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1、学年高二英语下学期开学考试试题1 铜仁一中20172018学年第二学期高二年级开学检测英语 试 题第I卷(共115分)第一部分 听力(共两节,每小题1.5分,满分30分)第一节(共5小题,每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)1. When is the earliest that the man can have dinner? A. At 6:30. B. At 7:00. C. At 7:30. 2. Where will the man spend most of his winter vacation? A. At the beach. B. At home. C. At school. 3

2、. What is the woman doing? A. Making an order. B. Checking some machines. C. Buying a plane ticket. 4. What does the man want to buy? A. A tie. B. A pair of shoes. C. A pair of jeans. 5. What does the woman mean? A. She wants to go to Hollywood too. B. She knows that director. C. Jane is really luck

3、y.第二节(共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7题6. Why does the man apologize to the woman? A. He shouldnt have watched TV so much. B. He hasnt washed all the bowls or plates. C. He hasnt watered the flowers or fed the birds. 7. What does the woman tell the man to do? A. Find what he wants on the Net. B

4、. Finish his homework first. C. Turn off the computer.听下面一段对话,回答第8和第9题8. What does the woman want the man to do? A. Teach a class for her. B. Pick up her father for her. C. Go to the airport with her. 9. When will the lecture be given? A. At 3 pm this Friday. B. At 5 pm this Friday.C. At 5 pm next F

5、riday.听下面一段对话,回答第10至第12题10. What does the woman want to do? A. Go dancing. B. Rest at home. C. Enjoy some music. 11. Which place does the man suggest? A. The Club Blue Note. B. The House of Angels. C. The Blue Angels. 12. What will the man do next? A. Call his office manager. B. Buy some sandwiches.

6、 C. Put on his coat. 听下面一段对话,回答第13至第16题13. When does the conversation take place? A. In the morning. B. At noon. C. In the afternoon. 14. What do we know about Bill? A. He is poor at doing group work. B. He has an IQ of 117. C. He thinks school is boring. 15. Who is the woman most probably? A. The m

7、ans colleague. B. Bills mother. C. The headmaster. 16. Which of the following is the womans opinion? A. EQ is as important as IQ. B. EQ is more important than IQ. C. EQ is less important than IQ.听下面一段对话,回答第17至第20题17. How often is the program held? A. Once a month. B. Twice a month. C. Once a week. 1

8、8. What kind of study program should we set according to the speaker? A. A regular and realistic one. B. A complete one. C. A long-term one. 19. Which of the following is the closest to the second piece of advice? A. Learning as many new words as possible every day. B. Learning a few new words and u

9、sing them actively. C. Trying to remember the words we forgot before. 20. What can we learn from the talk? A. The speaker used to be an English teacher. B. The last tip is about speaking bravely. C. The audience are college students.第二部分阅读理解(每小题2分,满分40分)ATop 5 money-making

10、kNew photographs are needed every day forcompany websites, public-sector newsletters,presentations and many other uses. This meansanyone with a camera and an eye for a good imagecan sell photos for good money.Your earnings depend on the resolution andquality of your photos. Picturenation pays you a

11、40% commission (佣金) on all pictures, beginning at 40p or a subscription (订阅) website resolution and going up to 30 for higher resolutions.JUse your drive or your garage to make money!Previously known as ParkatmyHouse, JustParkcovers all the UK, and you can put your unusedparking space on the site fo

12、r anyone coming to yourarea to park in . for cash! If your home is near arailway station or education centre, your space and bank account certainly wont feel ignored (忽视). Its free to list on ParkatmyHouse, and you couldmake 100 per month.RIf youre looking for a better deal than thesmall savings rat

13、es offered by your bank, you canhead to RateSetter, where lenders make an averagereturn of 5.5%. RateSetter works as an onlinefinancial community by bringing lenders andborrowers together and cutting out the banks. Youdecide who to lend to and what rate youll charge,as well as how long to lend your

14、money (choosefrom one to five years) and how much you want tolend (from 10 to 25,000).POnline surveys are a great way to earn moneyquickly. PineCone Research does better than allother online survey websites by giving you 3 forevery completed questionnaire. Registration is quickand simple (not to men

15、tion free).DIf you have designer clothes, shoes or accessories (配饰) that youd like to offload, this website does a good job of selling them for you.They do charge a 40% commission, but once youvesent the item they do everything for you, including authenticating (鉴定) it and wrapping it nicely in tiss

