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高二英语译林版选修6教学案Unit 2 Section 2.docx

1、高二英语译林版选修6教学案Unit 2 Section 2.单词拼写1Viewers are people who watch television, or who are watching a particular programme on television.2Goodwill_ is a friendly or helpful attitude towards other people, countries, or organizations.3A mat is a small piece of material which is put on the floor for protec

2、tion, decoration, or comfort.4The old man is suffering from severe mental disorder.5His death was a great sorrow(悲伤) to everyone who knew him.6Broadcasting (节目制作和播放)is the making and sending out of television and radio programmes.7If you advocate (支持,拥护) a particular action or plan, you recommend it

3、 publicly.8Drinks that can make people drunk, such as beer, wine, and whisky, can be referred to as alcohol (酒).拓展词汇9surroundvt.围绕,环绕surrounding adj.周围的surroundings n环境10sufferingn疼痛,痛苦;折磨suffer v遭受(痛苦,困难等);受苦,受难11junioradj.青少年的;地位(或职位、级别)低下的senior adj.资格较老的,地位较高的12appreciationn感激;欣赏;理解;(艺术方面的)鉴定,评估

4、 appreciate vt.感激;赏识;领会13accomplishvt.完成,实现accomplishment n成就;成绩14thankfuladj.感激的,感谢的thank vt.感激thanks n感谢15admirableadj.令人钦佩的,令人羡慕的,值得赞美的admire v. 钦佩,赞美,羡慕16rebuildvt.重建;改建build vt.建造17unbearableadj.无法忍受的bearable adj.可忍受的bear v忍受18depthn最深处;深度;深厚deep adj.深的19adaptv适应,改编adaptable adj.能适应的,可修改的adapta

5、tion n适应,改编,改写巧记单词派生词surroundingsurround ingaccomplishmentaccomplish mentthankfulthank ful.补全短语1achieve success取得成功2in case 以防3describe . as . 把描述成4apart from 远离,和不在一起;除了5cheer up (使)高兴起来,(使)振作起来6in good spirits 心情好7focus on 集中于8adapt to 适应9go after 追求;谋求10as long as 只要1教材原句Well, in case some of our

6、 viewers dont know her story, can you tell us a little bit about Sang Lan and who she is?嗯,或许我们有些观众还不知道桑兰的故事,您能给我们简单介绍一下桑兰吗?句型点拨句中in case引导目的状语从句,意为“以防,免得”。佳句赏析Write down some important numbers in case you forget them.把重要的数字记下来,以防忘记。2教材原句By the time she competed in the gymnastics tournament at the N

7、ew York Goodwill Games, she had been a junior gymnast for eleven years.到参加纽约友好运动会的体操锦标赛时,她已经是一名有着十一年经历的体操小将了。句型点拨by the time后面常跟一个句子,表示“到时候为止”,主句通常用完成时态。佳句赏析By the time I got to the office, most of the cars had been filled up and driven off.我到办公室时,多数车已经加好油开走了。3教材原句Even though her training meant that

8、 she had to live apart from her parents, she was happy to devote herself to gymnastics.虽然她的训练意味着她得远离父母居住,她还是很愿意投身于体操事业。句型点拨句中even though引导让步状语从句,意为“虽然,尽管”,可用even if替换。佳句赏析Even though she was just a temporary employee, she was still required to sign a work agreement.虽然她只是临时雇员,她还是被要求签一份工作合约。1(教材P18)To

9、 some, happiness is being surrounded by family and friends. 对一些人来说,幸福就是有家人和朋友陪伴在自己身边。surround vt.围绕,环绕(1)surround sb./sth. with .围绕,包围be surrounded by/with . 被环绕/包围(2)surrounding adj. 周围的surroundings n. 环境Theyve surrounded the building with police.他们派警察包围了那栋房子。I live in a big house, which is_surroun

10、ded_with/by trees.我住在一所大房子里,四周被树环绕着。As is known to us all, Venice is a city surrounded by water.众所周知,威尼斯是个被水环绕的城市。语境串记Once upon a time, a king who was very polite to surrounding countries lived in a castle surrounded by tall trees and with wonderful surroundings.从前,在一个大树环绕、环境优美的城堡里住着一个国王,他对邻邦十分友好。 辨

