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1、初中英语69组近义词辨析专项练习题中考英语珍贵资料初中英语近义词辨析 专项练习(必考点)1. tell talk say speakspeak讲语言 speak to sb about sthtell告诉 tell sb sth/tell sth to sbsay说 say sth to sbtalk交谈,聊天 talk to sb/talk sb about sthsay ,speak talk 和tell辨析. say一般作及物动词用,着重说话的内容,它的宾语可以是名词,代词或宾语从句.eg:He can say his name.他会说他的名字.Please say it in Engl

2、ish.请用英语用.Shes saying ,Dont draw on the wall.她在说“别在墙上画”. speak强调说的动作,不强调所说的内容 .作及物动词时,常以某种语言作宾语.作不及物动词时,常见的搭配形式有:speak of something/somebody谈到某事(某人)speak to sb 跟某人讲话,此外speak还可用于在较为正式的场合了表演讲或演说.Can you speak Japanese?你会说日语吗?She is speaking to her teacher.她正在跟她的老师说话.He spoke at the meeting yesterday.他

3、昨天在会上讲了话. talk 一般为不及物动词,意思是“交谈,谈话,着重强调两具之间的相互说话.eg:She is talking with Lucy in English.她正在和露茜用英语交谈.What are you talking about?你们在谈论什么?The teacher is talking to him.老师正在和他谈话. tell常作及物动词,意为“讲述,告诉,动词常跟双宾语.tell sb sthtell sth to sb告诉某人某事.eg:He is telling the children a story.他正在给孩子们讲一个故事.Did you tell he

4、r the news?Did you tell the news to her?你把这个消息告诉她了吗?1 Can you _ me the truth?2 What language do you _?3 This is what they _ yesterday.4 Dont _in class,please be quiet.2. .look look at see watchlook为不及物动词,后面不能带宾语,常单独使用,以引起对方注意。例如:Look! Thats an English car. 看!那是一辆英国的小汽车。look at是由动词look 与介词at组成的词组,相当于

5、及物动词,后面可以带宾语,侧重看的动作。例如: Look at the blackboard, please.请看黑板。see为及物动词,意思是看见,侧重看的结果。例如: Can I see your new pen? 我可以看看你的新钢笔吗?watch是及物动词,意思是观看、注视, 用来指注视移动着的物体,如看电视、看球赛、看戏等。例如:They are watching TV.他们正在看电视1 The coat _ nice, I want to buy one for my daughter.2 Please _ the blackboard, can you _ anything?3

6、She doesnt like _ TV,but she likes _ football game.3. .sound listen to hearsound可作名词和动词.作名词时表声响,声音,作动词时是一个半系动词,后面一般加形容词或从句,表听起来怎么样.hear是听,它强调听的结果.你可翻译为听到listen是不及物动词,后面不能直接加宾语,也是听,但它强调听的动作,你可以翻译为收听.listen是不及物动词,但如果想要加听的对象,怎么办?这时就用listten to 了.1 _ the radio, it says the flood is coming soon.2 I cant

7、_ you , because theres something wrong with my ears.3 What you said _ interesting.4. .hear from hear oflisten to 是动作“听”hear 也是听,但是更强调听到的结果例如:I listened carefully to the radio,but didnt hear anything.我仔细听收音机,但是什么也没听见.(这个句子很烂)hear of 是听说到I have never heard of the anecdote before.我从来也没有听到过这件事.hear from

8、 有从.听说到,收到.消息等意思I am delighted to hear from you.收到你的来信很高兴.1 After _ her sister, she read and soon wrote back.2 Have you _ the place called Shenglong?.5.receive acceptreceive 是 接到,收到(客观上)的意思,但并不意味着同意接受比如说 你很讨厌一个人 他写信给你 你不想收 可是你并不能阻挡这封信的到来accept 是 接到,并同意的意思比如说 有人约你星期六出去玩 你知道了 也接受了这个邀请He _ a present ye

9、sterday, but he didnt _ it, because it was too much expensive and he sent it back.6.look up look for find find outlook up可以为查阅,比如查字典I look up a few words.我查了几个字look for为寻找,Im looking for my car.我在找我的车look up还有其他的解释:向上看, 尊敬, 仰望, 查寻, 拜访, 好转I look up Peter yearningly.我渴望见到彼得.Look up a few words.查几个字.Lo

