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1、春冀教版三年级下册英语全册分课时作业本含答案2021年春冀教版三年级下册英语全册分课时作业本(含答案) 2021年春冀教版三年级下册全册 课 时 作 业 本 2021.03 Unit 1 Animals on the Farm Lesson 1 On the Farm 一、补全单词。 sh_ _ p co_ _ ig far_ e_ 二、单项选择。 ( ) 1. There are three _. A. sheeps B. a sheep C. sheep ( ) 2. I have _ apple. A. a B. an C. / ( ) 3. He is a _. A. farm B.

2、farmer C. sheep ( ) 4. There are many animals (动物) _ the farm. A. in (在里面) B. under (在下面) C. on (在上面) ( ) 5. Whats this? _ is a cow. A. Its B. It C. Its 三、判断下列句子与图片是(T)否(F)相符。 ( ) 1. This is a farm. ( ) 2. This is a farmer. ( ) 3. Its a sheep. ( ) 4. Its a pig. 答案: 一、1. ee 2. w 3. p 4. m r 二、1. C 2.

3、 B 3. B 4. C 5. B 三、1. F 2. F 3. F 4. F Lesson 2 Cats and Dogs 一、连一连。(将同类词连线) chicken yes cat farm a park an dog duck no 二、单项选择。 ( ) 1. Is it a cat? _ , it is. A. Yes B. No C. yes ( ) 2. Is this a chicken? No, it _. A. duck B. is C. isnt ( ) 3. Whats this ? _ duck. A. Its a B. Its an C. Its a 三、连词成句

4、。 1. is it a duck _. 2. is it a chicken _? 3. is it yes _. 答案: 一、 chicken yes cat farm a park an dog duck no 二、1. A 2. C 3. C 三、1. It is a duck 2. Is it a chicken 3. Yes, it is Lesson 3 Fish and Birds 一、 看图写单词。 1. _ 2. _ 二、小小翻译家。 1. Birdscanfly. _ 2. Icandance. _ 3. 你会唱歌吗?_ 4. 鱼会游泳。_ 5. 这是什么?_ 三、连词成

5、句。 1. cantaswimchicken _. 2. aisitbird _. 3. youcandance ? _? 四、根据提示写句子。 1. Canabirdfly? 根据实际回答问题。_,it_. 2. Icansing. 改成一般疑问句。_ you_? 答案: 一、1. bird 2. fish 二、1. 鸟会飞。 2. 我会跳舞。 3. Can you sing? 4. Fish can swim. 5. Whats this? 三、1. Achickencant swim 2. Itisabird 3. Canyoudance 四、1. Yes is 2. Can sing

6、Lesson 4 Horses and Rabbits 一、带单词回家。 swim rabbit birds fly chicken horses jump pigs cat sing ducks dog 1. 2. 3. 二、单项选择。 ()1. _thisachicken? Yes,itis. A.Can B.Are C.Is ()2. Cana_fly? Yes,itcan. B.bird ()3.Ducksanddogsare_. A.aanimal B.animal C.animals 三、读问句,选答句。 A.No,itisnt. B.Yes,itcan.

7、 C.No,Icant. D.Duckscanswim. E.Itsapig. ()1.Canacowjump? ()2.Whatanimalscanswim? ()3.Isthisalittlebird? ()4.Canyouswim? ()5.Whatsthis? 答案: 一、1. swim fly jump 2. rabbit chicken cat 3. birds horses pigs 二、1. C 2. B 3. C 三、1. B 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. E Lesson 5 Where? 一、看图片写短语。 例:under the tree 1. _ 2. _ 3.

8、 _ 二、单项选择。 ( ) 1. _ is the cat? Its on the bed . A. What B. Where C. Wheres ( ) 2. _ is in the box? Its an apple. A. What B. Where C. Whats ( ) 3. Can it swim ? Yes, it _ . A. is B. can C. its 三、连词成句。 1. chair the under Its _. 2. can It say “quack, quack” _. 3. cat swim Can a _? 4. Whats the in box

9、_? 答案: 一、1. in the box 2. on the box 3. under the box 二、1. B 2. A 3. B 三、1. Its under the chair 2. It can say“quack, quack” 3. Can a cat swim 4. Whats in the box Lesson 6 Can I Help You? 一、英汉连一连。 1.Whathappened? A. 我被卡住了。 2.CanIhelpyou? B. 发生什么事了? 3.Imstuck. C. You are welcome. 4. 不用谢。 D. 我们是朋友。 5.