16、ue paper when its sent to the buyer.21. What is the key to selling your photos for goodmoney?A. Copyrighting your photos.B. Offering high-quality photos.C. Making business-related photos.D.Adding key words to your photos.22. Which website should David visit if he wants tolend money for a higher rate

17、?A. R.B. D.D. P.23. What do we know about P?A. It charges 3 for registration.B. Its instructive to researchers.C. It provides free survey results.D. Its competitive in similar websites.BFor many years, our next-door neighbors housewas a terrible mess. It would be impossible to

18、describe the awful smells of her house. The healthdepartment came and shut down an illegal puppy mill (幼犬繁育场) in the house a few years ago.The house was sold for a rather high pricebecause of the good location of the neighborhood.My husband and I looked into the house at that time and were upset by

19、the scene: black mold (霉菌) growing on the walls; cigarette ends all over thefloor; the wall between the garage and the livingroom completely destroyed by water damage. Wecouldnt spend more than onesecond in the housebefore running away.We thought that it would be a teardown, but thenew owners set ab

20、out cleaning the inside. Theyworked for months making it safe and livable. Aftereverything was clean and tidy, the owners decided toresell the house for a higher price.Yesterday while I was out in my yard, a potential (潜在的) buyer pulled up and asked me what I could tell her about the history of the

21、house. Ijust said that I didnt know anything. What is my ethical obligation (道德义务) in this situation? Its possible that they have removedall the awful smells, dangerous mold and that thehouse is safe and livable. But its also possible thatthey have just structurally fixed the house and thatsome unsa

22、fe mold will take root in the future. Iwouldnt personally live there knowing what I know.But really, its none of mybusiness, and given thechoice, I wouldnt talk to anyone about what I know.While it feels like a lie not to answer a directquestion, I also feel that its not my place topotentially ruin

23、the sellers business deal. If I amasked again, what should I say?24. What can be learned about the authorsneighborhood?A. Its nice. B. Its noisy.C. Its wealthy. D. Its crowded.25. Why did the new owners give the house athorough cleaning?A. To move into it.B. To please the neighbors.C. To get it read

24、y for resale.D. To make it match the surrounding area.26. How did the author feel after saying she knewnothing about the houses history?A. Sad. B. Troubled.C. Relaxed.D. Proud.27. Why does the author write the text?A. To offer help.B. To ask for advice.C. To make a complaint.D. To give an explanatio

25、n.CSumeja Tulic had moved from London to NewYork nine months ago to attend journalism school.Yet her time in New Yorkmet with a season of never-ending ugliness in politics and acts of terrorism (恐怖主义) around the world. “One day you laugh, andthen youre angry,” saidTulic. As she walkedtoward the subw

26、ay station,she thought,“I want to seesomething nice. Enough ofthis craziness.”At the City Hall station, she saw a man resting against a pillar (柱子), the way anyone might, waiting for the train. The stillness was interrupted (打断) by an announcement that the next train was two stationsaway. Then Tulic

27、 saw the man at the pillar falling forward onto the tracks.The man who had fallen was not moving. Inwhat seemed like an instant, three men jumped downto help.“I dont know where these men got theintelligence and the quickness,”Tulic said.“The manwho fell was about six feet tall and quite heavy. Hewas

28、 kind of stuck in the tracks. It was terrifying toknow that the train was coming. Will it stop? Willthey succeed in pulling him out?”On the tracks, the unconscious man was put intoa sitting position by the three men, who then liftedhim from below to others who lifted from above androlled him onto th

29、e platform. Then the rescuers werethemselves rescued, pulled back to safety by helpinghands. As soon as they were all clear, the train pulledin. People getting off the train walked around thisunconscious man.Two of the men who had jumped onto theplatform were holding his hands.“They weresaying,Youre

30、 going to be fine,”Tulic said.“This was anadditional layer of goodness.”Doctors arrived, and the man was taken to alocal hospital with serious but non-life-threateninginjuries.“That is the greatest thing,”Tulic said.“The infrastructure (基础) in this city of millions is thepeople themselves providing,

31、 being there for others,without even knowing the person, who he is. It wasbeautiful to see.”28. What was Tulics time in New York like?A. Carefree. B. Spiritless.C. Unpeaceful. D. Comfortable.29. How must Tulic have felt when watching the mensaving the fallen man?A. Bitter and lonely.B. Relieved and happy.C. Special and different.D.Anxious and concerned.30. How was the man brought back onto the platform?A. By means of a ladder.B. Through a joint effort.C. With the help of professionals.D. Under doctors expert guidance.31. What wou

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