back to18. 从另一个角度看问题 See things from another side19. 在个人层面上 On an individual level20. 产生变化,发生改变 Make a difference (to) 21. Means 的用法有办法干某事 By means of/ by no means /by all meansHave the means to do22. 与某人在

24、某方面进行合 Cooperate with sb in sth23. 时间过得真快! Time flies24. 取水 Fetch water25. 出故障,抛锚 Break down26. 基本设施 Basic equipment27.总而言之(四种) To summarize/ In conclusion/ in a word/ to conclude28.提出建议 Put forward the proposal29.从中得益 Benefit from30.处于混乱状态 In chaos31.乱七八糟的 In a mess32.逃离洪水 Escape the floods33.当心 Look out for/ watch out for34.从一个地方到另一个地方From one place to another/ from place to place35.担心 Be concerned about/ be worried about36.我医疗队的同事 My colleagues on the medical team37.建立一个临时诊所 Set up a temporary clinic38.在途中,正要做 On one/the way to sp/ (doing) sth39.增重 Put on weight40.被迫干 Be forced to

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