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深圳版第九册Unit 1 Good friends教案.docx

1、深圳版第九册Unit 1 Good friends教案Unit 1 Good friends教学内容及学生情况分析 本课的内容是关于谈论自己或询问别人将要去做什么和个人的兴趣爱好。将来时态be going to do sth. 学生以前接触过,因此学起来并不难。有关自身的兴趣爱好,大家都比较熟悉,谈论起来有话可说。不过课文里的词汇有限,需要通过多种途径,扩展学生的词汇量,为口语交际及后续学习做好铺垫。 学生已学过时态be going to do sth.和句型and /or like sth.,对句型并不陌生,所要表达的内容也是学生所熟悉的,简单的信息能流畅地表达出来,但书本上词汇还不能满足学

2、生的表达需求,需要补充、扩展一些词汇和短语。总体教学目标1.语言知识目标: 掌握几个与兴趣爱好相关的短语,能学会用英语like doing sth. 来表达个人的爱好。2.语言技能目标: 能用英语交流简单的个人信息;能根据图片或提示写简单句子;能在图片的帮助下听懂、读懂并讲述简单故事。3.学习策略目标: 通过看图、跟读、对话、表演等掌握本课句型与词汇。4.情感态度目标: 激发学生对英语学习的兴趣,创设情景,让学生在情景中学习英语、感受英语。5.文化意识目标: 学习兴趣、爱好的表达方式,初步了解西方人的兴趣爱好。课时安排Six periods Period1: Part A Period2: P

3、artB1Period6: Part I and JPeriod3: PartB2, B3 Period4: Part C and DPeriod5: Part E, F, G, H 课时教案第1课时教学内容: Part A教学目标: 了解一些兴趣爱好的英语表达方式。 看图介绍相关的兴趣爱好。 能读课文并介绍自己的兴趣爱好。教学重难点: 1.教学重点: 能根据图片熟记几种兴趣爱好的表达方式。 能灵活运用 Im going to do.的句型与人进行交流。2.教学难点: 涉及到将来时态的用法。be going to do 是打算去做什么,后接动词原形。必须要让学生们理解并学会这种表达方式。教学方

4、法: 情景教学法、游戏教学法教具准备: Unit1的图片、课件、本课涉及的一些直观教具教学过程:一、组织教学及复习1. 复习(Free talk):教师:Hello! How are you? Lets sing a song. 让学生谈谈暑假期间去了哪里?Where did you go in your summer holiday?2. 激趣导入: 教师:Look at me, what am I going to draw? 老师让学生猜猜自己将要画什么?Am I going to draw a book? Am I going to draw a monster? Please gue

5、ss with the questions: What are you going to draw? Are you going to draw? 学生根据提示边问边猜。老师画一个圆圈。S1: What are you going to draw? Are you going to draw a sun?T: No, Look carefully. Im adding something now.S2: Are you going to draw a boy?T: Am I going to draw a boy? Im adding something now.S3: Are you goi

6、ng to draw a robot?T: Yes, a robot. Im drawing a robot now.二、新知识的呈现与归纳教授 Part A Point and say(第1页)1. 教师:看图片,猜猜孩子们将要去做什么?T: Please look carefully at the pictures. Its the weekend. What are the children going to do with their friends?教师出示图片:“fishXili Lake/ play the pianoChildrens Palace/ play chessmy

7、friends home/ shopshopping mall/ listen to CDsmy home”. .注1注1 以小组为单位描述图片,讨论图片中的人物在周末将要干什么。2. 听读课文。.注2注2 设置情境导入课文后,再通过听、看、读,让学生对课文进行整体感知。3. 学习短语。教师:Listen and read words and phrases.根据短语提问,老师问:What are they going to do?学生回答:They are going to fishXili LakeWhat are you going to do? Im going to play the

8、 pianoChildrens Palace What are you going to do?Im going to OK. Let go to Childrens chessmy friends home What are you going to do?Im going to play chess. Me,too.OK. Lets go to my friends home.shopshopping mallWhat are you going to do? Im going to shop.Me, too. OK. Lets go to the shopping

