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Unit 2 Healthy eating导学案.docx

1、Unit 2 Healthy eating导学案 必修3 Unit 2 Healthy eating 导学案静宁一中 鲍进霞第一课时(Vocabulary, Warming up)Unit2Teaching PeriodP 1 TopicHealthy eatingStyleVocabulary, Warming up Aims1. Vocabulary: diet; balance; fry; ought to do sth; lose weight; raw; get away with;Tell a lie; winback; strength; consult2. Talk about

2、 healthy eating. Step 1. Vocabulary1. go/be on a diet _他在节食所以他不想吃太多。He _,so he doesnt want to eat too much.2. keep a balance between and _务必保持学习和休息的平衡。_3. fry 咱们把这条鱼油炸一下吧。_4. ought to do sth_他应该赡养他的父母。He _ _ support his parents.5.lose weight_ put on/gain weight _他减肥是为了保持身体苗条。He _ _ in order to keep

3、slim.6. raw meat_ raw materials _ a raw beginner_7. get away with_你是怎样欺骗得手的?How do you _ _ _ _?8.tell a lie =lie =tell lies _他说谎是为了躲避处罚。He _ _ _in order to _ _ _ _.9. winback_他尽最大努力来赢回他的顾客。_10.strength 那个人有力气,能够轻松的搬起大石头。That man _ _and can lift the stone easily.11.consult sb about sth_就此事你咨询过你的律师吗?H

4、ave you _ your lawyer_ _?Step 2.Warming up1. The six essential nutrients (六类基本营养):1_ 2_ 3_ 4_ 5_ 6_2. Main food in China:_3. Main food abroad:_4. Meat: _5. Forms of cooking: _6. Read warming up and translate the following phrases and sentencesLose ones balance _ keep ones balance _Balanced diet_You

5、need a good sense of balance to ride a bicycle. _.I lost my balance and fell on my back_You have to balance yourself when standing on this little boat. _Summary: Balance词性是_词和_词,意思是_.形容词形式是_.课后反思 第二课时 (Reading)Unit2Teaching PeriodP2TopicHealthy eatingStyle Reading Aims1. Talk about healthy eating. W

6、hat makes up a healthy diet?2. Reading and comprehendingStep 1. Pre-reading: 1.Discuss in pair:2. What diet should we eat if we want to keep healthy?Which food contains moreExamples of foodsAnswerSugarChocolate or grapesCakes or bananasFatCream or riceChocolate or chickenFiberPeas or nutsPork or cab

7、bageproteinPotato crisps or hamEggs or cream We should eat a_ diet. That is to say, we should eat_ food, _ food as well as _food.Step 2. Reading1. Read the text carefully and finish the following chart1.his restaurant served the food that is rich in _,like_situation: His restaurant wasPa.1Before:_No

8、w: _ WangPengwas _because 1.Yonghuis restaurant served the food that is low in fat, like_2. situation:_Pa.2 WangPeng was_,so he _,and found1. problems:_2. measures:Pa.31._2._resultStep 3. Compare Wang Pengs restaurant with Yong Huis:disadvantagesadvantagesWang Pengs restaurantYong Huis restaurantSte

9、p 4. Explain the following sentences taken from the text.1. Something terrible must have happened if Li Chang was not coming to eat in his restaurant as he always did._2. He could not have YongHui getting away with telling people lies._3. Perhaps with a discount and a new sign he could win his custo

10、mers back. _Step 5. Read the text and translate the following phrases into English. ought to do sth _ see sb doing sth _ be tired of _ lose weight _ get away with_ tell lies_ keep fit_ win.back_Step 6. Comprehending Exx on page 11Language points:1.Wang Peng sat in his empty restaurant feeling very f

11、rustrated.feeling very frustrated 现在分词在句中作伴随状语She sat on the chair reading a newspaper.(表伴随) Walking in the street, she met her old friend.(表时间) Seeing no body at home , she decided to eat outside.(表原因) The child fell, striking his head against the ground.(表结果)2. By now his restaurant ought to be fu

12、ll of people.Ought to 1) to show a moral duty 表示一种道义上的责任,应该She ought to look after her child better. You ought to study hard to get a high mark.2)ought to have done 表示本应该,而却没有You ought to have come yesterday.2. He thought of his mutton, beef and bacon cooked in the hottest, finest oil. 过去分词短语作后置定语,表

13、被动。= which were cooked in the hottest oil. The flowers picked by him are very beautiful. There were few choices of food and drink on it: just rice, raw vegetables served in vinegar, fruit and water.4. Nothing could have been better. 比较级与否定词连用表示最高级。 = All his food could have been the best. I have nev

14、er seen a better film. There is nothing I like so much as playing football.5. Something must have happened if Li Chang was not coming to eat in his restaurant as he always did. Must have done: 情态动词+have done表示推测。1) 肯定句用:must(一定)/may(可能)/might(也许)He must/may/might know the answer to this question? It

