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1、美国人挂在嘴边的100句子其文化和价值观1-You cant argue with successThough you may tell someone they are doing something in a wrong way, you have to stop criticizing them if their method works.2-Nothing succeeds like successLike money in a savings account, success seems to compound itself. A person who has a small suc

2、cess expects it to be followed by a bigger one.3-The end justifies the meansIt does not matter how you succeed. Any method is all right if it works for you. This proverb is not always accepted. Often one hears the opposite, the end doesnt justifies the means.4-If you cant beat them, join themIf you

3、cannot compete successfully with a person or a group, stop competing and go join them. Then you can share in their success.5-Always a day late and a dollar shortA criticism of a person who never succeeds. The failures may not be drastic but the pattern of small failures is annoying to others, especi

4、ally in two areas that Americans value as highly as time and money.6-One thing at a timeConcentration leads to success. The person who tires to do too many things at once may fail at all of them.7-Well cross that bridge when we come to itWe will not discuss or worry about a future problem. If and wh

5、en the problem becomes urgent, we will deal with it. 8-Dont put the cart before the hourseDo things in a sensible order. For example, do something to impress your boss before you ask for a raise in pay. Dont ask for the raise first.9-Alls fair in love and warDo not trust a rival or an enemy at all.

6、His or her desire to succeed will overrule everything else. Such a people may lie, cheat, attack or do many other things far more terrible than he or she would normally do.10-When in Rome do as the romans doFlexibility leads to success in unfamiliar circumstances. People may changes their normal way

7、 of doing things in order to fit in better with those they are visiting.11-Easy does itSome things require gentleness for success. One should not push too hard. Force may cause damage 12-The bigger they are, the harder they fallDo not be discouraged by the size of your problem or the fame of your co

8、mpetitor. (the saying is traced to a boxer preparing to fight an opponent much larger than he was.)13-All is well that ends wellIf we can come to a successful conclusion, let us forget about the pain and mistakes along the way.14-Go for itGo ahead and try to achieve your goal. Dont worry about faili

9、ng. Similar to this proverb-God provides food to every bird, but he wont cast to its nest, you got to earn it.15-Every little bit helpsIf someone apologizes for giving only a small gift, the recipient may encourage the giver by quoting this proverb. This is especially true if there is a huge job to

10、do or a huge amount of money to be raised from many people.16-Look before you leapDont jump into a situation carelessly. You may land in difficulty.17-All that glitters is not goldDo not be fooled by worthless things that seem valuable or look attractive.Fools gold is the popular name for a kind of

11、stone that glitters like gold but contains no gold at all. 18-Curiosity killed the catDo not ask too many questions or become too curious about things. You may get yourself into trouble like a cat that does not see the danger in a new situation.19-Dont put all your eggs in one basketDo not risk ever

12、ything in one place or on one project. Divide your sources that one failure will not ruin you. Similar to this proverb-Do not use both feet to test the depth of the river.20-Dont bite off more than you can chewDo not attempt something too large for you to handle. 21-Too good to be tureThis is often

13、used to warn about advertising. An offer looks good but turns out to be misleading.22-Flattery will get you nowhereIf flattery (insincere praise) is recognized, it will not succeed. One sometimes hears the opposite, Flattery will get you everywhere.23-There is no such thing as a free lunchIf someone

14、 you do not know offers you a free lunch or other gift, watch out. The gift may be a method of getting something from you.24-Pride goes before a fallDo not be over-confident and careless. Your circumstances may change quickly and the emptiness of your bragging will be exposed.25-Better safe than sor

15、ryIt is better not to take a risk than to take a risk foolishly. 26-Winning isnt everything One may enjoy the process of playing a game whether one wins or not. This traditional proverb is now often heard in the opposite form, Winning isnt everything. Its the only thing!27-Time will tellWait and see

16、 how something will work out. Dont trust a person or thing too much right now.28-The burned child shuns fireSome of lifes lessons are learned the hard way. The person who has had to pay for a mistake will be careful not to make that mistake again.29-There are other fish in the seaThere are opportuni

17、ties! For example, this may be used to encourage someone who has just broken off a relationship with a sweetheart.30-Dont count your chickens before they are hatchedDo not become too confident of success before you can see that progress is happening.31-Rome wasnt built in a dayDo not be discouraged

18、if your goal still seems far away. On a big project, success takes time!32-There is more here than meets the eyeBe careful. People are hiding something in order to protect themselves or take advantage of you.33-The customer is always rightBusinesses instruct their clerks not to do anything that migh

19、t threaten a customers self-esteem, no matter how unreasonable the customer is. Any complaint of any customer must be carefully and politely heard by any employee. The customer must not be made to feel ignorant.34-Be true to yourselfDo not compromise yourself or your beliefs in order to please other

20、 people or fit in with a system. Know who you are. Let other people know what you stand for. Do not give in to pressure to conform or to do things you do not agree with.35-Once bitten, twice shyThis may be used to explain the behavior of a person who is overly cautious about something. The wise pers

21、on makes mistakes but does not usually make the same mistake twice.36-It isnt over till the fat lady singsI refuse to admit defeat yet. Though right now it looks like I may fall, there is still time for things to change. (The fat lady is an insulting reference to an opera soloist, opera often end wi

22、th a female solo.)37-To each his ownEach individual should be allowed to have his or her own preferences. people will naturally choose different activities, goals, life-s, etc.38-Looking out for number oneLooking out for ones own personal welfare more than anything else. This is sometimes used to cr

23、iticize a person who has abused or taken advantage of someone else, All he was doing was looking out for number one. Or it may be used to defend himself or herself, There is nothing wrong with what I did. I was just looking out for number one.39-When the going gets tough, the tough get goingWhen sit

24、uation is difficult, only the determined people can handle it. They dont give up!40-Times flies when you are having funA day seems shot when it is full of enjoyable things but it seems like an eternity if one is idle or stuck with a boring job.41-If it feels good, do itLive according to your desires

25、 at the moment. Forget about rules, regulations or consequences. Just have fun.42-Live and let liveDo not be judgmental. Do not try to control or punish other people. You live as you like and let others live as they like.43-Variety is the spice of lifeVariety is what makes life pleasureable. Boredom

26、 is seen as a threat and monotony is the surest route to boredom.44-Money talksWealth has influence. People who make big contributions to political candidates are talking to the candidates and expecting them to listen. 45-All work and no play makes Jack a dull boyThis is used to criticize someone wh

27、o takes work too seriously. It affirms that play is as an essential part of human life.46-The more the merrierThis is a way of welcoming someone to participate. It means, the bigger the group, the bigger the party.47-A bird in the hand is worth two in the bushA thing you already have is worth twice

28、as much as a thing you might get in the future.48-You cant have your cake and eat it tooMake up your mind. Sometimes one must choose between two very desirable things, giving up one thing in order to enjoy the other.49-There is more than one way to skin a catAny of several methods may bring about th

29、e desired result. Each person may choose the method that best suits her. If one method does not work, choose a different one and try again.50-One mans meat is another mans poisonSince the same thing may affect different people in different ways, each person must choose the things that will work in h

30、is or her particular case.51-Love finds a wayLove is considered one of the most powerful and determined forces in the world. Two people in love will find a way to get together.52-Absence makes the heart grow fonderWhen lovers are separated, they may think about each other constantly. their love may deepen.53-Out of sight, out of mindThis is said of someone not considered important or worthy of loyalty. One forgets about that person as soon as he or she is out of sight.54-Love makes the world g

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