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BBC news.docx

1、BBC news罗马尼亚掀起罢工浪潮罗马尼亚政府为了灭赤,决定削减1/4公务员薪酬,触发昨日数万名公务员罢工。工会表示,教育部门、医疗机构、监狱和海关等均受工潮影响。另有数千名医护人员上街示威,不满基本医疗物资供应不足和薪金偏低,要求政府下台。BBC News with Victoria Meakin. (1)The UN Security Council has been holding an emergency session to discuss the Israeli attack on ships carrying pro-Palestinian activists, trying

2、to break the blockade of the Gaza Strip. At least nine activists were killed when Israeli commandos stormed to the ships in international waters.Turkey which is home to many of the activists on the ships is leading international condemnation of Israels action against the convoy. But Israel says it w

3、as acting in self defence. From the UN in New York, Barbara Plett reports.Turkey called the commando raid in act of murder by a state and grave breach of international law. Its Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu urged the council to strongly condemn Israel and demand an international investigation. Is

4、raels envoy retorted that the soldiers responded in self defence when activists on board the aid vessels via the attacked with intention of lynching them. None of council members seemed convinced by that argument, demanding at the very least a transparent and credible enquiry. And some European stat

5、es like France expressed outrage, declaring that nothing justify the level of violence used.The German President Horst Koehler has resigned following criticism of comments he made about the use of German troops abroad. Its said the Germanys military operations oversea might be necessary to uphold it

6、s trade interests. The German Chancellor Angela Merkel said the resignation was unexpected as Oana Lungescu now reports from Berlin.Chancellor Merkel said she was surprised when Mr.Koehler sound her just two hours before stepping down. She tried and failed to make him change his mind. So she paid tr

7、ibutes to a popular president who she said had won over peoples hearts. A former IMF bossed Mr.Koehler was a political outsider. He insisted his remarks were misunderstood, but reopening the debate about Germanys deeply unpopular mission in Afghanistan proved an embarrassment to the centre-right coa

8、lition, jousted its popularity slammed to a four year low in the polls.Pope Benedict has appointed nine senior clergy from the United States, England and Canada to investigate child abuse in Roman Catholic Institutions in the Irish Republic. The envoys have played leading roles in the investigation

9、of abuse in their own countries when arrived in Ireland later this year. Duncan Kennedy reports from Rome.Among the nine appointed to lead the enquiry, a cardinal Cormac Murphy-OConnor, the former head of the Catholic Church in England and Wales. It wasnt himself subjected criticism over its handlin

10、g of a pedophile priest case 25 years ago. The Vatican said he want to respond adequately what he called the tragic cases of abuse perpetrated by priests and help lead to spiritual and moral renewal.Gunmen have attacked a Pakistani hospital in Lahore, killing at least eight people. The hospital chie

11、f executive said the attackers just budged in and fired indiscriminately.You are listening to the World News from the BBC in London. Emergency workers in central America are still struggling to reach communities cut off in floods and landslides caused by Tropical Storm Agatha. It killed more than 10

12、0 people in recent days, most of them in Guatemala. Rescue teams are digging through mud and debris in search of dozens of people still missing after the storm which destroyed several neighbourhoods near Guatemala city.Greece is imposing a blanket ban on smoking on indoors public places because a pr

13、evious partial ban did not work. The Greek Government used World No Tobacco Day to make the announcement. Here is Malcolm Brabant in Athens.The new law will come into effect at the start of September. It means that bars and restaurants which had declared themselves as smoking establishments to fear

14、of losing customer. We are now be forced to be tobacco of free. The ban is going to happen in intriguing impact on Greeces current economic crisis. 40% of all Greeks smoke and therefore make a sizable contribution to the national treasury. As part of its austerity measures, the government has impose

15、d tax increases on cigarettes. The ban could reduce sales and therefore tax revenues considerably.Tens of thousands of public sector workers in Romania have gone on strike to protest against government austerity measures. From Tuesday, the centre-right government led by the Prime Minister Emil Boc p

16、lans to cut public sector salaries by a quarter in pensions by 15%. The measures are closely tie to a 25-billion-dollar aid package agreed last year with the International Monetary Fund with the aim of reducing Romanias ballooning budget deficit.The French-born American sculptor Louise Bourgeois has

