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1、陈曲老师天龙八部培训讲学陈曲老师天龙八部文常用万能功能句(天龙八部-陈曲)1.六级的题目分类(1)首先六级作文有导读(关键性词语均已经划出):Direction: For this part, you are allowed30minutes to write a shortessayentitled. You should write at least150words but no more than200following the outline given below.(2)六级考试题目一般分为两类:1.现象解释解决类;2.正反观点对比类。除了2011年12月出现看似较新的题目外,其余均

2、逃不出这范围,与专业四级的题目有些类似。现象解释解决类2010年06月Due Attitude Should Be Given to the Study of Chinese1.近年来在学生中出现了忽视中文的现象;2.出现这种现象的原因和后果;3.为了改变这种状况,我认为正反观点对比类2009年12月现在有不少家长送孩子参加各种艺术班;1.对这种做法有人表示支持,2.有人并不赞成;3.我认为Should parents send their kids to art classes?2.六级的写作黄金五法则由于六级先按百分制的15分评卷(五档2 5 8 11 14),又按阅卷时间不足30秒,阅卷

3、人大体以印象给分。其实写作好坏的确看若干句即现端倪。黄金法则包括:1.题目提纲要点大致意思写成英文各段中心句注:便于阅卷人了解每段的Topic Sentence;2.惊艳学会制造亮点(尤其第一段)注:往往阅卷第一印象甚为重要,即体现考生水平;3.清晰学会使用标志词(尤其是主体段)注:中间段落结构清楚,助于评卷人了解思想;4.词汇原则四级词汇六级高端词汇注:第一偏向书面,第二偏向准确。用太简单的的确不容易得高分。你以为你是海明威呀?5.卷面保持清楚切忌藏宝图注:让阅卷老师看卷费力,即便你文笔隽永,恐怕也难见天日。3.天龙八部说天龙八部,只是卖个噱头,目的是告诉给位,开头不好写,模板(templa


5、成长至关重要。我们发现一般要描述的都是一些社会的热点:这里有八个句型各位可以背一下。考试场上根据题目,将八个句子任意选择、随意组合起来即可!天龙八部之一:描述类经典句预备知识:写句子的亮点要么是词,要么是句型。句型部分1:阅读经典书籍非常重要。(划线处可以根据题目变换)1.Reading classicsis very important. / It is very importantto read classics.2.It is of vital/great importanceto read classics.3.Nothing is more important thanreading

6、 classics.4.Reading classicsplays an extremely important role throughout our lives.5.Reading classicsnever fails to be important.也可以将34句一起用:Nothing can play a more important role thanreading classics.Important可以替换词汇:significant(意义深远的)essential(关键的)indispensable(不可替代的)pivotal(中枢作用的)等等。句型部分2:在写作时表示真理性

7、的描述可以加上一个引导抬头。如:做了好事要不要求回报的开头可以写成:It is generally accepted thatone should never expect a reward when doing a good deed. Seemingly justifiable, however, it is not always the case.这样的抬头句替换:1.It is generally accepted that / There is general acceptance that 2.There is little doubt that 3.It cannot be de

8、nied that 4.There is a growing recognition that 5.It has been widely noted that 6.It is universally acknowledged that 7.A prevailing notion / trend is that 句型合并成模版句型:It is generally accepted that nothing can play a more indispensable role thanreading classics.学会灵活替换如:It goes without saying thatreadi

9、ng classicsplays an extremely important role throughout our lives.天龙八部之二:趋势类经典句模版句型(划线处可以根据题目变换):越来越多的父母开始考虑把孩子送到艺术学校去。More and more不是不好,可以替换句型使用1.An increasing/a growing/a mounting number ofparents begin to consider sending their kids to art classes.2.Parentsin growing numbersbegin to consider send

10、ing their kids to art classes.3.It is obvious thatdigital productshave become increasingly popular andhave been extensively used in a variety of ways.2007.12如今数字化产品得到越来越多广泛的使用。4.Nowadays,college undergraduateshave increasingly realizedcertificateplays an extremely important role in pursuit of their

11、future career. As a result, they get involved in a certificate mania.2011.06现在许多人热衷于各类证书考试天龙八部之三:关注类经典句预备知识:英汉差异1:英语多被动,汉语多主动。如:我们应该重视电子书We should pay attention to e-books.(we I people用的太多,句子显得累赘)You should pay attention to e-books.(第二人称最好不要在作文中出现)主语替换成one是一个选择,另外用被动语态为佳。Much more attention than eve

12、r before should be paid to _.英汉差异2:汉语多短句,英语多长句中文讲意境,所以当出现小桥流水人家,中国人都懂这个场景,但是外国人句式不加动词,这三个词语是无意义的。一般可以翻译成:Murmuring streamruns belowthe tiny bridge, leading to elegant dwellings.英语中的长短句可以连起来:Much more attention than ever before has been paid tothe fast-developing IT industry.The IT industryhas brough

13、t unprecedented transformation to human beings life.模板句型(划线处可以根据题目变换):In recent years, much more attention than ever before has been paid tothe fast-developing IT industry,whichhas brought unprecedented transformation to human beings life.天龙八部之四:重视类经典句句型举例:近年来在学生中出现了忽视中文的现象With the onset of globaliz

14、ation, we the post-80s generation increasingly attach great importance to foreign language learning. Sadly/Unfortunately, we instead pay little attention to our mother tongue.重视关注类句型:attach great importance to pay attention to set store by lay stress on/upon 模版句型:1.With/owing to the development of _