11、析比较surroundings作为“环境”讲时,常用复数形式,主要指周围物质的环境conditions主要是抽象意义上的环境、情况,主要指(居住、工作或做事)的环境、境况、条件,也可以指(影响某事发生的)物质环境、状态、条件environment指大的自然环境,范围比surroundings大,有时也指人成长的环境选择上述单词填空The boy grew up in beautiful surroundings but not in a happy home environment.Wed better keep pace with the changing economic conditio

12、ns.2(教材P18)By the time she competed in the gymnastics tournament at the New York Goodwill Games, she had been a junior gymnast for eleven years. 11年来,直到角逐纽约友好运动会的体操锦标赛时,桑兰一直是一个体操小将。junior adj.青少年的;地位(或职位、级别)低下的n. 年少者;晚辈;等级较低者(be) junior to sb.比某人小,比某人地位(级别、职位等)低The junior middle school was then badl

13、y off for teachers.当时那个初中很缺少教师。You should be patient with her; she is our junior.对她你应该耐心点儿,她是我们的晚辈。He is three years junior to me, but he is more diligent than me.他比我小三岁,但比我勤奋。You are_junior_to_my_brother by six years, who works in Beijing.你比我弟弟小6岁,他在北京工作。巧学助记联想发散junior 通常与to 连用表示比较级, 不与than 连用。类似的搭

14、配还有:be_senior_to_.比年长(资深)be_superior_to_. 比优越(更好、强)be_inferior_to_. 低于,不如3(教材P18)Even though her training meant that she had to live apart from her parents, she was happy to devote herself to gymnastics.虽然参加训练意味着她不能和父母住在一起,但她还是愿意投身于体操。 apart from远离,和不在一起,除了She keeps herself apart from other people.她

15、与别人保持距离。His use of language sets him apart from most other modern writers.他对语言的运用在现代作家中别具一格。Apart from their house in London, they also have a villa in Spain.他们除了在伦敦有一座房子外,在西班牙还有一座别墅。In my spare time I wont do anything, apart_from_reading.我在业余时间除了看书什么也不做。名师点津apart from 意为“除了”时,既可以表示besides的含义,也可以表示e

16、xcept或except for 的含义。take apart将拆开tell apart 分辨出Even when making them look bigger than they really are, the two organisms are difficult to_tell_apart.即使放大之后,这两种有机体也难以区分。I often took some old toy cars apart when I was a child.很小的时候,我常拆卸旧玩具车。4(教材P19)Sang Lan knew that for many people the secret to hap

17、piness is to have appreciation for the good things in life, and to focus on goals.桑兰懂得,对很多人来说,幸福的秘诀在于感激人生中美好的事情,集中精力实现自己的目标。appreciation n. 感激,感谢;欣赏;理解;(艺术方面的)鉴定,评估 (1)have an appreciation of对有欣赏力/体谅express ones appreciation for 因表示感激in appreciation of 作为对的感谢 (2)appreciate vt. 感谢;感激appreciate (doing

18、) sth. 感激(做)某事appreciate it when/if . 感激As he grew older, his appreciation of art grew.随着年龄的增长,他对艺术的鉴赏力也提高了。I had no appreciation of the problems they faced.我没有体谅到他们所面临的困难。We would appreciate you letting us know of any problems.如有任何问题,烦请告知我们。I will appreciate_it if you can give me a hand.如果你能帮我一把,我会

19、很感激。联想发散动词appreciate 后跟if 或when 引导的从句作宾语时,要用it 作形式宾语。与其用法相同的动词(短语)还有:love;_like;_hate;_depend/rely_on_等。5(教材P19)And how has Sang Lan adapted to her new life?桑兰又是怎样适应新生活的呢?adapt vi &vt.(使)适应;改编adapt to .适应于adapt oneself to . 使某人自己适应于adapt sth. for . 把某物改编成Most students have little difficulty adapting

20、 to college life.大部分学生适应大学生活没什么困难。Some animals learn to adapt_themselves_to the change of climate quickly.有些动物很快学会适应气候的变化。Three of his novels have_been_adapted_for television.他的小说中有三部被改编成电视剧了。Word familyIm sure shell cope with the changes very well shes very adaptable.我相信她会很妥善地应付这些变化她的适应能力很强。名师点津ado