10、ok up an old friend.拜访一个老朋友I look up several old friends.我拜访了几位老友.Look! Its a clearing up.瞧,天晴了.Dont look up the dictionary.不要查字典.I think Id better look that up.我想我得查一下.Look how our plants have shot up.瞧我们的庄稼长得多快.Look, the orchestra pit is filling upfind就是单纯的找到,I find my car.我找到的车了find out也是发现,但是通常用

11、于发现比较抽象的理论或者发现某一件事I find out the secret.attempt to find out.试图发现事情的真相.How did you find out?你怎么知道的?Truth will find liars out.真理会戳穿说谎者.His sins will find him out.他为非作歹,不会有好下场.How soon will I find out?要等多久才能找到?Let me find out for you.我来查一查.Love will find out the way.爱情自会寻出路.Somebody will find that secr

12、et out.有人会发现那个秘密.Ill find out where they live.我去打听一下他们住在哪儿.Ill find out who is available.我问一下谁有空跟你接洽1 He often takes a dictionary and _ the new words in it?2 The little girl _ her pen everywhere but didnt _ it at last.3 Look! Rita is crying over there. Lets go and _ why is she crying.7.keep borrow l

13、endborrow 指的是从别人那里借 take可以指参加 拿走的意思 lend 是从自己这里借出什么东西 get 是得到的意思1 My bike is broken, can I _ yours ,Lily?-Oh, sorry, Ive _ it to Sandy.2 How long may I _ this book?-For about two weeks.8.reach arrive get1、arrive是不及物动词,后面要跟in或at,表示到达大城市或国家时要用in,到达小城市、乡村、车站等小地方则用at。如:We arrived in London last week. (我

14、们上周到达伦敦。)The doctor arrived at the village at last. (医生终于到达了那个村子。)2、reach是个独行侠,是及物动词,后面从来不跟介词,直接跟宾语(地点名)就行了。如:When did you reach the station? (你是什么时间到达车站的?)He reached Nanjing at noon. (他是中午到达南京的。)3、get与arrive一样,是不及物动词,所以常带着to一起出行。不过,当“到达”的地点是副词时,get就不带它了,如:Ann got to the farm at six oclock. (安六点钟到达农

15、场。)I got here early in the morning. (我一大早就到这儿了。)当然,如果不指明到达的地点就不能用get,而要用arrive了。如:When I arrived,they werent there. (当我到达时,他们不在那儿。)1 They will _ in Chengdu next week.2 How do you _ to school every day?3 Use a longer stick, then you can _ the apples.9.thanks to thanks for. thanks for = thank you for

16、“为谢”强调谢的原因。如:Thanks for lending me your umbrella.谢谢你借给我雨伞。Thank you for your dictionary. 谢谢你的字典。. thanks to “多亏了”;“由于的帮助”相当于because of 或 with the help of , 在此短语中,to是一个介词,后接名词或代词。如:Thanks to the doctor, I am well again. 多亏这位医生,我身体又康复了。Thanks to our teachers, we all passed the exam.多亏了老师的帮助,我们都及格了。Tha

17、nks to your help, I finish the work on time. 多亏了你的帮助,我才能按时完成工作1 _ your help, Ive understand it.2 _ the cats, mice dare not come and eat my food.10.give in give upgive up 与give in 都有“放弃,让步”之意,但give up 指行为者碰到某种困难或原因而自己主动放弃;give in指行为者屈于某种压力而被迫按别人的要求去做,侧重于屈服。give up可作vt., 后接名词或动名词作宾语;而give in只作vi. ,后不接

18、宾语。1 We shouldnt _ learning English!2 I would rather die than _ before my enemies.11.achieve come trueachieve:实现成绩、目标,主语是人。realize:实现,意识到,多指意识到某种道理、规律什么的,主语是人。come true:实现,多指梦想、蓝图、计划,主语是梦想蓝图计划什么的。1 He works so hard that he is sure to_ his dream.2 His prediction of humans flying to the moon _.12.turn

19、 off close turn on open“open”和“turn on”在汉语中都是“开”的意思,但其含义和用法是不同的。“open”是指将原来关上或合上的东西打开,如open the door/window/;“turn on”而则指转动或推上开关等打开,如turn on the TV/light/;“close”和“turn off”在意思和动作上正好与“open”和“turn on”相反,都是“关”的意思,其用法与“open”和“turn on”相同,如close the basket , turn off the Walkman turn down意为“(把收音机的音量、灯等)关

20、小、调低”,其反义词组为turn up。1 _ the windows please, its so cold outside.2 _ the lights before you leave the room.3 The dog _ the box and took the bone out!4 _ the TV, I want to watch the NBA basketball games.13.break off break out break into break downbreak up:vt.开垦(破碎,破坏,解散,结束,衰弱)break down:vt.打破(减轻,坍塌,彻底失

21、败,精神不支,中止,把分解)break in:vt.闯入(打断,使习惯于,使驯服,训练成为)break out:爆发break into:闯入break through:vt.突破break off :v.中断,折断,突然停止,脱落,暂停,断绝,解除1 He was late for school yesterday, because his car _ on the half way.2 The World War _ when she was only five.3 They _ their friendship and didnt talk to each other any more.