15、 is cold in the room. They must have turned off the heating. 2) 否定句用:cant/couldnt(不可能)/may not/might not(可能不)It cant/couldnt be the headmaster. He has gone to America. He may not/might not know the scientist. 3) 疑问句用:can/could用于, cant/couldnt用于否定Could he have finished the task? Can he be at home now

16、? Tired of 厌烦的 He is tired of doing the same thing all year round.Tired out 筋疲力尽 I was tired out when I finally reach the top of the mountain.Tired from 因而疲倦 I was very tied from running fast.7. He could not have Yonghui getting away with telling people lies!1)have sb. doing sth.允许谋事发生,尤用于否定句中 Mr Zh

17、ang wont have his daughter arriving home after 12 oclock. I wont have you saying so! Have sb. do sth. 使某人做某事,不定式作宾语补足语,省略to The boss has the clerks work until late in the evening. Have sth. Done 请别人做某事。My hair is quite long, I must have it cut.2) get away with sth. a)不因谋事而受惩罚。Eg.I wont have you gett

18、ing away with cheating in the exam.b)偷携某物潜逃。Eg.The robbers robbed the bank and got away with a lot of money.c)收到较轻的惩罚。Eg.He was so lucky to get away with a fine for such a serious mistake.3) lie n. tell a lie/lies; 撒谎 a white lie 善意的诺言v. lie to sb. 对某人撒谎课后反思 第三课时 (Learning about language)Unit2Teachi

19、ng PeriodP 3 TopicHealthy eatingStyleLearning about languageAims1. Useful words and expressions.2. Useful structures.Step 1. Words and expressions P12 Exx1,2 Step 2. Speaking Sample dialogue for P12 Ex4S1: Whats your favourite food? Im really fond of roast duck.S2: My favourite food is roast mutton

20、and cold vinegar fish.S1: What do you hate?S2: I really hate spicy food. It upsets my stomach and makes me feel ill.S1: Im sorry to hear that! I cant stand boiled eggs myself.S2: Really! I love them. If you eat boiled eggs with smoked chicken and cucumber salad, they taste delicious.S1: I dont often

21、 eat chicken although I know it has low fat and you wont gain weight.S2: Are you worried about gaining weight too? Thats why Ive stopped eating fried food. Its really sad because I love fried eggplant with fried chicken.S1: Never mind. Itll be worth it when youre elegant and thin.S2: I hope so.Step

22、3 Useful structures. MeaningSentences in the textIntention12Duty12PermissionPossibility123456Guessing1Ability12Modal verbs1. can 与could:1)表能力或可能性;2)表请求或许可; 3)表推测。Anybody can make mistakes. (possibility)You can use my pen. (permission)I can speak Japanese well. (ability)Could you help me? (request)He

23、 cant be at home now. I called him just now, but nobody answered the phone.比较can 和be able to 1)can/could 表示能力;可能, 只用于现在式和过去式(could)。be able to可以用于各种时态。 They will be able to tell you the news soon. 他很快就能告诉你消息了。2)只用be able to的情况: a. 位于助动词 / 情态动词后。 b. 表示成功地做了某事时,用was/were able to,不能用could。例如:He was abl

24、e to flee Europe before the war broke out. = He managed to flee Europe before the war broke out.注意:could有时不表示时态1) 提出委婉的请求,(注意在回答中不可用could)。例如: - Could I have the television on? 我能看电视吗? - Yes, you can. / No, you cant. 可以/不可以。2) 在否定句、疑问句中表示推测或怀疑。例如: He couldnt be a bad man. 他不大可能是坏人。2. may/ might: 1)表

25、示允许或请求;2)表示可能或推测;3)may 放在句首,表示祝愿。May I go home now? (permission)If you lose too much blood, you may die. (possibility)He might be at home. May God bless you! May not “可能不” can not “不可能”3. must / have to:1)必须 2)推测否定结构中:dont have to=need not 表示不必,mustnt表示禁止。例如:You dont have to tell him about it.You mu

26、stnt tell him about it.have to / have got to 的用法 must: 偏偏 Why must it rain on Sunday? Listen, there must be some children in the room.4. 表示推测的用法 can, could, may, might, must 皆可表示推测,其用法如下:1) 对现在情况的推测: 情态动词+动词原形,此时动词通常为系动词。 肯定:must/may/might + be sth. /do sth. /be doing sth. 否定:can/could not + be sth./do sth./ be doing sth 疑问:Can/Could + be sth./do sth./ be doing sthI dont know where she is, she may be in Wuhan. 2)对过去情况的推测。肯定:must/may/might +have been /done 否定:can/could not + have been /done疑问:Can/Could + have been /d

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