10、We are friends. E. 要我帮忙吗? 二、情景交际。 ( ) 1. 当你遇到困难需要帮助时,你应该说:_ A.Help!Help! B.Pull!Pull! C. Thank you. ( ) 2. 当别人遇到困难,你询问是否需要帮助时,你应该说:_ A. CanIhelpyou?B. Yourewelcome. C. We are friends. ( ) 3. 当发现别人遇到异常情况时,你应该说:_ A. What happened? B. Yourewelcome. C. Bye, Bye. ( ) 4. 当别人帮助了你,你应该说:_ A. Yourewelcome. B.

11、 Thank you. C. We are friends. 三、给下面的句子排序。 ( ) Im out!Thank you! ( ) Help!Help! ( ) Can I help you? ( ) Youre welcome. ( ) What happened? ( ) Yes,please. ( ) Im stuck. ( ) Pull!Pull! 答案: 一、1. B 2. E 3. A 4. C 5. D 二、1. A 2. A 3. A 4. B 三、7 1 4 8 2 5 3 6 Again, Please! 一、根据单词选择图片。 ( ) 1. in A. B. C.

12、( ) 2. sheep A. B. C. ( ) 3. horse A. B. C. ( ) 4. fish A. B. C. 二、单项选择。 ( ) 1. What _ you do? I can jump. A. are B. is C. can ( ) 2. What animal can swim? _ A. A rabbit. B. A fish. C. A cat. ( ) 3. Can you jump? _ A. Yes, I can. B. No, I can. C. Yes, I cant. ( ) 4. What happened ? _ A. Pull! Pull!

13、B. Im stuck. C. Help!Help!Help! 三、问答句连一连。 1. Whats this? A. Birds can fly. 2. Is it a cat? B. Yes, please. 3. Can you run? C. Its a chicken. 4. Can I help you? D. Yes, it is. 5. What animal can fly? E. No, I cant. 答案: 一、1. A 2. C 3. B 4. A 二、1. C 2. B 3. A 4. B 三、1. C 2. D 3. E 4. B 5. A Unit 2 Anim

14、als at the Zoo Lesson 7 At the Zoo 一、看图片写单词。 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 二、看图回答问题。 1. Whats this? Its a _. 2. Whats this? _. 2. Whats this? _. 三、看图比一比,读句子填一填。 1. The chicken is _. 2. The bird is _. 3. The girl is _. 4. The boy is _. 答案: 一、1. bag 2. school 3. zoo 二、1. monkey 2. Its a panda 3. Its an elephant 三、1.

15、 big 2. small 3. thin 4. fat Lesson 8 Tigers and Bears 一、看图写单词。 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 二、看图选择填空。 1.Itstailis _. A.short B.long 2. _noseislong. A.Its B.It 3. Look _thechicken! 三、连词成句。 1. short is it _. 2. elephant look the at _. 3. ears short its are _. 4. it snake is a _? 答案: 一、1. tiger 2. wo

16、lf 3. bear 4. snake 二、1. B 2. A 3. B 三、1. It is short 2. Look at the elephant 3. Its ears are short 4. Is it a snake Lesson 9 How Many? 一、数一数,写一写。 例:three 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6. _ 7. _ 二、单项选择。 ( ) 1. How many _ are there? A. bird B. pandas C. duck ( ) 2. What is this ? _ A. Its in the zoo. B. I

17、ts a elephant. C. A monkey. ( ) 3. How many birds are there? There are _ . A. five B. six C. nine 三、看图补全问答句。 1. How many ducks are they? There _! 2. How many bears can you see? I can see _. 答案: 一、1. six 2. two 3. nine 4. four 5. five 6. one 7. eight 二、1. B 2. C 3. A 三、1. are four ducks 2. three bear