9、 mall.have a picnicthe parkWhat are you going to do? Im going to have a picnic. Me, too. Ok. Lets go to the park.listen to CDsmy homeWhat are you going to do? Im going to listen to CDs. Me, too. Ok. Lets go to my home.4. 玩游戏: Say and act.注3注3学生通过老师的动作和一些提示来猜测老师将要去做什么。这一活动可以有效地复习本课及以前所学的短语,为后面的练习打好基础

10、。T: Now, everyone, Im going to do something. Please look at me and you can understand what I am going to guitar make a model swim at the beach sent an email read books draw play sports watch TV ski and skate三、新知识的巩固和运用 1看图片与小伙伴进行对话。What are you going to do? Im going to 2. 玩游戏:Good memory T:

11、Lets ask and answer the questions one by one. Please listen carefully. Try to remember the answers. Then I will ask you What is Pat/ Nancygoing to do?3. 完成调查。 T:Please ask your friends what are they going to do this weekend? Then finish the survey. Name Fish Play chessPlay basketballPlay the piano H

12、ave a picnicListen to CDsShop Play volleyballGo to the park四、小结1. 回忆所学短语。2. 回忆今天运用的句型:be going to do五、作业布置1. 听录音读A部分三次。2. 调查你的朋友周末将做什么,并指定调查表。六、板书设计What are you going to do?Im going toMe, too.OK. Lets go to 教学创意:教学创意:教学创意:教学创意:七、教学后记第2课时教学内容: Part B1 教学目标: 能用短语进行对话。 能听、读课文。教学重难点:1.教学重点: 掌握句型I like d

13、oing I dont like doing2.教学难点: 句型He / She likes doing 和He / She doesnt like doing动词在第三人称单数后要加s或es, 这一句型运用起来比较复杂,因此应通过反复的练习让学生理解并掌握。教学方法: 情景教学法、游戏教学法、对话教学法教具准备: 图片、课件教学过程: 一、组织教学及复习1. 复习(Sing a song)。2. 听歌填词 注1注1 该活动把一些经典的英语儿童歌曲很好的融入到了英语教学中,深受孩子们的喜爱,也是一种听力训练的有效手段。Whatever will Be, will Be When I was j

14、ust a little girl,I asked my mother, What will I be?Will I be pretty?Will I be rich?Heres what she said to me:Que sera, sera,Whatever will be, will be;The futures not ours to see.Que sera, sera,What will be, will be.When I grew up and fell in love.I asked my sweetheart, What lies ahead?Will we have

15、rainbowsDay after day?Heres what my sweetheart said:Que sera, sera,Whatever will be, will be;The futures not ours to see.Que sera, sera,What will be, will be.Now I have Children of my own.They ask their mother, What will I be?Will I be handsome?Will I be rich?I tell them tenderly:Que sera, sera,What

16、ever will be, will be;The futures not ours to see.Que sera, sera,What will be, will be.Que Sera, Sera!3玩游戏。 老师:Boys and girls, Could you please tell me what you like?Ss: I likeT: Well, its time to test your memory. Lets see who is the quickest to answer my questions. “What does he/ she like?” 老师接连问了

17、几个同学之后,再请一些同学来回答。二、新知识的呈现与归纳 1. 学生们相互问答: T: What do you like? S: I like. 2. 请一位同学站起来说说自己的兴趣爱好,喜欢什么,不喜欢什么。 3. 老师带头介绍自己的笔友,然后问同学们有没有自己的笔友,请有笔友的同学站起来介绍。T: I have a pen friend. Her name is Mary. She likes playing chess and fishing. She doesnt like shopping. Do you have a pen friend? If you have one plea

18、se talk about it. 4. 学习课文。 T: Tim received a letter from his new pen friend. Lets read the letter and complete Tims notes.5. Listen and read passage.(Show a movieB1 )BOOK9Unit1Good friends.ppt 6. Get the students to say:Allan likes He doesnt like (Write these sentences on the board.)Bella likes She

