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1、职称英语理工教材变动及新增文章第二篇2016年职称英语教材理工类新增文章Baby Talk Babies normally start to talk when they are 13 t0 15 months old. Ryan Jones is only eightmonths old, but he is already talking with his parents. When lie is hungry, he opens and closes hishand. This means milk. He also knows the signs for his favorite to

2、y and the word more. Ryan is not deaf, and his parents are not deaf, but his mother and father are teaching him toThey say a word and make a sign at the same time. They repeat this again and again. WhenRyans parents think that he will be a happier baby because he can communicate with them.sign1 Ryan

3、 s parents are teaching Ryan to sign because of a man named Joseph Garcia. AlthoughGarcia was not from a deaf family, he decided to learn American Sign Language (ASL). First, hetook courses in ASL. Then he got a job helping deafpeople communicate with hearing people. In hiswork, he saw many deaf par

4、ents sign to theircommunicate much earlier than hearing childrenuse as many as 50 signs.infants. He noticed that these babies were able to2When they were one year old, they couldGarcia decided to try something new. He taught ASL to parents who were not deaf. The familiesstarted to teach signs to the

5、ir infants when they were sixor seven months old. 3 More andmore parents took Garcias ASL classes. Like Ryans family, they were excited about signing withtheir babies. They wanted to give their babies a way to communicate before they could use spokenwords. Some people worry about signing to babies.

6、They are afraid that these babies wont feel a needto talk. Maybe they will develop spoken language later than other babies4In fact, one studyfound just the opposite. Signing babies actually learned to speak earlier than other children. As theygrow older, these children are more interested in books.

7、They also score higher on intelligence tests There is still a big question for parents: Which are the best signs to teach their babies? Someparents make their own signs. Other parents want to teach ASL5 Theres no clear answer,but we do know this: All signing babies and their families are talking qui

8、te a lot词汇:normallym:m(a)li/ adv正常地;通常地,一般地infantfinfantn婴儿;幼JL;未成年人corruuunicate /kamju:nikeit/通信;交流;感染opposite /bpazit/ adj.相反的;n对立面,反义词注释:1intelligence test:智力测试练习:A However, research does not show thisB All parents want to teach babies to signC Ryan learns a new sign, his family is very excited.

9、Payc;om 一一。,一D These babies started using signs about two months later.E It can be useful because many people understand it.F They talked with signs by the time they were eight months old答案与题解:1C第二段主要是讨论Ryan学习手语的过程,当他学会一种新的手势时,父母非常高兴。2F这一段讲的是婴儿在学习手语过程中的共同规律。题目前一句讲Garcia注意到学习手 语的婴儿比普通婴儿更早开始交流,后一句讲婴L

10、1岁时能使用的手势多达50种,因此, 此处应填“这些婴儿从8个月起就开始用手语交流”。3D这一段讲有些家庭在婴儿六七个月的时候开始教他们手语。D选项中的these babies 指代这些婴儿,符合题意。4A前文讲有些人担心婴儿学习手语会导致其会话能力发展缓慢,后文讲的是研究表明并 不是这样,因此空格处应填表示转折的句子。5EE选项是对前文中ASL的解释,ASL是通用手语,因此能被更多的人理解。选项中的 it即指代ASL。第二篇婴儿语 婴儿通常在1-15个月的时候开始说话。Ryan Jones刚刚8个月,但他已经开始和父母“说话”了。他饿的时候,就会把手一张一合,这个动作表示牛奶。他还懂得表示他

11、最喜欢的玩具以及“更多”这个词。 Ryan不是聋哑人,他的父母也不是,但他们正在教他手语。他们在说话的同时做出相应的手语姿势,并不断重复。当Ryan学会一个新的手势时,家人都非常高兴。Ryan的父母认为,因为能和父母交流,Ryan会成为一个更快乐的婴儿。 Ryan的父母之所以教Ryan手语,是因为一名叫Joseph Garcia的人。Garcia也不是聋哑人,但他决定学习美国手语( ASL)。最开始的时候,他参加了一门相关课程的学习。之后,他得到了一份帮助聋哑人和正常人交流的工作,在工作中,他看到很多聋哑人父母用手语与他们的幼子交流。他注意到,这些孩子能比正常孩子更早地与他人交流。他们8个月大

