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1、微生物题库英文Test 1: Development of Microbiology Multiple Choice (choose one answer)1、 The fundamental unit (基本单位)of all living organisms is the: C 、membrane 、cell 、nucleus 、cell wall 2、 Organisms that do not contain a true nucleus are referred to as:C 、fungi 真菌 、eukaryotic 真核生物 、prokaryotic 原核生物 、nankary

2、otic 3、 The three kingdom classification system (三界分类系统)of organisms was proposed by:D 、Pasteur 、Bacon 、Winogradsky 、Woese 4、 Fungi differ from bacteria in a number of characteristics、 The cell walls in fungi are posedof , while the cell walls of bacteria are posed of peptidoglycan、 A 、chitin 壳多糖 、p

3、hospholipid 磷脂 、protein 蛋白质 、glucosamine 葡糖胺5、 The first microscopes were developed by: C 、Ehrlich 、Metchnikoff 、Leewenhoek 、Lister 6、 Control of microbial infections can be acplished by chemical or immune mechanisms、 The first report on the production of an antibiotic(抗生素) is credited to:C 、Lister

4、、Fleming 、Ehrlich 、Koch 7、 The term antibiotic means:C 、a substance produced by the laboratory that kills or inhibits other microorganisms 、a substance produced by microorganisms that kills or inhibits molds (霉菌) 、a substance produced by microorganism that kills or inhibits other microorganisms 、a s

5、ubstance produced by microorganisms that kills or inhibits cancer cells 8、 The first documented use of a vaccine(疫苗) for smallpox天花was reported by the English physician:D 、Lister 、Florey 、Fleming 、Jenner 9、 Active immunity (主动免疫)can be distinguished from passive immunity in that the former requires:

6、B 、development of antibodies in ones own body by stimulation with external antibodies 、development of antibodies in ones own body by stimulation with external antigens(抗原) 、Flemingdevelopment of antibodies in a foreign host and transfer to one s own body 、development of antigens in ones own body by

7、stimulation with external antibodies 10、 The process of nitrification (硝化作用)by bacteria described by Winogradsky converts:A 、ammonia to nitrate ions 将氨转化成硝酸盐 、nitrate ions to ammonia 将硝酸盐转化成氨 、N2 to ammonia 将氮气转化成氨 、ammonia to urea 将氨转化成尿素11、 The transfer of DNA from one organism to another through

8、the use of a viral vector (病毒载体)is referred to as:B 、electroporation 电穿孔 、conjugation 接合生殖 、transformation 转化 、transduction 转导12、 The genetic material of a bacteria is located in the molecule:B 、RNA 、DNA 、protein 、lipid Fill in the Blank1、 Organisms that contain a true nucleus are called_eukaryotic_

9、 2、 Bacteria do not have a true nucleus and are considered _prokaryotic_ 3、 Bacteria can be divided into two groups, the _archeabacteria_and the _eubacteria(真细菌)_、 4、_anaerobes(厌氧菌)_ are organisms that can grow without using molecular oxygen、5、 Microorganisms that can synthesize plex organic pounds

10、from CO2:are called _autotrophs_(自养菌)_、6、 _photoautotrophs(光能自养生物)_ are microorganisms that obtain their energy to synthesize organic pounds from light、7、 _heterotroph_(异养菌)_ require organic pounds for growth、 8、 Organisms that survive only at very high temperatures are referred to as_thermophile_(适

11、温性)_、 9、 _methanogen_(产甲烷菌)_ are organisms that produce methane (甲烷)from CO2、10、 _halophile_(好盐得)_organisms grow under conditions of high salinity、11、 Eubacteria can exhibit a number of morphological shapes、 Identify four: a、_spherical or cocci_ b、_cylindrical or rod_ c、_spirals_ d、_irregular_12、 Fu

12、ngi, algae and protozoa can be differentiated from bacteria by the following characteristic:_eukaryotic_ 、13、 Fungi have cell wall consisting of _chitin(壳多糖)_、 14、 Viruses consist of _nucleic acid_surrounded by a protein coat、 15、 The scientific method utilizes deductive reasoning (演绎推理)and observat

13、ions or experiments to prove or disprove a _hypothesis_(假说)_、16、 The theory _spontaneous generation_of held that living organisms could arise from nonliving matter、(非生命物质)17、 The process used to reduce the number of viable organisms(活菌) by moderate heating is called:_pasteurization_(巴士消毒法)_ 、18、 The

14、 process of tyndallization(间歇灭菌法) uses repeated heating to eliminate or_sterilize(杀菌)_ microorganisms from solutions、 19、An _antibiotic(抗生素)_is a substance produced by microorganisms that inhibits or kills other microorganisms、20、 The process of stimulating the immune defenses of the body is referre

15、d to as_immunization_、 21、 White blood cells that engulf (吞食)foreign particles(异物颗粒) are referred to as_phagocytes_(吞噬细胞)_、22、 A substance in serum(免疫血清) that can neutralize(中与)foreign material is referred to as _antitoxin_(抗毒素)_or _antibody_(抗体)_、23、 Cells infected with a virus produce a substance

16、called _interfewn_ that inhibits viral replication、 24、 Avery, Colin and MacLeod first demonstrated that transformation of nonpathogenic(非病原得)to pathogenic strains (致病菌株)of bacteria could be carried out by the transfer of _DNA_、 25、 Exchange of genetic information by direct contact is referred to as

