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动词短语 to 集中营.docx

1、动词短语 to 集中营动词短语To集中营AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaccede to同意, 加入, 就任accommodate to 使适应accommodate oneself to使自己适应于accommodate (sb.) with向(某人)供应提供Wherever he goes, he readily accommodates to new circumstances.不管到哪儿,他都能迅速适应新环境。account toaccrue to(好处等)及到某人;(利息等)归于某人Ability to think will accrue t

2、o you from good habits of study.有了良好的学习习惯,思考能力就自然会有所提高。Interest accrues to a man from loan.提供贷款则利息自生。Act up to.按.办事, 实践What you say means very little unless you act up to it.act up to the principles of internationalismadd to 增加, 加到to add more hot water 多加点热水 Add a few more names of laborers to the l

3、ist.名单上再加上几个工人的名字。add fuel to the flame火上加油add insult to injury凌辱交加; 进一步伤人感情add (a) stone to ones cairn人死后对他倍加推崇Fireworks added to the attraction of the festival night.焰火使节日的夜晚更加生色。add up to总计共达; (总起来看)等于说; 意味着This movie adds up to a lot of tears. 这部电影赚了不少眼泪adhere to粘附, 粘着, 坚持, 追随, 拥护The two surface

4、 adhered to each other, and we couldnt get them apart.这两个表面相互粘附在一起,我们无法把两者分开。adhere to坚持;坚信;忠于She adhered to her plan to leave early.她坚持自己的计划要早点动身。I will adhere to this opinion until contrary facts appear.如果没有相反的事实,我将坚持我的意见。adhere to the original plan坚持原来的计划adjust to适应He adjusted himself very quickl

5、y to the heat of the country.他使自己很快适应了这个国家炎热的气候。He soon adjusted to army life.他很快就适应了军中生活。adjust (oneself) to.使自己适应于administer to 有助于, 给予Whatever we do should administer to the needs of the many, not to those of the few.admit to 承认, 让.进入This key admits to the garden.用这把钥匙可以进花园。He admits to his faili

6、ngs. He admitted to a liking for classical music. Do you admit to taking these books without telling anybody?agree to同意某事do you agree to our going through this room?The workers would strike unless the employer agreed to the terms within twenty-four hours.After much agreement, this arrangement was fi

7、nally agreed to.allude to 提到, 暗指.说的It was clear she was alluding to Jane. 很明显她指的是珍妮。Try not to allude to this matter in his presence because it annoys him to hear of it. 他在的时候千万别提及这件事,他听了要生气的。She did not say Mr. Smiths name, but it was clear she was alluding to him.她没有说出史密斯先生的名字,但是很明显她指的是他。amount to

8、 总计, 共计, 共达(to); 等于, 相当于, 实际是, 就意味着(to)His debts amount to five thousand dollars.他欠的债共达五千元。This amounts to a refusal.这等于拒绝。What, after all, does it amount to?这到底意味着什么?answer to .适应, 符合The house answers to his description.这房子与他的描述相符。More copies of the novel will be issued to answer to the popular dem

9、and.answer up to迅速回答; 大声回答At the roll-call the children answered up to their names.appeal to向.呼吁请求 ;投合.的心意; 引起.的兴趣; 诉诸(武力)appeal to sb. for为.向某人呼吁请求;引起某人兴趣he will never appeal to them for mercy.Bright colors appeal to small children.小孩喜欢鲜艳的颜色。Your argument appeals to me.你的论点使我们很感兴趣.appeal to arms fo

10、rce诉诸武力appeal to another court向另一法院上诉apply to适用; 应用(to);请求, 申请, 向.询问;专心, 努力;敷, 涂, 搽, 撒, 贴, 镀; apply to the consul for a visa向领事申请签证apply a theory to practice把理论应用于实践apply a plaster to a wound给伤口贴上膏药apply paint to a house油漆房屋apply ones mind to专心于.We must apply our energies to finding a solution.我们必须全

11、力想出一个解决的办法。For particulars apply to the office.详情请问办事处。The more you apply, the quicker you will learn.你越努力, 学得越快。I dont think what he says applies to you as much as to us.This rule applies to freshmen only.approach to 接近;几乎等于;the number of new students this term approaches to two thousandsHis reply

12、approaches to a denial.approximate to近似;相近;接近The audience approximated to five hundred people.His description approximated to the truth but there were a few errors. 他的描述与事实已经接近,但是有一些错误。Your design only approximates to the requirements of the customers.你的设计仅仅是近似顾客们的需要。His description of what happened

13、 approximated to the truth, but he still left a few details out.他叙述所发生的事近于实情, 但尚遗漏了几项细节问题。aspire to = aspire after追求, 有抱负, 有雄心, 立志, 热望 渴求, 渴望aspire after truth追求真理aspire after knowledge立志求知识aspire to fame追求名誉或地位aspire to become an author热望成为作家aspire after wealth渴望发财aspire to stardom有志成为明星aspire to g

14、reat knowledge追求渊博的知识assent to同意 - express agreement to (an opinion, a plan, etc.)I fully assent to your critical remarks on my article.The teacher will never assent to our playing football in the street.attach to 依恋;喜欢; 加入,参加; 加于之上attach a document to a letter将文件附在信中attach labels to the luggage把标签系

15、在行李上attach ones name to在.上签名He attached his horse to a tree.他将马栓在树上。The hospital is attached to that university.这医院附属于那所大学。attach label to parcel 给包裹贴标签Mary was attached to her brother. 玛丽很喜爱她的弟弟。I am very attached to that old picture.我很喜欢那幅旧画。Pro. Smith was attached to the medical college as a gues

