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1、简单的英语短篇美文阅读简单的英语短篇美文阅读英语阅读既是重要的语言技能,也是重要的学习技能,是发展其他语言技能的基础和前提。下面是WTT带来的简单的英语短篇美文,欢迎阅读!简单的英语短篇美文篇一Wanted: a large biscuit tinNo one can avoid being influenced by advertisements.Much as we may pride ourselves on our good taste, we are no longer free to choose the things we want, for advertising e_erts

2、 a subtle influence on us.In their efforts to persuade us to buy this or that product, advertisers have made a close study of human nature and have classified all our little weaknesses.Advertisers discovered years ago that all of us love to get something for nothing.An advertisement which begins wit

3、h themagic word FREE can rarely go wrong.These days, advertisers not only offer free sles but free cars, free houses, and free trips round the world as well.They devise hundreds of petitions which will enable us to win huge sums of money.Radio and television have made it possible for advertisers to

4、capture the attention of millions of people in this way.During a radio programme, a pany of biscuit manufacturers once asked listeners to bake biscuits and send them to their factory.They offered to pay $2 a pound for the biggest biscuit baked by a listener.The response to this petition was tremendo

5、us.Before long, biscuits of all shapes and sizes began arriving at the factory.One lady brought in a biscuit on a wheelbarrow.It weighed nearly 500 pounds.A little later, a man came along with a biscuit which occupied the whole boot of his car.All the biscuits that were sent were carefully weighed.T

6、he largest was 713 pounds.It seemed certain that this would win the prize.But just before the petition closed, a lorry arrived at the factory with a truly colossal biscuit which weighed 2400 pounds.It had been baked by a college student who had used over 1000 pounds of flour, 800 pounds of sugar, 20

7、_pounds of fat, and 400 pounds of various other ingredients.It was so heavy that a crane had to be used to remove it from the lorry.The manufacturers had to pay more money than they had anticipated, for they bought the biscuit from the student for $4800.没有人能避免受广告的影响。尽管我们可以自夸自己的鉴赏力如何敏锐,但我们已经无法独立自主地选购



10、元。简单的英语短篇美文篇二Nothing to sell and nothing to buyIt has been said that everyone lives by selling something.In the light of this statement, teachers live by selling knowledge, philosophers by selling wisdom and priests by selling spiritual fort.Though it may be possible to measure the value of material

11、 goods in terms of money, it is e_tremely difficult to estimate the true value of the services which people perform for us.There are times when we would willingly give everything we possess to save our lives, yet we mightgrudge paying a surgeon a high fee for offering us precisely this service.The c

12、onditions of society are such that skills have to be paid for in the same way that goods are paid for at a shop.Everyone has something to sell.Trs seem to be the only e_ception to this general rule.Beggars almost sell themselves as human beings to arouse the pity of passers-by.But real trs are not b

13、eggars.They have nothing to sell and require nothing from others.In seeking independence, they do not sacrifice their human dignity.A tr may ask you for money, but he will never ask you to feel sorry for him.He has deliberately chosen to lead the life he leads and is fully aware of the consequences

14、He, may never be sure where the ne_t meal is ing from, but he is free from the thousands of an_ieties which afflict other people.His few material possession make it possible for him to move from place to place with ease- By having to sleep in the open, he gets far closer to the world of nature than

15、most of us ever do.He may hunt, beg, or steal occasionally to keep himself alive; he may even in times of real need, do a little work; but he will never sacrifice his freedom.We often speak of trs with contempt and put them in the same class as beggars, but how many of us can honestly say that we ha

16、ve not felt a little envious of their simple way of life and their freedom from care?据说每个人都靠出售某种东西来维持生活。根据这种说法,教师靠卖知识为生,哲学家靠卖智慧为生,牧师靠卖精神安慰为生。虽然物质产品的价值可以用金钱来衡量,但要估算别人为我们为所提供的服务的价值却是极其困难的。有时,我们为了挽救生命,愿意付出我们所占有的一切。但就在外科大夫给我们提供了这种服务后,我们却可能为所支付的昂贵的费用而抱怨。社会上的情况就是如此,技术是必须付钱去买的,就像在商店里要花钱买商品一样。人人都有东西可以出售。在这条


18、,我们常常带有轻蔑并把他们与乞丐归为一类。但是,我们中有多少人能够坦率地说我们对流浪汉的简朴生活与无忧无虑的境况不感到有些羡慕呢?简单的英语短篇美文篇三Five pounds too dearSmall boats loaded with wares sped to the great liner as she was entering the harbour.Before she had anchored, the men from the boats had climbed on board and the decks were soon covered with colourful ru

19、gs from Persia, silks from India, copper coffee pots, and beautiful hand-made silver-ware.It was difficult not to be tempted.Many of the tourists on board had begun bargaining with the tradesmen, but I decided not to buy anything until I had disembarked.I had no sooner got off the ship than I was as

20、sailed by a man who wanted to sell me a diamond ring.I had no intention of buying one, but I could not conceal the fact that I was impressed by the size of the diamonds.Some of them were as big as marbles.The man went to great lengths to prove that the diamonds were real.As we were walking past a sh

21、op, he held a diamond firmly against the window and made a deep impression in the glass.It took me over half an hour to get rid of him.The ne_t man to approach me was selling e_pensive pens and watches.I e_amined one of the pens closely.It certainly looked genuine.At the base of the gold cap, the wo

22、rds 'made in the U.S.A.' had been neatly inscribed.The man said that the pen was worth &;10, but as a special favour, he would let me have it for &;8.I shook my head and held up a finger indicating that I was willing topay a pound.Gesticulating wildly, the man acted as if he found my offer o

23、utrageous, but he eventually reduced the price to &;3.Shrugging my shoulders, I began to walk away when, a moment later, he ran after me and thrust the pen into my hands.Though he kept throwing up his arms in despair, he readily accepted the pound I gave him.I felt especially pleased with my wonderf

24、ul bargain-until I got back to the ship.No matter how hard I tried, it was impossible to fill this beautiful pen with ink and to this day it has never written a single word !当一艘大型班船进港的时候,许多小船载着各种杂货快速向客轮驶来。大船还未下锚。小船上的人就纷纷爬上客轮。一会儿工夫,甲板上就摆满了色彩斑斓的波斯地毯。印度丝绸。铜咖啡壶以及手工制作的漂亮的银器。要想不为这些东西所动心是很困难的。船上许多游客开始同商贩讨价


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