17、_conjugation_、26、 _transformation_(转化)_ is the process in which DNA is transferred from one bacteria to another、 Matching l、 Francis Bacon a、 phagocytosis 吞噬作用2、 Anton Leeuwenhoek b、 antibody 抗体3、 Paul Ehrlich c、 nitrification 硝化作用4、 Hans Gram d、 immunization 免疫法5、 Louis Pasteur e、 three kingdom cla

18、ssification based on rRNA 6、 Robert Koch f、 structure of DNA 7、 Joseph Lister g、 first microscope 第一台显微镜8、 Alexander Fleming h、 conjugation or transduction 接合与转导作用9、 Edward Jenner i、 differential stain for bacteria 10、 Eli Metchnikoff j、 interferon 干扰素11、 Emil von Behring k、 rabies vaccine 狂犬病疫苗12、

19、Alick Isaac 1、 penicillin 青霉素13、 Sergei Winogradsky m、 antiseptic(防腐剂) technique 14、 Joshua Lederberg n、 established that bacteria can cause disease 15、 Watson and Crick o、 magic bullet 16、 Carl Woese p、 scientific method 1、p 2、g 3、o 4、i 5、k 6、n 7、m 8、l 9、d 10、a 11、b 12、j 13、c 14、h 15、f 16、e Test 2:

20、 Methods for Studying Microorganisms Multiple Choice (choose one answer)1、 Light microscopy (光学显微镜术)is dependent on the interaction of light with on object、 The ability of light to pass through an object is referred to as:B 、transported light 、transmitted light 透射光 、reflected light 反射光 、refracted li

21、ght 折射光2、 The resolving power (R)(分辨率) of a microscope is dependent on the wavelength(波长) of light (;) and the numerical aperture (NA) of the lens、 The formula (公式)for R is: B 、R = 0、5、 xNA 、R = 0、5;/NA 、R = NA/0、5Jr 、R = Square root of 0、5)、/NA ?3、 The gram stain(革兰氏染色) uses as a mordant (媒染剂)to fi

22、x the primary stain:A 、iodine 碘 、alcohol 乙醇 、acetone 丙酮 、safranin 番红4、 The acid-fast stain (抗酸性染色)is useful in the identification of which of the following organisms:C 、Staphylococcus aureus 金黄色葡萄球菌 、Mycoplasma mycoides 霉菌样支原体 、Mycobacteria tuberculosis 结核分枝杆菌 、Moraxella osloensis 奥斯陆摩拉克菌,5、 Botulis

23、m(肉毒中毒) is a serious disease that can develop from the improper cooking of food containing bacterial spores(孢子)、 Which of the following genera (属)are capable of producing spores?D 、Salmonella 沙门氏菌属 、Listeria 利斯塔氏菌属 、Escherichia 埃希氏菌属 、Clostridia 梭菌属6、 Which of the following types of microscopes util

24、izes electron beams (电子束)to visualize (使可见)objects?B 、Nomarski 、TEM 投射型电子显微镜 、PCM 脉冲 、Confocal 共焦得7、 A mixture of organisms was isolated from a patient suspected of having Strep Throat、 (脓毒性咽喉炎)Which type of media would you use to isolate the suspected pathogen(病原体)? D 、defined 、enriched 、selective

25、、differential 8、 Sterilization(灭菌)of material with an autoclave(高压灭菌锅) utilizes steam to kill microorganisms、 The correct procedure for sterilization with an autoclave is:A 、15 min at 121at 15 lb/in2 、15 min at 256 at 15 lb/in2 、15 min at 121at 1 lb/in2 、15 rain at 121at 30 lb/in2 9、 An antibiotic w

26、as added to a culture of bacteria to determine its effect、 What method of enumeration would you use to determine the efficacy of the antibiotic? B 、direct count 直接计数 、viable count 活菌数 、turbidimetric count 浊度计数 、absorbance 吸光度10、 Identification of microorganisms(微生物)can be acplished(完成)by a number of

27、 techniques、 Which of the following requires the growth of the organism?C 、enzyme linked assay (含量测定) 、gene probe 基因探针 、metabolic 代谢 、fluorescent 荧光Fill in the Blank1、 A media (培养基)where all the ingredients (成分)are known is called a _defined_media、 2、 _aseptic(无菌得)_technique is used to maintain a pu

28、re culture(纯培养物) and avoid contamination、 (污染)3、 Sterilization instrument(灭菌器械)that utilizes steam under pressure: _autoclave_(高压灭菌锅)_、 4、A_streak_ plate utilizes a loop (接种环)or needle(接种针) to distribute and isolate colonies on a culture plate、(培养皿)5、_serological(血清学得)_ identification utilizes antib

29、odies(抗体) for naming of bacterial species、 6、 Bacteria can be preserved(保藏) for long periods of time by freeze-drying(冷冻干燥) or_lyophilization_(冻干保藏法)、 7、 The mrbidimetric method of counting bacteria utilizes a _spectrophotometer(分光光度计)_ to measure the amount of light passing through a solution、 8、 T

30、he viable plate (平板细菌计数)count counts live bacterial colonies (菌落)in the range or_30_ to_300_ 、 9、 A counting chamber (计数板)and a microscope (显微镜)are used in the_direct_ count of bacteria、 10、 The _gene probe_(基因探针)_technique utilizes a labeled(示踪得)plementary strand of nucleic acid to identify specific bacteria in a specimen、(样本)MatchingMatching I: l、 Primary stain for gram stain a、 Negative stain 负染色2、 Stains bacterial cell b、 Carbohl fuchsin 品红3、 Used to fix stain c、 Crystal violet 结晶紫4、 Decolorize脱色 d、 Malachite green 孔雀绿5、 Spore stain e、 Safranin 番红6、 Acid-fast stain f、 Positive stai

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