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1、专升本英语入学复习题John puts ten dollars_every week.A.awayB.asideC.downD.backHis stomach began to_because of the bad food he had hurtThe room is five times_that one.A.more large large asD.the same asHardly had he finished his speech_the audience started cheering.A.

2、thanB.andC.thenD.whenI coulldnt make_what he ment.A. upB .intoC. afterD.outHe studied hard at school when he was young_contributed to his success in later thanSince the cinema was_I had to go home to watch TV.A.packedB.crowdingC.filled withD.full ofMy teacher taught

3、 me how to get my ideas_.A.atB.awayC.overD.acrossThe boy looks honest, but_hes a rogue.A.apparentlyB.clearlyC.actuallyD.obviouslyThe man ran_a ifD.resembleI wish I_with you to the movie last night.A.had goneB.could goD.have goneHe doubted_it was ifNe

4、ither Mary nor her parents_at home.A.isB.areC.beD.was_boy can work out the complex problem.A.So a brightB.So bright aC.A such brightD.Such bright aWe shall spend our summer holiday at the home of some friends_.A.of usB.of oursC.of ours_more than fifteen years ago_I entered the laboratory of

5、professor wasthatC.AboutthatD.It isthenHe climebed up into the tree and picked all the fruit_reach.A.nearB.insideC.withinD.atHe spoke English well.He_the language for years.A.should have studiedB.ought to have studiedC.must have studiedD.could have studiedWhen_the novel wil

6、l become one of the best-sellers of the year.A.publishedB.publishingC.being publishedD.have publishedI dont know the man you mention,but of course I know_him.C.ofTwenty years_a long time.A.areB.seemC.becomeD.isShe didntfancy_out goC.of goingD.goingTommy was one_.A.of the diligent chil

7、dren of his classB.of more diligent children in the classC.child who was the most diligent of all of classD.of the most diligent children in the classThe teams task was to mark the boundaries of the new city and then lay_its streets and major buildings.A.downB.offC.onD.outIm going to start now_miss

8、the as not order as notThey boy had a_escape when he ran across the road in front of the bus.A.closeB.goodC.narrowD.shortIf I take this medicine twice a day, it should_my cold.A.healB.cureC.treatD.recoverI have never been to rome but thats the city_.A.where I most l

9、ike to visitB.Id most like to visitC.which I like to visitD.what Id like most to visit_Johns kind help,we finished early.A.Due toB.Owing toC.Thanks to D.Aa a resultPeople who live in a small village are bound to see a good_of each other.A.quantityB.amountC.dealD.degreeThe driver examined the car eng

10、ine_but could find nothing wrong with it.A.thoroughlyB.exactlyC.steadilyD.suitablyHe is very_about his ugly appearance.A.sesibleB.sensitiveC.senselessD.sentimentalShe was too sick to stay_,we sent her home.A.yetB.howeverC.accordinglyD.neverthelessIt was_that we went camping in the mountanins last we

11、 nice a weatherB.too nice weatherC.such nice weatherD.such a nice weatherJack looked down_Tom for hia poor C.onD.inThe price of food keeps_up.A.risingB.goingC.gettingD.settingThe sun gives_light and heat to the earth.A.outB.offC.awayD.over_it is youve found,you must give it b

12、ack to person it belongs to.A.ThatB.BecauseC.WhateverD.HoweverBe calm_of the a momentC.the the momentYour bicycle is_my way.So youll have to move it.A.onB.byC.inD.out ofThe river flows_along the frontier of the country.A.continuallyB.continuouslyC.constantlyD.regula

13、rlyI didt mean what I said.Neither_I.B.didWhou is going to_the telephone?A.replyC.answerShe will always_in mind what her parents told her when she left home.A.placeB.keepC.controlD.restrictHard work can often_a lack of intelligence.A.make forB.make up forC.make atD.make out at1 We have come to a cri

14、tical moment. You must take immediate_A actionB actC activityD doings2 They dry weather has _the quality of the fruit.A effectedB affectedC huntD harmed3 You must give us more time, _we shall not be able to make a good job of if.A otherwiseB whetherC thereforeD consequently4 He turned his pockets_ o

15、ut in search of his ticket.A outsideB inC in andD inside5 I dont think that your bracelet is_.A worthy the B worth the price C worth of the priceD worthy to buy6 The general ordered that the prisoners of war be put to _ immediately.A deathB woundC injuryD freely7 Your coat will lose its color _it is

