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1、初中英语现在进行时教师版初中英语-现在进行时(教师版)初中英语现在进行时(教师版)一、现在进行时的构成 现在进行时由be+v-ing构成。be应为助动词,初学者最容易漏掉,它应与主语的人称和数保持一致。二、现在进行时的应用 在实际运用时,现在进行时常用以下几种情况: (1)当句子中有now时,常表示动作正在进行,这时要用现在进行时。如: They are playing basketball now.现在他们正在打篮球。 (2)以look, listen开头的句子,提示我们动作正进行,这时要用现在进行时。如: Listen!She is singing an English song.听,她正

2、在唱英语歌。 (3)表示当前一段时间或现阶段正在进行的动作,且此时有this week, these days等时间状语,这时常用现在进行时。如: We are making model planes these days.这些天我们在做飞机模型。 (4)描述图片中的人物的动作,也为了表达更生动。此时也常用现在进行时。如: Look at the picture. The children are flying kites in the park.看这幅图,那些孩子正在公园放风筝。三、现在进行时的变化 肯定句式:主语+be( am, is, are)+现在分词+其它. 否定句式:主语+be(a

3、m, is, are) +not +现在分词+其它. 一般疑问句:Be(am, is, are) +主语+现在分词+其它? 特殊疑问句:疑问词+be(am, is, are)+主语+现在分词+其它? 对现在进行时的特殊疑问句的回答,它不可以用Yes或No直接作答,要根据实际情况回答。注意事项1.在英语中,并不是所有的动词都要使用正在进行时。例如一些表示状态和感觉的动词,一般不用进行时态,而是用现在一般时表示。例如: I hear someone singing. 我正听见有人唱歌。 Do you see anyone over there? 你看到那里有什么人吗? What does he t

4、hink of it? 他觉得这怎么样? 如果这些词使用正在进行时态,句子带有某种感情色彩。例如: Are you seeing someone off? 你在给谁送行吗? They are hearing an English talk. 他们在听一个英语报告。 2.现在进行时还有另外一种含义,即它们能表达即将发生的事情,相当于一般将来时。能够用来表示将来状况的动词用:arrive, come, do, get, go, have, leave, meet, play, return, see, spend, start, stay, wear, work等。 We are leaving

5、on friday。我们星期五出发。 Are you going anywhere tomorrow?你明天准备去哪儿? A foreign guest is giving a lecture this afternoon。今天下午一个外国客人将给我们作报告。 Are you staying here till next week? 你打算在这里呆到下个星期吗? 在表示将来的情况下,特别是be going to do sth. 这种结构,已经没有多少“去”的意思了,几乎就是用来表达“将要、打算”做什么事情。例如: It is going to be rather cold tomorrow。明

6、天很可能非常冷。 She is not going to speak at the meeting。她不打算在那个会上发言。 3.当其与always、forever、continually、constantly 等副词连用时表示重复的动作,而这种动作可能使人不满,厌倦或满意。例如: She is perpetually interfering in my affairs. 她老是干预我的事。 (不满) The students are making progress constantly. 学生们在不断进步。 (满意)特殊情况1.有些动词从结构来看是现在进行时,但却是表示将要发生的事,而不表示

7、动作现在正在进行。这些动词往往是一些表示位置移动变化的动词,如:go , come , leave , fly , move, start, begin , arrive, , stay, return等。 Next month my family is moving to Beijing. 下个月,我家就要搬到北京去了。(搬的动作并非现在发生,而将在下个月发生。) My aunt is leaving for Shanghai at eleven oclock tomorrow morning. 明天早上十一点我婶婶将离开去上海。 2.并不是所有动词都有进行时,一些动词一般在句中不能用现在进

8、行时态,而应用一般现在时。这些动词往往是等表示情感状态、知觉认识、愿望或短暂性的动词。例如:see(明白),know, want, like, hear, have(有), think, hope, hate等。初中现在进行时练习一、写出下例动词的现在分词形式 1)give_ 2)use_ 3)move_ 4)skate_ 5)draw_6)tell_ 7)ring_ 8)wear_ 9)get_ 10)put_11)hit_ 12)stop_ 13)keep_ 14)hurt_ 15)know_16)lie_ 17)die_ 18)begin_ 19)forget_ 20)save_二、用现

9、在进行时连写句子1)Li Ping;learn;to;speak;English;2)it;rain;now3)they;watch;a football match;on TV 4)he;look;out of the window;5)look;the dog;sleep;6)listen;the baby;cry;7)they;have a meeting;at seven oclock8)the students;prepare for;an English test;now;三、将下例句子改成一般疑问句1)Mike is climbing the hill。2)We are havi