12、的时候就能通过手语进行交流,而到了1岁的时候,他们能使用多达50种手势。 Garcia决定进行一些新的尝试,他向非聋哑人父母教授美国手语。这些家庭在孩子六七个月的时候就教孩子手语,而孩子们在大约两个月之后就开始使用这些手语了。越来越多的父母前去参加的美国手语课程。和Ryan的家人一样,他们对于能和孩子通过手语交流感到非常兴奋。他们想让孩子在会说话之前学会一种交流的方式。 有些人对此很担忧,他们担心这些小孩会觉得开口说话没有必要,这样他们的语言能力发展可能比其他孩子慢。然而,研究表明,事实并非如此。实际上,有一项研究发现,事实正好相反,掌握手语的孩子实际上比其他孩子更早开口说话。随着年龄的增长,

13、他们对阅读的兴趣更强,在智力测试中获得的分数更高。 对于父母来说,还有一个大问题:哪种手语对孩子来说是最好的?有的父母使用自己创造的手势,还有些父母使用美国手语,这种手语懂的人多,因此更有用。目前对于这个问题还没有明确的答案,但是我们确切地知道:会用手语的婴儿和他们的家人会“说”很多话!第三篇Common Questions about Dreams Does everyone dream? Yes. Research shows that we all dream. We have our most vivid dreams during a type of sleepcalled Rapi

14、d Eye Movement (REM) sleep. During REM sleep, the brain is very active. The eyesmove quickly back and forthl under the lids, and the large muscles of the body are relaxed. REMsleep occurs every 90-100 minutes, three to four times a night, and it lasts longer as the night goesWe dream at other times

15、during the night, too, but those dreams are less vividDo people remember their dreams? A few people remember their dreams. However, most people forget nearly everything thathappened during the night - dreams, thoughts, and the short periods of time when they were awake. 2 It seems that the memory of

16、 the dream is not totally lost, but for some reason it is very hardto bring it back2. If you want to remember your dream, the best thing to do is to write it down assoon as you wake up. Are dreams in color? Most dreams are in color. However, people may not be aware of it for two reasons : Theydont u

17、sually remember the details of their dreams, or they dont notice the color because it is such anatural part of our lives3Do dreams have meaning? Scientists continue to debate this issue.3 4more about their feelings, thoughts, behavior, motives,them solve problems. Its also true that artists, writers

18、,dreams.Some people use dreams to help them learnand values. Others find that dreams can help and scientists often get creative ideas from How can I learn to understand my dreams? The most important thing to remember is that your dreams are personal. The people, actions,and situations in your dreams

19、 reflect your experience, your thoughts, and your feelings. Some dreamexperts believe that there are certain types of dreams that many people have, even ifthey come fromdifferent cultures or time periods. Usually, however, the same dream will have different meanings fordifferent people. For example,

20、 an elephant in a dream may mean one thing to a zookeeper andsomething very different to a child whose favorite toy is a stuffed elephlinks between your dreams and what is happening in your daily life. Ifpatient, perhaps the meaning ofyour dreams will become clearer to you.调汇:vivid /vivid/ adj.清晰的,l

21、id /lid/n眼睑(=eyelid)motive /mautiv/n动机stuffed /stAft/ adj.填充的,生动的,逼真的塞满了的ant. 5 Then look foryou think hard and you are注释:1back and forth:来回地,反夏地。2bring it back:回忆起它来。bring back:使回忆起来,带回来、拿回来,使恢复。3 Scientists continue to debate this issue科学家们不断地讨论这个问题。“debate”作动词“争 论,辩论,讨论”讲,既可以是不及物动词也可以是及物动词,作不及物动词

22、时常与“about/ on/upon”搭配。Payc;om 一一。,一A However, people who spend time thinking about their dreams believe that they are meaningful and useful.B The final REM period may last as long as 45 minutes.C People who are very aware of color when they are awake probably notice color more often in their dreams.

23、D Our most powerful dreams dont happen during deep sleep.E To learn to understand your dreams, think about what each part of the dream means to you or reminds you of.F Sometimes, though, people suddenly remember a dream later in the day or on another day.答案与题解:1B文中第一部分主要介绍快速眼动睡眠期,而且前一句正好提到每晚快速眼动睡眠期的

