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1、这个计划听起来虽然很难Unit 8READING OUTFill in the blanks without referring to the original text. Then check your answers against the original. After that, read the passage aloud until you can say it from memory. Geniuses simply cant be afraid of (1) _ mistakes. Orville and Wilbur Wright had many crashes and r

2、uined many planes (2) _ they finally got off the ground. Inventor Edison (3) _ stepthousands of times before he managed to (4) _ electricity into light. He told his friends that, because he knew so many ways that didnt (5)_ , he was much closer than any other inventor to (6) _ the right answer! GETT

3、ING THE MESSAGEChoose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences according to the text. 1. The passage is mainly about _.A) the qualities of geniuses B) the life of geniusesC) the hobbies of geniusesD) the ideas of geniuses2. One thing that was not true about Leonardo da Vinci is th

4、at _. A) his notebooks were full of his questions B) he liked telling jokesC) he enjoyed playing on the building sites D) he was very skillful at riding horses 3. Great thinkers are often considered to be strange and silly because _.A) they have strange living habitsB) their ideas seem strange and f

5、righteningC) they have unusual charactersD) they behave in strange ways4. According to the text, travel is good in that it brings people _.A) great funB) good healthC) rich experiences D) new and fresh ideas 5. Your mind will work most efficiently if you _.A) take exercises regularly B) use your min

6、d more often C) have a healthy body D) have enough time to rest USING THE RIGHT WORDComplete each of the following sentences by deciding on the most appropriate word from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. 1. It was reported that the earthquake was the most _ to have struck that area in fifty ye

7、ars.A) special B) powerful C) favorite D) exciting2. It took the experts several months to decide on the _ for the new airport.A) source B) earth C) site D) character 3. The workers are repairing the house. It was _ by a fallen tree during the last storm.A) struck B) operatedC) describedD) calculate

8、d4. He was seriously injured in a car _ last year.A) shock B) crash C) passage D) mistake 5. They were _ to hear that their son had been arrested for taking drugs.A) wandered B) ruined C) prepared D) shocked 6. These events provided the _ for her first novel. A) perspiration B) function C) inspirati

9、on D) strength7. Friends and neighbors can be a good _ of support to families who are experiencing difficulty. A) source B) genius C) quality D) equipment 8. I failed to _ Sally to go with me to the party, so I went alone. A) handle B) achieve C) inspire D) persuade WORKING WITH EXPRESSIONSFill in e

10、ach of the blanks in the following sentences with a suitable preposition or adverb.1. The police searched everywhere in the town _ the three criminals, but they found none. 2. She was scared to see two strange men wandering _ near her apartment building. 3. His brothers and sisters all live close_ .

11、 Its easy for him to seek help. 4. This job can best be described _ boring. I dont want to do it any more. 5. His mother filled my plate _ food and kept asking me to eat more. 6. _the top of the building you can see endless lines of buses and cars coming in and going out of the city. 7. Mothers are

12、well known _considering the needs of the family more important than their own interests. 8. You may know only a few German phrases now, but youll soon pick _ more if you stay in Germany longer.FOCUSING ON SENTENCE STRUCTUREA. Rewrite the following sentences after the models, using the phrase as well

13、 as.Model 1 : Sophocles was not only a philosopher, poet and politician, but also a champion in sports.Key: As well as being a philosopher, poet and politician, Sophocles was also a champion in sports. Model 2: If we want to arrive there in time, we have to travel both by day and by night. Key: If w

14、e want to arrive there in time, we have to travel by night as well as by day. 1. The music is so loud that it will hurt not only your ears but also your brain, so turn it off. 2. Her life is not easy: she is taking care of all three children and she is also taking care of her sick husband. 3. She bo

15、ught me flowers, and she also took me to lunch the first day I arrived. B. Rewrite the following sentences after the model, using the word beyond. Model: Do remember to keep the medicine on the top shelf so that the children will not be able to reach it.Key: Do remember to keep the medicine on the t

16、op shelf so that it will be beyond the childrens reach.1. Your computer is too old. Im sorry to say it cannot be repaired any more. 2. Paul said he would certainly join us in the picnic (野餐). I dont understand why he changed his mind. 3. You will lose your self-confidence if you attempt tasks that y

