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1、学年度山东省临沂市沂水县九年级英语期中考试试题2008-2009学年度临沂市沂水县九年级期中考试英语试卷第卷(选择题)一、听力部分(一)听录音,按听到的顺序选出图画。根据你所听到的句子,选出与其图画意思相符的选项。注意:涂卡时,请将图画E对应的答案改涂为A。1_ 2_ 3_ 4_ 5_(二)录音中有五个句子,每个句子读两遍,根据你所听到的内容选择恰当的答语。6AYoure welcome BThats right CNo,thanks DNo problem7AI am sure BThe same to you CI dont think so DOK,I agree8ATwo kilos

2、BFive months CSeven days DTen dollars9ALast weekend BTwice CTwice a month DThree weeks10AI love singers who sing the words clearlyBWell,Im afraid I dontCBrazilian dance musicDI love musicians who can play different kinds of music(二)你将听到五段对话。请你根据所听到的每段对话内容及问题,选择正确的答案,对话读两遍,问题只读一遍。11AFor about one yea

3、r BFor about half a yearCFor about one year and a half DFor about two years12ABy writing vocabulary lists BBy taking notes in classCBy listening to the tapes CBy watching English programs13AKate BXiao LiCXiao Li,Kate and Fred DFred14AA cap BSome moneyCA map of the city DA cap of the thing15AIn the o

4、ffice BIn the open air CAfter work DBefore work(四)听短文,选择正确的答案,短文读三遍。16Sam is _Aan English boy Ban American boyCan English girl Dan American girl17Sam is going to be _ years old next yearAseven Bsix Ceight Dnine18Sam usually goes to school _Aby bus Bby car Cby bike Don foot19Miss Green is happy today

5、 because _ASam is late BSam studies hardCSam isnt late DSam can count from one to ten20There are _ people in Sams familyAthree Btwo Cone Dfour请同学们翻到试卷的第7页,完成第卷第五大题的听力测试的第五题。你将有5秒钟的准备时间。二、单项选择题21I study for a test _ working with a groupAin Bby Cat Dto22Sam enjoys _ stampsAnd now he has 226 of themAto

6、 collect Bcollected Ccollects Dcollecting23What _ you do if you won a million dollars?Awill Bwould Cshall Dshould24I dont have a presentWhat if _ brings a present?Aeveryone other Banyone other Ceveryone else Delse everyone25If I _ a bird,I _ fly freely in the skyAwere,will Bwere,wouldCwas,would have

7、 Dwas,were going to26Youd better _ smoking,_ you will get illAgo on,so Bgive up,and Cgive up,or Dend up,or27-He used to play tennis,but now hes on the swim team- _APeople sure change BGood ideaCThanks DAll right28There _ many trees on the hillBut now all the trees are cut downAused to be Bused to Cw

8、as used to Dwas used to be29I dont think sixteen-year-olds should _ to go to barsAallow Bbe allowing Cnot allow Dbe allowed30-P1ease Ro to bed early,dont _ too late,or you will feel sleepy in class-I wont,MumAstand up Bstay up Cwake up Dget up31I dont know if he _ hereIf he _ tomorrow,Ill tell youAc

9、omes;comes Bwill come;comesCcomes;will come Dwill come;will come32That backpack must _ Li NasHer name is on itAbelong to Bbe Cbelong Dbe to33This is the boy _ broke your windowI know himAwho Bwhich Cwhat Dwhere34-Where is Mr. Wang? Have you seen him?-He _ be in our classroom-He _ be in our classroom

10、Because I left there just nowAmay;cant Bcan;may notCmay;mustnt Dcan;dont have to35The new term is comingThe students are busy _ the classroomAclean Bcleans Cto clean Dcleaning36-What kind of music do you like?-I like music _ makes me excitedAthat Bwhat Cwho Dit三、完型填空Bob Geldof is one of the most fam

11、ous pop 37_ of the 38 _ centuryHe was born in Ireland in 1954His mother 39 _ when he was elevenWhen he was fourteen,he became 40 _ in pop groupsHe left school and worked first in a food,factory and 41_ as a worker building roadsIn 1975 he returned to Dublin,and stared his own pop groupFrom 1979 to 1

12、982 they were the top group in Britain,but in 1982 the group stopped 42_ togetherBob Geldofs life changed 43 _ an October evening in 1984 when he was watching TVHe became sad when he saw pictures of hungry people in AfricaHe felt he should do 44_ to help themHe called on all his friends in the pop w

13、orldBy January in1985,five 45 _ pounds had been collected After the 46 _ of his records,Bob went to African countries37Astar Bstars Csinger Dthe stars38Atwenty Btwelve Ctwentieth Dtwelfth39Adead Bdied Chas been dead Ddying40Ainterest Binteresting Cinterested Dinterests41Alater Blate Clatest D42Asing