16、t professor for two years.史密斯教授在医学院当了两年的客座教授。No blame attaches to him for the accident. 这个事故他没有受到责备。 We should attach primary importance to the development of economy.我们要把发展经济的工作放在第一位。be attached to认为重要attain to - To succeed in a directed effort, process, or progression: 到达,达到,获得经过针对性的努力,过程或进取而成功:at

17、tained to high office; 达到高级职位;eventually attained to wisdom 最终获取智慧attain to power得到权力attend to 专心, 注意, 照顾 While attending to the central task, we should unfold the work in other fields. He has a great deal to attend to today.有许多事要处理.Attend to me please. Im in a hurry to leave.帮我办一下.He did attend the

18、 lecture this morning, but somehow he did not seem to attend to it.He should have attended to what his teacher told him.attest to 证实,证明提供证据;给出证言:attest to their good faith证明他们的良好信誉I can attest to the absolute truth of his story.我可以证实他的话是千真万确的。The childs good health attests his mothers care.这孩子健康的身体证

19、实他母亲照料周到。The handwriting expert attested to the genuineness of the signature.笔迹专家作证该签名无讹。average out to 平均达; 达到平均数, 最终得到平衡Henrys taxes averaged out to about a forth of his income.awake to: 醒悟, 明白, 认识或意识到 become aware of They awake to the truth that serving the people is the greatest joy.BBBBBBBBBBBB

20、BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBack on to - have th eback in the direction of and often close to 背靠(常指紧靠)The library backs on to the park. seaside resorts which back on to the seaBang to - close a door, etc. with a bang; a door, etc. be closed with a bangThe wind banged the window to.I dont kno

21、w how the door banged to.Belong to- (1)be the property of; be owned by (2) be part of ; be related or connected toAll these houses belong to the locals.Your objection does not belong to this meeting.Bend to - submit to; 屈服于,服从, 专心于She bends to her husbands will.她顺从她丈夫的意志。He bent his mind to the job.

22、 他专心于他的工作。 He bent his mind to the research project.他全力以赴地做这研究课题。Boil down to - .等于;归结为The whole matter boils down to the fact that you two dont like each other. 这件事除去枝节不管,可以归结为你们俩谁也不喜欢谁。Most of the crimes may boil down to a question of money.大多数犯罪归结起来可以说都是金钱问题。Bow down to-鞠躬, 弯腰, 点头; 屈服, 屈从submit t

23、o; yield to bow to sb.s opinion屈从某人的意见Im not going to bow down to such wrong opinions. Never bow down to any idols.Bow to鞠躬;弯腰; 屈服, 屈从Bow to the Queen. 向女王鞠躬致敬。I cant agree with you but I bow to your greater experience and knowledge.虽然我不同意你的意见,但我佩服你经验和知识比我丰富。I bow to your decision.We would never bow

24、 to natural disasters.Brace to = brace inBring to -.使恢复知觉cause to recover from faintingBring sb. to by artificial aspirationBuckle to buckle oneself to专心从事buckle (down) to 俗开始认真工作; 倾全力于The sooner you buckle to it, the better.We must buckle to and get the work done in time.Butter up to 阿谀奉承Dont bothe

25、r buttering up to me. Im too old an hand to be won over by flattery.CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCall to - cry to, (an animal) utter a characteristic note or cry to I called to an old man on the opposite of the street, but he seemed to be too deaf to hear me.As soon as we enter the pa

26、rk, we heard various birds calling to one another.Cater to - .供应伙食, 迎合; To be particularly attentive or solicitous; minister: 特别伺候特别注意或关心;服伺:a restaurant catering only to the Muslims专供穆斯林就餐的饭店, 清真馆子The nurses catered to my every need. 护士们照顾到我的一切需要。The legislation catered to various special interest

27、groups.立法兼顾了各种特殊利益群体That theater caters chiefly to children. (serve)Check back to Clap to - close (a door , a lid, etc.) noisily; (a door , a lid, etc.) close noisilyWe clapped the door to as soon as we came in.The door clapped to.Cleave to - be faithful to 坚守; 坚持(to)粘着, 粘住(to)忠于cleave to an idea忠于一

28、种思想when writing your account of the matter, you ought to cleave to the facts.Cling to- hold tight to, adhere closely to, stick to; hold on to, remain faithful toThe baby monkey clung to its mother. 小猴子紧紧偎着它妈妈。cling to a purpose坚持目的cling to the last hope抱定最后希望, 决不灰心clinging to outdated customs墨守陈规cli

29、ng on to紧紧抱住, 死抱不放clip on to - fasten on or be capable of being fastened on by an attached clipThe badge clips on to the coat.Come down to -归结为,涉及到; 传递;传给What do our choices in this come down to? 归结而言,我们对此还有多少选择?The song comes down to us from the 10th century. 这首歌从10世纪一直传到我们这一代。 These legends came d

30、own to us from the 15th century.这些传说是从十五世纪流传下来的。Come near to - 接近get close to As the boat came near to shore, we saw who was in it.Dark brown come nears to black.Such actions come near to treason.I came near to telling him the whole truth but then thought better of it.Come round to - reach the point

31、 of doing sth. after procrastination or unavoidable delayWhen he finally came round to writing the letter he found his feelings were easier to express than he had expected.Come to - .达到, 继承, 复苏, 停止; 想起,共计Come to sb. for help 到某人处请教Dont talk round the question; come straight to the point.Dont open the door until the car comes to complete halt.Fortunately, medical help was available, the old man soon came to.A police patro

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