17、 died in New York at the age of 98. Placed in New York since 1938, Bourgeois gained fame only late in her long career in keep working right up to end for life. In recent decades, Louise Bourgeoiss abstract explorations of things such birds, sexuality and death made her one of the worlds most influen

18、tial contemporary artists.BBC News.英国保诚保险收购美国友邦保险计划失败英国保诚集团(Prudential PLC)收购美国国际集团(American International Group Inc.,简称AIG)旗下亚洲人寿保险业务美国友邦保险公司(AIA)的交易计划失败。原因是:保诚股东威胁要否决这项交易;35亿美元用于收购友邦保险价格太高。BBC News with David Legge.(2)There is growing diplomatic pressure on Israel after its commandos storm ships t

19、rying to break its blockade of Gaza. NATO condemned the loss of lives in the assault in which at least nine pro-Palestinian activists were killed and demanded the immediate release of ships and civilians. And there four of the dead were from Turkey which called the assault of bloody massacre. And in

20、 Washington, the U.S Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has given her response. As David Willis reports.Mrs.Clinton reiterate the sentiments of carefully crafted United Nations Security Council statement which deeply regretted the loss of nine lives and called for an investigation into the action of

21、 the Israeli commandos. Mrs.Clinton said she supported an Israeli investigation which was credible and transparent. A statement which is unlikely to appeal the Americas critics. Among them, former allies like Turkey who believed the U.S response to this incident has been too muted.And some news just

22、 in. A spokesman for the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says all foreign nationals arrested on board the flotilla will be released. The spokesman said they would start deporting people in earnest and hope to have them all out within 48 hours.United States Government has opened a criminal

23、investigation into the huge oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The U.S Attorney General Eric Holder didnt name any companies or individuals, but promise that anyone who had violated the law would be prosecuted. Richard Lister reports from Washington.Mr.Holder said prosecutors now have sufficient evide

24、nce to begin a criminal enquiry and he would not rest until justice was done. The companies involved had already been ordered to preserve their records. Remote-control robots on the seabed now cutting the damaged well riser in order to cap it and pipe the leak oil to the service. BP says the procedu

25、re will take all week and it doesnt expect that cutting the riser will allow significantly more oil to escape. But government scientists suggest the procedure could release up to 20% more oil initially and the White House says it does not believe BP has been forthcoming about the risks.A new blood t

26、est for lung cancer which the makers hope for vast improved diagnoses of the disease has becoming commercially available across the United States for the first time this week. The test identifies defences released by the human body in response to the earlier stages of the cancer. As Professor John R

27、obertson who led the research explains.The body when it is making a cancer with cancer cells have destroyed with different proteins and people are exquisite or sensitivity to what is not themselves. And they make immune responses to those cancer antigens and is that antibody response will be able to

28、 detect. Scientists hope that in the future the tests can be adapted to diagnose other types of cancer.World News from the BBC.An American army officer accused of murdering 13 of his colleagues at Fort Hood in Texas last November has appeared in court for the first time. Maj Nidal who was left paral

29、yzed when security guard shot him, sat in court in a wheelchair, wearing his army uniform. A judge must decide whether he is fit to stand trial.Pakistans arm forces say they have driven the Taliban out of the strategically important Orakzai region, close to the border with Afghanistan. The offensive

30、 in Orakzaiwas launched ten weeks ago. Almost everyday there were reports of clashes and airstrikes. The government saying most to target militants who has been displaced by early offensives had taken refugee in Orakzai.The British Insurance joint Prudential has failed in its attempt to buy the Amer

31、ican old insurer AIA after the Pru shareholders threaten to vote against the deal. Investors in the British firm said the 35-billion-dollar purchase price for AIA was too high. Our business editor Robert Peston reports.The collapse of the Pros attempt to buy AIA of Asia is an important event in the

32、history of British stock market capitalism. In this rare case, it was the Pros own shareholders who frustrated the takeover by making it clear that they thought the purchase was too steep and by telling the Pros directors that they would vote down the deal. The implications are significant. The Pros

33、 chief executive and chairman may have to resign, but perhaps more importantly, it shows that investors have become much less supportive than they were of companies that what become global giant through takeovers.The Mayor of the Mexican resort city of Cancun has been formally charged with drug-trafficking, m

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