15、, we, the post-90s generation, should attach great importance to/pay attention to/set store by/lay stress upon _.2.With the advent of the 21stcentury, as todays college students, we should pay special attention to the issue of _.天龙八部之五:发生类经典句预备知识:近几年来越来越多的父母把孩子送到了艺术学校去。The past several years have wi

16、tnessed an exponential increase in the number of parents who wish to send their kids to art classes.模板句型:Time/Place have witnessed a/an sharp/dramatic/striking/exponential/considerable/significant increase/decrease in the number of _ who/which _.练习1:根据的调查,仅仅2009年间,中国就有约大学生由于心理健康问题而跳楼。According to a

17、recent survey conducted byChina Daily, the year 2009 has witnessed approximately _ college students whocommitted suicide owing to their mental problem.练习2:近年来在学生中出现了忽视中文的现象。The past several years have witnessed a considerably striking phenomenon that a growing number of students, despite their fluen

18、cy in English, start to pay little attention to the study of Chinese, their mother tongue.这种句型其实句式举例。附举例一种句型:The digital age has exerted a conspicuous impact on our life,which can be exemplified bythe popularity of e-shop.天龙八部之六:议论类经典句预备知识:2008.12 The Importance of Students mental health如何提高大学生心理健康问

19、题(A)引起了社会广泛争议(B)。A:the issue of how to improve the students mental healthB:a heated discussion / a debate / a variety of conflicting views / much controversy模版句型:1.Ahas caused/led to/resulted in/triggered/given rise toa variety of conflicting views.2.As regardsA, there has beena heated discussionamo

20、ng the general public in our society.3.There is much controversy overA. / a national debate has sprung up onA.如:As regards the issue of how to improve the students mental health, there has been a heated discussion among the general public in our society.天龙八部之七:出现类经典句模版句型:随着信息技术的发展,电子图书越来越多Owning to/

21、With the development of IT industry, e-books in growing numbersbegin to emerge into peoples vision.或者:Probably without our consciousness/ realization, the IT technologyseems to give birth toa digital age in todays world.Aemerge into peoples sight/visionABA give(s) birth/rise to B练习:大学排名(试着使用我们学过的句型)

22、It has been widely noted that university plays a fundamental role in ones cultivation and provides a platform for higher education. Recently,however, much more attention than ever before has been paid to the university ranking, which has become increasingly prevalent among educationalists. With the

23、wizardry of the internet, universities all across the global have been ranked according to such factors as their academic reputation and faculty students.Consequently, this phenomenon might give rise to a variety of conflicting views among the general public in our society.天龙八部之八:结果类经典句预备知识:2007.06

24、Should One Expect a Reward When Doing a Good Deed?例句:Seemingly simple, the question of whether one should expect a reward after doing a good deedposes a considerable challenge,whichtends toshowcase peoples moral belief.模版句型1(对产生): pose a considerable challenge to 1.Pollutionposes a great threat toou

25、r existence.2.Rapid population growth willexert a strain oneconomies around the world.3.Smokingplaces a great influence onour health.模版句型2(表示一种趋势,一般插入主谓之间):1.Onetends toshout when he gets excited.2.In winter, peopleare apt tocatch cold.3.Heis likely tomake mistakes when tired.4.Sheis prone tolose te

26、mper in difficult situation.5.Leois liable toact aggressively.6.This kind of shoesis inclined toslip on wet ground.最后给各位储备三种句式:1.enable/allowmetogain much knowledge. ( enable sb. to do sth.)2.bringusnumerous/countless/a multitude of benefits/drawbacks. (bring sb. )3.Books provide me with the access

27、to knowledge. ( provide sb. with sth.)offer supple可以替换provide,但是要注意搭配。比如:offer sb. sth. offer sth to sb.如何灵活处理这些句型呢:建议1:先牢牢记得:议论类和发生类。发生类就是举例子,只要能举例子最好举,例子一定不是模板。议论类,只要你觉得引起大家的争议,必可用。建议2:前三大句型,关注类、描述类、趋势类,一般必在开头可以用一句。建议3:后三大句型,重视类、出现类、结果类,一般必可在后面跟一句。学完六脉神剑后再写模板。4.六脉神剑当分述观点的时候,一般多会说第一、第二、第三。接下来总结六脉神剑

28、:起承转合独评启部:用于引导第一点首先:1. first, firstly, first of all; 2. to begin with, to start with; 3. in the first place, first and foremost一方面:1. on the one hand (on the other); 2. for one thing (for another thing).承部:承接前面观点其次second, secondly, third, thirdly进一步 furthermore, whats more, moreover此外 besides, in ad

29、dition结果 consequently, as a consequence/result, thus hence therefore, on this account, in light of this转部:转折语义相反技巧1:but改although/in spite of/despite如:Selecting their favorite lecturer does bring great benefits to students study,butit also cause a number of problems.Althoughselecting their favorite l

30、ecturer does bring great benefits to students study, it also causes a number of problems.In spite of/despiteits great benefits for students study, selecting their favorite lecturer does cause a number of problems.注:很多老师建议but改成in spite of the fact that.那么那些老师有兴趣去看看GMAT语法,这种写法叫wordy或者redundancy(冗长,累赘)。但是如果改成in spite of this,那还可以。不过前面需要句话句掉。技巧2:but改

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