19、doesnt like7. Make sure the students can understand the letter. 三、新知识的巩固和运用1. 做调查: T: Please ask your friends what they like and finish the survey.namelikesdoesnt like 2. Write a letter to your family or friend. Talk about your life and hobbies.四、小结1.回忆所学内容,并跟读课文。五、作业布置1.听磁带读课文 Listen to the tape on

20、 page 2.2. Ask your parents about their hobbies.六、板书设计 Unit 1 Good friendsI like doing I dont like doing He / She likes doing He / She doesnt like doing 教学创意:教学创意:教学创意:教学创意:七、教学后记第3课时教学内容: Part C and D教学目标: 能熟练掌握短语及句型。 能听、说、读、写句子。教学重难点:1.教学重点: 句型的问答。 2.教学难点: 句型 What are your hobbies?的回答方式有两种,让学生在练习并

21、理解这两种回答方式,同时注意hobbies是复数形式,与前面的谓语相呼应。教学方法: 情景教学法、游戏教学法教具准备: 课件、图片教学过程:一、组织教学及复习 1玩游戏:Act and guess. T: Lets play a guessing game. Well work in pairs. Student A please thinks about a thing that you like or you like to do and act it out. Student B, please face the class and ask “What does she/he like?

22、” You can only use “Does she/he like?” to make a guess.2复习: 1. Look at the pictures and answer: T: What are you going to do? S: Im going to T: Why? S: Because I like I dont like 3. Let the students ask three of their classmates like that.二、新知识的呈现与归纳 1. Invite several students to come to the front an

23、d make an introduction about one of his classmates hobbies.e.g. Anne is my classmate. Shes 11 years old. She likes playing chess. She can play very well. She doesnt like playing the piano.2. Then the teacher asks questions: T: Why do you like ? S: Because its fun. 3. The teacher makes an introductio

24、n about herself:e.g. I like listening to CDs and watching TV. They are very fun. I dont like fishing or shopping. They are boring. Those are my hobbies. What are your hobbies? 4. Guide the students to say like that. 5. Play a game: The teacher shows some cards which are written some hobbies on them.

25、 Then let one of the students come and get a card. The student must try do describe the hobbies but not say out it directly. The other students guess what hobby it is. 6. Open the books and see videoB2. (BK9Unit1Good friends.ppt.) T: The students are talking about what they like doing in their spare

26、 time. Lets listen and read. 7. Ask students look at picture2 and make a dialogue.三、新知识的巩固和运用1. Finish B3.2. An interview. Ask students work in pairs, one is the newspaper reporter, one is a famous people. The newspaper reporter should interview the famous people and make notes, then write a report.

27、四、小结Today weve learnt how to express our hobbies and tell others the reason.五、作业布置1. Listen to the tape and repeat.2. Write some sentences to describe your hobbies.六、板书设计 Unit 1 Good friendsWhat are your hobbies? I like and Theyre fun. I dont likeor Theyre boring.教学创意:教学创意:七、教学后记第4课时教学内容: Part C and

28、 D教学目标: 能读懂故事并复述故事。教学重难点:1.教学重点: 听、读故事,并掌握故事中的重点句型,回答相关的问题。 2.教学难点: 熟练运用句型并复述故事。教学方法: 情景教学法、游戏教学法、故事教学法教具准备: 课件、卡片教学过程:一、组织教学及复习 1Sing English songs.2Game: Follow meT: Now, lets play a game look at me carefully. Then play and act after me. Stand up quickly. Play football. Play basketball3. Revise th

29、e new words and drills of Part A /BWhat are your favourite hobbies, Jim?I like playing and Theyre fun.I dont like shopping or Theyre boring.How about you?二、新知识的呈现与归纳 1. Riddles T: Look at this picture and guess: Who ate they? Where are they? When is it? What are their favourite hobbies? (通过图片让学生对故事进行大胆的猜测) 2Listen to the story.3. Read the story and finish exercises.4. Ss read the story sentence by sentence after the VCD.5. Teacher teaches the language points of the story. 6. Questions time.T: Now lets ask and answer questions ab

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