10、ng an English lesson now。3)Li Ping is jumping like a monkey。4)The students are reading the text now。5)I am studying English。6)He is closing the window。四、对划线部分提问1)The baby is listening to the music。2)I am looking for a jacket for my son。3)She is smiling to herself in the mirror。4)The boys are visitin

11、g the history museum。5)The old man is sleeping right now。6)The children are listening to the teacher of English。 7)The cats are running up the trees。五、将下例句子改成否定句1)The woman is making a cake in the kitchen。2)We are having lunch now。3)The boy is waiting for his mother under the big tree。4)You are play

12、ing the violin。5)Mary is doing her best to study English well。6)The students are doing their homework now。7)Please open the door。六、用动词的正确时态填空1)I_(talk).You_(listen)tO me now.2)Look,the boy_(run)fast. 3)-What are you doing? -I_(do) my homework. 4)-_the students_(read) English. -Yes,they are.5)Tom_(no

13、t study)English.He is studying Chinese.6)-Who_(sing)a song? -Li Ying is.7)The girl_(not eat)bananas now.8)-Where_they_(stand)? -They are standing over there.9)Look! The boy over there_(ply) a model plane.10)-What is Meimei doing now? -She_(watch)TV with her parents11)He_(study) English very hard.12)

14、We often_(buy)books and things like that in the shop.13)Polly_(not eat) a banana now.七、单项选择1)Jack is_with Jim.They are good_.A:running;friend; B:running;friends; C:runing;friends D:run;friends2)Look! Mary_doing_homework.A:is;ones B:is;her C:are;his D:are;her3)The Greens_supper now.A:is having B:are;

15、having C:is haveing D:are;having4)The children are_TV.A:watch B:seeing C:watching D:reading5)Are the boys looking at the blackboard? Yes,they_.A:arent B:do C:dont D:are6)Theres_girl,she is very tall.A:second B:two C:a second D:all second7)-Do you have a red pen?Which of the following is wrong? -_.A:

16、Yes; I have one B:Yes,I have it C:Yes,I do D:Sorry,I dont8)-Excuse me.May I borrow a pen,please? -_.A:It doesnt matter; B:Thank you; C:Certainly,here you are; D:Not at all.9)The boy is late for class.So he says to the teacher,_.A:Im sorry B:Excuse me,May I come in? C:Let me in, D:I dont want to be l

17、ate.10)I dont want a red apple.I want_.A:green apple B:a green C:a green one D:one green八、根据汉语意思完成下例句子1)把你的自行车借我用一下好吗? May I_your bike,_?2)我们正在做第一课的练习。 We_ _the exercises of the_lesson.3)李先生是我的英语启蒙老师。 Mr Li is my_ _teacher. 4)你有支黑的吗? Do you have a _ _?5)对不起我来晚了 Im_that I came_here?初中现在进行时练习题答案一、写出下例

18、动词的现在分词形式答案:1、giving;2、esing;3、moving;4、skating;5、drawing;6、telling;7、ringing;8、wearing;9、getting;10、putting;11、hitting;12、stopping;13、keeping;14、hurting;15、knowing;16、lying;17、dying;18、beginning;19、forgetting;20、saving;21、closing;22、seeing;23、carrying。二、用现在进行时连写句子1)Li Ping is learning to speak Engl

19、ish。2)It is raining now。3)They are watching a football match on TV。 4)He is looking out of the window。5)Look!The dog is sleep。6)Listen! The baby is crying。7)They are having a meeting at seven oclock。8)The students are preparing for English test now三、将下例句子改成一般疑问句1)Is Mike climbing the hill?2)Are we h

20、aving an English lesson now?3)Is Li Ping jumping like a monkey?4)Are the students reading the text now?5)Are you studying English?6)Is he closing the window?四、对划线部分提问1)Who is listening to the music?2)Whom/Who Are you looking for a jacket for?3)Where is she smiling to herself ?4)What are the boys doi

21、ng?5)When is the old man sleeping?6)What are the children doing? 7)What are the cats running?五、将下例句子改成否定句1)The woman is not making a cake in the kitchen。2)We are not having lunch now。3)The boy isnt waiting for his mothe under the big tree。4)You arent playing the violin。5)Mary is not doing her best t

22、o study English well。6)The students are not doing their homework now。7)Please dont open the door。六、用动词的正确时态填空答案:1、am;talking;are listening;2、are running;3、am doing;4、Are;reading;5、is not studying;6、is singing;7、isnt eating;8、Are standing;9、is plying;10、is watching;11、studies;12、buy;13、is not eating。七、单项选择答案:1、B;2、B;3、D;4、C;5、D;6、C;7、B; 8、C;9、B;10、C。八、根据汉语意思完成下例句子答案:1、borrow;please;2、are ;doing;first;3、first;English;4、black;one; 5、sorry/afraid;late

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