21、pt 意思是“收养,采纳”,与 adapt 只有一个字母之差。语境串记Many people adopted the orphans who lost their families in the earthquake, and most orphans could adapt to their new life.很多人收养了在地震中失去家人的孤儿,大部分孤儿都能适应新生活。6(教材P19)However, her primary goal is to advocate better treatment for disabled people.然而,她的最主要的目标是倡导给予残疾人更好的待遇。a

22、dvocate vt.拥护;支持;提倡n.拥护者advocate sth./ doing sth. 拥护/支持/主张(做)某事 We advocate higher salaries for teachers.我们主张提高教师的工资。Most people advocate building_more_hospitals in this city.大多数人主张该市增设医院。Most people advocate reforming the present educational system.大多数人主张改革现行的教育制度。名师点津advocate 后可用动名词作宾语,不能用不定式作宾语。7

23、(教材P21)Some people advocate going after pleasure in order to find happiness. 有些人提倡追求乐趣来寻找幸福。go after追求,追逐go against背叛;违背;违反;不利于go in for 爱好,酷爱;从事;参加go ahead 走在前面,领先;干吧,去吧go by 走过(某处);时间过去;流逝go over 越过;复习;仔细检查go round/around 四处走动;绕道走;(病,消息)流传go through 经历;审查Ive decided to go after that job in Beijing

24、 no matter what it takes.我决定力争得到北京的那份工作,无论要付出什么代价。As time goes_by,_the child grows up into a successful man. 随着时间的流逝,这个孩子长成了一位成功人士。He went over the plans again and discovered two mistakes.他再次审查这个计划,发现了两处错误。You didnt know what I had gone_through.你不知道我遭受了什么苦难。8Well, in case some of our viewers dont kn

25、ow her story, can you tell us a little bit about Sang Lan and who she is?嗯,或许我们有些观众还不知道桑兰的故事,您能给我们简单介绍一下桑兰吗?用法分析句中 in case 引导目的状语从句。in case 的主要用法有以下三种:(1)用作从属连词,引导目的状语从句,其意为“以防,免得”。Ill take my raincoat in case it rains.我将带上雨衣,以防下雨。(2)用作从属连词,引导条件状语从句,其意为“如果,万一”。In_case_John_comes,_please tell him to

26、wait for me for a while.如果约翰来了,请告诉他等我一会儿。(3)起副词作用,其意为“以防万一”,在句中充当状语,常位于句末。Youd better carry some money in case.你最好带些钱,以防万一。 in case of 万一;如果发生in any case 无论如何,总之in no case 决不(置于句首,引起倒装)in this/that case 如果这样/那样的话We have to go past your house in any case, so well take you home.不管怎样,我们都要经过你家,所以我们会送你回去

27、。In no case did_I_engage a young woman as a temporary secretary.我是绝对没有雇用一位年轻女子当临时秘书。They may not offer me much money. In that case I wont take the job.他们给我的工资可能不会多,如果是那样的话,我就不接受这份工作。9By the time she competed in the gymnastics tournament at the New York Goodwill Games, she had been a junior gymnast f

28、or eleven years.到参加纽约友好运动会的体操锦标赛时,她已经是一名有着十一年经历的体操小将了。用法分析by the time 后面常跟一个句子,表示“到时候为止”,主句通常用完成时态。(1)如果by the time 所在句子的谓语动词为一般过去时,则主句的谓语动词使用过去完成时。By the time I came back, Mother had already finished cooking supper.我回来时,妈妈已经做好晚饭了。(2)如果by the time 所在句子的谓语动词为一般现在时,则主句的谓语动词使用将来完成时。By the time you get

29、to the airport, the plane will_have_taken_off.你到机场的时候,飞机已经起飞了。名师点津by the time 引导时间状语从句时,其主句也可用一般时。这时主句的谓语动词往往是系动词be 或像know 等表示“认知”的持续性动词。By the time the doctor arrived, the patient was dead.医生到达时,病人已经死了。.单句语法填空1Although she is junior to me by two years, she has more working experience.2To turn your

30、dream into reality, you should first adapt to the hard life here which you havent got used to so far.3I usually take something to read when I travel by train in case I feel bored.4Although the couple both suffered from cancer, they tried to keep in high spirits.5Chinese art has won the appreciation (appreciate) of a lot of people outside China.6Advocated (advocate) by many wellknown experts and film stars, the product was very popular at one time.7I would appreciate it very much if you cou

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