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1、整理每日一练习题汇总每日一练 习题汇总1、We must remember that_fashion is not the most important thing in_life.A./;the B./;/ C.the;/ D.the;theB 抽象名词不特指时,前不用冠词,时装; 时装领域,时尚界; 方式,方法; vt.制作,塑造; 使适应;2、_the techers suggestion,Tony finally found a way to settle the problem.A.Following B.To follow C.Follow D.He foll

2、owedA Following做伴随状语,修饰found 伴随状语只有两种形式,主动用following形式,被动用followed形式settlevt.解决; 安排; 使定居; 使沉淀; vi.下沉; 定居; n.高背长靠椅; followvt.& vi.跟随,接着; vt.继承; (按时间、顺序等)接着; 从事; 采用; vi.理解; 发生兴趣; 由此产生; 跟着人(或物)去(或来); n.追随,跟随; 台球推球,跟球打法(使竿击的球在击中目的球后继续滚动的打法); 3、Part of the work is to be finished today and_by this weekend

3、.A.another B.the others C.the rest D.the otherC 在四个选项中只有the rest可以代替可数名词或不可数名词,其他三个只代替可数名词,上句work是不可数名词4、He walked in, _a book in his hand,went to a table near the window and sat down in silence.A.carrying B.carried carry D.having carriedA 首先不定式表示目的和将来可以排除,having done强调动作的完成,不符合题意,只剩下A和B,这是一个并列

4、句,句中有三个谓语动词walked in,went to和sat down,句中的carrying a book in his hand是现在分词,用作状语,修饰walked in,表伴随。in silence安静地,无声地;5、Tom owns _larger collection of _books than any other student in our class.A.the;/ B.a;/ C.a;the D./;theB 因为collection(收藏品,收集物)是可数名词,此处为单数,又不是特指,所以用不定冠词;books是名词复数表示种类,而非特质,所以不用冠词。6、Almo

5、st immediately he began to complain _the C.about D.ofC complain about sth 是固定搭配immediatelyadv.立即,马上; 直接地; 紧接地; complainvi.抱怨,诉苦; 申诉,控诉,抗议; vt.诉说,申诉,控告; 7、The company provides cheap Internet access._ it makes free shareware.A.Apart from B.As well as C.However D.In addition toD apart

6、 from 除之外 as well as 和、与 however无论如何 in addition to 此外,加上providevt.& vi.提供,供给,供应; vt.规定; 提供(+for); 装备; 预备; accessn.入口,出口; 接近,进入; 增长; 爆发; vt.接近,进入; 使用,接近,获取; sharewaren.共享件; 8、Scientists need to _cause-and-effect relationships in the experiment.A.look out out out D.go outC 意为寻找,探求 l

7、ook out 留神,照料 discover 是及物动词,后面不跟副词 go out 走出去cause-and-effectadj.有因果关系的; relationshipn.关系; 联系; 浪漫关系; 血缘关系; experimentn.尝试; 实验,试验; 9、She _ a difficult arguement skillfully.A.had B.hunted C.handled D.handedC 意为应付,处理 had 拥有 hunt猎取 hand支持,交给skillfully adv.巧妙地,精巧地;10、He is a good business _.A.apartment

8、B.partner D.partitionB 意为合伙人 apartment公寓 party政党,聚会 partition划分businessn.生意; 商业,交易; 事务,业务; 职业,行业; 11、He described the days events detail detail details D.for detailB 详细地 固定搭配describeVt.叙述; 描写,形容; 描绘,作图; (行星等)周转; 1、From _ hill-top we could see _ roof of _ house.A./;the;a B./;

9、/;a C.the;a;a D.the;the;aD 类指,特指2、He handed Retana _ of scissors.A.a couple B.a pair C.couple D.pairB3、He is the man _ you have been looking for.A.whom B.that C.which D.whoA 关系代词whom在从句中做宾语,它的先行词是man4、He never _ a hat in winter.A.wear B.wears C.wore D.wornB 表习惯5、Ill buy the book if it _ too much.A.c

