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1、雅思写作评分标准中英对照雅思(IELTS)考试评分标准(中英文对照)IELTS Task 1 Writing band descriptorsBandTask Achieveme ntCohere nee andCohesi onLexicalResourceGrammaticalRange andAccuracy9fully satisfies all the requireme nts of the task clearly prese nts a fully developed responseuses cohesi on in such a way that it attracts n

2、o atte nti on skillfully man ages paragraphi nguses a wide range of vocabulary with very n atural and sophisticate d con trol of lexical features; rare minor errors occur only as slips uses a wide range of structures with full flexibility and accuracy;rare minor errors occur only as slips 8covers al

3、l requireme nts of the task sufficie ntly prese nts, highlights and illustrates key features / bullet points clearly and appropriatelysequences in formatio n and ideas logically man ages all aspects of cohesi on well uses paragraphi ng sufficie ntly and appropriatelyuses a wide range of vocabulary f

4、lue ntly and flexibly to convey precise meanings skillfully uses uncom mon lexical items but there may be occasi onal in accuracies in word choice and collocatio n produces rare errors in spel ling an d/or word formati onuses a wide range of structures the majority of sentences are error-free makes

5、only very occasi onal errors or in appropriac ies7covers thelogicallyuses auses arequireme nts oforga ni zessufficie ntvariety ofthe taskin formatio nrange ofcomplex(Academic)and ideas;vocabularystructuresprese nts a clearthere is ato allowproducesoverview of theclearsomefreque ntmain tren ds,progre

6、ssi onflexibilityerror-freediffere nces, orthroughoutandsentencesstagesuses a rangeprecisi onhas good(Ge neralof cohesiveuses lesscon trol ofTrai ning)devicescom mongrammarprese nts a clearappropriatelylexical itemsandpurpose, withalthoughwith somepun ctuati onthe tonethere may beaware ness ofbut ma

7、ycon siste nt andsomestyle andmake a fewappropriate clearly prese nts and highlights key features / bullet points but could be more fully exte ndedun der-/over- usecollocatio n may produce occasi onal errors in word choice, spel ling an d/or word formatio nerrors6addresses thearra ngesuses anuses a

8、mix ofrequireme nts ofin formatio nadequatesimple andthe taskand ideasrange ofcomplex(Academic)cohere ntly,vocabularysentenceprese nts anthere is afor the taskformsoverview withclear overallattempts tomakes somein formatio nprogressi onuse lesserrors inappropriatelyuses cohesivecom mongrammarselecte

9、ddevicesvocabularyand(Ge neraleffectively,but withpun ctuati onTrai ning)but cohesi onsomebut theyprese nts awith in an d/orin accuracyrarely reducepurpose that isbetwee nmakes somecom municatigen erally clear; there may be incon siste ncies in tone prese nts and adequately highlights key features /

10、 bullet poin ts, but details may be irreleva nt,senten ces may be faulty ormecha ni cal may not always use refere nces clearly or appropriatelyerrors in spel ling an d/or word formatio n, but they do not impede com muni cati ononin appropriate, orin accurate5gen erallyprese ntsuses auses only aaddre

11、sses thein formatio nlimited rangelimitedtask; the formatwith someofrange ofmay beorga ni zati onvocabulary,structuresin appropriate inbut therebut this isattemptsplacesmay be a lackmini mallycomplex(Academic)of overalladequate forsentencesreco unts detailsprogressi onthe taskbut thesemecha ni cally

12、makesmay maketend to bewith no clearin adequate,no ticeableless accurateoverview; therein accurate, orerrors intha n simplemay be no dataover-use ofspel lingsentencesto support thecohesivean d/or wordmay makedescripti ondevicesformatio nfreque nt(Ge neralmay bethat maygrammaticalTraining) mayrepetit

13、ivecause someerrors andprese nt abecause ofdifficulty forpun ctuati onpurpose for thelack of thethe readermay beletter that isrefere ncesfaulty; errorsun clear at times;andcan causethe tone may besubstituti onsomevariable anddifficulty forsometimes in appropriate prese nts, but in adequately covers,

14、 key features / bullet points; there may be a tendency to focus on detailsthe reader4attempts toprese ntsuses onlyuses only aaddress the taskin formatio nbasicvery limitedbut does notand ideas butvocabularyrange ofcover all the keythese are notwhich maystructuresfeatures / bulletarran gedbe usedwith

