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1、世纪商务英语谈判口语电子教参Unit 1 Establishing Business Relationsand Business Inquiries第一章 成立业务关系与询盘、报盘Part I Teaching Suggestions and Tips for Leading-in Questions (教学建议)1Suggested hours for this unit is 4-6 periods.2Leading-in Questions: If a new firm, or rather a certain corporation of ours, wishes to open up

2、 a market to sell something to or buy something from firms in foreign countries, the person in charge must first of all find out whom he is going to deal with. Usually, he can secure all the necessary information about a new customer from many sources. Having obtained the desired names and address o

3、f the firms from a certain source, he may start contacting the prospective customers and establishing business relations with them by self-introducing, telling the prospective customers how their names and address are known, indicating your desire to enter into business relations, making general inq

4、uiries, etc.While all these might be done by writing, oral communications are still necessary in most cases when customers are met at fairs or exhibitions, are reached by telephones, and are paying visits to our companies. This part serves as the lead-in to the unit. Hopefully the 6 questions in thi

5、s part would offer the students some basic knowledge related to this unit and arouse the students interest of establishing business relations with prospective customers. When discussing these questions, let the students know that they are talking about the first step of doing business.In general, th

6、e Leading-in Questions part can be organized as warming-up activities in different forms, such as discussions, debates etc. The objective is to arouse the students interest in the unit topic and prepare them for the contents of this unit.The following are the tips for Leading-in Questions. Q1: Why i

7、s it important to establish business relations with prospective customers?It is fairly true to say no customer, no business. To establish business relations with prospective dealers is one of the vitally important measures either for a newly established firm or an old one that wishes to enlarge its

8、business scope and turnover.Q2: Through what channels can you secure all the necessary information about a potential customer?You may secure all the necessary information about a new customer through the following channels: the banks, the periodicals, the advertisements in newspapers or on TV, the i

9、ntroduction from his business connections, the market investigations, the Commercial Counselors Office, the Chambers of Commerce both at home and abroad, the inquiries received from the merchants abroad, the self-introduction by merchants themselves and so on. Q3: What will you talk about with the n

10、ew customer in the course of establishing business relations?Generally speaking, the establishment of business relations begins by telling the new customer how their names and address are known. Then you may make a brief introduction of your business activities and state your desire to enter into bu

11、siness relations with them. You may also make general inquiries for information you need to have about the customer.Q4: Is it possible that the new customer makes inquiries during the course of establishing business relations? What kind of inquiries may the new customer make?Yes, of course. The new

12、customer may make general inquiries asking for some general information about your business activities. He may also make specific inquiries for your goods including the name, quality, quantity, packing, unit price, payment, time of shipment, etc., inviting you to make an offer for the goods.Q5: What

13、 will you do when the new customer makes inquiries for our products?You should answer the inquiries fully and promptly. You should say you are glad to have the inquiries and make offers to the customer for the items the customer is interested in. If there is no stock of the items available for the t

14、ime being, you should explain the situation and assure that you will revert to it once supply becomes available. Remember to express the hope of lasting friendly business relations with the customer so as to create good will and leave good impression on him.Q6: Is it necessarily the case that we mak

15、e offers to our customer when we talk to each other the first time?No. Its not necessarily the case. Sometimes the course of establishing business relations lasts long and you would not go into specific transactions during the first talk with the new customer. However, in most cases when the custome

16、r is met at fairs or exhibitions, reached by telephones, or paying visits to your company, specific transactions might be involved during the first talking. In such cases, making offers to the customer may go hand in hand with establishing business relations and making inquiries. Its the reason why

17、we put establishing business relations, making inquiries, and making offers all together to form one comprehensive unit.Part II Drills & Expressions (句型和表达)Drills(句型操练)操练1. A: 咱们以前没见过吧? B: 我想没有。 A: 我叫陈。 B: 您好,我是弗烈德史密斯。 操练2. A: 这是我的名片。 B: 这是我的。 A: 很快乐终于与你见面了。 B: 我也很快乐见到你!操练3. A: 那里的那位是领导吧? B: 没错。 A:

18、我还没见过他。 B: 我来向您介绍。操练4. A: 您出名片吗? B: 有的,就在这儿。 A: 喏,这是我的。 B: 谢谢!操练5. A: 请替我引见一下新来的领导好吗? B: 你们还没见过面吗? A: 嗯,没有。 B: 我乐意为你们介绍。操练6. A: 我下礼拜给您打好吗? B: 你明白我的号码吗? A: 不明白。 B: 这是我的名片,有什么需要我效劳的地址,请别客气。操练7. A: 我这儿有一封介绍信。B: 请问尊姓大名?A: 王彼德。B: 啊,王先生,咱们一直在等着您来。操练8. A: 给我一张名片吧,我会给您打。B: 真抱歉,我此刻身上没带。A: 如此子,那就告知我你的号码好了。B:

19、3738-2659。操练9. A: 我姓王,公司的销售部领导。这是我的名片。 B: 谢谢您,先生。我是特利阿诺得,旧金山金门贸易的贸易代表。我的名片。A: 阿诺得先生,谢谢你。您对咱们的产品感爱好吗?B: 固然。我在广州出口商品交易会上见到你们的产品,但我想再多看一些,因此我特地来造访贵公司。操练10. A: 很快乐有机遇造访贵公司,希望与贵公司做交易.B: 很快乐有机遇与您见面,相信你已经见过咱们的一些产品,您对那些产品专门感爱好呢?A: 我对你们的泥人感爱好。我感觉有些品种在我方市场会很有销路,希望你们能报CIF旧金山最低价。B: 谢谢你方的询价。操练11. A: 为了便于我方提出报价,可