14、s Bto sing Csinging DSang43Ain Bat Cfrom Don44Asomething Banything Cnothing Deverything45Amillion Bmillions Cmillions of Dmillion of46Asucceed Bsuccess Csuccessful Dsucceeded四、阅读理解(一)根据短文内容选择最佳答案。AIt was a very hot day in summer,and there were no trees along the streetMr. Fat closed his shop and wen

15、t out into the street and walked to the bus stop to take a bus homeHe was very fatThe sun shone(照耀)straight down the street,and after a short time,Mr. Fat felt very hotA small boy came out of another shop in the street and followed Mr. FatHe stayed very near him all the time,and he kicked(踢)Mr. Fats

16、 shoes several timesMr. Fat looked at him angrily(生气地)each timeAfter the fifth time,Mr. Fat stopped,turned round and said to the small boy,“what are you doing? Dont follow the like thatYou will hurt my feet”“Im sorry,sir,please dont stop me” Said the small boy“Its very hot todayAnd there isnt any sh

17、ade(阴凉)anywhere else in the street”47Mr. Fat was a _Adoctor Bpolice officer Cshopkeeper Dbank clerk48Mr. Fat would _Ago home on foot Bgo to another shopCgo home by bus Dlike to help the boy49After a while Mr. Fat felt very hot because _Ahe walked too fast Bhe was a fat manCthe boy was near him Dhe w

18、as in a hurry50Mr. Fat _ after the boy kicked his shoes several timesAstopped and asked the boy not to hurt his feetBstopped to walkCtold the boy to walk behind himDtold the boy to stop walking behind him51Why did the boy follow Mr. Fat? Because _Ahe didnt know his way homeBhe wanted to go to Mr. Fa

19、ts homeChe could get some shade from Mr. FatDhe was a sales assistant in Mr. Fats shopBAt the Beijing time 14:28 May 12,2008,a strong earthquake suddenly happened in Sichuan ProvinceWhen they saw a young woman in broken houses,the rescue(营救)workers were sad to find that she had already been dead,yet

20、 surprised to notice her kneeling down with her hands touching the ground to support(支撑)her weight -and right under her shelter(隐蔽处)of flesh and blood(血肉),her several-month-old baby was sleeping,safe and soundThe baby was put around carefully in a little quilt(被子),with a mobile phone insideAn unsent

21、(未发出的)text message was found that read;“Dear baby,If You Could Be Alive,Please Remember That Mum Always Love You!”As it was too young to know what was really going on,the babys dream must have been free from nightmare(噩梦),though a nightmare was taking placeHowever,it was the mothers love that preven

22、ted the nightmare from falling upon the young dreamerMothers love at her last breath!52It was _ when the baby was foundAcrying Bdying Csitting Dsleeping53The mother knelt down with her hands touching the ground in order to _Ahave a rest Bsave her babyCprotect herself Dprevent the nightmare54Where di

23、d the rescue workers see the mother?AIn a broken house BIn a tall buildingCIn an old office DUnder a bridge55Which of the following is true about the text message?AIt was a message to the babys fatherBIt had already been sent out when foundCThe mother hoped that her baby could liveDThe mother wouldn

24、t like the message to be found56The message is mainly about _Amothers love BSichuan earthquake Ca lucky baby Dthe last breathCMaybe you have heard a lot about the Internet,but what is it?The Internet is many different networks around the worldA network is a group of computers put togetherThese netwo

25、rks joined together are called the InternetPerhaps that doesnt sound interestingBut when weve joined the Internet,there are lots of things we can doWe can have a lot of interest on the world wide web(www)We can use the Internet instead of a library to find all kinds of information for our homeworkWe

26、 can find information about our favorite sports or movie stars and do shopping on the InternetWe can also send messages to other people by e-mailIts much cheaper and quicker than calling our friends or a sending a letterThanks to the Internet,the world is becoming smaller and smallerPeople can now w

27、ork at home with a computer in front,getting and sending the information they needThey can buy or sell whatever they want by InternetBut do you know 98% of the Internet is in English? So what will English be like tomorrow?57The passage is mainly about _Athe Internet BinformationCcomputers Dhow to us

28、e computer58The underline phrase “the world wide web(www)” means _A互联网 B万维网 C网络世界 D宽带网59The Internet can not be used to _Ado some shoppingBdo our houseworkCget some information about our favorite sports starsDclean up the room60Which of the following is NOT true?Athe Internet is a big computer BThe Internet is very helpfulCThe Internet is lots of computer net wo

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