18、s Lesson 10 Where Do They Live? 一、看图连线。 1. tree 2. forest 3. river 4. grass 二、单项选择。 ( ) 1. Where _ a panda live? A. do B. does C. is ( ) 2. Cows live _ the farm. A. to B. in C. on ( ) 3. There are some monkeys _ the tree. A. in B. on C. for ( ) 4. Sheep are on the _ . A. tree B. forest C. grass 三、读一

19、读,选一选。 A. In the room. B. In a tree. C. On a farm. D. In a forest. E. In the river. 1. Where does a fish live? _ 2. Where does a bird live? _ 3. Where does a panda live? _ 4. Where does a cow live? _ 5. Where does Li Mei live? _ 答案: 一、 1. tree 2. forest 3. river 4. grass 二、1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C 三、1. E

20、 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. A Lesson 11 What Do They Eat? 一、看图写单词。 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 二、单项选择。 ( ) 1. Tigers eat _. A. bananas B. grass C. meat ( ) 2. A monkey lives_a tree. A. at B. on C. in ( ) 3. A fish lives in a _. A. river B. forest C. farm ( ) 4. _ elephants live in a zoo. A. The B. An C. A ( ) 5. A h

21、orse _ on a farm. A. live B. eat C. lives 三、情景交际。 ( ) 1. 你在动物园里看到了猴子,想喂喂它,但是不知道猴子吃什么,你想问问妈妈,你应该说 _ A. What does a monkey eat? B. Where dose a monkey live? ( ) 2. 邻居家的小妹妹来你家做客,非常喜欢你家的小猫,她非常好奇的问你小猫吃什么,你应该告诉她: _ A. Cats eat grass. B. Cats eat fish. 答案: 一、1. river 2. banana 3. tree 4. grass 二、1. C 2. C

22、3. A 4. A 5. C 三、1. A 2. B Lesson 12 The Clever Monkey 一、读一读,连一连。 1. Help!Help! A. 你是一只善良的绵羊。 2. Please help me! B. 你会吃掉我。 3. Pull me out. C. 他想吃掉我。 4. You are a nice sheep. D. 救命啊! 救命啊! 5. You will eat me. E. 请帮帮我。 6. He wants to eat me. F. 把我拉出去。 wolf cat dog panda elephant monkey snake bird fish

23、二、猜谜语。(从动物园中猜动物) 1. It wears big black glasses(眼镜). Eat bamboos(竹子). It is a _. 2. It looks like (看起来像) a cat, but it isnt a cat. It is a _. 3. It looks like (看起来像) a dog, but it isnt a dog. Because it can eat small animals and people(人). It is a _. 三、阅读小短文,判断正( T )误( F )。 1 like animals very much.

24、My favourite (最喜欢) animal is dog. But my sister doesnt like dogs. She likes cats very much. We have a cat. Its name is Xi Xi. Its white, but its tail is black. We like it very much. ( ) 1. My sister likes animals. ( ) 2. Xi Xi is a cat. ( ) 3. Xi Xis tail is black. ( ) 4. I like dog best (最). 答案: 一、

25、1. D 2. E 3. F 4. A 5. B 6. C 二、1. panda 2. tiger 3. wolf 三、1. T 2. T 3. T 4. T Again, Please! 一、根据给出的单词,再写两个同类的单词。 1. panda _ _ 2. in _ _ 3. four _ _ 4. who _ _ 二、单项选择。 ( ) 1. _nose is long. A. It is B. Its C. Its ( ) 2. How many _are there? A. monkey B. monkeys C. monkeyes ( ) 3. Where _birds live? A. are B. do C. does ( ) 4. I can see three_. A. a elephant B. an elephant C. elephants ( ) 5. _eat grass A. Sheep B. A sheep C. Sheeps 三、看图完成句子。 1. What do the monkeys eat? They eat _. 2. Where do _ _ live? They live _ _ _. 3. I can see _ elephants. 4. How man

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