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学年高中英语 学业质量标准检测 新人教版必修1.docx

1、学年高中英语 学业质量标准检测 新人教版必修12019-2020学年高中英语 学业质量标准检测 新人教版必修1第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1What does the man mean? A AHe isnt able to go boating.BHell get a ticket for James.CHed rather watch TV at home.2Wh

2、at do we know about the woman? C AShe has to find a job.BShe doesnt like to go on holiday.CShe might be busy with her job.3What does the man want to make sure of? B AWhen to return the copies.BWhether to return the copies or not.CWhere to place the copies.4How does the man plan to find a used car? A

3、 AFrom the newspaper.BOn the Internet.CThrough a car dealer.5What does the man mean? B AJohn is right this time.BHe never believes John.CJohn always tells true stories.第二节(共15小题;每题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

4、听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6Why cant the woman return the DVD? C AShe broke it.BShe opened it.CShe bought it over a week ago.7What will the woman have to do in the end? B ACheck the rules.BKeep the DVD.CTalk to the boss.听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。8What is a drag show? C AA talk show.BA kind of fashion show.CA special kind

5、of performance.9What may the mans final decision be? C AHell have a cup of tea.BHell find a suitable show to see.CHed rather not go with the woman.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10What do we know about the woman? A AShes going to have a baby.BShes out of work.CShes on vacation.11What is the woman worried about? A

6、 AShe will lose her job.BHer payment will be less.CShe will not have free medical care.12How long can the woman take off work according to the law? B AThree weeks.BThree months.COne year.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13What are the two speakers mainly talking about? A AHow to buy a cheaper house.BThe location of

7、 a house.CHouses in the country are expensive.14Why dont the woman and her husband move to a new house? B AThey dont like the new house.BThey cant afford the new house.CThey have had their own house.15What does the mans sisterinlaw think of the house she bought? C APoor. BExpensive.CSatisfying.16Wha

8、t can we know about the old house from the conversation? C AThe old house is over 100 years.BThe old house is worth a lot of money.CThe neighbors get along well with each other.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17Where does Jerry live? B ADowntown. BIn the woods. CBy the beach.18Who does Jerry live with? A AHis dog

9、. BHis daughter. CHis parents.19Who was inside Jerrys house? B AHis roommates. BHis friends. CA burglar.20What will Jerry do next probably? A AHave some fun. BLeave his house. CBuy some birthday gifts.听力原文Text 1W:James is going out on his boat next weekend, and he invited us to go with him.M:But I h

10、ave tickets to a baseball game.Text 2M:When will you be going on holiday with me?W:I cant say for sure since I have just found a parttime job in a car factory.Text 3M:Do I really need to return both copies of the form?W:Yes. One copy is for our office,and the other copy will be sent to the main offi

11、ce.Text 4W:Why dont you go to a dealer to check out the used cars?M:No,thanks. Im sure Ill find an ad in the newspaper that suits me.Text 5M:I dont think its true. Johns always telling strange stories.W:I know. But this time,I cant decide whether he is right or not.Text 6M:How can I help you?W:I ope

12、ned this DVD. Can I still return it?M:No problem. But when did you buy it?W: Last Tuesday.M:Oh,sorry,but you cant return something you bought more than a week ago.W:Yes,but today is only Thursday. Isnt that OK?M:Im sorry,but rules are rules.W:You just lost yourself another customer.M:Well,if I was t

13、he boss,the rules might be changed.Text 7W:Do you want to go to a drag show?M:What is a drag show?W:It is a special kind of performance where men dress up as women and women dress up as men, and they sing songs and dance and tell jokes.M:That sounds crazy! Why would anyone want to see that?W:Drag sh

14、ows are very popular in America. Besides, there are many Peking Opera characters that are played by the opposite sex,and you like Peking Opera.M:Well,I guess youre right. Still,Im not sure I want to go. It doesnt really sound like my cup of tea.W:Well,suit yourself. I will ask Max if he wants to go.