10、ost B.dont cost C.costing D.wont costD 6、Youd better know your chioces when you _ to research a paper.A.put out B.set out C.turn out D.make outB 意为开始 put out熄灭,出版 turn out生产,结果是 make out理解,辨认出7、The old woman seldom goes to the street times one time other times D.all the timeC 意为平时努力

11、 at times 有时候 at one time曾经 all the time 一直8、We could hear the _ of dishes in the kitchen.A.letter B.later C.clatter D.latterC 可以听到厨房里盘子哗啦哗啦的响声clattern.哗啦声; 嘁嘁喳喳的谈笑声; 咔哒声; 9、Do you recognize that man _ the grey suit? C.on D.underB 意为穿着灰色套装的男人 in表示 wearing or dressed in10、Her son was _ presi

12、dent last year.A.let B.made C.allowed D.permitted B 意为被选为 make sb sth 选举某人任某职位 sb is made sth 某人被选举为1、What would you like to drink,my dear friends? _,please.A.Two cup of coffee B.Two cups of coffees C.Two cup of coffees D.Two cups of coffeeD coffee 不可数 cup可数2、Tomorrow Im going to my _ . Its _.A.aunt

13、;five minutes walk B.aunts;five minutes walk C.aunt;five minutes walk D.aunts;five minutes walkD 人名的所有格后面省去名词时,表示某人的住宅 五分钟路程有两种表达方式 five-minute walk ; five minuteswalk3、The farmer raised ten _.A.sheeps B.deers D.cowsD sheep和deer是单复数同形,horse未变复数4、They got much _ from those new books.A.ideas B

14、.photos C.information D.storiesC 修饰词是much,后面只跟不可数名词5、A _holiday _long enough to have a good rest and travel;are days;are;is days;isC seven-day为复合形容词 连字符“-”之后的名词要用单数,排除A。如果用所有格形式,应该先变复数再加 ,故排除D。主语holiday是单数,故用is6、Whatever you do, _ is difficult if you p

15、ut your heart into it.A.nothing B.anything C.something D.everything A 无论你做什么,只要你全身心投入,没什么事情是困难的7、Help _ to some cakes, Jim. Thank B.your C.yourself D.yourselvesC 固定结构 help oneself to8、I hear someone _ at the door.Please go and see who _ is.A.knock;he B.knocking;he C.knock;it D.knocking;itD

16、 hear sb.doing sth 听到某人正在做某事 通话中的人或者敲门的人通常用 it9、I think _ silly _ you not to forgive others for their;for B.its;of C.thats;of D.its;forB it is + adj + of do sth 做某事说明某人是怎么样的 句意:我认为你不原谅其他人的过失做法很愚蠢10、About _ of the students in the school were born in the _ .A.two thirds;1990 B.two

17、thirds;1990s C.two third;1990 D.two third;1990sB 分数的表达是分子用基数词,分母用序数词,当分子大于1时,分母用复数形式In the 1990s 表示20世纪90年代11、The earthquake in Indonesia happened _ the morning of May 27th, B.on D.withB 在某天的早晨、下午或晚上用介词 on12、When will the party be held? _ two weekstime.A.After B.In C.On D.AtB in + 一段时间

18、 表示 在一段时间以后13、I wont believe that the five-year-old boy can read magazines _ I test him myself.A.if B.when C.after D.untilD not unti 直到才14、He is _ full _he canteat any more.A.very;that B.too;that;that D.too;toC sothat 中间加形容词或副词,表示 如此以至于15、Basketball has a history of over 100 years.Today it is s

19、till loved by _ the young _ the old.A.both;and B.either;or C.not;but D.neither;norA both.and. 和都 either.or. 或者或者 not.but. 不是而是 neither.nor.既不也不1、Which of those radios sounds _ ? The smallest one.A.good B.well C.better D.bestD 2、Would you mind staying in such a noisy room? No,but my son needs a _ pla

20、ce to study in.A.cleaner B.quieter C.easy D.seriousB3、We all like Miss Wang. I agree with you.She always makes her English classes _ .A.interested B.interest C.interesting D.interestsC make +宾语+形容词 故排除B 通常interested修饰人 interesting修饰物4、Nick _ a new camera.He has taken lots of pictures with it.A.buys