22、4 Last night a thief _ my house and took away my TV.14. solve reply answersolve 解决(问题)及物动词 常与problem 连用reply 回复,答复 不及物动词 常与to连用answer 回答 及物动词 常与question 连用1 What did Mr Smith _ to what others said?2 No one in our class can _ this question.3 Its too difficult for everyone to _ that problem.15.hope wi

23、shhope 希望 指较为现实的想法 常有hope to do 或hope + 从句,但没有hope sb to dowish 希望 指不太现实的要求或想法 有wish to do 或 wish sb to do。也有wish+从句,但这时的从句多用虚拟语气,及从句中常有could 或 should等1 The weather may be fine tomorrow.- I _ so.2 Mum _ me to be a doctor in the future.3 How I _ I could fly to the moon!16.take cost spend paytake 花费 尤

24、指花费时间,主语为物 常有it takes sb some time to do sthcost 花费 指花金钱 ,主语为物 常有cost sb some moneyspend 花费 主语为人 常有spend doing 或spendon sthpay 花费 主语为人 常有payfor1 It often _ about 3 hours to get to school from my home.2 Who will _ for the bill?- Maybe our boss.3 The house _ him 30,000 dollars.4 His cousin _ the whole

25、 day making the toy car yesterday.17.take part in jointake part in 参加某项活动join 参加某个组织、团体、俱乐部、军队、党团或个人1 Mr Wang _ the Party 5 years ago.2 They invited Lily _ that with deal withdo with 处理,应付 在问句中要与what 连用deal with 处理,对付 在问句中要与how连用1 How can you _ that problem?2 What do you _ the event?19.p

26、ut on wear dressWear:多表示状态,强调“穿着”,其宾语为衣帽等服饰Put on :做“穿”讲时,强调穿的动作,多翻译为“穿上,戴上”Dress可表示“穿着某种颜色或服饰的衣服”,其后加介词in,不可加具体的服饰。1 _ the warm clothes, its cold outside.2 Mary is always _ red clothes . Maybe red is her favorite color.3 The little boy could _ himself when he was three years lose beatWin

27、,beat,lose,fail区别1.Win,beat都有赢击败的意思,但是win的宾语一般是比赛或是比赛项目,而beat的宾语一般是人或比赛的队伍2.lose ,fail都有失败的意思lose的用法是lose the match .lose to sb.而fail 常用在sb. Fail the match 中beat 打,抽打;defeat 挫败;win 胜利;lose 失败1 Our team has _ the football match, we are all happy. But they are frustrated, because theirs _ the match.2

28、The Brazilian football team _ us 5-0 in that match, all the Chinese fans were very made in be made of be made from be made up of(1)be made of是制成的.介词of所指的原材料往往是未经变化、仍可看得出材料的原样.This kite is made of paper .这个风筝是纸做的.The old bridge is made of stone .那座古桥是用石头造的.This kind of glass is made of pape

29、r .这种杯子是纸制的.(2)be made from由制成的.介词from所指的原材料往往是经过变化、已看不出原来的材料.Salt is made from seawater .盐是用海水制成的.Bread is made from wheat .面包是小麦制成的.This kind of drink is made from apple .这种饮料是由苹果酿成的.(3)be made in在制造.介词in后所要求的是地点.This bike is made in Shanghai .这辆自行车是上海制造的.This kind of car is made in this factory .

30、这种汽车是这个工厂生产的.(4)be made by由某人做的.This machine was made by Uncle Wang .这台机器是王叔叔造的.(5)be made into被制成.介词into后所要求的是产品.These things will be made into paper .这些东西将被制成纸.Glass can be made into many kind of things .玻璃可以被制成许多种东西.(6)be made up of由组成.介词of后所要求的是构成主语的人或物.1 The desk _ wood.2 This kind of watch _ Shanghai.3 Our class _ 50 students.4 Paper _ bamboo.22.have been t

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