15、Text 8M:How long are you going to take off work after you have your baby?W:Im only planning on taking three weeks.M:Three weeks? You should really take at least two months,I think.W:Id like to, but Im afraid my boss will replace me while Im gone.M:He cant! Your rights are protected under the Family

16、and Medical Leave Act. Youre allowed up to twelve weeks !W: Really?M:Its true. I can give you a copy of the law if you want to see it.Text 9M:Have you thought of moving at all,Sarah?W:Were thinking about it,but my husband and I cant afford it right now.M:Buying a house can be expensive, but there ar

17、e ways to find cheaper houses.W: Like what?M:Well,you can buy a house far away from the city center. You will definitely save money by doing it that way.W:Thats a good idea.M:Sure. My sisterinlaw and her husband just bought a house that way. Theyre pretty satisfied with it.W:Is the house pretty run

18、down?M:Not at all. The woman who owned it took good care of it,but when she died, she had no family left and no will. So the government had to sell it for her.W:Was it a very old house?M:It was about 75 years old. There were a few repairs that needed doing,but it didnt take a lot of money or time.W:

19、Is it in a good location?M:The area can be a bit rough in the evening, but the neighbors watch out for each other. So its OK.Text 10M:I pulled into the old driveway, bathing the front of my house in the light from the car. I turned it off and opened my door,taking a deep breath of the forest air as

20、I stood up. I smiled as my dog came running out from the backyard at the sound of my arrival. He jumped up and licked my face,knocking my briefcase to the ground. I laughed as I pet him on the head. I gathered my things and whistled for the dog to follow me up the path to my home. I stopped at the p

21、orch to look at the clear night sky,taking it all in. I shook my keys in the dark until I found the right one. Did I hear someone laughing inside? Thats strange, I thought. I lived alone. I turned the knob and carefully stepped inside. “SURPRISE!” everyone shouted as I turned on the light. “Happy Bi

22、rthday,Jerry!” I laughed as familiar faces surrounded me and patted me on the back. “You didnt think we forgot now, did you?”第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。A(2017全国卷)Pacific Science Center GuideVisit Pacific Science Centers StoreDont forget to stop by Pa

23、cific Science Centers Store while you are here to pick up a wonderful science activity or remember your visit. The store is located(位于) upstairs in Building 3 right next to the Laser Dome.Hungry?Our exhibits will feed your mind but what about your body? Our caf offers a complete menu of lunch and sn

24、ack options, in addition to seasonal specials. The caf is located upstairs in Building 1 and is open daily until one hour before Pacific Science Center closes.Rental InformationLockers are available to store any belongings during your visit. The lockers are located in Building 1 near the Information

25、 Desk and in Building 3. Pushchairs and wheelchairs are available to rent at the Information Desk and Denny Way entrance. ID required.Support Pacific Science CenterSince 1962 Pacific Science Center has been inspiring a passion(热情) for discovery and lifelong learning in science, math and technology.

26、Today Pacific Science Center serves more than 1.3 million people a year and brings inquirybased science education to classrooms and community events all over Washington State. Its an amazing accomplishment and one we cannot achieve without generous support from individuals, corporations, and other s

27、ocial organizations. Wish to find various ways you can support Pacific Science Center.文章大意:本文是太平洋科学中心旅游指南。21Where can you buy a souvenir at Pacific Science Center? B AIn Building 1. BIn Building 3.CAt the Laser Dome. D. At the Denny Way entrance.解析:细节理解题。根据第一段“Dont forget to sto

28、p by Pacific Science Centers Store while you are here to pick up a wonderful science activity or remember your visit. The store is located(位于) upstairs in Building 3 right next to the Laser Dome.”可知,买旅游纪念品的购物点在the Laser Dome 旁边的三号楼。22. What does Pacific Science Center do for schools? D ATrain Scienc

29、e teachers.BDistribute science books.CInspire scientific research.D. Take science to the classroom.解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段第二句话“Today Pacific Science Center serves more than 1.3 million people a year and brings inquirybased science education to classrooms and community events all over Washington State.”可知,该中

30、心每年向130多万人提供服务,并且把科学教育带到华盛顿州的课堂和社区。23What is the purpose of the last part of the text? A ATo encourage donations.BTo advertise coming events.CTo introduce special exhibits.D. To tell about the Centers history.解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段的黑标题Support Pacific Science Center,特别是最后一段最后一句话可知,作者呼吁读者们支持该中心,也就是鼓励人们为之提供帮助

31、,进行捐赠。B(2016全国)Five years ago, when I taught art at a school in Seattle, I used Tinkertoys as a test at the beginning of a term to find out something about my students.I put a small set of Tinkertoys in front of each student, and said: “Make something out of the Tinkertoys.You have 45minutes todayand 45 minutes each day for the rest of the week.”A few students hesitated to start.They waited to see what the rest of the class would do.Several others checked the instructions

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