21、 buying C.bought D.will buyC 5、Li Ming will give us a call as soon as he _ in arriving B.will arrive C.arrived D.arrivesD 含有as soon as的状语从句,主将从现6、I _ down the street when suddenly I heard a big noise and the house fell down.A.walked walking C.had walked D.was walkingD 由when或as引

22、导的表示过去的时间状语从句中,如果动作是持续性的,需要用过去进行时,如果动作是短暂的、突然发生的,需要用一般过去时。7、What did your teacher say just now? Sorry,I dont know.I _ on the talking C.was talking D.talkedC8、Where is Peter? He _ volleyball with his friends in the school gym.A.plays B.played playing D.was playingC9、I saw Jane

23、and her brother in the park at eight yesterday evening. Impossible.She _ TV with me in my home.A.had watched B.watched C.would watch D.was watchingD1、China develops so fast. Thats ture.It _ a lot already.A.changes B.changed C.will change D.has changedD already表示“目前已经”注意never,ever,already,yet,before.

24、so far,by now等词经常与现在完成时连用2、He has studied here _ 3 years ago. You mean that he has studied here _ 3 years.A.for;for B.since;since C.since;for D.for;sinceC since+时间点 for+时间段3、The diamond must _ by someone on the plane.A.steal B.stole stolen stolenC 被偷了 情态动词+be done4、The man _ to stay at hom

25、e since two days ago.A.was told told C.has told D.has been toldD 由“since two days ago”可知是现在完成时,根据句意是被告诉5、Do you know the man _ came here yesterday? Yes,he brought me the most interesting book _ I had wanted to buy.A.who;which B.who;that C.whom;which D.what;thatB the man指人,连接词用who或that 因为先行词作从句主

26、语,所以不能用whom 第二个空前有最高级修饰book,连接词只能用that6、I still remember the day _ I first saw Lisa.A.where B.on which C.why D.whoB the day 是一个时间,所以应该用when,但是选项中没有when,可用时间介词on+which替代7、In our factory there are 2,000 workers,two thirds of _ are women.A.them B.which C.whom D.whoC 介词of后面的词应代指前面的2,000 workers,所以只能用表示人

27、的关系代词,并且该关系代词直接放在介词of的后面,只能用宾格whom8、The pen _ he is writing is mine.A.with which which C.on which whichA 句意:他用来写字的笔是我的 用某种工具应该用介词with,另外the pen是事物,所以关系词用which9、The house, _ was destroyed in the terrible fire,has been repaired.A.the roof of which B.which roof C.its roof D.the roofA 从句部分用来补充

28、说明前面的the house,要用whose roof,在非限定性定语从句中whose可以用the.of which/whome来代替,由于the house是事物,故用the roof of which10、No one knew _ or not he returned to this country after he went abroad.A.if B.whether C.when D.thatB 宾语从句中表示“是否”的连词有if和whether,由于本处直接与or not连用,只能用whether,不能用if1、Tommy,do you know if Frank _ to the

29、 zoo this Sunday if it _ ? Sorry,I have no idea.A.will go;is fine B.goes;is fine C.will go;is going to be fine D.goes;will be fineA 第一个if是引导的宾语从句,this Sunday可知是一个将来时间, 第二个if 是如果的意思,主将从现2、My physics teacher said that light _ faster than B.travels C.travelled D.will travelB 光传播比声音快是客观事实

30、,用一般现在时3、Do you think _ a concert in our school hall this weekend? Yes,there will.A.there will have B.there will be C.will there be D.will there haveB 虽然主句是一个问句,但是宾语从句部分仍要用陈述语序 there be 的将来时是there will be 4、Hardly had he had time to settle down _ he sold the house and left the B.before C.when D.untilC 固定句式hardly.when. 表示 还没来得及就5、Mark will give us a call as soon as he _ in arriving B.will arrive C.arrived D.arrivesD 时间状语从句表示将来的事情,主将从现6、He wont say a word _ he is asked to.A.if B.unless C.since D.whenB 7、If there _ no buy

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