24、 间隔时间、出现频率及其持续时间的情况。2F题目所在的前一句提到大多数人会忘记晚上所发生的几乎所有事情,而后一句中又提 到人们对梦的记忆好像没有完全丢失,由此可以推断出中间这一句应该说的是人有时会记 起自己的梦。3C文中第三部分提到梦是彩色的,前面主要讲的是人们可能意识不到这个问题以及意识 不到的原因,由此可以推断后面应该会提到那些可以意识到这个问题的人。因此,答案为 C。4A文中第四部分讲的是梦的意义,纵观六个选项与部分主题相关的只有选项A,而且后 面主要提到人们会利用梦做些什么,这也就意味着人们会思考他们的梦而且相信梦是有意 义的。5E由第五部分的标题就可以锁定选项E,而且后一句讲的是要寻

25、找梦与现实的联系,正 好与选项E的意思相吻合。第三篇 关于梦的常见问题 每个人都会做梦吗? 是的。研究表明我们都会做梦。在一种叫作快速眼动(REM)的睡眠期里,我们会有最清晰生动的梦。在这种睡眠期里,大脑非常活跃,眼睛在眼睑下面来来回回地快速移动,而且身体的大肌肉会得到放松。快速眼动睡眠期每隔90100分钟会出现一次,一晚会出现3“4次,而且随着入夜渐深,每次持续的时间也会变长。最后一次快速眼动睡眠期可能会持续长达45分钟。我们在夜晚的其他时间段也会做梦,但是那些梦没有快速眼动睡眠期里的梦清晰生动。 人们会记得他们的梦吗? 一些人会记得他们的梦。然而,大多数人会忘记晚上所发生的几乎所有的事一梦

26、、思想以及他们醒着时的短暂时光。但是,有时人们会在当天晚些时候或改天突然想起他们的梦。他们对梦的记忆好像并没有完全消失,但出于某种原因却很难回忆起来。如果你想记住自己的梦,最好的办法是一醒来就把它写下来。 梦是彩色的吗? 大多数梦是彩色的。然而,人们可能不会意识到这一点。这是基于两方面的原因:人们通常不会记住梦的细节,或者因为颜色是我们生活中的自然组成部分,所以不会注意到。那些在醒着的时候意识到颜色的人可能会更经常注意到梦的颜色。第4页,共1 1页学派网职称英语 梦有意义吗? 科学家们不停地讨论这个问题。然而,那些花时间思考他们梦的人相信梦是有意义的、有用的。有些人借助梦更多地了解自己的情感、

27、思想、行为、动机和价值观。其他人发现梦可以帮助自己解决问题。艺术家、作家和科学家也确实经常从梦中获得创作的灵感。 我如何学会理解自己的梦? 要记得最重要的一点就是梦是个人的。梦里的人、行为以及情景都能反映你的经历、思想以及情感。有些梦境专家认为某些类型的梦是很多人都有的,即使他们来自不同的文化或时期。然而,通常对于不同的人,同一个梦会有不同的意义。比如,做梦梦到大象对于一个动物园管理员来说意味着一回事,而对于一个最喜欢大象毛绒玩具的小孩来说就意味着截然不同的事。为了学会理解自己的梦,首先要思考一下梦的每一部分对你意味着什么或者让你想起了什么。然后寻找梦与日常生活中所发生事情的联系。如果你认真思

28、考而且有耐心,或许你会更清晰地理解梦的意义。第六篇The Apgar Test The baby was born at 3:36 p. m. At 3:37, she scored 4 0ut of 10 0n her first test. At 3:41, shescored 8 0ut of 10. The doctor was glad.Another baby, born at 8:24 p. m. scored 3 0ut of 10 0n his first test. He scored 4 0ut of 10 0nhis second test. He took anoth

29、er test at 8:34 and scored 5. _1 He called for helpl These newborn babies took a test called the Apgar test. This test helps doctors diagnoseproblems. _ 2 Most babies take two tests. The first is at l minute after birth, and the second isat 5 minutes after birth. If a babys score at 5 minutes is les

30、s than 6, the baby takes another test at 10minutes after birth. The Apgar test is not an intelligence test.born. The Apgar test measures things such asfive parts, and the score for each part can be 0. Its a test that shows a babys health right after it isa babys color, heart rate, and breathing. The

31、 test has1, or 2. 3 A doctor named Virginia Apgar developed the test. Apgar went to medical school at ColumbiaUniversity in New York City in 1929. She faced many challenges because she was the first womanin the program. However, she was one of the best students in her class. After medical school, shestarted treating patients2. Apgar also became a researcher in anesthesiology, a new topic in medicine at the time3. Duringher studies, she learned how to give patients anesthesia.4 In the 1940s, many women started to have anesthe

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