17、ou are not able to do. TRANSLATINGA. Translate the following into English. 1. 这个计划听起来虽然很难,但他决心将它付诸实施。(put something into practice) 2. 面对这么多的困难,球队怎么能赢得比赛呢?(in the face of)3. 自两年前开业以来, 今年年初他的生意最兴隆。(at ones best)4. 他虽然没有直说,但我们能从他的手势中得到一些信息。(pick up) B. Translate the following into Chinese. 1. Their liv

18、es hold many of the secrets to having great ideas and putting them into practice.2. Orville and Wilbur Wright had many crashes and ruined many planes before they finally got off the ground. 3. Its very important for your body to be operating at its best so that your mind can also function powerfully

19、. 4. So it is clear then, that to be a genius is to push the limits, in your mind, and beyond. USING TOPIC-RELATED TERMSAll of the following underlined words and expressions taken from the text are related to how to make your life successful. Read them closely and then use them to complete the passa

20、ge about how to make your life a success. Change the form when necessary. Travel is a good source of inspiration. Be curious.I wandered about the countryside searching for answers to things I did not understand.Keep trying.Geniuses spend their lives asking questions about the world around them.Its v

21、ery important for your body to operate at its best so that your mind can also function powerfully.To become a genius you must be prepared to work long and hard, often in the face of great difficulties. If you want to achieve success in life, I suppose you have a lot to learn from the great geniuses

22、in human history. Firstly, you must be (1) _ about everything. That is, you cant take everything just for granted. You should keep (2) _ about the world and try to (3) _ the answers. Secondly, you should (4) _ until you succeed. Thomas Edison failed thousands of times before he invented the light bu

23、lb. So you must be prepared to (5) _ against great difficulties. Thirdly, you must have (6) _ and be quick to grasp what you see. Finally, you should also find ways to keep yourself healthy so as to keep your mind (7)_ .BASIC WRITING SKILLS: SIMPLE, COMPOUND AND COMPLEX SENTENCES 英语写作中, 应注意句型的变化多样。比

24、如,简单句和复合句之间可以互相转换, 交替使用。请看例句:(其中S = subject 主语,V = verb 动词,conjunction = 连词,dependent clause = 从句, independent clause = 主句, phrase = 短语 )1.简单句 (simple sentence):S + V,例如: I became very sad. (Text A, Unit 6, Book 2) 2.并列句 (compound sentence):从句 + and/or/but + 从句,如: Money is a wonderful thing, but now

25、 I know that it is possible to pay too high a price for it. (Text A, Unit 6, Book 2)3.复合句 (complex sentence):连词+从句+主句或 主句+连词+从句,例如: a) We are good listeners in our own language because we have had years of practice.(Text B, Unit 2, Book 1) 主句+连词+从句 b) As she began to deliver her prepared speech, she

26、 dropped her three-by-five cards on the floor.(Text B, Unit 6, Book 2)连词+从句+主句4.并列复合句 (compound-complex sentence)。例如: Everyone is embarrassed when they make mistakes and everyone makes mistakes.(Text A, Unit 2, Book 1 )Combine the groups of simple sentences into longer sentences with the conjunction

27、s given. Keep in mind that the relationship among ideas in a sentence should be clear. Model: when,and Dark clouds gathered. The rain hit the hot road. Cars moved slowly in long lines.Key: When dark clouds gathered and the rain hit the hot road, cars moved slowly in long lines.1. but, so I needed bu

28、tter to make cakes. I couldnt find any. I used vegetable oil instead.2. but, so, for Jack called the police office. He received a busy signal. He dropped the phone and ran. He didnt have time to call back.3. when, but, for The pipes had frozen. We phoned the plumber (水管工). He couldnt come in two day

29、s. He had been busy with calls.4. because, where, but My car had broken down. I took it to the service station. The worker looked under the car. He couldnt find what was wrong.5. as, but, so My computer was not working this morning. I think it needs to be repaired. I have already had it repaired sev

30、eral times. I dont think it would help to repair it again.6. after, while I returned to school following a long illness. The math teacher gave me a lot of homework. The history teacher made me drop her course.7. if, or You have not worked hard in the past two months. You have to spend more time studying now. You would fail in the

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