16、 washedA whenB untilC thoughD not until8 Shi is proud of herself and hates_A laugh atB laughing atC being laughed atD having been laughed9 This heroic deed _ _him life .A spentB cost C tookD asked 10 Please dont_ Bobby when he _ you.A turn down , turns into B turn away from, turns intoC turn off, tu

17、rns upD turn out, turns over11 _swallow doesnt make _ summer.A A,/B One, oneC A, oneD One ; a12 Some people cant tell red _ green, as there is a fault in their eyes.A byB onC fromD over13 _ into Chinese, the book is popular among the young people.A Having translatedB Being translatedC fromD Translat

18、ing14 We are_ going to Scotland for out holidays.A thinking ofB considering doC thinking D considering the idea 15 _, we went out for a swim in the lack.A Thy day being hot B It is hot C It way hot D The day was hot16 A mail has into the machine .Thats _is wrong with it.A which B that C whatD one17

19、Is this Computer, Centre _is wrong with itA in whichB where C what D at which 18 My boy has nothing_ with the crime.A doing B for doingC at doingD to do19 The car was badly smashed up, but the driver got away without serious_A damage B woundC painD injury20 When John was sick , he couldnt _ his home

20、work.A find outB concentrate C work up D look over21 We need to import _from abroad.A a great deal of equipment B many equipmentsC an equipmentD many pieces of equipments22 Only by working hard _ to succeed.A you hopeB that you hopeC you can hope D can you hope 23 The glass fell and was broken into

21、_A bit B itemsC articlesD pieces24 Having passed the final examinations, he was in high_A mindsB heartC spiritsD life25 The rich man _his poor neighbors.A looked downB looked downC saw down to D saw down on 26 During the rush hour they were _ in the heavy traffic.A held on B held offC held down D he

22、ld up 27 Things are going from bad to _A terrible B bad C better D worse 28 these shoes are comfortable rather than_A are pretty B to be pretty C prettyD were pretty 29 This song is very popular_ young people A withB in C to D at 30_right away, he might have been alive today A If he was operatedB Ha

23、d he been operated onC Was he operated onD Should he be operated on31 I_ go to the beach when I was a child A was used to B had been used to C used to D had used to 32 Where should I send my application?The personnel I Office is the place _A to send B sent it to C to send it to D for sending it Woul

24、d you mind _ the window since it is rather windy today?A. closingB. to closeC. to have closedD. openedThe strong wind was _ the broken window.A. fromB. ready forC. sure ofD. responsible forLets go to the night club, _?A. shall weB. shant weC. will youD. all rightThey traded their goods and camel hai

25、r _ the people of the oases _wheat and fruit.A. withforB. toforC. withwithD. forwithMetal _ when heated.A. increasesB. extendsC. expandsD. swellsThe scientists tried _ thousands of chemicals before they found the right one.A. onB. asC. forD. outWhen John woke up he was in the hospital, but he didnt

26、know how that had come _.A.aboutB.aroundC.byD.acrossWill you please telephone a hotel in Shanghai to _ a room for me?A.bookB.orderC.occupyD.preserveNo sooner _ arrived _ he began to complain.A.he had, andB.had he, andC.had he, thanD.did he, thenFreezing point is the temperature _ which water turns i

27、nto ice.A.forB.atC.byD.on_ to the railway station, we missed the train.A.There is no busB.No bus goesC.There not being any busD.Not any busNothing but two novels _ found in the closet, _ made them quite disappointed.A.werewhichB.wasthatC.waswhichD.werethatHe is careful never to run _bills.A.outB.ove

28、rC.afterD.upI cant _ to have a holiday abroad on my salary?A. spendB. affordC. helpD. spare “Why not cover the book with a jacket?“Its my book, _I can do whatever I want with it.A.butB.yetC.orD.soThe new building is to be _ high.A.six storeysB.six storeyC.six-storeysD.six-storeyedThe date of the meeting has been _ from the 5th to 8th June.A.postponedB.advancedC.put forwardD.brought offBetween them serious disagreements immediately _.A.raisedB.roseC.risenD.aroseWhen will our plane _?A.take awayB.take upC.take awayHis attitude to his work is not _ of Xiao Wang.A.that

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