20、否请你谈谈你方所需的数量。B: 你们能不能先提出一个初步的价钱呢?A: 这是咱们的装运港船上交货价的价钱单,单上的所有价钱以我方的最后确以为准。B: 好。你们的报价都是装运港船上交货价,而咱们却希望你们报本钱加运费保险费到岸价。操练12. A: 佣金的情形怎么样?B: 我方一样不给佣金。可是若是定货数量大,咱们能够考虑。A: 你明白,咱们是通过取得佣金来进行商业活动的。B: 等你们向我方下定单时,咱们再讨论那个问题吧。操练13. A: 咱们何时能够取得你方报的实盘呢?B: 咱们今晚能够算出来,明天上午提交你方。明天请你再来一下好吗?A: 好,我明天上午十点到那个地址,你看行吗?B: 专门好,咱

21、们的报价三天有效。操练14. A: 听说你对咱们的产品感爱好?B: 是的,咱们正在考虑定货。咱们想了解一下你们在这方面的供货情形A: 你明白,咱们供给各类各样的陶瓷制品。在这方面咱们已有连年的体会了。B: 你方交货通常需要多少时刻?A: 一样来讲,在收到信誉证以后三个月内能够全数交货。固然,特殊定货的时间要长些,但绝可不能超过6个月。操练15. A: 我能见领导吗?B: 恐怕他不在,您有什么事吗?A: 是的。咱们是美国要紧的陶瓷入口商之一,想与贵公司成立业务关系。能够给咱们一些目录表和价目单吗?.B: 固然能够。这是咱们的价钱单。咱们的价钱和其他制造商的开价相较,是十分优惠的。这一点你们从我方

22、报价单里就能够看到。English Expressions for Chinese Typical Business Expressions(行话表达)(Omitted略)Part III Situational Information (情景介绍)旧金山金门贸易的贸易代表阿诺德先生对广东陶瓷进出口公司的陶瓷制品超级感爱好。他来到该公司进行了一样性的询盘并希望与该公司成立业务关系。广东陶瓷进出口公司的销售部领导王先生和秘书白小姐接待了他并与他进行了亲切友好的谈话。Part IV Roles Simulation (角色演练)1. Suppose you are Miss. Bai. You a

23、re going to meet Mr. Arnold who is paying a visit to your corporation. Try to complete the following dialogue with some of the drills and expressions in Part II. The Chinese in the blanks are for your reference only.Miss Bai: Good morning, sir. Can I help you? Mr. Arnold: Yes. Im Terry Arnold, trade

24、 representative of Golden Gate Trading Co. Ltd. in San Francisco. This is my name card. Miss Bai: Thank you very much, Mr. Arnold. (Im Bai, secretary of the Sales Department. Here is my name card.)Mr. Arnold: Thank you, Miss Bai. We learned your name and your address at the Guangzhou Export Commodit

25、ies Fair. Miss Bai: Oh, I see. (Are you interested in our products?)Mr. Arnold:Of course. I saw some of your ceramic products on display at the Guangzhou Export Commodities Fair. I am very interested in them. I come here to make a general inquiry so as to establish business relations with you. Miss

26、Bai: Thats great. (I believe that we shall be glad to enter into business relations with you.) Mr. Arnold: Thank you Miss Bai. Will you introduce me to the sales manager?Miss Bai: (Havent you met yet?)Mr. Arnold: No, we havent.Miss Bai: (Ill be glad to do it.) This way please. Ill show you the way t

27、o his office. Mr. Arnold: Thank you.2. Suppose you are Mr. Wang. Miss Bai, your secretary, is going to show Mr. Arnold to your office. Try to complete the following dialogue with some of the drills and expressions in Part II. The Chinese in the blanks are for your reference.Miss Bai: Mr. Wang. This

28、is Mr. Arnold, trade representative of Golden Gate Trading Co. Ltd. in San Francisco.Mr. Wang: (Im glad to meet you, Mr. Arnold.) Im Wang, manager of the Sales Department. Here is my Name card. (You can call me at my home any time after six or at my office during the day.)Mr. Arnold:Its nice to fina

29、lly meet you. Im very interested in ceramic products on display at the Guangzhou Export Commodities Fair. I hope we can do business together.Mr. Wang: Great! Take a seat, please. And Miss Bai, would you please get Mr. Arnold a cup of water? Lets talk together. Mr. Arnold: Thank you. Mr. Wang: You kn

30、ow,Mr. Arnold, (we are exporters having years experience in this particular line of business. Our products sell well in various countries.) We shall be glad to enter into business relations with you. Mr. Arnold: Thank you. You know,We foresee a bright prospect for your products in our market. I come

31、 here to make an inquiry. Mr. Wang: Of course. (I believe you have seen some of our products. What is it in particular youre interested in?)Mr. Arnold: Im interested in your pottery figures. May I have your sales literature, such as the catalogues and price-sheet?Mr. Wang: Yes, of course. (Here is o

32、ur latest catalogue and price list for your reference only. All the prices in the lists are subject to our confirmation. Our prices compare most favourably with quotations you can get from other manufacturers. Youll see that from our price sheet.)Mr. Arnold: Were thinking of placing an order with your firm. When can I have your firm offer?Mr. Wang: If you can tell us the quantity you require, (well have them worked

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