15、 on lypoints; thecohere ntlyrepetitivelyrare use offormat may beand there isor which maysubord in atein appropriateno clearbeclauses(Ge neralprogressi onin appropriatsomeTraining) fails toin thee for the taskstructuresclearly expla in the purpose of the letter; the tone may be in appropriate may con

16、 fuse key features / bullet poi nts with detail; parts may be un clear, irreleva nt, repetitive or in accurateresp onse uses some basic cohesive devices but these may be in accurate or repetitivehas limited con trol of word formatio n an d/or spelli ng; errors may cause stra in for the readerare acc

17、urate but errors predo min ate ,and pun ctuati on is ofte n faulty3fails to address the task, which may have bee n completely misun derstood prese nts limited ideas which may be largely irreleva nt/repetit ivedoes not orga nize ideas logically may use a very limited range of cohesive devices, and th

18、ose used may not in dicate a logical relati on ship betwee n ideasuses only a very limited range of words and expressi ons with very limited con trol of word formatio n an d/or spel ling errors may severely distort the messageattempts sentence forms but errors in grammar and pun ctuati on predo min

19、ate and distort the meaning2an swer is barely related to the taskhas very little con trol of orga ni zatio na l featuresuses an extremely limited range of vocabulary; esse ntially no con trol of word formatio n an d/or spel lingcannot use sentence forms except in memorized phrases1an swers are compl

20、etely un related to the taskfails to com mun icat e any messagecan only use a few isolated wordscannot use sentence forms at all0 d oes not atte ndd oes not attempt the task in any way writes a totally memorized resp onseIELTS Task 2 Writ ing band descriptors (public versi on)BandTask Achieveme ntCo

21、here nee andCohesi onLexicalResourceGrammaticalRange andAccuracy9fully addressesuses cohesi onuses a wideuses a wideall parts of thein such a wayrange ofrange oftaskthat it attractsvocabularystructuresprese nts a fullyno atte nti onwith verywith fulldevelopedskillfullyn atural andflexibility andposi

22、ti on inman agessophisticatedaccuracy;an swer to theparagraph ingcon trol ofrare minorquesti on withlexicalerrors occurreleva nt, fullyfeatures;only asexte nded andrare minor slips well supportederrors occurideasonly as slips 8sufficie ntly addresses all parts of the task prese nts asequences in for

23、matio n and ideas logicallyuses a wide range of vocabulary fluently anduses a wide range of structures the majoritywell-developedman ages allflexibly toof senten cesresp onse to theaspects ofconveyarequestio n withcohesi on wellpreciseerror-freereleva nt.usesmeaningsmakes onlyexte nded andparagraph

24、ingskillfully usesverysupported ideassufficie ntly and appropriatelyun com mon lexical items but there may be occasi onal in accuracies in word choice and collocati on produces rare errors in spelli ng an d/or word formatio noccasi onal errors or in appropriaci es7addresses alllogicallyuses auses a

25、varietyparts of the taskorga ni zessufficie ntof complexprese nts a clearin formatio nrange ofstructurespositi onand ideas;vocabularyproducesthroughout theprese nts ato allowfreque ntresponseclearsomeerror-freeprese nts,progressi onflexibility andsentencesexte nds andthroughoutprecisi onhas goodsupp

26、orts mainuses a rangeuses lesscon trol ofideas, but thereof cohesivecom mongrammarmay be adeviceslexical itemsandtendency toappropriatelywith somepun ctuati onover-ge neralizealthoughaware ness ofbut mayan d/or supportthere may bestyle andmake a fewideas that may lack focussome un der-/over- use pre

27、se nts a clear cen tral topic within each paragraphcollocati on may produce occasi onal errors in word choice, spelli ng an d/or word formatio nerrors6addresses allarra ngesuses anuses a mix ofparts of the taskin formatio nadequatesimple andalthough someand ideasrange ofcomplexparts may becohere ntl

28、yvocabularysentencemore fullyand there is afor the taskformscovered tha nclear overallattempts tomakes someothersprogressi onuse lesserrors inprese nts auses cohesivecom mongrammarreleva ntdevicesvocabularyandpositi oneffectively,but withpun ctuati onalthough thebut cohesi onsomebut theycon clusi onswith in an d/orin accuracyrarely reducemay becomebetwee nmakes somecom muni catiun clear orsenten ceserrors inonrepetitivemay be faultyspelli ngprese ntsor mecha ni calan d/or wordreleva nt mainm

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