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1、部队院校选拔考试英语试题二八年公安边防消防警卫部队院校招生统一考试英 语 试 卷本试卷分第卷和第卷两部分,满分100分,考试时间120分钟。第卷注意事项:1答第卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考试科目涂写在答题卡上。2每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在试题卷上。3第卷共65小题,共80分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求。一、语音辨析(共5分,每小题1分)选出下列各组单词中划线部分与其他三个不同的读音。1Aclerk Bterm Creference Dservice2Athunder Bst

2、rength Cnorthern Dthorough 3Abike Bpillow Clike Dheight4Acat Bbat Ccave Dcatch5Aglobe Bhopeless Ccrossing Dnoble二、单项选择(共30分,每小题1分)在所给选项中选出最佳答案。6 he is doing today will be useful for others.AWhether BThatCHow DWhat7It is diligence is the most important for students.Awhich BthatCwhat Dfor that8This is

3、 the place I was born.Ain that BwhereCwhich Dwhat9By the end of last week, my brother about 30 new words.Alearned Bhad learnedCwas learning Dlearns10Last year, the teacher told us that the sun bigger than the earth.Ahas been BwasCis Dwill be11It hard when my mother left her office.Awas snowing Bis s

4、nowingCwill snow Dsnows12I to London two times.Awent Bhave beenChad gone Dhas gone13Tomorrow twenty years old.Amy sister shall have Bmy sister is going to haveChas my sister Dmy sister will be14She asked me whether I had decided which room .Ato live in Bfor me to liveCis to live Dis to live in15An a

5、ccident in this city yesterday.Ahas been happened Bwas happenedCis happened Dhappened16So far, the moon by man already.Ahas been visited Bis visitedCwill be visited Dwas visited17A new library in this college.Ais being built Bis buildingCbeen built Dbe building18I cant use my MP3 because it .Ais rep

6、airing Bis being repairedCwill repair Dwas repairing19Dont keep the water while you wash your hands.Arun Bbeing runCto run Drunning20 by the owner of the farm, we decided to stay another two days here.ATo be invited BInvitingCInvited DHaving invited21I hurried to the railway station, only the train

7、had left.Ato find Bto be foundCfinding Dfound22Our football team to take part in the tournament, but our principal is not interested in it.Ahas been asking Bhas been askedChave been asked Dhave been asking23Most of the luggage into the boot of the car. However there are still two bags left.Ahas been

8、 putting Bhas been putChave been putting Dhave been put24Mary is one of those people who both nice and beautiful.Ais counting Bis countedCare counting Dare counted25On no account go to school.Ahe would Bwould heChe had Dhad he26It was he was at home I called him.Asince where Bwhen thatCwhen since Db

9、ecause since27This is the most interesting movie America has ever produced.Ait BthatCwhich Dwhat28Beijing, I stayed for a week last year, is getting more and more beautiful.Awhich BthatCwhere Dwhose29Is this pencil ?Athe one you got last week Bwhich you got last weekCthat you got last week Dyou got

10、yesterday30I hope you can keep an eye on my son I go to school.Abecause BwhenCas Dif31The way my teacher talks is very polite.Awhich Bin thatCwhy Dhow32I met the same person I saw yesterday.Awhich BitCas Dwhere33My children will go fishing if the weather fine tomorrow.Awill be BwasCis Dis going to b

11、e34All of the students must study hard if they want to fail the exam.Adont BhaventCwont Dhadnt35My son his homework now.Afinished BfinishChas finished Dhad finished三、完形填空(共10分,每小题1分)阅读下面短文,从所给选项中选择最佳答案完成填空。Mary is a secretary in Beijing. She has one week 36 for winter holiday every year. Last year s

12、he 37 to take a trip to Xinjiang. She didnt want to go by plane. So she decided to take the train from Beijing to Xinjiang.The train 38 Beijing Railway Station on Friday at 1100p.m. Mary tried to sleep that night, but she couldnt. She was too 39 because she knew this trip was a wonderful idea.For tw

13、o days, Mary didnt 40 the train. She often had a walk through the train and talked with the other passengers.Sometimes she walked between the cars to get 41 fresh air. She had all her meals in the dining car. 42 , at 600a.m. on Monday, the train stopped in Xinjiang. Mary was happy to leave the train

14、. Having visited some places of interest, Mary took a flight back to Beijing. She 43 out of the window of the airplane and imagined the desert, mountains, forests, and cities 44 . After a while, she closed her eyes and started to make plans for her 45 summer holiday.36Aof Bon Cat Doff37Awants Bwante

15、d Chas wanted Dwanting38Aleft Bstarted Carrived Dgot39Atired Bexcited Csad Dangry40Aget off Bget of Cget out Dget in41Aeach Bsome Cevery Dany42AFinally BFinal CLately DLate43Alooked Bnoticed Csaw Dshowed44Aabove Bbelow Cover Dunder45Athe next Bnext Cthe last Dlast四、阅读理解(共30分,每小题2分)阅读下列短文,从所给选项中选择最佳答

16、案。Passage 1Long long ago, a man, named Tom, wanted to build a house, so he went into his garden. He climbed up a big tree and began to saw(锯)a branch from it. While he was doing his business, a stranger passed his garden. The stranger found that Tom was sitting on the branch, and the place he sawed

17、was just between himself and the trunk of the tree. So he told Tom that if he continued to cut that branch like that, he would fall down.Tom turned his back on the stranger. He continued sawing the branch without saying anything. He thought how silly the stranger was! He was just that person who had

18、 no work to do and went about telling other people what to do and what not to do.After giving the advice, the stranger continued on his way. Certainly, after a few minutes, the branch fell and Tom fell down with the branch. At this moment, Tom thought that this stranger could tell what would happen

19、in the future. So he ran after him as soon as possible and wanted to ask him how long he would live. But the stranger had already disappeared.46According to the passage, why did Tom saw a branch from a big tree?AHe made his living by sawing branches.BHe wanted to build a house.CHe wanted to shear hi

20、s garden.DA stranger asked him to do so.47When Tom was cutting the branch, a stranger .Aasked something from himBtold him to stop working Cpassed his gardenDasked him the reason why he sawed the branch48Why did Tom turn his back on the stranger?AHe thought the stranger was a liar.BHe thought the str

21、anger was a foolish man.CHe thought the stranger was a beggar.DHe was too busy to talk with the stranger.49What happened to Tom after a few minutes?ATom was hurt by the saw.BThe branch fell.CTom fell to the ground.DBoth B and C.50Which of the following is Not true?AThe stranger was clever.BTom was s

22、tupid.CThe stranger could tell future.DThe stranger gave a good advice to Tom.Passage 2Two years ago, a lot of Londoners heard alarms all over the town. The Emergency services, the Fire Departments, the Police, hospitals, and ambulances stood by, ready to go into action. In railway underground stati

23、ons, people read notices and maps that told them where to go and what to do in the emergency. This was Exercise Flood Call to prepare people for a flood emergency. London wasnt flooded yet, but it is possible that it would be. In 1236 and in 1663, London was badly flooded. In 1928, people living in

24、Westminster, the heart of London, drowned in floods. And in 1953, one hundred people, living on the eastern edge of the London suburbs were killed, again, in the floods. At last, Greater Council took actions to prevent this disaster from happening again. Though a flood wall was built in the 1960s, L

25、ondoners still must be prepared for the possible disaster. If it happens, 50 underground stations will be under water. Electricity, gas and phone services will be out of action. Roads will be drowned. It will be impossible to cross any of the bridges between north and south London. Imagine: London w

26、ill look like the famous Italian city, Venice. But this Exercise Flood Call didnt cause panic among Londoners. Most people knew it was just a warning. One lady said, “Its a flood warning, isnt it? The water doesnt look high to me.”51Whats the main idea of the passage?AThe passage is mainly about pos

27、sible damages caused by Floods.BThe passage is mainly about flood emergency in London.CThe passage is mainly about emergency exercise in London.DThe passage is mainly about London Floods in History.52According to the passage, in 1960s, what action was taken to fight against floods in London?AIn orde

28、r to fight against floods, 50 underground stations were made waterproof.BIn order to fight against floods, rescue teams were formed.CIn order to fight against floods, a flood wall was built.DIn order to fight against floods, an alarm system was set up.53“But this Exercise Flood Call didnt cause pani

29、c among Londoners.” What does the underlined word “panic” here mean?AExcitement.BTirelessness.CFear.DHappiness.54According to the passage, if there is a flood disaster in London, which statement is Not true?A50 underground stations will be under water.BElectricity, gas and phone services will be out

30、 of action.CRoads will be drowned.DIt will be possible to cross any of the bridges between north and south London.55What can you learn from the womans statement?AShe described how frightened most of the Londoners were.BShe argued that it was impossible to prevent floods in London.CShe wanted to say that the Exercise Flood Call did cause a lot of trouble to Londoners.DShe wanted to say that most Londoners took Exercise Flood Call calmly.Passage 3While watching film, we are always attracted by such scene that two actors are fighting each

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